**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
The 3 summoners I hate playing against the most are Teemo, Ryze, and Zileean. I'd love to say that they are OP and everyone probably says the same with regards to Twitch, but honestly the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's just people knowing how to play the summoner correctly.

Granted if you are on a crappy team and you have someone who think's he is god's gift to LoL and starts telling you how to play and/or how shitty your build is, yet said person has almost no kills and has just fed the other team, then I tend to think they are just 12 year olds who are up past their bedtime lol.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Any advice on playing Sion? I was saving to by Pantheon since he's by far my favorite champion that I've tried but I decided to buy Nunu, Sion and Ryze instead. I tried out Sion yesterday and the lack of any range or closing ability was really really rough. I'm tempted to try buying boots +pots to start.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
The new 3 on 3 map forced me to buy Ryze. It's all about the quick ganks.

As far as Sion: he's got a ranged 2 second stun. You can even tower dive and set off your exploding shield to get the guy with one health bar holding on to the tower for dear life. Exhaust is fundamental with any tank, did you take it?


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I like ghost and exhaust with Sion. if playing a physical DPS. They tend to run away from you when you ult, so I like ghost in being able to catch up. I usually see more AP sions do well than physical ones, but I find physical dmg sion fun.

Nunu's ult is stopped too easily unfortunately. And unlike Fiddle, most of the time, people will see you run in and stop your ult ASAP. You can blink from other sides of walls though.

Any advice on playing Sion? I was saving to by Pantheon since he's by far my favorite champion that I've tried but I decided to buy Nunu, Sion and Ryze instead. I tried out Sion yesterday and the lack of any range or closing ability was really really rough. I'm tempted to try buying boots +pots to start.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I started playing warwick for the 3v3 map, having one person jungle is seriously advantageous in the level advantage if your teammates don't die. Once you get the first or 2nd gank, the game can often be decided right then and there.

So far in my little experience (7 games of Twisted Treeline), the game is lost within the first 3-5 deaths/kills, usually decided around the 15 minute mark. I have heard of comebacks, but have never seen one yet.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
because of the thin walls in twisted treeline, the chars with teleportation also have a huge advantage comparing to the ones who doesn't.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
because of the thin walls in twisted treeline, the chars with teleportation also have a huge advantage comparing to the ones who doesn't.

Kass, EZ, Shaco, and guys who can ult across walls, like malphite and my choice of gayness, Warwicck (WW)

Deployables are also very strong as well.

Teemo, heimer, nidalee, shaco

Nidalee is also especially great because of all the damn brush.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I've started playing more TT and less SR which is a different dynamic. I love Sion for this map as the 2 second stun rocks (all his skills are really useful). I've also started using clairvoyance regularly as knowing which bush your opponent is hiding in is a great advantage. I would play Shaco if he weren't so buggy. The greatest part of TT is that weak early game carries get annihilated most of the time and group coordination usually overcomes one great player on either team.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I got sick of TT really quick. The problem is that heroes and gameplay have been balanced around 5v5. If something is broken in 5v5 play then it is going to be even more so in 3v3. That and certain things are just going to be OP because of their inherent design being based on 5 players instead of 3.

Case in point - Mundo. He is virtually unkillable on TT because he's balanced to take abuse from a 5 player team and still have a chance at survival. Against just 3 players, even if they're all primarily DPS heroes, there's not enough damage output to take him down in a reasonable amount of time.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
same thing goes for warwick. and with the narrower path, morgana is nearly useless while ezreal has been put on easy mode. i also had a good experience with kassdin.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
That and certain things are just going to be OP because of their inherent design being based on 5 players instead of 3.

That's the whole point! Certain characters are MUCH more valuable in 3 on 3. Nobody plays Soraka in 5 on 5, but 3 on 3 she's highly annoying.

Last night we did a 3 tank team as a joke. The other team took the usual gankers (Ryze, Shaco and Warwick) but early on they simply couldn't bring down either of Alistar, Shen or Warwick before one of them was dead and the rest had to run (we took 3 heals and 3 exhausts). They kept getting obliterated. I mean, it wasn't even funny -- they each had 0-1 kills and a bunch of deaths by the time the game was over at ~20 mins. 5 tanks vs 5 anything would have never worked.

Plan on trying more of the 3 tank teams tonight to perfect the art. I'm thinking Jax, Alistar and Taric may be the sweet spot. Or maybe Mord, Alistar and Shen. Or Mundo, Mord and Cho... Mmmmm.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
can't leave amumu out for a tank team (best tank in game IMO) as his front load damage and single stun in low level will compliment chogath before he gets the nom. I also remember from 5v5 that he can grab people through walls, thought i hasn't been able to confirm this yet. pick the robot as your last guy and u will have a gankerlicious team.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Thing is, the all-tank team is not about the gank. This team is all about ignoring the other team and taking out an inhibitor early. Ganks of opportunity will be all you need. Alistar really shines for gathering a massive herd of minions, keeping everyone healthy and beating down turrets. Cho's ranged knockup is good for saving teammates. Shen is good for being unkillable, and Mord can clean enemy minions as fast as a carry at low level due to his 3 AoEs.

Alistar landing a knockup means the poor target will land into a rupture&scream. Guaranteed to send an enemy melee home one way or another. And ranged champs simply don't do enough total damage to threaten a tank team packing 3 heals and two waves of creeps.

Upon further reflection I'm thinking a team of Cho, Alistar and Mord for fastest win potential. The last slot could be filled by Mundo or Amumu at a loss of crowd control for a gain in survivability or gankability.
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Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Surprisingly, even though I've only played about 10-12 games of TT, I haven't seen a fiddle yet.

The best aspect of warwick, a mediocre hero all around, is that he jungles, leaving more experience for the other heros.

In a 3v3, you're going to have 3 level 6s while they have a 6 and two 4s. Snag the first gank, and the level difference snowballs. As long as you don't @!$# up and die more than twice, you're going to retain the level advantage.

And yeah, mord clears minions like no other. Good mord players can carry also, in both 3v3 and 5v5 D:

I just unlocked shen this week also, and did pretty good with him. He's pretty bad ass, but I haven't figured out how to successfully jungle with him without needing to heal or go lane. Should I get cloth armor and 5 pots (that's what I do with WW) instead of Doran's Shield and one pot?

Finally... with gangplank practically being my "new main," my win ratio with him is almost 2-1 now, I'm at 72 wins 37 losses, where as my regular win ratio is down to about 5-4. My blitzcrank (my previous main) is at 89 - 69 :[ I just can't land hooks anymore, as much mundo as I play.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
I need to find more people to make arranged teams with. Last night was a total disaster. Had two TFs on my side with no 'w' key on their keyboard. They refused to pick cards and basically just fed the other team before leaving. In contrast, the TFs on the other team teleported around, kept tabs on our team and knew how to pick gold card. Can't wait till TF is no longer free.

Ironically, also had a fiddle. He kept blowing his ults prematurely and didn't do much to disable our opponents. Great idea in theory, not so great in practice.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
That really sucks. TF is retardedly easy to pick cards with now, all you do is hit W on the color of the card proceeding the one you actually want. It's no longer a tiny ass window for the gold card.

Another tip is to dodge bad characters whenever they're free, and maybe bad characters in general. See a tryndamere? Eve? Are they free? Dodge it.

Nunu is mediocre hero that you don't see often in higher elo play, and because he was free this week, I saw like 4-5 of them. They were all bad or mediocre at best.

I need to find more people to make arranged teams with. Last night was a total disaster. Had two TFs on my side with no 'w' key on their keyboard. They refused to pick cards and basically just fed the other team before leaving. In contrast, the TFs on the other team teleported around, kept tabs on our team and knew how to pick gold card. Can't wait till TF is no longer free.

Ironically, also had a fiddle. He kept blowing his ults prematurely and didn't do much to disable our opponents. Great idea in theory, not so great in practice.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Tried Kat out since I've been wanting to play her and I was not impressed. I love having a long range skill, a teleport and not having to worry about mana, but the cynic in me says anything she can do Pantheon can do better. That said I could see her being a great harrasser BB/shunpo away or shunpo in and run away against melees.

Passives - Pantheon's is simply better

BB ~ Spear both ranged attacks, BB will hit more opponents but Spear does more damage.

Shunpo ~ Aegis both leap/tele you to an enemy and deal damage. Pantheon's skill adds a 1 sec stun.

Death Lotus ~ Heartseeker strike - One does double damage to champions but can be used for farming. The other is channeled and an ult.

Grand Skyfall / Killer instincts - these two really don't compare, grand skyfall isn't a great ult as it can be easily avoided but besides doing damage, trapping people up against a tower or aiding in ganks, it is basically an extra teleport at worst. KI gives added dodge or heal reduction.

Pantheon has some defense/health, Kat is a glass cannon. I tried buying 2x hearts of gold but that seems to slow Kat's damage output.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Nunu is mediocre hero that you don't see often in higher elo play, and because he was free this week, I saw like 4-5 of them. They were all bad or mediocre at best.

Nunu is pretty decent when played competently. It's just that his ult is lackluster when compared to Fiddle's.

They need to nerf that badly. Remove the flash component or make it so he can't use any other abilities in the middle of Crowstorm. The majority of "pro" Fiddle players take Flash/Ghost and can cross half of SR in a few seconds and shut down the entire opposing team while ulting. It's ridiculous.

zebano said:
Tried Kat out since I've been wanting to play her and I was not impressed. I love having a long range skill, a teleport and not having to worry about mana, but the cynic in me says anything she can do Pantheon can do better. That said I could see her being a great harrasser BB/shunpo away or shunpo in and run away against melees.

Kat used to be an absolute terror to play against. She'd shunpo into the middle of a team and then Death Lotus. Guaranteed to kill at least 1-2 squishies and reduce the health of everyone else so the rest of her team could clean up. Of course, the player base at large didn't know how to easily deal with this (a simple stun or blind stops Death Lotus dead in it's tracks) and so they nerfed her into the ground.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i bought jax yesterday before the server crash and he's hitting like a beast. kinda boring to play comparing with kassdin and morgana as all i do is running around pressing a few buttons, but it's less boring than sivir.

I went for a ninja boot, tri-force, bloodthirst and last whisper. I planned to try him with ninja boots, rageblade, the "soulstealer for melee thing" (forgot it's name), and atma's. maybe get a phage and ice hammer later on.

how do you guys build him?


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Another tip is to dodge bad characters whenever they're free, and maybe bad characters in general. See a tryndamere? Eve? Are they free? Dodge it.

I rejoice when there's an eve (free or not), shaco (free) and especially twitch (free) on the other team. If I see all 3 stealthers on the opposing team I know we're guaranteed to win.

That may not be the case in the high elo games, but at my level the stealthers just hang out in the bushes and behind their team hoping to get an easy gank. They don't farm which means even if they are close to my level they have no gear. Since I mostly play Ashe on SR this means they are simply food after I hit level 9 or so.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
I'm MrOnita, if anyone wants to add me and play. I'm not that great, so don't expect to own.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I rejoice when there's an eve (free or not), shaco (free) and especially twitch (free) on the other team. If I see all 3 stealthers on the opposing team I know we're guaranteed to win.

That may not be the case in the high elo games, but at my level the stealthers just hang out in the bushes and behind their team hoping to get an easy gank. They don't farm which means even if they are close to my level they have no gear. Since I mostly play Ashe on SR this means they are simply food after I hit level 9 or so.

Twitch has virtually vanished from play since his nerf. Eve occasionally pops up but she is easily countered with wards and oracles. Once you eliminate her ability to sneak up on you she loses all her potency.

Shaco, however, when well played is a good champion. A great Shaco player will punish every mistake you make.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
Twitch has virtually vanished from play since his nerf. Eve occasionally pops up but she is easily countered with wards and oracles. Once you eliminate her ability to sneak up on you she loses all her potency.

Shaco, however, when well played is a good champion. A great Shaco player will punish every mistake you make.

Yeah, however Shaco also goes down like a bag of chips. I own him and played him for a while and consider him to be a middle of the road champion. When played well, AND lucky enough to get some easy kills early hes good. If you have dumb players who run away from him everytime, he will be uber. Otherwise .. hes fodder.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Rageblade is really good for him, and along with it, Atma's Impaler. It's has armor, 18% crit, and increases your damage by 2% of your max life or something like that. Anyway, the higher your life, the more damage you do, and with Jax, since he gains dmg with rageblade, he gains more life. When he gains more life, he gains more dmg through Atma's. It's a pretty sick combo.

I'm no pro jax players, but everyone has dodge boots and rageblade. Those are the first two any Jax should have.

Also, Jax got nerfed AGAIN for the 2nd patch in a row. If you think he's a beast now, you should have seen him after his first "revamp."

I also think that a phantom dancer is good for jax also, considering the dodge it gives, but I actually hardly EVER see that anymore. Maybe it costs too much or people think something else would be better. I don't know. I guess people think ~25% dodge (8% from yellow runes or up to 12.5% with 3x dodge quints) is enough.

On a side note, I had a 3 phantom dancers on my gangplank last night. Due to the really weird way dodge works, I had 58% dodge. Even though my personal K ratio is less than 1:1 with him, my GP winstat is up to 76 wins 37 losses, over 2:1 now!

i bought jax yesterday before the server crash and he's hitting like a beast. kinda boring to play comparing with kassdin and morgana as all i do is running around pressing a few buttons, but it's less boring than sivir.

I went for a ninja boot, tri-force, bloodthirst and last whisper. I planned to try him with ninja boots, rageblade, the "soulstealer for melee thing" (forgot it's name), and atma's. maybe get a phage and ice hammer later on.

how do you guys build him?


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
Twitch has virtually vanished from play since his nerf. Eve occasionally pops up but she is easily countered with wards and oracles. Once you eliminate her ability to sneak up on you she loses all her potency.

Shaco, however, when well played is a good champion. A great Shaco player will punish every mistake you make.

Well, I use twitch pretty much 95% of the time and I'd say 80% of that, I easily get 20-30 kills. In fact I am damn near close to having a 2 K/DR and that's after I finally learned how to play the game and had 200 kills less then deaths.

Not sure what exactly they did to "nerf" him but damn, the other night we were defending our base and I decided to to go "scout" well I went and grabbed a lizard buff and walked up top to where their turret was, the turret just in front of the stairs and saw 4 of them together. Well I popped deadly poison, then ulti, and then expunge and dropped all 4 in a matter of 20 seconds. The 5th guy came running in and took considerably less time to bring down. I'd say about 45 seconds after the 5th guy died the other team surrendered lol.
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