**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
May 14, 2008
I'll definitely try out that Rammus build, I get both Sunfire/Banshees on my Nunu and they're great for sure. Thanks!

Yeah, if you're used to playing tanks, its more of the same. Only difference on Rammus is the guardians angel. With his passive getting boosts from armor, guardians angel is worth a lot more.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Had a funny battle with Fenix last night.

I was playing Vlad and laning bottom with a Veigar up against a Rammus and Tryndamere. At level 6, Trynd decided he would tower dive me since I was at about 25% health and he was close to full. But he was dumb and decided to pop rage right away. So in response, I of course hit Ghost and proceed to run around in a circle. He couldn't catch me and was still in range of the tower the entire time and once his Rage wore off, I pooled and prevented him from running and killed him.

About a minute later, the Rammus at maybe 10% HP thought he could Powerball me (also around 10%), to which I said NANANA CAN'T GET ME as I pooled under him, then hit him with Transfusion to kill him off.

That was a good game for me, hitting 20 stacks on my Mejai's by 14. But then our team couldn't pull their weight and let Tryndamere run all over us. Seriously people, Tryndamere is NOT HARD TO COUNTER. Focus him down fast, use your stuns and blinds on him when he rages, apply dots/slows to kill him before/as he spins away. I don't think our Trist helped once in using Buster Shot to knock him away from our squishies.
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Senior member
May 14, 2008
Thanks! You're the first person that's said it's impressive. Buddy of mine posted it on another site and no one liked it at all. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/954437-league-of-legends/57453460 I'm happy with it, whether it's a good run or not (it works in game). I'm happy to share, at least with the LoL AT community. It's an all-AP runebuild with 9/0/21. I'm going to be redoing the vid with lower volume and some changes, so don't be surprised when it's replaced, I'll have my new one up.

Did you update your video? Clicking your youtube links no longer goes to anything. Was looking foward to watching that vid!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Anyway I messed around with Nunu in a few practise games yesterday, and with smite I could have the dragon dead in 6:09 @ lvl 4, and w/o smite have him dead at 7:30 at lvl 5. I didn't get to try it out in a game though, since all the games I played yesterday already had a jungler, which is probably why half the games I played turned out so shitty. I haven't compared that to how long it takes me to do it on olaf(i'm sure its not nearly as fast), but the other plus with Nunu is with smite I don't even have to buy any health pots and madreds isn't necessary.

I hate to break it to you but those are slow dragon times. That said has anyone here done any double-jungles? Considering Nunu's skillset I think he's one of the best pre-6 gankers, especially with a ton of AP runes to make him hit harder.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I hate to break it to you but those are slow dragon times. That said has anyone here done any double-jungles? Considering Nunu's skillset I think he's one of the best pre-6 gankers, especially with a ton of AP runes to make him hit harder.

Well I"m sure I could cut 30 seconds out of that at the very least if I just changed my jungle order (no need for me to kill the wraiths before going to dragon, since they don't level me). If I had a full set of runes just for the purposes of taking down the dragon ASAP then I"m sure I could cut more time off also. I dont' play ranked games, so it might be different, but in unranked games I rarely see the enemy jungler even try for the dragon before min 8+.

Sure with a full set of runes for the purpose and pots to start the dragon can be killed right around 4:15 with WW, you just have to sacrafice items.

As long as you get the dragon for your team and its before most of your team blue pills, its still a win in my book. If it takes you an extra min or two, but you can save 300+ gold on pots then all the better.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Well I"m sure I could cut 30 seconds out of that at the very least if I just changed my jungle order (no need for me to kill the wraiths before going to dragon, since they don't level me). If I had a full set of runes just for the purposes of taking down the dragon ASAP then I"m sure I could cut more time off also. I dont' play ranked games, so it might be different, but in unranked games I rarely see the enemy jungler even try for the dragon before min 8+.

Sure with a full set of runes for the purpose and pots to start the dragon can be killed right around 4:15 with WW, you just have to sacrafice items.

As long as you get the dragon for your team and its before most of your team blue pills, its still a win in my book. If it takes you an extra min or two, but you can save 300+ gold on pots then all the better.

The main reason people don't kill it earlier is if it's warded you're going to get ganked. Really the only safe way to dragon early is to either counter ward or gank a lane then have them help you. That said, I'll still risk it because my elo is low enough that it's not consistently warded.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
The main reason people don't kill it earlier is if it's warded you're going to get ganked. Really the only safe way to dragon early is to either counter ward or gank a lane then have them help you. That said, I'll still risk it because my elo is low enough that it's not consistently warded.

It's rarely warded in unranked games it seems. Its only been noticably warded in one game that I played, and it basically kept me from killing the dragon every time. with the extra gold the dragon now gives I expect teams to start warding it more frequently.

I try to get my teammates from the close lane to come help when I do kill the dragon, that way its much harder to get ganked, even if all my teamamates do is sit outside and provide cover/distraction.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Ugg Rhoxed, I don't know how we lost that game yesterday... I guess I should have tried going RoA/RoA/BV on Singed instead of RoA/BV/FoN the extra AP may have really helped. I think our real problem was inability to destroy towers due to being too heavily AP (just as they were).

That said, my game before was a ranked game (with Sion) where we went down 1-7 immediately and came back and won. Of course I was unable to get kills and ended up 4/5/19....


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
Hey I'm downloading this game as we speak. I have never gotten into DotA or any games of this genre before. I understand the concept just not the execution. Any pointers for a newbie?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Hey I'm downloading this game as we speak. I have never gotten into DotA or any games of this genre before. I understand the concept just not the execution. Any pointers for a newbie?

If you read the thread (all 65 pages =) this has been covered a few times but in short.

1. Try and play lots of different champs until you find one you like this will allow you to learn the various mechanics associated with different champs.

2. The basics of the game are pretty well explained in the tutorial be sure to play that (and do the extras of killing some neutral monsters, the buffs are pretty sweet). The things the tutorial doesn't cover well are items specifically wards and elixers. Each champ has recommended items and you can essentially use those until you get more experience/start reading guides/become obsessed. Wards are specific items that you place on the battlefield which allow you to see that area when it would otherwise be covered by the fog of war. The more expensive ward shows invisible champs (and wards which become invisible a few seconds after being placed). Elixers are temporary bonuses that have to be manually used after being purchased but are often worthwhile.

3. Every champ needs boots be sure to buy some basic boots (boots of speed) on you first or second trip back. These should eventually be upgraded but there is no rush.

4. The "brush" provides cover and your opponents can't see you until they enter the brush or you perform a hostile action, this is very useful for juking or setting up ganks.

5. you win by killing towers but pushing the creep wave to a tower leaves you further from your tower and safety. Since gold is only granted for the killing blow on a creep, don't mindlessly autoattack, just try and land the last hit (unless you need to protect your tower). Gold on champion kills is given both for the kill and the assist (damage or support abilities). It's usually best to push a tower only after you kill an opponent or when you've significantly out-leveled or out-gained them item-wise.

***6. Most of the game is about mini-map awareness (where your opponents are, do you push a tower or run to join a team-fight - usually the latter) and knowing which champs you can beat and when you need to go back to base to heal or huddle under your tower. This comes with experience. Good luck

7. There are unfortunately more quitters at low levels, so gut it out and get to a higher level and it will be less frustrating. There are also a few people playing smurf accounts (good experienced players on new accounts) so you may take a few losses early before getting fair competition. Anything around a 50% win ratio is solid.

8. I highly suggest buying tier 1 runes as you get more rune slots (things like mana regen can make a huge difference), do not buy tier 2 runes, they are a waste of money. Buy T3 runes as soon as you can.

9. The "Dorans" items are great items to start the game with because they not only provide pertinent bonuses, they also add an extra 100 health to your champ which is huge when most champs have between 400-500 total to start.

10. Be sure to figure out the mechanics of when towers and creeps will attack you (attacking an enemy champ always draws their attention, or you have no friendly creeps to take their fire). Creeps are mostly insignificant damage (to you, not to towers) latter on but early game they can be the difference between winning and losing a fight.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Anyone that has ever bought Riot Points is going to get a free 300RP! Not that that will get you much outside of a 4 win IP/XP boost or one of the cheaper skins when either is on sale.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Anyone that has ever bought Riot Points is going to get a free 300RP! Not that that will get you much outside of a 4 win IP/XP boost or one of the cheaper skins when either is on sale.

Where did you see that anyone who has ever bought RP gets the bonus? I though it was only those that bought it since dec first.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
what's with all the foreigners lately that insist on spamming language no one else understands to the chat window?

Add that to them dinging everywhere on screen.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
got to fight a casseopia today...way OP IMHO.

At level 8 she took on me as Heimerdinger with full health (also level 8), two turrets I popped ultimate on, and stunned her. I also had minions helping. I won with 10hp left. She also blew past our Kennan's ult.


Jun 30, 2003
got to fight a casseopia today...way OP IMHO.

At level 8 she took on me as Heimerdinger with full health (also level 8), two turrets I popped ultimate on, and stunned her. I also had minions helping. I won with 10hp left. She also blew past our Kennan's ult.

sounds like your kennen wasn't doing something right then. a good kennen can stun the entire opposing team


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Only played against one Cass so far (none on my team). They weren't good so that isn't a good measuring stick, but the fact I haven't seen many Cass players is. She must suck if she's getting no play.


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2005
From what I've seen, Cass is pretty UP. She's OK at harassing squishies, but several champs just laugh when they see her. Went solo top against a malph and got dominated today. Q/E combos barely scratched past his passive while just his Q applied much more consistent damage, allowing him to ult and stomp me. I imagine Mundo/Vlad/Gragas would have a similar effect against her.

Karthus has a similar role on the team, but is more effected in every way IMO.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
Cass is alot better and more viable than people think. It's just not enough playtime and she isn't effective. She shines lvl 8+, while early laning phase is all harassment and denying exp. With quick hands, you should be able to W under the enemy to slow, while pressing Q and shooting E off fast as possible. This combo aalone at lvl 8 should take a large chunk of health from the enemy. The biggest problem i have seen with Cass, is people dont spam her spells enough. She is the only person i play that i have to cycle through the keys faster than Ryze when letting off a combo. - Would be interesting to see peoples APM (action per minute) while playing different champs.


Jan 8, 2010
Is it just me or ever since the latest patch the games are faster than they used to be. Seems like the laning phase is much shorter, and usually first inhib down by lvl 14-15


Feb 8, 2004
what's with all the foreigners lately that insist on spamming language no one else understands to the chat window?

Add that to them dinging everywhere on screen.

Welcome to my world, in the european gateway its been like that since day 1 :|


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Welcome to my world, in the european gateway its been like that since day 1 :|

Whenever I duo-queue it always seems to be with english speaking people. When I solo queue, it is almost exclusively with non-english speaking people. So'k with me though, I always seem to win when I solo queue...

I guess when the only form of communication you need is a ping, it doesn't matter what language it is in!

Oh and btw, DING! Level 30.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
A couple changes I've heard for the next patch is that ward length is going back up to 3 minutes. Zhonya's is losing it's active but it's stats are being buffed to 155AP base AND 33% AP increase, but I think that was a misquote because it seems too ridiculous. Supposedly there's a couple new items as well.

Finally ripped off my first long winning streak in a long time over the long weekend. In ranked games, I'm pretty much sticking to just Vlad, Xin, or Ashe and I win 50% or greater with them. Malphite might get added to the list too, but he's banned in most games right now.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Won a couple of ranked games yesterday to get back into this. Malphite is still rediculously powerful when jungled and combined with a decent team. The only reason I didn't do better than 7/2/7 was I gave up ghost in order to take exhaust (gg trynd). It's more fun after a couple of breaks.

On Cassiopia I think she's UP because she has to be so close for so long. Classic AP burst champs (Ryze, Annie etc) run in, unload and run out. Cass does less damage but spams more, meaning she has to be near the action constantly (much like an AD carry). This makes her much more easily target able and I'm not really sure how to fix it short of upping her base spell damage/lvl and nerfing her AP ratio's to guide people toward buying more survivability and less AP with her.
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