**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
May 14, 2008
A couple changes I've heard for the next patch is that ward length is going back up to 3 minutes. Zhonya's is losing it's active but it's stats are being buffed to 155AP base AND 33% AP increase, but I think that was a misquote because it seems too ridiculous. Supposedly there's a couple new items as well.

Watched a video preview on the LoL site. Zonya's is being split into two seperate items. One of them has 155AP and the 30% bonus to AP. Another item is being added that has around the same 120AP mark(don't remember this one exactly) and the activation of invunerable for 2 seconds with 90sec cooldown.

The big change to wards previously was them only having 1 HP. Now wards will die in a certain amount of hits, regardless of how hard you hit. Don't remember if they mentioned anything about duration.

Won a couple of ranked games yesterday to get back into this. Malphite is still rediculously powerful when jungled and combined with a decent team. The only reason I didn't do better than 7/2/7 was I gave up ghost in order to take exhaust (gg trynd). It's more fun after a couple of breaks.

On Cassiopia I think she's UP because she has to be so close for so long. Classic AP burst champs (Ryze, Annie etc) run in, unload and run out. Cass does less damage but spams more, meaning she has to be near the action constantly (much like an AD carry). This makes her much more easily target able and I'm not really sure how to fix it short of upping her base spell damage/lvl and nerfing her AP ratio's to guide people toward buying more survivability and less AP with her.

Cass is being buffed slightly in the new patch. Mainly increasing her AP ratios to help her late game, which is her biggest problem. They are also reversing most of the nerfage on Garen, Olaf, and (dammit there was 1 more I cant remember) that they did last patch. I'm glad, maybe I can play garen some more now.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Cass is being buffed slightly in the new patch. Mainly increasing her AP ratios to help her late game, which is her biggest problem. They are also reversing most of the nerfage on Garen, Olaf, and (dammit there was 1 more I cant remember) that they did last patch. I'm glad, maybe I can play garen some more now.

Interesting. I'm not terribly happy about unbuffing olaf/garen since they were two of the more ridiculous beefy champs around.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I miss sunfire stacking on rammus

Rammus is a tank I rarely build sunfire on. Usually prefer to build survivability items instead. His super initiation abilities with powerball and taunt mean he actually gets attacked quite a bit. One time I forgot I had one and was running away with VERY little hitpoints and ran right by banshees and sunfire aggroed them...


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
GG last night crownjules, the Shen ults were quite timely, though the Trynd complaining about us KSing damn near set me off....


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Our Tryndamere was terrible. His problem wasn't that people were KSing him, it was that he sucked and ended at 2/12. He also left me to 2v1 as Shen against a Vlad and Teemo. Meaning I was backed up against my tower the whole time and they could plink away at it with little risk. Our Trist was also more of a detriment, between going MIA for random periods then pushing solo and dying out of position or just not sticking with the team for fights and showing up last minute.

Surprised we won that game really. Fortunately, us and WW somehow overcame it.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Our Tryndamere was terrible. His problem wasn't that people were KSing him, it was that he sucked and ended at 2/12. He also left me to 2v1 as Shen against a Vlad and Teemo. Meaning I was backed up against my tower the whole time and they could plink away at it with little risk. Our Trist was also more of a detriment, between going MIA for random periods then pushing solo and dying out of position or just not sticking with the team for fights and showing up last minute.

Surprised we won that game really. Fortunately, us and WW somehow overcame it.

I completely agree. The trist was simply the worst player I've ever seen in a ranked match but people bitching about KSing just piss me off because I believe it's a stupid concept and potentially detrimental to the team. It's always better to secure a kill than worry about who gets the money. I couldn't figure out how we played well enough to over come all that.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
so i did a few more BD yi and it is less successful. I am thinking BD trynd will be more effective...

Your problem is you're deciding on a strategy before the game starts =) backdooring is what you do when teams are at a standoff and you know your team can hold the tower, or when you're getting desperate. If you really want to play a BD/push strat I would try Twisted fate with teleport and ghost (be sure to pack wards as well).


Jan 8, 2010
They need a "ban from being on my team" button. Seriously. Please. I see it solving so many issues. I'm sure I'd be banned from a bunch of peoples lists just for sucking, but I don't care.

I can't say I'm happy with the Zonyas change...I get the idea, but it just means now I have to choose, or spend 2x as much money...however depending on what the total AP benefit is, it might be worth it, only 1 less slot to work with...

I dont really folllow what +155AP and 30% bonus to AP means...is that +155+30% of existing (non-zonyas?)


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
Your problem is you're deciding on a strategy before the game starts =) backdooring is what you do when teams are at a standoff and you know your team can hold the tower, or when you're getting desperate. If you really want to play a BD/push strat I would try Twisted fate with teleport and ghost (be sure to pack wards as well).

well can't help, the evil side of me wanted to have some fun. TF is ok for counter im not sure if he has the punch needed to suicide bd, I am talking about kill towers alone or killing inhibs while the other team is attacking you.

p.s. I think I should ditch 2 of the big 3 item that BF sword builds into and get a frozen hammer + atmas.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
well can't help, the evil side of me wanted to have some fun. TF is ok for counter im not sure if he has the punch needed to suicide bd, I am talking about kill towers alone or killing inhibs while the other team is attacking you.

p.s. I think I should ditch 2 of the big 3 item that BF sword builds into and get a frozen hammer + atmas.

TF has the punch but he doesn't usually suicide, he just pushes a lane, and if you see enemies coming use gate to jump to another lane while your teammates keep them occupied in the center. Make sure you have Sheen/LB and try and proc it constantly, then teleport back to the first lane/base/whatever is needed. Rinse & repeat. This was a fairly common tactic in the WCG and only the US team in the finals managed to defeat it.

Side note: if your teammates have teleport, take a ward with you when you gate and they can teleport to that for easy ganking/BD action w/o creeps.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Summoner Spotlight - Caitlyn, The Sheriff of Piltover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFNFY6-gaDA

Patch Notes:

New Skins in the Store

* Resistance Caitlyn
* Sheriff Caitlyn
* Surgeon Shen
* Nurse Akali

League of Legends v1.0.0.108
Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover

* Piltover Peacemaker - Caitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot which deals physical damage (deals less damage to subsequent targets).
* Yordle Snap Trap - Caitlyn sets a trap to reveal sneaky yordles. When sprung, the trap immobilizes the champion and deals magic damage over 1.5 seconds.
* 90 Caliber Net - Caitlyn fires a heavy net to slow her target, the recoil knocks Caitlyn back.
* Ace in the Hole (Ultimate) - Caitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.
* Headshot (Passive) - Every 8 attacks (attacks while in brush count as 2), Caitlyn will fire a headshot, dealing either 150% damage to a champion or 250% damage to a minion.


* Base movement speed increased to 310 from 305
* Noxius Blast movement speed buff increased to 3 seconds from 2
* Twin Fang ability power ratio increased to .55 from .45
* Petrifying Gaze slow increased to 60% at all levels from 40/50/60%
* Petrifying Gaze cooldown changed to 130/120/110 seconds from 120 at all levels


* Judgment base damage increased to 60/100/140/180/220 from 60/90/120/150/180 per second


* Bladesurge cast range increased to 650 from 600
* Equilibrium Strike cast range increased to 425 from 375
* Transcendent Blades base damage increased to 90/140/190 from 80/130/180
* Title is now 'The Will of the Blades' instead of 'the Will of the Blades'


* Shunpo will now place Katarina on the other side of the target (relative to Katarina), rather than behind the target


* Base attack damage increased to 51 from 48
* Attack damage per level increased to 3.1 from 2.9


* Fixed a bug where the Malefic Visions spell cast by opposing Malzahars behaved improperly


* Frenzied Strikes health scaling increased to 1%, from 0.5%
* Frenzied Strikes base damage reduced to 7/14/21/28/35 from 10/17/24/31/38


* Grand Skyfall is now more visible to allies. The green circle that allies see now appears when Pantheon starts channeling. The red circle that enemies see still draws when he leaps into the air


* Tiger Stance
o Base damage changed to 30/80/130/180/230 from 40/80/120/160/200
o No longer scales off of ability power
o Attack damage scaling increased to 1.7 from 0.5
o Persistent attack speed in Tiger Stance increased to 20/25/30/35/40% from 15/20/25/30/35%
o Initial damage effect can now be triggered any time in Tiger Stance, or within 5 seconds of casting if you switch stances
o Restored the hit particle to Tiger Stance's basic attacks
* Phoenix Stance
o Breath damage reduced to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/95/140/185/230
o Now casts fire cone every 3 attacks instead of every 4


* NEW ITEM - Ionian Boots of Lucidity
o UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%.
o UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2.
* Zhonya's Ring has been decommissioned.
* NEW ITEM - Zhonya's Hourglass
o +100 AP +50 Armor
o UNIQUE Active: Places your champion into stasis for 2 seconds, rendering you invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any action. 90 sec cooldown.
* NEW ITEM - Rabadon's Deathcap
o +155 AP UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by 30%
* Rod of Ages, Warmog's Living Armor, and the Bloodthirster now show you in their tooltip what their stats are. Look for this to spread to other items like Trinity Force and Tiamat soon
* Phantom Dancer attack speed increased to 55% from 50%
* Sunfire Cape no longer continues to deal damage while dead
* The Black Cleaver
o Damage reduced to 55 from 75
o Now adds 30% increased attack speed
o Unique Passive - Now shreds 15 armor per stack from 12 but has a maximum of 3 stacks from 5.
* Sight Ward
o Cost reduced to 75 gold from 90 gold
o Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects and takes only 1 damage from every attack
* Vision Ward
o Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects and takes only 1 damage from every attack
* Will of the Ancients ability power granted to the owner increased to 50 from 40
* Wit's End
o Now damages enemies that do not have mana
o Fixed a bug where Wit's End did not interact correctly with clones
* Wriggle's Lantern
o The ward created now has 3 health and is immune to healing effects and take only 1 damage from every attack

Summoner Spells

* Exhaust now reduces (auto/basic) attack damage by 70% and ability/item damage by 35% instead of the blinding for the duration


* Baron Nashor
o Base health increased to 8000 from 6500
o Magic resistance increased to 70 from 35
o Damage increased by approximately 15%
* Dragon
o Global gold reward reduced to 190 from 240
o Magic resistance increased to 30 from 0
o The on-hit burning debuff now affects the target of his attack but nobody else (previously it afflicted enemies in a cone but ignored the attack target)
o The burning debuff now also reduces attack speed by 20%
o Updated the tooltip to reflect that the Dragon no longer grants global experience
* Monster experience range reduced to 800 from 1250
* Removed mana from all inhibitor minions
* Shrine (spawn) turrets now ignore all resistances and immunities
* The Options menu now has a 2nd slider that scales the chat box independent of the rest of the UI


* Miss Fortune - Fixed audio timing of 'Make It Rain' and fixed a bug that caused the audio not to play at certain distances.

edit for thoughts: Garen and Olaf both buffed a little. Baron got a bunch of HP. Sights wards are cheaper. Irelia gets some buffing. Looks like Udyr may have gotten a buff too.
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Jan 8, 2010
Something seems bugged. I just played anivia who I have a AP rune build for and my base AP at lvl 5 is normally 43ish...in this game, my base AP at level 10 was 35....


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
That exhaust change is huge for melee dps. Before it was a nearly complete counter and now it just decreases damage and slows.


Jan 8, 2010
That exhaust change is huge for melee dps. Before it was a nearly complete counter and now it just decreases damage and slows.

I thought the reason they were changing it was because it wasn't really that effective, this was supposed to increase the effectiveness?


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
how? before it's a blind, means it will totally nullified melee auto attackers like trynd, now he's less effective, but IMO still can whoop squishy's ass if he gets next to it.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I thought the reason they were changing it was because it wasn't really that effective, this was supposed to increase the effectiveness?

It was massively effective before unless Yi/Olaf were using their ultimates but it was basically a kill-tryndamere now button in the past now you still have to deal with his ridiculous damage and undying rage.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Yeah, Exhaust was basically an anti-melee spell and that was it. The changes make it so it doesn't completely shut down melee AND can be useful against mages now as well. Also, if no one caught it one of the last changes is minion XP gain range was reduced from 1250 to 800. So you can really zone out people from XP if you know how. You could do it before but now it will be even easier. Not pushing your lanes became even more important with zoning being easier to do.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Yeah, Exhaust was basically an anti-melee spell and that was it. The changes make it so it doesn't completely shut down melee AND can be useful against mages now as well. Also, if no one caught it one of the last changes is minion XP gain range was reduced from 1250 to 800. So you can really zone out people from XP if you know how. You could do it before but now it will be even easier. Not pushing your lanes became even more important with zoning being easier to do.

It's also harder to hide in the bushes and get XP when at really low health which I like.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
So has anyone played the new champ? I've read one review that says she is ok early game and nothing but an autoattacker late game. That said I've had nothing but great/terrible games that past two days and that just sucks. I really want 45 minute semi-even games not 25 minute blowouts, even if my teammates refuse to surrender and drag it out to 40 minutes.


Jan 8, 2010
Sounds like me. I've either had total stomps or been totally stomped. I went 0/9 then turned around and went 17/2. WTF.

I've also noticed that the new char seems to have decent early game, but irrelevant mid/late game.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
She's designed to be a strong early-mid game champ. In the champion spotlight, Phreak makes mention that she's a good pick if your team is aiming for a quick and early victory. I haven't seen many playing though - perhaps the oversaturation of 6300IP heroes is finally exhausting the playerbase?

How is she as a jungler? I'd have thought her passive would make her prime for that role but I haven't seen one yet. Is she too squishy?
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