**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
That's a flaw in the matchmaking or people teamed up with low levels. There shouldn't be any level 30's playing with levels that low normally.

It's almost as if it takes the sum of all players to make matches.. Like lvls 30+5+5 vs. lvls 15+15+10.

Not sure how they think that is balanced when 1 player can easily win the game if he gets fed, which a lvl 30 vs those will probably, especially in 3v3.


Aug 9, 2008

Can anyone tell me if there is a singleplayer mode where you can play just against the computer in League of Legends?


Jan 8, 2010
This last patch they added some fighting AI thing that I'm not really sure what it is. They already had where you could fight bots, but not just solo.

I wish there was, I find making custom games to to try out new characters/builds annoying as hell. And even then, people are asses if you aren't playing well.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005

Can anyone tell me if there is a singleplayer mode where you can play just against the computer in League of Legends?

The bots simply are not very good. They got better this last patch, but any decent human can beat them. I find it useful for trying out new builds/characters but LoL is at it's heart a pvp game.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2005

Can anyone tell me if there is a singleplayer mode where you can play just against the computer in League of Legends?

You can create a custom game, add however many bots you want to play with/against, and play that.


Jun 30, 2003
i just thought of an epic skin for shaco:

Ronald McDonald. he could stab you with fries instead of the shivs.

someone start skinning it!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I'm not sure why but I'm back to a roll/get-rolled experience lately. My last game started with neither team having a jungler but Blitz went out of his way to lane with me (Sion) and we had first blood on Ashe within a minute. At level 4 I went back to get my sheen, he used teleport to gank top (they had a ward in brush) and when I got back I used ghost and slaughtered Ashe solo (Shen was really bad with his taunt).

The game before that.... wow I don't even want to think about it....


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I'm not sure why but I'm back to a roll/get-rolled experience lately. My last game started with neither team having a jungler but Blitz went out of his way to lane with me (Sion) and we had first blood on Ashe within a minute. At level 4 I went back to get my sheen, he used teleport to gank top (they had a ward in brush) and when I got back I used ghost and slaughtered Ashe solo (Shen was really bad with his taunt).

The game before that.... wow I don't even want to think about it....

Sadly, it is really the nature of the game. The snowballing just makes a good team seem that much better. Even queuing up with my two brothers we are at the whim of the other two members of the team. When they join team and insta-lock on AD carries, we usually get support/casters to fill out the team. Then they end up feeding, so, even if I'm being fed mid on aniva, I cannot kill a fed jax or xin. Just one bad egg on our team can ruin it.

At least I've learned to not let it piss me off too much. We just move on to the next game. It's still fun just being able to play with them online.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Sadly, it is really the nature of the game. The snowballing just makes a good team seem that much better. Even queuing up with my two brothers we are at the whim of the other two members of the team. When they join team and insta-lock on AD carries, we usually get support/casters to fill out the team. Then they end up feeding, so, even if I'm being fed mid on aniva, I cannot kill a fed jax or xin. Just one bad egg on our team can ruin it.

At least I've learned to not let it piss me off too much. We just move on to the next game. It's still fun just being able to play with them online.

haha I see what you did there. I've had the same problem where I'm kicking ass mid as Ryze (getting told it takes no skill) and the rest of the team can't do anything so as soon as the enemies focus you the game is over. I went from 8/0/2 before finishing 12/9/7 in a loss the other day...


Jan 8, 2010
Yesterday was horrible. Day full of leavers. I think I played 8 games, won 1. Of those 8, 4 in a row had a leaver within 5 minutes.

One game we had a ryze quit before the minions had even spawned because he got mad at one player for not helping him gank bottom.

Better yet: one game had 1 dc at load, never came back, mid game another dc, he came back, then dc'd again, never came back, then finally a 3rd person quit? anyway, I was Aniva, the other was Swain and we were stomping them 2v5. Unfortunately, there was no real way for us to push so it really became a matter of just defending until they could finally break through. Final score was something like 37-12. But ya..bad bad day.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Had a really nice game on rammus yesterday. As we were loading I noticed 4 of their players had skins, and the people on my team commented on it too. Nobody gave up based on that though luckily. I did my usual jungle on rammus, and then went up to the top lane where panth was soloing against aniva and shaco. He'd already managed to egg aniva when she tower dived him thinking she could kill him when he only had less than 100 hp left. One powerball, panth stun and taunt and there was a dead bird on the ground.

The rest of the game went the same way, one of our lanes would get pushed back to a tower and I'd already be behind them with the gank. I love it as a jungler when the people in the lane call out the ganks, and assist you when show up. That game just went to show that just because somebody has a skin doesn't mean they can play the toon worth a damn.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I've been a tristana fan forever, but I think for AD carries I'm switching to Ashe. I ran with a bunch of you yesterday and we played 3 good games. While Trist eventually gets good range (and her 'e' hurts early on) Ashe's passive and better attack animation really make farming easier. Finally, the arrow is just much better in most circumstances than buster shot (and it's massively versatile allowing you to aid a a gank without leaving your lane). The real test will be next time I have to mid against Urgot or Caitlyn both of whom have stupidly long range.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Trist should be the better farmer due to explosive shot and she has better mobility with RJ. Attack animations can be tough but outside of a few cases, nothing that can't be overcome. I don't recall Trist's being that terrible. But I'm also partial to Ashe because she brings one of the best initiations to the game. Plus you can kite out of most 1v1 trouble with her constant slow. And late game, her passive translates into an automatic 260% attack. If I had the IP to waste, I'd stack up +crit damage runes on her since she's one of the few people who can actually use them to full potential (most don't have the crit % necessary to make crit damage runes pay off).

I need to start learning how to jungle. I can already play a handful of the junglers well (Malphite, Rammus, Xin, and Amumu). But again, I think I need to buy runes to be able to do it well.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Trist should be the better farmer due to explosive shot and she has better mobility with RJ. Attack animations can be tough but outside of a few cases, nothing that can't be overcome. I don't recall Trist's being that terrible. But I'm also partial to Ashe because she brings one of the best initiations to the game. Plus you can kite out of most 1v1 trouble with her constant slow. And late game, her passive translates into an automatic 260% attack. If I had the IP to waste, I'd stack up +crit damage runes on her since she's one of the few people who can actually use them to full potential (most don't have the crit % necessary to make crit damage runes pay off).

I need to start learning how to jungle. I can already play a handful of the junglers well (Malphite, Rammus, Xin, and Amumu). But again, I think I need to buy runes to be able to do it well.

Xin and Malphite in particular are good in lane but there is almost no reason to take Amumu and to a lesser extent Rammus (who's a decent lane) to lane when you don't have a jungler (huzzah for the extra solo lane). Rammus due to PB/Taunt is an extremely nasty ganker. Personally I'm trying to save up the IP to buy shaco and figure out how to jungle him well (start at red, gank at 2).


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
anyone have any good resource on how to jungle ww without smite?

No, but I think you do the same thing you usually do which is get AS runes. Second I understand how you might be better off late game w/o smite, but WW really isn't the fastest jungler around and giving up the speed of smite is a really really really bad idea if you want to gank effectively. The only junglers I think that can reasonably do without smite are Fiddlesticks and Shaco and in both cases I prefer to use smite.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
anyone have any good resource on how to jungle ww without smite?

This used to be somewhat viable but isn't an option at all anymore. You need smite so you can get dragon at level 4 with a partner. If you don't have smite you'll usually die before you get dragon at 4 if your team mate isn't really helpful.


Jan 8, 2010
Ok, I'm taking a break from this game before I do some damage. After 3 days of constant leavers and just plain asshats I can't take it anymore. I think I'd be happier if there was just an option to turn chat completely off. I serioiusly wish they'd implement a personal ban button. One you could hit after a match that guarantees you will never be teamed up with that person again.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
You know what really sucks? When you go into a game and you look at the team comp and you know that your team should crush the other team. But they suck and don't.

My one game last night was: Morg (me), Ashe, Annie, Malphite, and Xin. I forget the other team but they were mostly squishies with little CC. Our team was obviously stacked with it. Our team did well during the laning phase and we were leading in towers at first. But then a complete lack of being able to properly focus caused us to start losing team fights.

Also, if you haven't discovered it yet, smart cast is awesome (force spell cast on cursor location). Works really well for skill shots like Morg's binding. Instead of having to hit Q then aim and click, you just point your cursor and hit SHIFT+Q (or the hotkey assignment if you do it that way). It can eliminate that giveaway pause where your hero is moving as you line up your shot and then stops just as you get ready to fire it, signaling to the enemy champ it's time to juke out of the way. It also helps cast spells a TON faster, so you can get your combos off very quickly since you don't have to do the extra click for placement/aim.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
You know what really sucks? When you go into a game and you look at the team comp and you know that your team should crush the other team. But they suck and don't.

My one game last night was: Morg (me), Ashe, Annie, Malphite, and Xin. I forget the other team but they were mostly squishies with little CC. Our team was obviously stacked with it. Our team did well during the laning phase and we were leading in towers at first. But then a complete lack of being able to properly focus caused us to start losing team fights.

Also, if you haven't discovered it yet, smart cast is awesome (force spell cast on cursor location). Works really well for skill shots like Morg's binding. Instead of having to hit Q then aim and click, you just point your cursor and hit SHIFT+Q (or the hotkey assignment if you do it that way). It can eliminate that giveaway pause where your hero is moving as you line up your shot and then stops just as you get ready to fire it, signaling to the enemy champ it's time to juke out of the way. It also helps cast spells a TON faster, so you can get your combos off very quickly since you don't have to do the extra click for placement/aim.

I've made smart cast my default buttons and shift+btn my normal aim, it's awesome.

I had my greatest game of the past 3 months last night. Ranked solo we were actually chatting one person offered to jungle Irelia, I said I could tank and we ended up with Malzahar, Annie (pro), Irelia, Singed (me), Sivir. Decent CC, AD and AP dmg, a jungle and a tank, a solid team.

I started the game by ganking their Amumu at blue for first blood, Annie followed it up with a level 3 kill of Nidalee (bad nidalee), at level 7 our mid Sivir took out their tower and by that time Malzarah's and my harrass had forced Morgana and Mundo back to base a total of 3 times.

Sounds great right? Except that at level 2 our Irelia disconnected and never came back. We went into a 3 lane, massive ward buying / tower pushing / ganking spree and when I hit 14 they had only 1 non-base tower left and we led in kills 21-16. We then lost our first teamfight and I thought it was over, but we chatted, assigned target priorities (ignore mundo, who kept targeting Malzahar, chasing him all over the map) and proceeded to win a fight, take the last non-base tower, baron and buy more wards. From there it took a lot of kiting but we eventually got 1 inhibitor then two and won the game. BOO-YAH!

I was 4/3/15 as singed, Annie carried going 16/10/?, Sivir had positive K/D with 6 towers taken down and we didn't lose a teamfight after that. Oh yeah, here's a pro-tip free of charge: Don't chase Singed =) you won't catch him and if you do you're going to eat a lot of poison on the way. That was one hell of a team and I quit playing because I knew any further games would be a letdown.

1 leaver > 2 bad players.

Pro tip 2: Black shield is annoying but very short now, if you make enough good shots early Morg will get twitchy and you can start getting her to use it via feinting =)


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Also, if you haven't discovered it yet, smart cast is awesome (force spell cast on cursor location). Works really well for skill shots like Morg's binding. Instead of having to hit Q then aim and click, you just point your cursor and hit SHIFT+Q (or the hotkey assignment if you do it that way). It can eliminate that giveaway pause where your hero is moving as you line up your shot and then stops just as you get ready to fire it, signaling to the enemy champ it's time to juke out of the way. It also helps cast spells a TON faster, so you can get your combos off very quickly since you don't have to do the extra click for placement/aim.

Thanks for the tip. I've used self cast, but hadn't noticed this one.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
Oh yeah, here's a pro-tip free of charge: Don't chase Singed =) you won't catch him and if you do you're going to eat a lot of poison on the way.

Oh man that's one of the great things about singed. Anybody who wants to chase you ends up dead! I've killed many as singed that way, sometimes after dieing myself.

Leavers are always better than feeders. I kinda wish it wouldn't announce the disconnects/leaves to the opposite team.
A) If it's in a lane, it signals the other team there is an easy kill opportunity.
B) If it's a jungler, it lets them know they are gone. If they didn't know, they would remain paranoid that the person will be ganking from behind.

Of course this is only when the person on my team leaves ;p
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