**OLD THREAD** League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA)

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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
A few thing regarding the previous page, Fiddle must be CC'd before his ult goes off else it keeps going, and he can cast (fear/drain) while it's running. If my team is around and he ults in it's either a lost teamfight because he timed it well or it's too early and we just kill him. It's very rare that I run from his ult. Like every other jungler/ganker wards and map awareness will do a lot to shut him down.

Regarding wanting to play tanks, I suggest Rammus or Shen (Galio and Amumu are top tier but constantly banned). With Rammus, get flat armor runes (they synergize with his passive) with smite + flash and jungle. W > q > W >e > e> R then R > e > w > q. Buy cloth armor + 5 hp pots and go Blue Golem > wolves > Wraiths > red Golem > Dual Golems > back > gank.

Ganking is easy, even if they try to hide from your powerball behind creeps, it both has a small AOE and you have flash (PB + flash really is epic) followed by a taunt (ult if you have it) and DBC. The PB + taunt really is a great cue for your team to follow you in and at 12xx ranked solo queue people always follow my lead. I went 5/6/37 in an epic hour long game yesterday.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Ashe stuff

As a long time Ashe player, the only thing I do differently is I rush straight to BF Sword first only buying Boots 1 and wards. IE is basically Ashe's core item and you want it ASAP to start pumping out damage with her passive. IE by 20 minutes is reasonable for a good Ashe player doing that.

Cixx said:
LoL Handle: Cixx

I started at with the raging bull, after I had enough IP I moved on to Shen. Saved enough IP for Akali. I'm pretty decent with those chars. I'm not sure who I want to go for after, I was thinking Amumu or Olaf.

Just make sure you play champs before you buy them. You don't want to spend your hard earned IP at this point on champs you play once and their play style doesn't match up with your style.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
As a long time Ashe player, the only thing I do differently is I rush straight to BF Sword first only buying Boots 1 and wards. IE is basically Ashe's core item and you want it ASAP to start pumping out damage with her passive. IE by 20 minutes is reasonable for a good Ashe player doing that.

Just make sure you play champs before you buy them. You don't want to spend your hard earned IP at this point on champs you play once and their play style doesn't match up with your style.

After a really bad stretch recently I actually went back to Ashe just for change of pace. Been doing mostly good but I did have one absoluetly horrendous game. On a bad team she is fodder. But, the last game I had 5 bloodthirsters at the end. LOL. It is not the best build thats for sure, but it was funny. Each shot healed half of my HP if not more, and my dmg was pretty nasty. We were owning so I had the luxury of going silly build.


Dec 4, 2004
Sigh, the string of losses for my solo ranked games are really depressing. Which is the primary reason I haven't done any team ones yet except one. I want to make sure when I start doing team ones, it is with people that are out to win and know what they are doing. Not the crap I've been through with the solo games.

Just had an Ashe keep stating she has mid, she has mid... I said, alright, but I can mid if you can't with xin. So instead of arguing or fighting over it, I take bot. Ashe takes mid and proceeds to die. After her third death before she reached level 5 to a tryndamere who was against her in mid. Yah a TRYND who is horrible at mid. I come up. She proceeds to argue with me about me trying to take mid. I hang around mid for a bit as she is telling me to go away. After a minute, side lanes call mia just as I notice everyone is gone. I start moving back as Ashe pushes forward. Yep, the ashe dies. Then starts complaining that it was my fault for not saving her 4v2 (only two if you count me) at the tower. The game ended with her having 18 deaths.

At mid the Ashe didn't know how to last hit, didn't know how not to push, didn't know how to kite, and didn't know really how to play it seemed like for a level 30 account. It was seriously annoying.

Well if it makes you feel better, I'm going on win streaks and should be hitting 30 within a week for some ranked action.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Sigh, the string of losses for my solo ranked games are really depressing. Which is the primary reason I haven't done any team ones yet except one. I want to make sure when I start doing team ones, it is with people that are out to win and know what they are doing. Not the crap I've been through with the solo games.

Just had an Ashe keep stating she has mid, she has mid... I said, alright, but I can mid if you can't with xin. So instead of arguing or fighting over it, I take bot. Ashe takes mid and proceeds to die. After her third death before she reached level 5 to a tryndamere who was against her in mid. Yah a TRYND who is horrible at mid. I come up. She proceeds to argue with me about me trying to take mid. I hang around mid for a bit as she is telling me to go away. After a minute, side lanes call mia just as I notice everyone is gone. I start moving back as Ashe pushes forward. Yep, the ashe dies. Then starts complaining that it was my fault for not saving her 4v2 (only two if you count me) at the tower. The game ended with her having 18 deaths.

At mid the Ashe didn't know how to last hit, didn't know how not to push, didn't know how to kite, and didn't know really how to play it seemed like for a level 30 account. It was seriously annoying.

While I hate people who push blindly / don't last hit, the worst part about an Ashe that doesn't last hit is that it shows she doesn't understand her own passive.


Nov 12, 2010
I hate people who play ashe and use her ult to last hit and ks from a mile away. Really irks me, really bad.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
I hate people who play ashe and use her ult to last hit and ks from a mile away. Really irks me, really bad.

The enemy probably had way more health than enough to die from one hit from an arrow at the time she actually fired it. She probably fired it just to help with the fight.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
I hate people who play ashe and use her ult to last hit and ks from a mile away. Really irks me, really bad.

Who gives a shit who kills somebody. A kill is a kill. Especially as long as a carry is getting it. In 99% of the cases if somebody was able to "steal" then they were already involved or attempting to help before the enemy hero was close to dieing.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
All the above. Plus you get enough of the gold for assisting that it doesn't make too big of a difference, as long as it doesn't happen consistently and it's not your tank/support stealing from carries.


Nov 12, 2010
Who gives a shit who kills somebody. A kill is a kill. Especially as long as a carry is getting it. In 99% of the cases if somebody was able to "steal" then they were already involved or attempting to help before the enemy hero was close to dieing.

Seriously? I give a shit, why would YOU not give a shit? More kills, more money. Especially when your carry sucks ass and they throw an ulty arrow from no shit, a mile away and I'm in no danger of being rolled over. I have no problems with rackin up assists, but when its blatant and outright, GTFO. when its clearly 2v2 and up, rack up the kills but when its 1v1 or 1v2 and I've got the upper hand, come on, lets be sensible. Maybe I shoul have painted a better picture when I made the statement, but yes, these are the kind of Ashe's that irk me.
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Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
I was a little over dramatic. I love the game enough to keep trying. Every time this happens and I die, I swear at it say Im done, then I try again the next day in hopes it clears up.

Anyway, does anyoe have some tips for SION? Hes an older champ I just recently tried. I was really surprised how difficult he was to play. I dont think he should be.

I tried an AP build which was a disaster.

Perhaps I should try a more traditional AD/lifesteal or tank, sufire cape with frozen mallet type deal.

Any tips appreciated. I absolutely sucked with him ( not including my stability issues - that made it down right comical )

I play Sion more on the tankish side than AP. Ever since I've done that, I've been around 2-3 wins per loss. (best game with this build is 21-3)

I usually start out with the health pendant and build it to a philosphers stone at my earliest convience. Then go beserker boots and start building a nashor's tooth (mana regen item first) I then go for a force of nature and/or a randuins omen depending on the enemy team (magic/AD). After that I build a madreds.

Depending on how the game is progressing somtimes I just get the heart of gold and megatron cloak then build madreds, and come back and build those into the RO and FoN later.

I also have full MR runes. best bang for your buck it seems, with 72 extra MR at lvl 18, and almost every character does magic damage over normal damage. with the FoN you have 178 MR at 18, which is 64% resistance.

The best part is with nashors and RO you have full cooldown reduction, which allows you to stun do a 2 second stun every 4.8 seconds. very useful for shutting down high dps characters (i.e. trynd after he goes ape shit, I just keep him stunned for most of it, and then he dies).

Also keep in mind that if you have enrage toggled on, it doesn't matter how you kill the creeps, you still get the extra hp.

If you want to go full tank, get a warmogs instead of a madreds, Sion with 5k hp and 170+armor/MR and crazy regen is practically unkillable unless the whole team focuses you. Only problem is your damage output kinda sucks and all you really have to make you semi dangerous is your stun.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Seriously? I give a shit, why would YOU not give a shit? More kills, more money. Especially when your carry sucks ass and they throw an ulty arrow from no shit, a mile away and I'm in no danger of being rolled over. I have no problems with rackin up assists, but when its blatant and outright, GTFO. when its clearly 2v2 and up, rack up the kills but when its 1v1 or 1v2 and I've got the upper hand, come on, lets be sensible. Maybe I shoul have painted a better picture when I made the statement, but yes, these are the kind of Ashe's that irk me.

On the other hand, it's a team game, and an ashe that sees a fight and doesn't throw an arrow, is a bad player. Let's suppose it's 1v1 and ashe doesn't throw an arrow you get the kill money and NO ONE gets the assist money. Suppose they KS you, then they get the kill money and you get the assist money, hence your team has more money than if they hadn't thrown the arrow (this is the most important thing I will post, no assist = less team money, understand it, know it, there is no such thing as KSing based on this fact alone).

Consider this third option, they see two of you killing someone decide you've got it in hand and doesn't throw the arrow, the enemy flashes & ghosts or uses cleanse to escape your stun and then rocket jumps away? Your team gets no gold.

Fourth option, you're 1v1ing someone, ashe doesn't throw the arrow, doesn't want to KS so goes and kills jungle creeps. The other team sees a fight happening, rolls over and ganks you right after (before?) you kill the enemy.

In short, if a good player sees a fight, they help if possible.

Edit: Ashe is a carry, her getting a kill is far from a bad thing.
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Nov 12, 2010
On the other hand, it's a team game, and an ashe that sees a fight and doesn't throw an arrow, is a bad player. Let's suppose it's 1v1 and ashe doesn't throw an arrow you get the kill money and NO ONE gets the assist money. Suppose they KS you, then they get the kill money and you get the assist money, hence your team has more money than if they hadn't thrown the arrow (this is the most important thing I will post, no assist = less team money, understand it, know it, there is no such thing as KSing based on this fact alone).

Consider this third option, they see two of you killing someone decide you've got it in hand and doesn't throw the arrow, the enemy flashes & ghosts or uses cleanse to escape your stun and then rocket jumps away? Your team gets no gold.

Fourth option, you're 1v1ing someone, ashe doesn't throw the arrow, doesn't want to KS so goes and kills jungle creeps. The other team sees a fight happening, rolls over and ganks you right after (before?) you kill the enemy.

In short, if a good player sees a fight, they help if possible.

Edit: Ashe is a carry, her getting a kill is far from a bad thing.

We're arguing on two different ends of the specturm, you're making statements on if that player knew how to play ashe, I'm with ya, got it, I'm tracking, agreed. Again, I should have clarified before assumptions were made and the message was misconstrued. I'm talking about the ashe that dies left and right, throws the ulty in hopes of adding a kill to their 0-10-0.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Finally, Sion is free. I've been wanting to play him. Is this a decent build?

Vampiric Scepter<----First item
Berserks Boots<---- These boots>Other Boots
The Bloodthirster<-----Survivability, damage for later
Infinity Edge<------You should be critting close to 700 now.
Infinity Edge<-----The damage you will do now is insane. Going against other champs is a breeze.
The Black Cleaver<----Enjoy your crits for 1000+


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
As a long time Ashe player, the only thing I do differently is I rush straight to BF Sword first only buying Boots 1 and wards. IE is basically Ashe's core item and you want it ASAP to start pumping out damage with her passive. IE by 20 minutes is reasonable for a good Ashe player doing that.

Just make sure you play champs before you buy them. You don't want to spend your hard earned IP at this point on champs you play once and their play style doesn't match up with your style.

How do you stay in the lane with boots and no HP regen as Ashe?


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Finally, Sion is free. I've been wanting to play him. Is this a decent build?

Vampiric Scepter<----First item
Berserks Boots<---- These boots>Other Boots
The Bloodthirster<-----Survivability, damage for later
Infinity Edge<------You should be critting close to 700 now.
Infinity Edge<-----The damage you will do now is insane. Going against other champs is a breeze.
The Black Cleaver<----Enjoy your crits for 1000+

I've been having decent success going manamune, boots (one of the defensive or swiftness if I don't need either), then zeal then infinity edge, then other stuff to give more damage (game is usually ending around this point). Two infinity edges isn't really a good idea.

Edit oh atma's impaler after IE. If the game hasn't ended after getting IE you're going to have a ton of health from enrage.
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Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2007
Does the unique even double up on 2 IE's? I figured they didnt and wondered if the guy had any idea that they didnt.


Dec 4, 2004
How do you stay in the lane with boots and no HP regen as Ashe?

The same way you stay in the lane with boots and no hp regen as every other champ in the game. Except Ashe, with a built-in slow, can do it better. Only person that can do it better is Janna, because Janna will be faster than Ashe and can block the slow effect.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2010
Finally, Sion is free. I've been wanting to play him. Is this a decent build?

Vampiric Scepter<----First item
Berserks Boots<---- These boots>Other Boots
The Bloodthirster<-----Survivability, damage for later
Infinity Edge<------You should be critting close to 700 now.
Infinity Edge<-----The damage you will do now is insane. Going against other champs is a breeze.
The Black Cleaver<----Enjoy your crits for 1000+

If your going to play pure dps, you would be better served by Olaf. Plus Sion suffers from a low mana pool and he has a really crappy attack speed to boot. Even with boots and his ult you might be around 1.2 aspd if your lucky. Sion has right around 600ish mana at 18, so thats basically enough for 2 stuns, 2 shields and your ult and then you'll need to blue pill to get any mana back, since with no mana regen it'll be awhile before you can cast anything else.

With crappy ASPD and no frozen mallet to slow you'll get in one hit after a stun, and then they'll flash and run (or just run) and you'll be SoL, since your stun has a shorter range than flash.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Does the unique even double up on 2 IE's? I figured they didnt and wondered if the guy had any idea that they didnt.

No, they're "unique". The only way to get a unique bonus twice is for it to be an aura effect (i.e. Aegis of the Legion) and for you to have one and be in range of another.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
We're arguing on two different ends of the specturm, you're making statements on if that player knew how to play ashe, I'm with ya, got it, I'm tracking, agreed. Again, I should have clarified before assumptions were made and the message was misconstrued. I'm talking about the ashe that dies left and right, throws the ulty in hopes of adding a kill to their 0-10-0.

Even if ashe is 0-10-0, I'd still rather see him trying to help us get kills with his ult. There are too many things that can turn a perfect gank into an enemy escape or even a counter gank, I *never* complain about a KS, because you can never be sure you would have had the kill without it.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
We're arguing on two different ends of the specturm, you're making statements on if that player knew how to play ashe, I'm with ya, got it, I'm tracking, agreed. Again, I should have clarified before assumptions were made and the message was misconstrued. I'm talking about the ashe that dies left and right, throws the ulty in hopes of adding a kill to their 0-10-0.

No we're not. Even if ashe is terrible, a kill w/o an assist is worth less to your team than a kill with an assist. If you really want your team to have 33% less gold (I think that's the right number) tell her not to help. One of the things that is different between low and high level games (and really low to mid level ranked elo) is that when a fight happens you get there and you help. It is a team game.
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