**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
While you are right in one respect (tower/inhibitors/nexus win the game) you put extra pressure on your team by not participating in team fights/making them defend 5v4 (and defending your inhibitor is important). Now if your at an absolute stalemate or your team wins fights and doesn't use that advantage (push, dragon or baron) then you probably need to do what your doing. Without playing with you I won't pass judgment, I'm just trying to play devils advocate here.

His playstyle is actually perfect for Heimer but, only if he is really good at the champion and his team is aware and buys in to the strategy.

Heimer is a champ that is NOT attractive to go gank ( if played properly ) unless you 2v1 him or more. IF you take 2 people to go out of their way to gank him, and he dies so be it. Cant tell you how many times I or others try to gank a good Heimer and die to some well placed turrets. If he is focusing on turret then you are more likely to get him but he probably downed your turret anyway. Now, if he starts super-feeding and the other 4 champs have not taken advantage of the distraction you are screwed. All too often I see teams that are so focused on minion kills and building items that they dont push in fear of giving up a precious kill. I think the game should have an "Armegeddon" counter at something like the 35 minute mark where demons start spawning and killing everyone to promote ending the game game. I digress.

Heimers who stick with the team can cause an endless stalemate. Opposition will not want to advance, and Heimer being a bad initiator will kind of hold you back.

Heimer is a terrible champ on the move, and obviously needs to be near his turrets to be effective. So Heimer soloing a lane is really what he is made for.

Exceptions to every thing but this is my observation with well played Heimers. There are occasions where he is better served defending nexus and being with the team, no single strategy works every game.

If your team is not well balanced then the 4 champs in team fights will make bad choices and get creamed, probably yelling at the Heimer that it is his fault when in reality they dont understand how to play with a Heimer.

For the record, I hate Heimer and never play him
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Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
a heimer in defense is hard to crack, but a heimer on the move is vulnerable because the turret cooldown. there are other champ that are as hard to gank as heimer (tryndmere, olaf, etc) that might be better suited for this tactic.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
once I am a bit past 12 I follow the minions out as heimer. I can take down the on comers without losing any of my own.

I pop down turrents on the way and then usually place two side by side at a fall back point.

Their turrets go down fast with 20-30 minions assisting.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I just played with one. he is a good ganker.

Got into another game where we had it pushed to all their inner turrets yet my team wanted to gank and gank.

We lost when the other team was surrendering 3 times prior.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Hey I'm downloading this game as we speak. I have never gotten into DotA or any games of this genre before. I understand the concept just not the execution. Any pointers for a newbie?

If you're very serious about this game at all I would give the following advice, if not, then whatever just try to enjoy it but you'll probably suck in comparison.

#Play all the different champs every week for a while, I say until lvl30. This will make you a MUCH better player.

#Learn the 5 roles in the game. AP carry, AD carry, support, tank, jungler. Learn to play them all fairly effectively on the way to lvl30. You aren't learning these to play roles that can be less fun, but because learning them makes you far better at countering people.

#If you buy a champ before 30 (there will be weeks you won't enjoy any of the champs), buy the 450IP champ you like best, you can't go wrong at that price. No more though, as you certainly won't know enough about the game to be wasting IP.

#Don't buy a rune until lvl20, which is when you can buy T3 runes. Research your runes a lot before you buy them.

#If you're very serious at all, read all the pages of this thread. I did when I started and you learn a LOT.. but I stand by the explicit advice above, even if you find contradictory feelings in all the pages of this thread. This game changes over time with patches, what was once true about certain champs might not be so today.

#Play more defensively than offensively while you're learning, fight under your towers whenever you can, try to lure them out from under their towers, and remember: your goal is to make it an unfair fight for them. Don't go looking for fair fights, go looking for a 3v1 beatdown and avoiding a 1v3 beatdown yourself (ie. dont get caught out too far in a lane alone without having an escape method).


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I don't get the OP Rammus thing either. According to the patch tho all they did was
* Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9

If that's all they're going to do to him I'm pretty happy. I'd hate for them to ruin a good tank, we need more good tanks.. not destroy one of the good ones. I would agree with taking away some damage, with equal increases in pure tanking ability though if something just has to be changed to please people.

Well then, that was a minor change. I was worried they were going to overnerf him. I can certainly deal with a little bit longer cooldown on the taunt.

Not being able to play last night sucked. Stupid servers being down.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
If you're very serious about this game at all I would give the following advice, if not, then whatever just try to enjoy it but you'll probably suck in comparison.

#Play all the different champs every week for a while, I say until lvl30. This will make you a MUCH better player.

#Learn the 5 roles in the game. AP carry, AD carry, support, tank, jungler. Learn to play them all fairly effectively on the way to lvl30. You aren't learning these to play roles that can be less fun, but because learning them makes you far better at countering people.

#If you buy a champ before 30 (there will be weeks you won't enjoy any of the champs), buy the 450IP champ you like best, you can't go wrong at that price. No more though, as you certainly won't know enough about the game to be wasting IP.

#Don't buy a rune until lvl20, which is when you can buy T3 runes. Research your runes a lot before you buy them.

#If you're very serious at all, read all the pages of this thread. I did when I started and you learn a LOT.. but I stand by the explicit advice above, even if you find contradictory feelings in all the pages of this thread. This game changes over time with patches, what was once true about certain champs might not be so today.

#Play more defensively than offensively while you're learning, fight under your towers whenever you can, try to lure them out from under their towers, and remember: your goal is to make it an unfair fight for them. Don't go looking for fair fights, go looking for a 3v1 beatdown and avoiding a 1v3 beatdown yourself (ie. dont get caught out too far in a lane alone without having an escape method).

I disagree with the bolded part. Buy Tier 1 runes, they are super cheap and do make a difference. T2 runes are much more expensive for a very small increment in ability. T3 runes (at level 20) are what you're saving your IP for.

Edit: Servers being down yesterday sucked, I was really in the mood to play and ended up reading instead. Can someone post the patch notes so I can read them at work?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Well the Rammus nerf didn't happen though eve took a big hit (big enough I'm not sure she can jungle anymore).The new champ looks interesting though I have trouble imagining how you can get 50 fury (10 hits) in time to be useful in a fight. His slice & Dice looks awesome though. Methinks we have the new ultimate chaser capable of catching Nidalee, Kassadin or Irelia. Of course it all depends on cooldowns and how useful his skills are without rage. Methinks I will be saving up IP to get him soon.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
He does look fun. I'm at about 5500IP right now. Have been aching for a new champ to learn, but I suspect he's going to be popular for awhile. Especially if he is as good as most people say he is.

He gains +10 fury per attack. You'll gain 15 fury per attack when < 40&#37; health and you generate some amount of bonus fury per second while ulted.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
He does look fun. I'm at about 5500IP right now. Have been aching for a new champ to learn, but I suspect he's going to be popular for awhile. Especially if he is as good as most people say he is.

He gains +10 fury per attack. You'll gain 15 fury per attack when < 40% health and you generate some amount of bonus fury per second while ulted.

Everything I've read says 5 fury

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands

* Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.
* Cull the Meek Cull the Meek: Renekton swings his blade, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for a portion of the damage dealt.
o Fury Bonus: Heal amount raised dramatically.
* Ruthless Predator Ruthless Predator: Renekton's next attack swings twice, dealing damage, plus a large portion of his base damage, stunning his target briefly and applying on-hit effects each time.
o Fury Bonus: Renekton's next attack swings three times, dealing a huge portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target greatly and applying on-hits each time.
* Slice and Dice Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he can use Dice for a brief period of time for the same effect.
o Fury Bonus: Renekton deals 50% increased damage and reduces the armor of units hit.
* Dominus Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energy, gaining size and bonus health. He deals periodic damage to enemies around him and rapidly gains Fury.
* Reign of Anger Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.


Jun 30, 2003
He does look fun. I'm at about 5500IP right now. Have been aching for a new champ to learn, but I suspect he's going to be popular for awhile. Especially if he is as good as most people say he is.

He gains +10 fury per attack. You'll gain 15 fury per attack when < 40&#37; health and you generate some amount of bonus fury per second while ulted.

i was originally saving for kennen or vlad, since i don't have many AP champs, but maybe i'll get a brand new champ instead.

edit: please tell me galactic renekton is inspired by ST:TOS!!!!
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
They must have changed his passive between the time I posted the notes on him and release. It was 10 Fury per attack. Guess scaling it back to 5 made him not so OP like I heard he was on the test realm.


Jan 8, 2010
So after watching some videos of the new character, I sprung for him. First time I've jumped on a new character. So far I really like him. Maybe because he's the first "melee" character I've actually played since I normally play mages or tanks. He kind of has a "Street Fighter" playstyle. Build your power up and hit combos in the right timing. My first few games I really sucked with him, but by my 4th game I was owning with him. This leads me to believe he will be nerfed fairly quickly

BTW I'm ImpulsE ZabloN on there if anyone wants to add me. I play mostly Anivia, Heimer, Rammus, never surrender, hoard the blue buff, long walks in the jungle, romantic candlelight dinners by the nexus..err..wait..
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Ugg so getting ganked and not having blue as jungle Udyr really sucks. Unfortunately he is one champ where I feel completely useless when behind in levels (a common problem with melee toons) that said, all the people playing Renekton really sucked so we almost won anyway.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
BTW I'm ImpulsE ZabloN on there if anyone wants to add me. I play mostly Anivia, Heimer, Rammus, never surrender, hoard the blue buff, long walks in the jungle, romantic candlelight dinners by the nexus..err..wait..

If only you would learn to surrender, we'd be perfect for each other!

Playing in these lower levels sucks sometimes. Part of the pain teaching my brother the game. Had a game last night that we should have won easily. I should have played rammus instead of singed and I think we could have pulled it off. The lack of coordination and communication is striking. Wouldn't be surprised if I've gotten worse now because of it.


Mar 21, 2004
I am not sure the term "clone" is fair to the game. More like sequel IMAO.

DOTA was developed by:
"Eul" (2003)
Steve "Guinsoo" Feak (2003-2005)
"IceFrog" (2005-present)

Steve "Guinsoo" Feak left DOTA to go make League of Legends. He felt DOTA was too restricted by WC engine, and wanted the game to be built "as it was meant to" on its own custom engine; hence League of Legends.

IceFrog was hired by valve in 2009 to make DOTA2 for them (on their source engine).
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Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Well got in 10 games this weekend and ended up with 8 wins and only 2 losses playing Karthus the whole time. I'm convinced Karthus is a little OP, but the only reason that he hasn't been nerfed is because no one seems to play him often enough. My two losses came from having really crappy teammates.

Its very easy to get around 900+ AP with him in the end game, with his ult doing well over 1000 damage. Now its not very effective against most tanks, but its pretty easy to last hit squishies with it. Sure Karthas is very squishy and he'll die more than other squishies, however you usually always get the last laugh with his passive + ult. Its funny how many times the other team will kill me and then continue to fight around me with defile doing 250+/sec and then ulting resulting in taking at least 2 of them down with me.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
So early yesterday I go solo queue and watch to my dismay as my teammates select stellar champs like Yi, Tryndamere, Soraka, and Xin (the only good one). Seeing that our chances for a win were dismal, and it was a normal game, I decided to pick Amumu since I've never played him before.

Turns out I'm pretty good with him. I went 5-1 with him on the day. The one loss was with a horrible team comp that never supported me when I jumped in and ulted their team. But if you're any good at landing Bandage Toss with teammates that support your initiations well, he is a monster. I know he's often a jungler, but I'd prefer a Olaf/WW take care of that and let me take Flash/Ghost. Those really let you apply the hurt even if you miss the toss and keep you around for your W + Sunfire to whittle them down.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
So early yesterday I go solo queue and watch to my dismay as my teammates select stellar champs like Yi, Tryndamere, Soraka, and Xin (the only good one). Seeing that our chances for a win were dismal, and it was a normal game, I decided to pick Amumu since I've never played him before.

A good rammus would have had a field day with a melee dps team like that. I rarely look at my team anymore and automatically think we've lost as long as we have a tank and jungler. What's more of an indicator of how shitty your team is going to be, is how many people picked free to play characters. When 3 people pick free characters and have the default skin, only a miracle can save you.

Did that one loss happen to be against a team with a Karthus? I remember playing against an Amumu over the weekend and he would get destroyed b/c his team never backed him up. Amumu seems to be a rarity these days in the games I play. The only characters I see less it seems are galio and kayle.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
The only characters I see less it seems are galio and kayle.

yea, the galio nerfs destroyed him as a character.... he can tank well, but do no dmg, and if you go AP your dieing quickly. Makes me sad, because i enjoyed playing him before he was nerfed to nothing. (same with twitch and a couple others)


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Did that one loss happen to be against a team with a Karthus? I remember playing against an Amumu over the weekend and he would get destroyed b/c his team never backed him up. Amumu seems to be a rarity these days in the games I play. The only characters I see less it seems are galio and kayle.

No, didn't see a Karthus all day. Amumu is rare in ranked because he's an auto ban. I don't know why you wouldn't see him more in normal play though. Especially this last week since he's been free. Though I only played against one other Amumu yesterday.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
yea, the galio nerfs destroyed him as a character.... he can tank well, but do no dmg, and if you go AP your dieing quickly. Makes me sad, because i enjoyed playing him before he was nerfed to nothing. (same with twitch and a couple others)

I don't understand Riot sometimes. They nerfed galio into non-existance when I never thought anything was wrong with him from the start. Then they still have Garen which can run solo into an entire team, destroy a squishy and still make it out with over 1/4 of his life if not more. In games that last beyond the 25min surrender mark Garen seems to be able to reach super hero status where he's practically unkillable unless your whole team focuses him.


Dec 5, 2000
I downloaded this over the weekend and tried it out. played for maybe an hour then uninstalled it. i really can't stand tower defense type games. i just get extremely bored with them very quickly.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I downloaded this over the weekend and tried it out. played for maybe an hour then uninstalled it. i really can't stand tower defense type games. i just get extremely bored with them very quickly.

.... this is not a tower defense game though I guess I see the similarities. LoL is a MOBA, look up defense grid if you want a tower defense game.
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