**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Jun 30, 2003
Fenix what items have you been using to play ASPD Kass? I think I saw malady, Starks, Beserkers Greves and D. Ring IIRC.

can't help but wonder why atkspd kass?

probably has to do with his hits restoring mana/ passive increasing attackspd/ and maybe the armor reduction active?

just a guess look at his abilities.

i based my ASPD kass off of a build i found on leaguecraft. the main items are amulet of regeneration (start), merc treads, stark's, and wit's end.

not a terribly expensive core build and it leaves a lot of room to adjust as necessary (armor, MR, etc.)

kassadin's W allows you to regen mana upon attacks, so as long as you are hitting stuff, you can cast pretty well (early game can be tricky). activating the W gives armor pen (a whopping 50 at level 5). combine that with stark's, and basically everyone in the game has no armor left except tanks. wit's end gives a bonus 42 damage and strips casters of mana (jump in, silence, slow, beat to death). against zilean it was awesome, because silence meant he couldn't ult to save himself

most of the time i end up trying to build more attack items like madred's, since it gives aspd as well as both a good physical damage boost (+30) and the 4% hp in magic damage (40 for 1000hp, 80 for 2000, etc.) which is a nice stack on top of wit's end.

what i really think would be great is randuin's - gives kass hp, armor, small CDR, and a great AOE debuff on top of his E. i just have to figure how to work that in to the build.

im sure in the end AP kass would be better off (assuming you get enough AP items), but i really like the play style of aspd kass - you still get to cast spells, and at least hit the squishies hard, but you can disable the other hard hitters too.


Jan 8, 2010
Not really liking the recent changes (and from the forums, it doesn't look like many people do). They buffed characters who didn't need buffed and nerfed characters that didn't need nerfs (or wrong aspects). And whats with 250mb patch? From what I saw they didn't make that many changes to account for that size.

I get what they are trying to do with the Doran changes, but I fear it was the wrong direction.

The mana rune changes make no sense to me. Why try to bring lvl1 closer to lvl30? Whats the point of levels then? and whats the point of spending IP on runes if you don't want them to have an advantage? I suppose the good thing is IP is free. Thankfully I don't spend cash on them I think if I spent real money on runes and they were constantly changing them I'd be upset.

I still am reading all these Rammus OP posts, and I just don't get it. He's not OP at all. His taunt isn't any worse than any other taunt he does little damage compared to other tanks (Shen, Vlad, hell even Mundo who supposedly isn't a tank but is) and dies easier.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Massive changes. I've always run with Quintessences of Fortitude since hitting level 20 because it makes lane-ing (and going for FB) much easier and safer. I've been contemplating buying AP quints for my casters but with the Fortitude nerfs I think I'll be forced into buying a variety of quints (Ap, movespeed and ArPen come to mind) and ginving up the use of fortitude, possibly even on tanks. The Doran changes don't bother me although it hits casters harder since the Ring is the only one where you really need that health pot.

Along similar lines given that most champs have better mana regen now, I will try switching away from mana runes entirely to see if the extra Ap/whatever can give me better advantages.

Karma sounds interesting (especially that her 'r' starts with a point in it at level 1) but I will withhold judgment until I try her. It's very interesting that her heal won't affect herself, but she also has a shield and move buff/de-buff so I'm looking at her vying for the same team-spot as Janna.

rammus' nerf is mostly insignificant except for early game ganks since I almost always buy Raduins on him.

Teemo's new MoveQuick was very much needed, now as a skill it's not worse than MFs passive.

As a final note, the most important part of this patch will be whether or not the fixed the lag/stability issues. We had gone so long without any problems that I completely forgot how incredibly annoying they are.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Basically all the big changes were huge nerfs to early game survival. What does that encourage in response? Even more passive play. No one asked for that and I hope Riot is understanding that and changing it back in the next patch.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Basically all the big changes were huge nerfs to early game survival. What does that encourage in response? Even more passive play. No one asked for that and I hope Riot is understanding that and changing it back in the next patch.

Is it really more passive play, or is it more incentive to play someone like Pantheon or Ashe who have massively strong early games? Personally I think playing Shaco and going for FB got a lot more interesting.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
As much as I hate the quints of fort change, they were probably necessary for the exact same reason all of us hate the change. It was all anybody really ever used. The same for the clarity changes. At least with that change they increased mana regen to compensate. I guess now I can look forward to trying out some new runes.

The changes to rammus are once again bearable. It's a nerf, but not over the top. Still my tank (champion) of choice.


Jun 30, 2003
"The launcher has experienced an error. Please restart the application." Sweet.

boo turns out it was due to my modded sound file for kassadin. looks like i'll have to redo everything


Senior member
Oct 2, 2006
I just stumbled across this thread and didn't realize there was such a huge following. Add me to your friends lists (Duroz), always looking for some premades.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
I get so sick of people during games insisting on telling me or other people how to play. Then I have to listen to the little freakin babies bitch about how horrible teams are etc and the just wont STFU and play. Highly irritating to put up with that non-sense and try to learn how to play new toons.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I get so sick of people during games insisting on telling me or other people how to play. Then I have to listen to the little freakin babies bitch about how horrible teams are etc and the just wont STFU and play. Highly irritating to put up with that non-sense and try to learn how to play new toons.

It gets even better when the person telling you how to play your character is 0/6 and you're only around 10 minutes into the game. I thankfully haven't run into any of these types in the last week or two.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
I love it when you get called a feeder because you died one time from a gank early in the game.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
1. The new champ is fun, but definitely an early/mid game champ. Maybe if I had completed my deathcap I could have kept up but I built DFG, Ionian boots and lichbane (should have gone RoA or deathcap but I had been actively attacking all game so I went the sheen route) before building some survivability. Around level 14 Mundo started raping me and never stopped even when I used both DFG, my full combo and ignite while fighting under a tower =( I was 7/2/7 up to that point and finished 8/7/?. My main thought is that the ability to place your 'w' well to hit entire teams will separate the good Karmas from the bad. The shield turned out to be really really useful, saving multiple lives and scoring kills when combined with Mantra. I went e > q > q > w > q the q > e > w. Functionally while the shield is quite beefy, it's not enough to really let you teamfight all that well since all your skills are short range and you don't have Kassadin's teleport to get you out safely (once again, land 'w' so it strafes their full team).
Tip: one thing I found that isn't mentioned in the skill is the mantra version of 'q' does damage to enemies in a cone & heals your party members in that cone... it also heals you !!

2. A rune change should come with the ability to sell back the ones that got nerfed... =( If I hadn't bought Karma I could have bought more but I essentially bought 2 flat AP quints yesterday since my fortitude are mostly worthless now. I still need a third and I need to get ArPen quints too.

3. No server/lag/chat problems for me yesterday. If Riot can keep this up for 2 weeks I'll probably buy some more RP (though there are no skins I'm dying to get right now).

4. I saw the worlds worst olaf yesterday, in a ranked game. He jungled with heal/ignite... when he came to gank our dual lane was level 5 and he was 3.... He didn't buy boots until level 10....

5. Galio is still a solid solid character. He doesn't feel like a tank to me because I spend so much time casting, but the combo of fight, run to tower, wait for tower dive flash > ult > fortify netted me yet another early kill yesterday which quickly snowballed. I don't think I ult-ed after that without getting at least 2 enemies and usually 3 in the ult. Plus dropping shields on a Tryndamere gives me all sorts of unholy pleasure (doing it with janna/karma/Kayle is even more fun).

6. added hydroponik to the player list

7. I'm not sure how I went so long w/o laning against her, but Caitlyn is a terror early game. I went mid as Tristana and I can hold my own against most champs including Vlad; I didn't die, but Cait had me returning to base constantly. She not only has better range than Trist, it's not even close.
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Senior member
May 14, 2008
I need to play aniva more often. I swear every time I play her I absolutely rape face. She is such a strong early game champ, one mistake by an enemy champ and they can say bye-bye to over half their health. Even if you don't get a kill, you can really starve them. It is also the only champ I ever seem to go an entire game without deaths. Gotta love the egg! One game about a month ago...they didn't even egg me.

Reneken (sp?) was buffed a bit in this patch. Actually played with one that seemed to know wtf they were doing, and played him well. First one I have seen that good, wonder how much of that was the buff, and how much it was just actually seeing a competent person play him.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I need to play aniva more often. I swear every time I play her I absolutely rape face. She is such a strong early game champ, one mistake by an enemy champ and they can say bye-bye to over half their health. Even if you don't get a kill, you can really starve them. It is also the only champ I ever seem to go an entire game without deaths. Gotta love the egg! One game about a month ago...they didn't even egg me.

Reneken (sp?) was buffed a bit in this patch. Actually played with one that seemed to know wtf they were doing, and played him well. First one I have seen that good, wonder how much of that was the buff, and how much it was just actually seeing a competent person play him.

I've seen some competent Renekhton but I generally prefer Irelia for that chaser/AD-DPS role.


Jan 8, 2010
I stay away from ranked. I get annoyed enough in normal games. I think I'd punch my screen in ranked. Also, I don't really agree with the banning of chars etc in ranked. Personal opinion is personal opinion and they don't belong in "ranked" games.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I stay away from ranked. I get annoyed enough in normal games. I think I'd punch my screen in ranked. Also, I don't really agree with the banning of chars etc in ranked. Personal opinion is personal opinion and they don't belong in "ranked" games.

I also avoid ranked games, mainly for the fact that character selection takes much longer due to the banning process. I also find that people take those games much more serious it seems, which means they are more prone to bitching/moaning. I would probably play ranked games if I had a preset group of people.

I do wish that they would track your stats for normal games the same way they do for ranked games. I would love to know how many triple/quad/penta kills I've gotten with Karthus in all my normal games.

I'm not liking the new champ at all by the way. Her shield has saved one too many people from my ult. And since she's new, there is one in every game it seems.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
The other type of char is the one that scores high in kills and assists but doesn't help push at all. They just wait in the shadows and then pounce.

They act like they carry the team...I have been on many teams that end up losing despite outnumbering the other team on kills even up to 2 to 1. They never want to risk dying.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
The other type of char is the one that scores high in kills and assists but doesn't help push at all. They just wait in the shadows and then pounce.

They act like they carry the team...I have been on many teams that end up losing despite outnumbering the other team on kills even up to 2 to 1. They never want to risk dying.

I think you just described every Eve I've been in a game with. Basically sits around till after a team fight and kills somoene low on life and then runs.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
I hate the people who think they are so pro because they are lvl 30 with 500 wins playing normal games against lvl 15-20s. They say "zzzzzzzzzzz" a lot in the game, I'm guessing they are trying to express their boredom? If so, why not go play ranked games...


Jan 8, 2010
That's a flaw in the matchmaking or people teamed up with low levels. There shouldn't be any level 30's playing with levels that low normally.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
That's a flaw in the matchmaking or people teamed up with low levels. There shouldn't be any level 30's playing with levels that low normally.

I've been queing up with my younger brother lately to teach him the game. As a result I was playing lvl 15ish people with my level 30 for awhile. Sadly, as much fun as it is to dominate the other team, it has degraded my skills quite a bit. Last night I queued up with both of my brothers such that there were 2 of us at lvl 30 and 1 at lvl 20 and we were playing against other level 25-30 people. Very rude awakening.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
That's a flaw in the matchmaking or people teamed up with low levels. There shouldn't be any level 30's playing with levels that low normally.

I had a level 17 and 21 on my team yesterday, while the other team was all 30s. It did help explain why we lost.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
tried that new reneken for a few IP farms today and i like him. he's a good harraser and deals decent damage, i am going to try him in normal games later today.


Jan 8, 2010
I actually like Reneken. I haven't played him since he got buffed, but I like his kind of "street fighter combo" playstyle
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