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Senior member
Mar 25, 2010
Hmmm, as a Katarina player I like her changes. Allows AD builds to take Rylai's without any real issue (which was the real reason to go AP with her), and allows for a hybrid good damage Bouncing Blade & Shunpo rather than having to absolutely go one or the other. Now I definitely need to look at my build. Thinking of grabbing the Gunblade before Rylai's and using its active as the slow for a gank or two, then grabbing the Giant's Belt & continuing Rylai's. Rageblade might be useful on her, too. Will have to see on that one.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
The dragon changes are huge. 240 gold now instead of 100. This makes me happy since I almost always beat the other team to killing him and then I continue to kill him every time he repops. The extra gold now from the dragon and from towers seems to make a decent difference on how long it takes me to item up. It also helps that they lowered the cost of phanton dancers by 500 gold. Although they did nerf out the dodge chance, that wasn't the reason I ever got the item in the first place and now its just that much easier to get atkspd/crit/movspd.

I unfortunately read the patch notes wrong and they nerfed both of Olaf's abilities, but it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. The thing that seems to make the most difference is the amount of health recovered when leveling up, this pretty much makes it so I have to use an extra pot to ensure I survive the first round of the jungle.

I was able to win all 6 games I played yesterday (5 on Olaf, 1 on Sion). Only in one game was I able to really destroy the other team. I had a great Eve on my team that would stay with me to gank. She would stealth up and get in place so that when I ran out there she would stun them, which allowed me to easily get in range and not miss with my axe throw. It was rediculously easy pickings, by the end of the game I had 12 kills and 1 death, she had 11 kills. They surrendered at 25 since thier team only had 4-5 kills.

Amazingly I only played one game with a Cassiopia and that was against her. She seemed pretty squishy and not very effective, however I never got hit with her ult (maybe she tried but i had Olaf's ult running) and about 90% of the time she was running from me. I was only ganking her, and not laning against her though, so she may actually be more of a threat in the lane than I'm aware of. Although for 6300 IP, I'de rather have MF.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I only played one game yesterday but it was fun. In general my thoughts are:

1. Tower/dragon change: I love the extra gold bonus. It makes it more important and more valuable to hit the tower early rather than only tower diving for kills.

2. Duration change on wards is annoying since I'm usually the only person on my team buying them, but the other team suffers too so it's not so bad. It does however make buying an oracles just to kill wards a little less valuable. That said I played against a team with Akali & Eve so after level 6 I had a permanent oracles elixer running.

3. Tanks/Off-tanks/Tanky-dps weren't really nerfed that hard (malphite, more mana on his skill that scales with armor, making it less useful early game & Garen with a real nerf to judgement). However this was addressed by making the high end defensive items less powerful (sunfire, RA & BV) which has me leaning towards buying multiple chain vests/negatron cloaks before upgrading (which I often did anyway).

4. Congrats to Obsoleet on becoming a well-rounded player; I think Rammus is the best ranked tank right now so excellent choice. I am still trying to finish that task myself. I play AP burst, Tanks, off-tanks, Support and I jungle lots of characters really well but I absolutely struggle with AD carries (Trist, Ashe, Xin).

I'm trying to rectify this by playing jungle eve (I hypothesize that even with wards a well-positioned eve is a good ganker) and occasionally Tristana but it is a slow process.
Oct 25, 2006
Just bought Oglaf, and he's pretty fun but I'm having a difficult time building him.

Barring early game which is absolutely horrendous because I just cannot stand up to harass at all, I'm having trouble playing him.

He lacks an initiation move, so I take ghost, but he just lacks survivability even with Ragnarok to get to places. I'm not sure if I should be going hybrid tank/gank, or full out gank, and even then what kind of gank to go for.

Anyone have advice on how to play, item lists etc?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Just bought Oglaf, and he's pretty fun but I'm having a difficult time building him.

Barring early game which is absolutely horrendous because I just cannot stand up to harass at all, I'm having trouble playing him.

He lacks an initiation move, so I take ghost, but he just lacks survivability even with Ragnarok to get to places. I'm not sure if I should be going hybrid tank/gank, or full out gank, and even then what kind of gank to go for.

Anyone have advice on how to play, item lists etc?

Olaf is almost always played with straight tank gear or maybe 1 DPS item. The reason for this is his passive and his true damage ability allow him to deal out damage despite the lack of items, and the tank gear allows him to actually make use of said skills. His axe is also his initiation move, learn to hit with it (it slows the opponent) in conjunction with ghost and you'll be fine. I also suggest learning to jungle him as it is very easy due to his passive and a skill that provides lifesteal.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Just bought Oglaf, and he's pretty fun but I'm having a difficult time building him.

Barring early game which is absolutely horrendous because I just cannot stand up to harass at all, I'm having trouble playing him.

He lacks an initiation move, so I take ghost, but he just lacks survivability even with Ragnarok to get to places. I'm not sure if I should be going hybrid tank/gank, or full out gank, and even then what kind of gank to go for.

Anyone have advice on how to play, item lists etc?

Your first problem is that you shouldn't be laning him at all. He sucks pretty hardcore in a lane since he's easily harassable and all you have to harass back is throwing your axe, which does crap for damage and has a pretty decent cooldown if you don't go pick it up.

If you want to play Olaf, learn to jungle with him. I currently use 9-0-21 masteries with him and use crit/atkspd/cooldown reduction runes (still working on getting all my runes in order though). I pick up ghost and smite as my summoner skills, you'll need smite to jungle and ghost to get in and get out of fights.

When I jungle i pick up cloth armor and 5 heath pots. I start at small golem, wraiths, dogs, then mana golem. you should still have 1 pot left at this point and then blue pill. Buy the long sword and maybe another pot or 2 if you want (optional). Make your round through the jungle again, this time don't skip the lizard. After lizard/wraiths, if the option presents it self, go try to gank that side, if not go kill the wolves and if available gank. At this point blue pill and get madreds. Now go kill the small golems (should be lvl 5-6 at this point) then go kill the dragon. You can easily solo kill the dragon with madreds at 6, at 5 it can be close if madreds fucks you with no procs (only happen once to me though). Ping the dragon so the people in the lane will come help or at least provide cover/keep the people in their lane occupied.

This is my usual item build after madreds:
zerker boots
BF Sword/Vampiric scept -> bloodthirster
zeal->phantom dancers

after that I usually pick up a mallet and/or other health items. You can also switch out the bloodthirster and build an IE instead, but its hard to pass up a max of 61% lifesteal while using vicious strikes.

As Olaf the only people you can't win a fight 1v1 against (assuming non-fed) is tryndamere (due to his gay ult) and usually a rammus due to reflect and defensive curl. Your ult+ghost can save you from getting ganked, so if you go in the enemy jungle solo, try to have these available. Also be very weary fighting anyone with exhaust, since even with your ult it still makes you miss and your easy to kill if your not stealing any life.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Olaf is almost always played with straight tank gear or maybe 1 DPS item. The reason for this is his passive and his true damage ability allow him to deal out damage despite the lack of items, and the tank gear allows him to actually make use of said skills. His axe is also his initiation move, learn to hit with it (it slows the opponent) in conjunction with ghost and you'll be fine. I also suggest learning to jungle him as it is very easy due to his passive and a skill that provides lifesteal.

they nerfed his vicious strike ability getting better with additional HP. its now a paltry .5% of HP as extra damage (instead of the old 1.5%). Building him full tank now isn't as good as it used to be.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
they nerfed his vicious strike ability getting better with additional HP. its now a paltry .5% of HP as extra damage (instead of the old 1.5%). Building him full tank now isn't as good as it used to be.

Hmm must have missed that I thought they only nerfed his ult. So what are you buying on him now?

Nevermind you posted that.

I understand the choice of madreds for jungling but why lantern over bloodrazor and why don't you consider Ghostblade? It's cheap, and it gives an active movespeed buff which overcomes Olaf's biggest deficiency (closing to melee range).
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Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I understand the choice of madreds for jungling but why lantern over bloodrazor and why don't you consider Ghostblade? It's cheap, and it gives an active movespeed buff which overcomes Olaf's biggest deficiency (closing to melee range).

The lantern is only an additional 525 on top of the razors, compared to the 2800 additional required for the bloodrazor. Having large amount of lifesteal gives you staying power in a team fight which ends up keeping me alive. Plus after the battle I go thwak a minor or 2 and i'm at full life again in a second or 2.

Honestly I never gave the ghostblade all that much thought since I'm not a huge fan of active use items, but I'll see about trying it out.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Thought I might share this with you guys. I recorded this last week and put it on youtube. This is my permanent jungler of choice when the team needs one, a real boss, Nunu.

Doing no-Smite jungle (the only way to jungle if your nuts hang low). I chose Nunu because he's a personal favorite of mine, can do a rough jungle without smite, and is also good in the lane if he needs to come out.

The music is more than a tad loud, I didn't mean for it to be so high volume. Mute it or turn it down if it bothers you. It's all Slipknot, because I'm from Iowa (and Joey Jordison is the best drummer in the world). I've gotten a lot of criticism for a sloppy jungle, but it works in-game for me, and I keep up with mid's level most of the time. One thing I can't duplicate well is how I solo Dragon@5. I haven't been able to pull that off in game for whatever reason. I also run exhaust + flash.. not what I have here.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
While you can no-smite jungle, it's not only faster to have smite, it's also useful for stealing buffs latter in the game.

Where in Iowa are you from? I'm living in Cedar Rapids right now.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Thought I might share this with you guys. I recorded this last week and put it on youtube. This is my permanent jungler of choice when the team needs one, a real boss, Nunu.

Doing no-Smite jungle (the only way to jungle if your nuts hang low). I chose Nunu because he's a personal favorite of mine, can do a rough jungle without smite, and is also good in the lane if he needs to come out.

The music is more than a tad loud, I didn't mean for it to be so high volume. Mute it or turn it down if it bothers you. It's all Slipknot, because I'm from Iowa (and Joey Jordison is the best drummer in the world). I've gotten a lot of criticism for a sloppy jungle, but it works in-game for me, and I keep up with mid's level most of the time. One thing I can't duplicate well is how I solo Dragon@5. I haven't been able to pull that off in game for whatever reason. I also run exhaust + flash.. not what I have here.

Thats a pretty impresive run without smite. Mind sharing your mastery and rune builds that your running that with?


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Thanks! You're the first person that's said it's impressive. Buddy of mine posted it on another site and no one liked it at all. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/954437-league-of-legends/57453460 I'm happy with it, whether it's a good run or not (it works in game). I'm happy to share, at least with the LoL AT community. It's an all-AP runebuild with 9/0/21. I'm going to be redoing the vid with lower volume and some changes, so don't be surprised when it's replaced, I'll have my new one up.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Thanks! You're the first person that's said it's impressive. Buddy of mine posted it on another site and no one liked it at all. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/954437-league-of-legends/57453460 I'm happy with it, whether it's a good run or not (it works in game). I'm happy to share, at least with the LoL AT community. It's an all-AP runebuild with 9/0/21. I'm going to be redoing the vid with lower volume and some changes, so don't be surprised when it's replaced, I'll have my new one up.

Your welcome. I jungle alot and have been trying to figure out another jungler to play besides Olaf. I just found it impressive that you cleared everything (including the dragon) and never blue pilled. I can't do that with Olaf even with smite, I also think the dragon would be impossible with Olaf without getting Madreds.

I was playing Nunu on my newb account with my newb friends yesterday and was having fun with him, so I might try some jungling out on him and end up switching him in and out with Olaf when I need a change. His snowball looks like it'll help make him a much better ganker than Olaf and his axe.

by the way I had the music off on the video, so I can't comment on that, and your link is blocked for me, so I can't look at those till later.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Your welcome. I jungle alot and have been trying to figure out another jungler to play besides Olaf. I just found it impressive that you cleared everything (including the dragon) and never blue pilled. I can't do that with Olaf even with smite, I also think the dragon would be impossible with Olaf without getting Madreds.

I was playing Nunu on my newb account with my newb friends yesterday and was having fun with him, so I might try some jungling out on him and end up switching him in and out with Olaf when I need a change. His snowball looks like it'll help make him a much better ganker than Olaf and his axe.

by the way I had the music off on the video, so I can't comment on that, and your link is blocked for me, so I can't look at those till later.

Specifically I run what I call the assblaster. It's a cheap set 14k for all
9xMark of Insight +0.95mpen
9xSeal of Force +1.8AP@18
9xGlyph of Force +3.06AP@18
3xQuint of Potency +4.5AP

Go straight for ROA too, hence the bluestone which doesn't seem to make sense to the untrained eye. Olaf is awesome, I just like to pwn with Nunu because he gets so little respect. He'll always be my choice.

Feel free to add me Impulse (or anyone for that matter), I game with a few other guys from Iowa in LoL that I'll be happy to introduce you to. In 5v5 matches we steamroll every game. IA makes great LoL gamers for the same reason we have so many MMA champs, there's not much else to do here besides exercise and gaming, and the women moo. I haven't added anyone from here yet because I'm not where I want to be gameplay wise. I don't like to waste people's time when I'm still learning different roles. I'm prob a little better than I let on tho. I have my core champions and try a lot of things to be sure I'm learning as much as I can.

Lurker- if you like to jungle we'll have to game sometime, because while I like jungling, I prefer to have someone else do it and I take a 1v2 as Anivia. I get more satisfaction out of demonstrating my godlike superiority as Anivia vs 2 in a lane than anything else. All hope is gone when my 800AP Anivia is on the way
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Jun 30, 2003
i just pwnd some people as olaf. but they had no tank/carry, so go figure

boots +3
frozen mallet
(was working up for stark's fervor)

definitely not the best/optimal olaf build by any means. i really like to start off laning with axe harass. olaf + mundo = hilarious amounts of early harass. i really need to find some balance between aspd/life steal and having a modest amount of mana regen for my harass.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
So, I have been playing Cass exclusively since she came out... about 15-17 games, only have 2 loss so far *knock on wood*

By rhoxed at 2010-12-16


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Something Cass has hits hard. I know because I feel it when she does it.

Can you guys who know, suggest the best tank build for Rammus? I have a huge win streak with my jungler, and I'm ready to learn how to do the thankless job of being an effective true tank. I'm looking for the build that makes it so my HP barely drops when hit so it's laughable, building to his damage dealing capability is great, if it can be done in the context of an uber tank.
I'm going to master AD carry last, because everyone already wants to be some hard hitting, bad ass with all the kills and credit (and they do a subpar job of it from what I've seen), yet none of the blame when the team goes down due to the magical KDR.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Lurker- if you like to jungle we'll have to game sometime, because while I like jungling, I prefer to have someone else do it and I take a 1v2 as Anivia. I get more satisfaction out of demonstrating my godlike superiority as Anivia vs 2 in a lane than anything else. All hope is gone when my 800AP Anivia is on the way

Sounds like a plan, just add me to your friends list. I'm getting tired of random games anyway where I'm teamed up with jerks that all they want to do is bitch at thier teammates the whole time. It gets really irritating after awhile. Irritating enough I ended up playing some civ 5 instead of a few more LoL games.

Anyway I messed around with Nunu in a few practise games yesterday, and with smite I could have the dragon dead in 6:09 @ lvl 4, and w/o smite have him dead at 7:30 at lvl 5. I didn't get to try it out in a game though, since all the games I played yesterday already had a jungler, which is probably why half the games I played turned out so shitty. I haven't compared that to how long it takes me to do it on olaf(i'm sure its not nearly as fast), but the other plus with Nunu is with smite I don't even have to buy any health pots and madreds isn't necessary.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Can you guys who know, suggest the best tank build for Rammus? I have a huge win streak with my jungler, and I'm ready to learn how to do the thankless job of being an effective true tank. I'm looking for the build that makes it so my HP barely drops when hit so it's laughable, building to his damage dealing capability is great, if it can be done in the context of an uber tank.

The thing to being a tank is you have to be very flexible with your build. You build to counter the other team rather than follow a set build every time. Rammus however does benefit more from armor items than MR, but you will almost always need magic resist.

Here is how I build:

Cloth Armor + pots (usually I go for 3 health and 2 mana.)
Lets you play very aggressively, getting a lot more minion kills, as well as a good chance for first blood with a good DPS teammate in your lane.

Heart of Gold
Tank really benefits from extra gold/5. Later builds into randuins.

Either go Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads.
Depends on their amount of AP vrs AD damage, as well as the amount of CC they have. If it's a lot of CC no matter how much AD they have I will still go merc's. If they have a lot of AD without a lot of CC, Ninja Tabi is a lot more beneficial to Rammus.
Rammus is one of the few tanks that I do not get swiftness on as he is such a great initiator with powerball.

Giant's Belt
You need the HP, even if you don't end up building sunfire.

Other Items

Banshee's Veil
If they have decent CC this item is a must. You will not be able to initiate if you get stunned on the way in. Getting stunned/rooted can prevent you from catching that squishy, completely killing your teams push.

Sunfire Cape
While the DPS it does in teamfights can help, I typically purchase this item based on whether or not I need to do a lot of jungling/farming. This plus defensive ball curl will decimate minions.

Guardian's Angel
Good MR, Great armor, and its passive lets you stay in that team fight beyond where you would normally have to retreat. The more I play Rammus, the earlier I try to build this item.

Randuin's Omen
Powerball in, taunt and they now hit you and are slowed. As they try to run away, trigger the active. Soon powerball is up again as well as tuant. It's almost impossible for somebody to run away from you. However, while the item is beneficial, it isn't super high priority for me. One powerball and taunt should be enough for your team to finish somebody off. It is an easy purchase once you have heart of gold though, which is why it is on this list.

Oracles Elixir
If they have a major stealther on their team you should be the one to purchase this item.

Cloth Armor + Pots
Heart of gold + Boots
Giants Belt
Banshee's/Sunfire/Guardian Angel


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I hope you enjoy using Nunu LP, lvl4 dragon kills without blue pilling is definitely impressive. I'm also tired of mouthy 13 year old punks in this game. Best thing to do is never chat, because they'll never stop, even when I advise them to 'just stfu and play.' Just rages them more. I had a guy play Katarina in my last game, kept following around a Xin and engaging in lose/lose fights, while myself and Alistair were out farming, and blamed me for the team losing. We argued back and forth, I just quit responding, and guess which 2 champs knock down the nexus (as well as do most of the work).. Nunu and Alistair. So clearly vindicated, with a better score, I fired off some really rude commentary and left chat. I'm kind of old fashioned, I refuse to really argue with someone unless it's face to face. I'd have to respect anyone that said those things outside of a game. Because in that situation there's a chance if someone is as mouthy as these kids, they're probably going to get hit.
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/ I joke if I happen to come across a random person in public who admits to playing LoL I'm going to punch him in the gut without saying anything. He knows why.

I'll definitely try out that Rammus build, I get both Sunfire/Banshees on my Nunu and they're great for sure. Thanks!


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I hope you enjoy using Nunu LP, lvl4 dragon kills without blue pilling is definitely impressive.

I actually do end up blue pilling to do this, since I start at the small golems and then progress to the blue on the other side (skipping lizard). I then immediately blue pill, buy the red health gem then go do small golems -> lizard -> wraiths -> dragon. It's just faster to get back to the golems by blue pilling than running over there from blue, plus I get to pick up some extra hp.

http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/ I joke if I happen to come across a random person in public who admits to playing LoL I'm going to punch him in the gut without saying anything. He knows why.

Yeah its the anonymous part that turns people into complete asshats (and shitty parenting). There always seems to be one each game, at least sometimes you're lucky enough he's on the other team.
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