**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Swain and Urgot both on free rotation this week. Definitely going to give them both a shot this week since I've not played as either one yet.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Ugg ran into a good Urgot the other day. He has huge range and is deadly early game and tails off around level 14. Usually I find Sion to be a great early game threat but urgot had such range that I couldn't do anything. =(


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
speaking of urgot. I was playing a game yesterday and the other team had an urgot. They were in the middle of killing baron (we had it warded) and our Ashe goes over there and starts shooting arrows at them from over the treeline. Thier urgot snagged her with his ult and she subsequently got raped by thier whole team in less than a second. Was rather hillarious.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
A new champion approaches the arena...

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands


On a faraway world, Renekton was born a member of a race of bestial guardians created to serve as the rulers and protectors of their people. Alongside his brother Nasus, Renekton oversaw the upkeep of the Great Library, which served as both a vault of ancient knowledge and the repository of the teachings of the Cycle of Life and Death. While Nasus taught those scholars who came to study, Renekton served as the Great Library’s gatekeeper. He could sense the true natures of those who sought Nasus’ teachings, and he sent away those with dark ambitions. Over time, however, his repeated exposure to this evil infected his mind. He grew furious with the malevolence in the hearts of men, and as he descended deeper into madness, he discovered he could quell the fury by cutting the evil from the men who possessed it. Unfortunately, the relief was as short-lived as the subjects, and the “butcher’s rage”, as it came to be known, would resurge ever stronger.

Consumed by his anger, Renekton turned on the one being who could defeat him -- his own brother. Nasus pleaded with Renekton to see reason. Realizing that he was beyond redemption, the despondent Nasus valiantly struck down his wayward sibling. Defenseless, Renekton waited eagerly for death’s release. It never came. He was spared when summoners from the League of Legends claimed his brother. Caught in the wake of this powerful spell, Renekton tumbled for what seemed like ages between realities. When he finally emerged, he was deep in the sewers of Zaun. Insane with fury, Renekton languished in his newfound home, driven senseless by his rage. That is until, by happenstance, he caught a familiar scent on the air. Believing that the familiar scent would guide him to the solace which was fading from his memory, he traced his brother to the Institute of War.

“My brother has become hollow. Full of rage, but empty.” –Nasus, the Curator of the Sands


Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.

Tyrant’s Reach: Renekton cleaves, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for 20% of the damage dealt. Each target hit grants 5 fury, up to 25. Heal amount is tripled against champions up to a hard cap.

When Renekton has more than 50 Fury he heals for a large portion of damage dealt. Consumes 50 Fury.

Ruthless Predator: Renekton’s next attack will swing twice dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage as physical damage and stunning his target for a short time. Applies on-hit effects.

When Renekton has more than 50 Fury, his next attack will swing three times dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage and stunning his target for an increased duration. Consumes 50 Fury.

Slice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target he gains the ability to use Dice. .

Dice: Renekton dashes, dealing physical damage along the way.

When Renekton has more than 50 Fury during Dice, he deals 50% additional damage and shreds the armor of targets he hits. Consumes 50 Fury.

Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energies, gaining increased size and health for 15 seconds. While empowered, he deals additional magic damage and generates bonus Fury every second.

Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 10 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second. When Renekton is below 40% life, he generates 50% more Fury.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
speaking of urgot. I was playing a game yesterday and the other team had an urgot. They were in the middle of killing baron (we had it warded) and our Ashe goes over there and starts shooting arrows at them from over the treeline. Thier urgot snagged her with his ult and she subsequently got raped by thier whole team in less than a second. Was rather hillarious.

I pinch.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I've been using Sivir lately and wondering if anyone in the know has any comments about this build. I'm wondering about adding more survivability but of course, it's always so hard to go that route.
http://leaguecraft.com/builder/Sivi...030330101030400000000000000000000000&level=18 I've been going Mandreds sometimes instead of the 2nd Bloodthirster. I have the runes + masteries listed that I've been using as well.
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Jun 30, 2003
speaking of urgot. I was playing a game yesterday and the other team had an urgot. They were in the middle of killing baron (we had it warded) and our Ashe goes over there and starts shooting arrows at them from over the treeline. Thier urgot snagged her with his ult and she subsequently got raped by thier whole team in less than a second. Was rather hillarious.

that is hilarious


Jan 8, 2010
Played the most epic game last night. I was in a premade 5v5 (but I only knew 1 of them). We were sucking hard. At 25 minutes in a few were ready to surrender at 15/2, but we stuck it out. Somehow...25 minutes drug to 55 minutes, and we were at least 30 kills behind. The other team was trash talking and wondering why we hadn't surrendered yet. They had got all 3 of our inhibs and we hadn't gotten any of their base towers. At some point, we managed a push, took down 1 inhib. Waited for our 3 inhibs to come back and somewhere around 1hr 15 minutes in we got their nexus. Long ass game..but so worth it. They were not happy

I think their mistake was they had aced us, and got our last inhib, but for some reason did not attempt to push the nexus towers. After that, we finally got our teamwork better and were making a pretty good stand.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
We've all had those epic games where you come back from the brink of destruction, makes you feel so awesome!

Managed to win a game we were down 4 on 5 Sunday. The only thing that helped me was I was queing up with my younger brother who just started playing and one of his friends. So being level 30 queing up against a group of 14's helped, but I had lvl 5 and lvl 8 on my team because of my brother and his friends (and not the best players ever). We were able to maintain much better team coordination and movement though. Constantly flanking or catching a small group of their team off guard. They were also mostly physical, and I was playing rammus with a thornmail. Poor, Poor DPS kept killing themselves on me!! That game really showed the skill level difference between level 15 and 30. Also, people at 15 are a hell of a lot nicer than people at 30. At 30 if your team was losing a 5 on 4 match, people would be bitching up a storm, and complaining how everybody else on the team sucks.

On a sad, side note, they just announced a nerf is incoming to rammus. No details on what it is yet, but coming. :'(


Jan 8, 2010
Yea, I dont get what all the OP hype is about rammus, I play him too, and I think Mundo is much more overall powerful tank than rammus. Rammus damage is minimal, sure thornmail helps..but it helps on anyone who wears it.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Ugh. Last night was one of those nights were I just couldn't play a good game for the life of me. Or things were lined up for a good engagement and I'd get no support from my team/they'd go after the tank instead of the DPS.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
i hate those with multiple crap accounts. Ruins the game.

It's a messed up system. Elo is fine if you use 1 champion played 1 way every single game. But when you switch from playing your main and play some new champion you have no clue how to play, and get matched up against high elo players who are playing champions they know and have practiced for months, you lose, bad.

I spend a lot of time smurfing just because it felt like the only way to learn a new champion other than the couple i played regularly.

I wish they would just remove elo entirely from normal games, so i could just play normal to learn new guys and ranked for the champions I have practiced extensively, but it's not how it works.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Yea, I dont get what all the OP hype is about rammus, I play him too, and I think Mundo is much more overall powerful tank than rammus. Rammus damage is minimal, sure thornmail helps..but it helps on anyone who wears it.

I wish they would have gone into a little detail about the nerf instead of just saying "isn't it about time rammus is nerfed? yeah I think so, lets nerf him" in that damn video. I can understand some reduction to his damage, but hopefully they don't go overboard like they did with garen awhile back. He is one of the few tanks that can dish out damage. Real tank with great initiation, stun, and taunt. I could understand an increased cooldown on his ult. I spam the hell out of it, and it's still always up when I need it. Too much else and it really will cut into his effectiveness.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I wish they would just remove elo entirely from normal games, so i could just play normal to learn new guys and ranked for the champions I have practiced extensively, but it's not how it works.

So you want the game to pair lvl 15's with lvl 30's? You have to have some kind of matchmaking system in order to put together somewhat fair matches.

If you're trying to learn new champions, the last thing you want is to be paired with complete newbies. You will hurt your gameplay rather than help it. The flow of the game in low level matches is completely different. Nobody uses wards, people do not group up as much. Nobody focuses...or they focus the tank. Sure it sucks to lose games, but you will actually learn how to play the new champion better by playing the people at your skill level.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2009
I like that I can play this game on my parents crappy internet connection.

then BFBC2 and CODBO for my connection.

I also recommend this game to people who are looking for a great free game that I would pay for, but glad that I don't have to.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Yea, I dont get what all the OP hype is about rammus, I play him too, and I think Mundo is much more overall powerful tank than rammus. Rammus damage is minimal, sure thornmail helps..but it helps on anyone who wears it.

Mundo isn't a tank. He's got lots of HP, and does good damage but outside of a slow he doesn't have skills that keeps enemies off of his teammates.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
I wish they would have gone into a little detail about the nerf instead of just saying "isn't it about time rammus is nerfed? yeah I think so, lets nerf him" in that damn video. I can understand some reduction to his damage, but hopefully they don't go overboard like they did with garen awhile back. He is one of the few tanks that can dish out damage. Real tank with great initiation, stun, and taunt. I could understand an increased cooldown on his ult. I spam the hell out of it, and it's still always up when I need it. Too much else and it really will cut into his effectiveness.

I don't get the OP Rammus thing either. According to the patch tho all they did was
* Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9

If that's all they're going to do to him I'm pretty happy. I'd hate for them to ruin a good tank, we need more good tanks.. not destroy one of the good ones. I would agree with taking away some damage, with equal increases in pure tanking ability though if something just has to be changed to please people.

It's a messed up system. Elo is fine if you use 1 champion played 1 way every single game. But when you switch from playing your main and play some new champion you have no clue how to play, and get matched up against high elo players who are playing champions they know and have practiced for months, you lose, bad.

I spend a lot of time smurfing just because it felt like the only way to learn a new champion other than the couple i played regularly.

I wish they would just remove elo entirely from normal games, so i could just play normal to learn new guys and ranked for the champions I have practiced extensively, but it's not how it works.

I just lose a lot of games learning new roles/champs. Right now I'm working on AD carry with Sivir, which I'm enjoying. I have 4 champs, for each role in the game that I own now, a jungler, AP carry/support, AD carry and tank. I'm going to buy a 'less squishy AD DPS' champ for games where that might fit, which I'm going to be using Sion. I love that champ.

Yeah I've lost some games to learn different champs/roles, but I'm still at 50/50 win loss ratio (was higher before I decided to really learn the ins and outs of the game). People complain when I'm not playing like someone with 200 wins and lvl30 probably should, but oh well, that's normal queue for ya. Plenty of guys have tossed my games as well, so fair is fair. Not that I'm the reason the game is "tossed", I just contribute less when I'm not playing a "main", which I have 4 of now.

Also, I don't know if you guys have used it but I started using a Mastery switching application called AutoLoL that works very well. I keep it up during matchmaking for last minute team comp changes.

Anyone who wants to give me some tips on my Sivir build I posted above, please do so. I really want to play her the best way possible and get decent.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
People still don't realize that kills <> winning the game.

I play hiemer. I push pretty damn good about level 12 on. While my team is dicking around with the enemy at our inhibitors, I can usually push up and take out a full lane, then the next.

by the end of the game I am the guy that has 4-5 towers and getting labelled a feeder because I am 0-1/6-8/3-4 when we win the game.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
People still don't realize that kills <> winning the game.

I play hiemer. I push pretty damn good about level 12 on. While my team is dicking around with the enemy at our inhibitors, I can usually push up and take out a full lane, then the next.

by the end of the game I am the guy that has 4-5 towers and getting labelled a feeder because I am 0-1/6-8/3-4 when we win the game.

While you are right in one respect (tower/inhibitors/nexus win the game) you put extra pressure on your team by not participating in team fights/making them defend 5v4 (and defending your inhibitor is important). Now if your at an absolute stalemate or your team wins fights and doesn't use that advantage (push, dragon or baron) then you probably need to do what your doing. Without playing with you I won't pass judgment, I'm just trying to play devils advocate here.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
It's more dealing with a team that goes lane to lane, hides in bushes and jungle just waiting for ganks as our lanes all fall.

Meanwhile I do my job, defend and push. Usually though by the time the other team nearly has our inhibitors they buy into the frenzy and lose track of the game. By the time I have the first set of super minions coming, I am almost done with the second lane of them.

In this at least my team rallies and moves into their base for the final blow.

I have had teammates asking for everyone to recall with just the nexus left so they can try for more kills.
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