**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I have a few basic questions:
1. When, if ever, do you kill random monsters in the land? I assume at the beginning of the round?
You can kill them at any time and they respawn at intervals. There are a few different types and each has it's own benefit and degree of toughness. Some heroes can "jungle" (not lane and just focus on killing the NPCs and leveling that way). It's generally a slightly more advanced tactic.

Some NPCs will give you a buff if you kill them. The Golem (blue) increases mana regen and decreases ability cooldowns. The Lizard (red) buffs attack damage and adds a slow effect to your auto-attack. Baron Nashor (purple) adds ability power, attack damage, and health/mana regen.

2. What is ability power?
Magic power. Most damage dealing abilities will show in the tooltip "...deals 50 (+67) damage." The number in parentheses is how much extra damage you're getting from your ability power. It's not the same ratio for every ability either - some abilities scale better than others. So even if your stat panel shows you have 250 ability power, that's not necessarily adding 250 damage to every spell. You get ability power mostly from items, runes, and masteries.

3. You mention that it is good to help teammates even if they are across the map. Considering how fast characters are always spawning and moving, it seems like a lot of the time this means abandoning a post, ie, leaving it open for destruction. Is this not normally the case?
As you learn the ropes, you'll figure out when it's safe to leave your lane and when you need to get there. Also as the game progresses and you gain levels, the focus of the game switches from staying put and protecting your own tower (referred to as the "Laning Phase") to more of a group up and rove around the map trying to engage the other team.

4. How much should I focus on killing the minions? How much exp do I get from being near them as opposed to dealing killing blows?
Focus on last hitting. You get the same amount of XP from minions regardless of whether you kill them, another teammate does, or one of your own creeps. The XP amount only changes based on how many teammates are in range (you split it equally). However you only get gold if you land the killing blow. So do it as much as you can.

5. How much exp and stuff do I get for an assist / kill of a hero?
I don't know this exactly, but you do get bonus gold if the hero was on a kill streak.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
I'm really starting to get the hang of this. I was going like 0-10 each game until recently.

Used pirate last 2 games, did very good both games. Last game I actually lead both teams in all catagories... it was a really long game (1hr) and I was dealing insane damage at the end!


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Most people don't appreciate the #1 use for the pirate -- ult on an enemy tower/inhibitor when team is in close. It scatters tower huggers and lets the team take out the objective quickly. The bad pirates just use their ult to try and gank.

LoL isn't just about ganking, which is why I hate characters like Ev and Kat and Twitch. If the team takes out objectives they simply win the round. I've started queue dodging Evs like everyone else.

I have to put Ashe in the category of Nidalee and Sivir. While not quite as good as Sivir at cleaning minions and pushing, the extra cash income (faster items) and across-the-map stun ability of Ashe is IMO more valuable. Plus when mid against either I usually harass them enough early game to outlevel/outcash them and get the first gank. Depending on team composition I've gone 0 and 6 or 27 and 3, with about 2:1 win ratio using Ashe.

I highly recommend googling build guides and looking into which items are recommended and why. That will improve your play style and odds of winning -- which are greatly influenced by both your team and enemy team composition, not just your own ability.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I highly recommend googling build guides and looking into which items are recommended and why. That will improve your play style and odds of winning -- which are greatly influenced by both your team and enemy team composition, not just your own ability.


It has champion builders so you can see what you're hero's stats will be at level X, complete with items, masteries, and runes. There's also a ton of guides posted there and their own forums. Great site overall. The forums are well moderated and free of the riff-raff you get on the LoL community forums.
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Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
Crownjules has answered your questions very well

In RE: to #3, here's some further elaboration. Generally, people will stay in the "lane" until at least level 6 or so. Most players will no longer remain in the lanes around level 8-10.

Ideally, a character wants to remain "in the lane" for maximum experience and farming. However, traveling outside of your lane to "gank" an enemy champion will grant exp and $$$ as well.

When I meant traveling outside the lane, that should be for the "middle stage" of the game, around 12-18 minutes into the game where everyone should have boots by then, and very often, at least tier 2 (upgraded boots).

So by then, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. However, say if you're in the bottom lane with your partner against 2 other enemy champs. If there's a skirmish at mid that isn't a full out one sided gank, it might be good of you to leave bottom. This is also much more applicable if you're in a lane that has already lost a tower and can afford some neglect for a while.

"As you learn the ropes, you'll figure out when it's safe to leave your lane and when you need to get there. Also as the game progresses and you gain levels, the focus of the game switches from staying put and protecting your own tower (referred to as the "Laning Phase") to more of a group up and rove around the map trying to engage the other team.";

The game never runs laggy for me. I live in southern California (OC) and my ping is usually less than 20, 25 at the most. I believe their servers are in the LA area.

However, the servers are sometimes completely down and unable to be logged into.

Other times, the 1:30 countdown will complete and your team will just sit there forever for minutes at a time. The server fails to start the game and you're stuck in the flash client until someone leaves the game. Othertimes, you may sit there for a while (30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, even more) before the actual game begins to load up.

Thanks Cx.

I had to pull up an acronym page to decode your post

Let me get something straight - do I start with free characters, or are the characters I'm using now only free this week? I used Sivir for one game last night and she did seem pretty good.

I have a few basic questions:
1. When, if ever, do you kill random monsters in the land? I assume at the beginning of the round?
2. What is ability power?
3. You mention that it is good to help teammates even if they are across the map. Considering how fast characters are always spawning and moving, it seems like a lot of the time this means abandoning a post, ie, leaving it open for destruction. Is this not normally the case?
4. How much should I focus on killing the minions? How much exp do I get from being near them as opposed to dealing killing blows?
5. How much exp and stuff do I get for an assist / kill of a hero?

Thanks guys. Are servers up right now? And when you say you have trouble playing, do servers go completely down, or does the game run laggy, or what happens? When is scheduled maintenance?

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Thanks for the replies.

Ok, so I'm officially obsessed. Played for hours last night.

I still have only used three characters, Eva, Pirate, Sivir.

I didn't enjoy using Eva that much, although she is a gank machine. It's nice have a hidden Eva next to me when I'm fighting 1v1 so she can surprise though.

Pirate is GOOD. Really liking him. I like his ult, and he seems to deal nice damage.

Sivir is also awesome.

What is AD? I'm assuming +AD is when an item gives more attack damage.
Why do people always want someone ranged going middle?
What sort of rune setups do you guys use? I'm focusing mostly on crit% and critdmg right now.
Do you guys use lifesteal on most melee chars? Does lifesteal only work on regular hits, or on abilities also?


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Thanks for the replies.

Ok, so I'm officially obsessed. Played for hours last night.

I still have only used three characters, Eva, Pirate, Sivir.

I didn't enjoy using Eva that much, although she is a gank machine. It's nice have a hidden Eva next to me when I'm fighting 1v1 so she can surprise though.

Pirate is GOOD. Really liking him. I like his ult, and he seems to deal nice damage.

Sivir is also awesome.

What is AD? I'm assuming +AD is when an item gives more attack damage.
Why do people always want someone ranged going middle?
What sort of rune setups do you guys use? I'm focusing mostly on crit% and critdmg right now.
Do you guys use lifesteal on most melee chars? Does lifesteal only work on regular hits, or on abilities also?

AD is a damage build, rather than AP build.
Ranged because middle is usually solo. Harder to solo as melee.
Rune setup depends on your char - magic, tank, carry, etc.
Lifesteal all depends on the character as well. I'm sure more experienced can help you better on these questions too.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
What is AD? I'm assuming +AD is when an item gives more attack damage.
Why do people always want someone ranged going middle?
What sort of rune setups do you guys use? I'm focusing mostly on crit% and critdmg right now.
Do you guys use lifesteal on most melee chars? Does lifesteal only work on regular hits, or on abilities also?
1. Yes, AD is attack damage.
2. Ranged because the range of their attack gives them a buffer from being attacked by creeps or the enemy. It's usually who has the most beneficial ult or who benefits from leveling the fastest/getting more gold that goes mid. This mostly means a ranged hero.
3. Those are the runes you want if you're going to play Gangplank a lot. Shaco is another who benefits from that rune set.
4. Life steal is only for regular attacks. Spell Vamp is the new effect that does life steal for abilities. Currently Haunting Guise is the only item that has that.

What are ELO ratings?

Basically you're ranking which the matchmaking system uses to determine who you're matched up with/against.
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James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
What are ELO ratings?

Edit: I'm to the point now where I'm starting to plan some builds for my characters. How do you guys determine the order of buying items? Should I do boots first for speed? Or does it depend? It seems like with Pirate I'm constantly out of mana early on, should I go for mana??
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Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Riot promised to display your ELO rating at some future date. Might be interesting.

I think their matchmaking is completely random. I've been matched against a team whose total wins were less than my own after barely winning a match vs. very very tough and experienced opponents of comparable levels. That resulted in a 20 minute match where the other side probably didn't enjoy themselves very much (8/0/6 or so win as Heimer on TT after 20 minutes, similar scores for teammates).

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
Riot promised to display your ELO rating at some future date. Might be interesting.

I think their matchmaking is completely random. I've been matched against a team whose total wins were less than my own after barely winning a match vs. very very tough and experienced opponents of comparable levels. That resulted in a 20 minute match where the other side probably didn't enjoy themselves very much (8/0/6 or so win as Heimer on TT after 20 minutes, similar scores for teammates).

I think you might be right. I got absolutely rolled in a couple games last night. In one game a guy went 28/0.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
i think the end result of their match maker is to try to get everybody to have 1:1 ratio. i am negative right now 78:82 or something, but there's are instances where i will be teamed with other 20s to go against a bunch of total noobs. perhaps this is their way to balance our ratio?

also a few weeks back when i was lower lvl, whenever i team up with someone they will put us with the 30s and go against other 20~30s, which promptly raped us. making me think that they will raise the match ELO if you are teaming with someone.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2002
Ducking terrible characters when they're free seems to be a great filter for all-newb vs all-vet matchups. My win/loss record improved a lot since I started dodging free Evs. Since presumably only newbies would choose Ev it's safe to assume I'm the only 25+ on a team of people who just downloaded the game.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
There are always complaints about poor MM in ELO systems. Here are some explanations.

First of all is understanding the basics of the ELO system and how it works. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system

ELO systems work best and will be most accurate when

1-the number of games played is greater
2-the pool of players is static (no new entries into the ELO ladder and in general, inflating it and widening it over time)
3-it is an individual game (or has static teams) and not a randomly matched team game. e.g. chess, starcraft 1v1

Here are obstacles in why an ELO system is tough for a team game like DOTA/LoL

-The larger the pool is, and believe me, the pool seems to be very damn large, the more variation. One problem is that because accounts are free, there are players who create "smurf" accounts and play with others. Due to Riot's MatchMaking system giving an (ELO) edge to players that are NOT on an arranged team, I've come across two teams where they were teamed with an extremely low level character. They were obviously all friends looking to steamroll a pug due to the amount of shit talking.

You will also have arranged teams of less than 5 (sometimes just 2 or 3 friends) of high skilled/high ELO players queuing as an arranged team with one of them being a "smurf" new account.

One also needs to realize that the smurfs start out from the bottom and are going to screw up / skew games. That level 15 has to start somewhere, and along the way, he's probably steamrolled a lot of lower ELO players. These people tend to throw lower level games, since if they actually played a ton of games on that account, their true ELO would be a lot higher.

In games, sometimes one particularily strong player will gain an advantage on a weaker player, and then they feed off them the rest of the game. Sometimes its clear that one player is at fault when they are 0-9 and the rest of your team is 0-2 0-1 1-3, ect.. However, because it's a team game, you gain rating when you win, and you lose rating when you lose. Often, it's about who you random to be on your team, since at lower/entry level skill ratings, there could still be players that are rising in ELO and not quite at the level of the game they're playing, hence throwing the game if you understand what I mean.

Case in point, www.throneit.com is pub dota league. They have 3 tiers of play now, 2 of them being fairly competitive. Back this summer, I managed to ladder up to #6 on the Tier 2 ( the top tier at the time) after about 100 games played. Games were determined by ELO shuffle, meaning #1 3 5 7 10 vs 2 4 6 8 9 or something like that. I was nowhere near the skill level (most of these these guys were competitive league dota players) of the top players, yet I managed to eek into top because of this elo shuffle, which was not the most accurate due to the low number of games. Again, I had played over 100 games, with some having played over 200. Most had played less than 100 hundred though, and although 100 games may seem like a lot, when you have a large pool of players, 100 games is not going to be very accurate. Now... take the pool of LoL. It's freaking huge.

Finally, if you're struggling to raise your ELO and wins and think you are good, play a carry. My games were kind of static for a while when I first started playing (between level 15 - low 20s until I started playing carries like Twitch/Teemo. It's really hard playing support like soraka to people that aren't that great at the game and won't protect you.

Bottom line:

Matchmaking is not perfect, but it gets better the more and more games you play.

The better your skill level gets, the more even and fair games you'll find.

If you have played a lot of games (in LoL, getting to be at least level 30 with 250-400 games played) but are still of mediocre/below average skill level, then your games sometimes still might be screwed up due to new but high skilled players climbing the ladder.

sorry for the long blurb, I need to entertain myself at work id be happy to hear anyone's opinions on my opinions


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
What is a carry champ?
What does TT mean?

carry is the guy that goes solo in the center lane and outlevels the side lanes and then uses that advantage to carry the team to victory (atleast I think I've heard some conflicting definitions).

TT is a crying face. Two eyes with tears streaming down them. Although in this case I suspect it's Twisted Treeline, one of the maps available.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
It's good to see so many newbies joining the DotA -genre through LoL Always good to have a bigger fanbase. Can you tell me what you like most about the game? Is it the farming, is the laning or is it the PvP battles?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
What is a carry champ?
What does TT mean?

Carry refers to those champs who scale extremely well and turn into late game monsters, effectively "carrying" their team to victory. Tristana, Corki, Teemo, Ashe, and Yi are such champs. But Riot has stated that they want to get away from the concept of a carry. That's why we're starting to see champs designed like Mordekaiser - he's a hybrid that can tank well and/or do plenty of damage depending on how he's built and played.

They're giving the assist system a tune-up in the next patch. Now you'll get an assist if you only manage to hit a champ with Wither or Time Warp your ally who gets the kill.

Fiddle getting much needed nerfs. We'll see if it's enough though. AP ratio on Crowstorm was reduced, silence on Dark Wind duration reduced by 0.3 seconds and it now travels faster with less bounces. So it'll be harder to escape from once he casts it.

James Bond

Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2005
It's good to see so many newbies joining the DotA -genre through LoL Always good to have a bigger fanbase. Can you tell me what you like most about the game? Is it the farming, is the laning or is it the PvP battles?

It's funny because I've been looking for a free game that I could run on my laptop for like a year now. The second I heard about this I knew it was going to be perfect for me.

I've heard about Dota a lot but for some reason never looked into it. Probably because I wasn't a huge fan of WC3 (and don't own it).

I love the teamwork and strategy aspects of this game. I also like the fact that it's RPG based and there are persistent levels, etc.

I'm having a lot of fun farming right now, but in general, I'm addicted to PVP and competition.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Wow glad to see lots of other people enjoying this game.

I tried Nidalee out yesterday and while the other Nidalee was better than me, I still tore apart everyone but her and Mord on the other team. Easy character to play once you get the hang of her. Shen + Nidalee made for a great laning team.

For the first time ever I played some arranged teams, and wow did the matches get harder (nRick are you from here?). My brother is considerably better than me but with either Nasus or Nidalee I felt like I did my part in the battles. I thought I was good with Sivir, but a combination of Trist + Janna just raped me and Amumu and the game was over before I farmed my Starts (had only boots + chalice). Edit: in high elo games, stay with your team if you don't want to get ganked.

How the hell do you counter a well played Kenen? He more than any other champ gives me fits. He has a stun, he's fast, does good damage and he's a flippin ninja.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
It's good to see so many newbies joining the DotA -genre through LoL Always good to have a bigger fanbase. Can you tell me what you like most about the game? Is it the farming, is the laning or is it the PvP battles?

PvP battles and some customization in how I build in order to counter the other team is good. i.e. Cho'gath makes a nasty tank but on a team with too many tanks he's a pretty good caster as well.

Elo side-note: I hope they're keeping separate elo for TT and SR since they play very differently. I did run into a group of Kenen, Kayle, Soraka on TT that was insanely hard to kill after they got their ult but they ended up throwing the game to us (probably to keep their elo down).
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Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
It's good to see so many newbies joining the DotA -genre through LoL Always good to have a bigger fanbase. Can you tell me what you like most about the game? Is it the farming, is the laning or is it the PvP battles?

I think what I like its the PVP that I sorely miss from MMOs but without all the hassle. It has some of the progression that makes it addictive but you dont have to join raid groups or play for tons of hours to progress.

So basically I like learning and having access to all sorts of characters and slowly learning all the champs makes it fun. Every match is its own adventure, really never know how it is going to go.

What I hate is people take this game way too seriously. Nothing like some dude calling you a newb because you died ONCE or Twice. I dont care how good people want to be, every one has bad games and I have yet to see proof otherwise.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
Ok, so really tired of losing in pub trying to carry 27-10-15 with twitch!!!! Gonna start a team soon, play tournaments etc.

Right now, i am lvl 23, my gf lvl 17 (doesnt play quite as much) my brother 26, and a couple of other friends ranging from 20-30 (most should be 30 like me, just havent played very long)

I would love if people from AT would join the team, we could get a vent server going and all (my gf, brother and I lan together when we play, or my bro is at his house)

I played alot of StarCraft in my day, and lead 2 pretty well known teams (JiN (aka: JiNRhoX) and Last. (aka: Last.Night)) when we play tournaments, the best players on at the time will play the games, if you dont get a turn, dont feel left out (i will gladly sit out for a better player)

my name on LOL is RhoXeD (woo AT!) and my GF aka is RhoXie, my brother is ShrekUrlacher, add us up if you want to game, and or PM me here to talk about what im looking in doing with making the team... i really just want an easy going competitive place to game in-house.

Me: Twitch, Gangplank, Shen (good with all 3)
ShrekUrlacher-Brother: Janna, Kennen, Annie
Rhoxie-GF: Ashe, Hiemerdinger, Twisted Fate

Let me know, Thx!
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