Oldtimers Sound Off


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Just curious who in the DC Forum is still around from the 'old days'.

Anyone here remember the CSC or DES projects?

Anyone remember what Dcypher.net was?

Anone remember the ViRGE fiasco?

Can you identify what a PTE is?

Do you know what the e-mail addy was for the WarpCore?

Can you remember what the original host name mika used for the stats page?

Things that make you go 'HMMMMMMMMMMM'.



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
1.How old?
2.Remember CSC but never ran it
3.People who ran Gamma Flux? (I had a very small account in that project.RIP)
4.Know him but don't know 'the fiasco' (what was that about? )

How about the Alien vs Cow wars? (that was before my time but I remember hearing about it)
or MURC vs TA battles?


Senior Member <br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Speaking of old, A1, what are you doing up this late? It's got to be after 3am over there

I remember many of those things, although I only lurked in the DC forum before Seti.

Orange Kid

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Anyone here remember the CSC or DES projects? --------Did them in a day didn't we

Anyone remember what Dcypher.net was?-------Gamma flux or some other chick

Anone remember the ViRGE fiasco?-----the details are fuzzy

Can you identify what a PTE is?---------never got one of those dumps

Do you know what the e-mail addy was for the WarpCore? ---------What is Montac up to?

Can you remember what the original host name mika used for the stats page?---------got me here.......brain dead at the moment


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Who you calling old Jay?

CSC & DES were before I got interested in DC.
Dcypher was GamaFlux.
ViRGE, wasn't that a video card?
I know you arranged at least two PTE's that I helped out by donating blocks to.
I think I still have the link to the Warp Core page somewhere.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Looks like all of life's little questions have been answered, but PTE.

I must be older than Ray, because I barely remember Project Total Eclipse, which I was a beneficiary of a bunch of OGR work.

ViRGE was the first recipient, I was the third or forth.


BTW, Hi !!


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Actually, mika.dhs.org wasn't his first host name. He had another. It didn't update as well as dhs.org did though.

The ViRGE fiasco was the PTE we did for him. A bunch of us were on IRC when his stats showed a 270,000 dump. We had him pissing in his pants.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hehe, guess what I found:

Logs from that night.

*** Now talking in #anandtechrc5
*** Topic is 'Welcome To Team AnandTech's IRC Home! (http://www.anandtech.com/html/rc5.cfm)'
*** Set by X on Sun Jan 16 15:54:58
<LD_UT> Hey Guys
<ccalvert> WOW!!!
<jator> holy $h!t
<jator> I mean $h!t
<LD_UT> what?
<ccalvert> Have you been submitting fake blocks or something?
<ccalvert> Look at what maggie found.
*** LD_UT is now known as Lord_Demios
<BurntKooshie> DAMN!
<ccalvert> http://stats.distributed.net/rc5-64/plist.php3?low=1&limit=100&source=y
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE?
*** hutch has joined #anandtechrc5
<BurntKooshie> have you been holding back on us?
<hutch> The joys of an NT network.
<jator> Damn
<jator> Nothing on Mika's though
<Lord_Demios> Um, ViRGE.... What client version are your REALLY running?
<ccalvert> How did you get so many blocks.
<ccalvert> Have you been saving for a few years?
<BurntKooshie> you get that from the ruskies?
<BurntKooshie> he's only been on fer a year...hymmmm.
<ccalvert> that must be like the greatest dump of all time.
<ccalvert> Yeah...
<ViRGE> I was using 451 until about 2pm PST today, when I switched to .455
<ccalvert> Maybe there is a bug in the client?
<jator> Damn, let me switch right now!!!
<Lord_Demios> Damn downloading .455 now
<ccalvert> Something to do with the switch to rc5?
<BurntKooshie> i'm there!
<hutch> yeah, Lord D, that's the client to have
<ViRGE> Thoes arn't mine
<Lord_Demios> Must be. How long have you had that one?
<maggie> hahaha
<ccalvert> Maybe when it switched, it goofed or something?
<jator> huh?
<Lord_Demios> (Bphantom) Damn BP is speechless
<ViRGE> I don't know
<ccalvert> What the heck is going on?
<jator> Let me check my stats!
<Lord_Demios> Geez, ViRGE D.net's goin have you posted as a fake cracker!!!!
<jator> Uh oh
<hutch> I know Lord D. and Bphantom are actually 1 person
<ViRGE> I can't trace it either, as it didn't come through the pproxy
<jator> Dons't that count against the whole team?
<ViRGE> Ya, I think I might be fake
<ccalvert> Yeah, they could take down our team or something.
<ccalvert> NO!!!
<ViRGE> I'm speechless right now though, that's a lot of blocks
<BurntKooshie> ;(
<ccalvert> No kidding.
<jator> Hmm, I have about 2,000 more blocks than I'm supposed to.
<Lord_Demios> Just what we need ViRGE, you go ahead and hack the client!!!!!
<BurntKooshie> you beat the rabit even
<jator> I wonder if the Stats box is screwed up again?
<ccalvert> It could be.
* maggie and hutch are smiling big right now
<ViRGE> Mabey
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE, i didn't know 14 year olds could hack like that!
<ccalvert> There is going to be hell to pay if it is.
<ViRGE> Ok Maggie, what did you and Hutch do?!
* maggie is innocent
* BurntKooshie is innocent
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE, what did you do?
<jator> Really, did someone crack the client?
<BurntKooshie> seriously
<ccalvert> No kidding.
<Lord_Demios> Maybe the Union Of Cracking GOds are trying to frame you?
<ccalvert> It is a distint possibility.
<BurntKooshie> that's unfathomable for you to do that
<ccalvert> Or /. !
<jator> We can get in a lot of trouble if someone did on our team!
<BurntKooshie> i know!
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<ViRGE> I don't know, but I didn't have anything to do with that
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE, what'd you do!
<Lord_Demios> Or if they covered their tracks and made it look like ViRGE
<ViRGE> I wish I knew
<hutch> Yeah, probably /.
<ViRGE> I'll post on the BBS and ask what's up
<Lord_Demios> 271 THOUSAND blocks is not easy to hide!!!! /. want's our a$s
<ccalvert> They probably figure that it is the only way to beet us in the long run.
<jator> Virge, you probably should e-mail Dnet about this!
<ViRGE> Humm, those stats are from the 15th
<maggie> Virge, did it ever occur to you should just say "thank you"?
<BurntKooshie> so......? i don't get it....
<jator> Tell them you had nothing to do with it!
<hutch> those are the 16th stats, they just are not complete yet
<ccalvert> I wouldn't say thank you to something like this.
<ccalvert> This could bring down the whole team.
* BurntKooshie cries
<Lord_Demios> Maybe it was a bug in the box. We will know later tonight when it's done!!!1
<BurntKooshie> no team anandtech
<ViRGE> I want to know what's up, if it's a present, I'm very thanksful, but 271K, that could ring a bell or two at Dnet
<Lord_Demios> No team.anandtech.com
<ccalvert> No kidding.
<hutch> why, what's your daily output Virge?
<Lord_Demios> You tell us ViRGE? DO you really not know about this?
<ViRGE> I didn't know about it until Maggie told me
<Lord_Demios> (Have you been saving????????)
<ccalvert> Told you what?
<BurntKooshie> !!!!!! what'd you assimilate?
<hutch> She saw my screen when I pulled up the stats.
<jator> He couldn't of saved that many blocks
<BurntKooshie> thta buffer would be huge!
<ViRGE> No, I haven't been saving, and I don't have any new machines
<Lord_Demios> It took me 2 months to get TMR to save up 80K!!!!!!!
<jator> Would be too many duplicates
<hutch> Well, it looks like he hasn't been turning in that many lately, maybe he's been hoarding
<ccalvert> I don't know anyone who could crack that many blocks in one day.
<ccalvert> They would have to be fake.
<ViRGE> Mabey Dmcowen saved?
<Lord_Demios> Damn Fake ones mean some is mad at US!!!!!!
<jator> Didn't the russian team have some fake blocks at one time?
<ccalvert> I have heard of hording, but over 270,000?
<ViRGE> It's just crazy
<ccalvert> I think that it was another group seperate from the russian team.
<hutch> Can't they be traced?
<Lord_Demios> They could be Framming us!!!!!
<ccalvert> I don't know.
<BurntKooshie> i've heard of huge ones from smith@panix
<Lord_Demios> Not if the log files are nuked!!!!!
<BurntKooshie> but that's just cause he has soooooo many 'puters
<ccalvert> Yeah, but why would he be giving ViRGE blocks?
<BurntKooshie> true....
<ViRGE> We'll have to ask on the BBS first, mabey this was a presnt
<BurntKooshie> from who?
<BurntKooshie> who has that much power?
<Lord_Demios> Because ViRGE posts on Anandtech the most to tell us to Smash the SLASH
<ViRGE> If not, Dnet will need to do some tracking
<ccalvert> I doubt it. I dont know of anyone who could do this.
<BurntKooshie> no one person on the team, cept jonb could do that.....right?
<ccalvert> yeah, he is always giving ./ verbal abuse.
<ccalvert> This could be payback.
<jator> This is almost a days worth for /.org
<ViRGE> Ya, JonB and Dmcown have the only herds with that kind of power
<jator> They have been sliding the last few days
<ccalvert> I don't even know if they could do it.
<BurntKooshie> and jonb's been doing CSC, you can see his stats
<ViRGE> We'll have to see how the team total is
<BurntKooshie> he's been doing it right along.....
<BurntKooshie> hymmmmm
<ccalvert> This is beyond mander in it's scope.
<jator> No, I mean /.org
<ViRGE> If it's above 700K, then something is wrong
<jator> What's above 700k?
<ViRGE> Our team's total
<hutch> hey, you're right, maybe they're pissed at the "smash the /." slogan
<ccalvert> That would be one theory.
<BurntKooshie> that would not be cool
<ViRGE> It might be, it just might be
<ccalvert> We are nubmer one.
<ViRGE> Ya
<jator> How soon til tem stats show up?
<jator> team
<ccalvert> I get "Team not known" when I try to check the team page. Could they have deleted us for fake blocks already?
<hutch> I think the stats box will be done very soon
<ViRGE> Sometime after 9:30 probably
*** DStroth-HL has joined #anandtechrc5
<DStroth-HL> hi all
<ViRGE> Hey DStroth
*** DStroth-HL is now known as DStroth
<BurntKooshie> hey DS
*** X sets mode: +o DStroth
<ViRGE> We have a major mystery on our hands, read http://stats.distributed.net/rc5-64/plist.php3?low=1&limit=100&source=y
<ccalvert> DStroth, something is up with VIRGE's stats!
<maggie> hi dsroth
<BurntKooshie> it's insane!
<DStroth> uhoh!
<BurntKooshie> who'd do that DS
<ccalvert> We think that it might be /.
<BurntKooshie> we need to find out!
<ViRGE> And put an ephisis on the word up
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<BurntKooshie> emphasis?
<DStroth> hehe
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<ViRGE> Ok, i can't spell
<ccalvert> Something is very wrong here.
<jator> Might have something to do wih the writting block?
<maggie> Y2K?
<ViRGE> No, too late for Y2K
<DStroth> you never know...
<maggie> naw... the news said things could show up as late as March
<ccalvert> I am guessing it is some bug from the clients switching over.
<DStroth> yeah
<BurntKooshie> cause of the leap year
<ViRGE> It could be
<BurntKooshie> i learned 'bout taht when i learned how to program
<ViRGE> Oh well, I have the page saved on my computer, so I'll allways remember it
<jator> ok, I have the new client installed
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<BurntKooshie> how many have you done yet jator?
<BurntKooshie> 100k yet?
<jator> Virge, check out your logs to see if their is an erro!
<jator> 211,000
<ccalvert> I have been hearing about clients hanging durring the switch, this might be another side efect.
<ViRGE> Out of 100K people, why would I get the odd number though?
<ccalvert> I don't know.
<ccalvert> Maybe you had the lowest stats before
<BurntKooshie> hymmmm
<maggie> lol ccalvert
<ViRGE> I wasn't that low ccalvert, I was 2nd lowest
<jator> What does your client say for your keyrate?
<DStroth> hehe
<ccalvert> I have heard of moving on up, but this is crazy.
<BurntKooshie> who was lowest?
<DStroth> i think i'll get back to my game
*** DStroth is now known as DStroth-HL
<BurntKooshie> lol
<ccalvert> Okay.
<hutch> well, it's good advertisement for the team while it lasts, even if you are disqualified
<DStroth-HL> but i'll pop in every few minutes
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<ViRGE> 321.15 kkeys/sec average right now jay
<BurntKooshie> uh huh
<ViRGE> But I can benchmark at 425kkey/sec
<jator> hmm, doesn't sound like the client then.
<ccalvert> are you sure that you shouldn't move that decimal place over a few notches?
<BurntKooshie> why is it that the benchmarks are faster?
<maggie> yeah, it was nice knowing you, Virge
<BurntKooshie> even with a higher priority thread.....
<ccalvert> I think that they are run at normal priority.
<maggie> you took one for the team anyway, we will remember that
<BurntKooshie> CC
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<BurntKooshie> it doesn't work that way
<ViRGE> My average is somewhat low becuase I have an MP3 running in the background
<BurntKooshie> even when i leave it doing nothing for hours, it never gets taht high
<hutch> Virge, my MP3 player doesn't even peg 1% usage on my computers???!
<ViRGE> Ya, but I have a PMMX200
<BurntKooshie> geeze!
<maggie> so what are you going to do with all this newly acquired free time?
<BurntKooshie> it takes up 18 % on average on mine
<ViRGE> I get 30% CPU usage on average
<ccalvert> Sometimes, when I have the computer doing something, a screen saver will seem to run faster for some reason. Could this be the same thing?
<BurntKooshie> a year ago i was doing a review....but that fell through.....but that was one of the things i was testing
<ccalvert> Did you ask on the forum yet?
<ViRGE> No, I doubt this is related to screen saves calvert
<ViRGE> I'masking right now
<jator> masking?
<ccalvert> This is just too crazy.
<jator> oh...asking.
<jator> sorry
<hutch> I just did a WinAmp test with an MP3, it didn't even register on NT's task manager....
<maggie> I watched him, too
<BurntKooshie> damn you
<BurntKooshie> that's not fair!
<hutch> yeah, well she can't tell what she's looking at
<maggie> WHATEVER
<BurntKooshie> LOL!
<maggie> I know exactly what I am looking at thank you very much
* BurntKooshie ducks away from any possible fued
* maggie slaps hutch around a bit with a large trout
<hutch> hmmm, trout
* ccalvert screems at the sight of flying fish.
* BurntKooshie hides
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE, so when're you goign to post this?
<jator> Yeah, how do you post something like this?!?
<ViRGE> Posted
<ccalvert> Carefuly..
<ccalvert> Major stats problem is right!
<DStroth-HL> hehe
<DStroth-HL> this is definently strange...
<maggie> has anything happened like this before?
<jator> Whatr's the HL stand for?
<DStroth-HL> Half-Life
<jator> ah
<ViRGE> Never, maggie
<BurntKooshie> ViRGE, edit your post
<BurntKooshie> make it a real lin
<BurntKooshie> link
<maggie> wow... imagine... out of ALL the people cracking... this happened to YOU!
<ViRGE> Ahh, I keep forgetting that
<BurntKooshie> i bet it was /.
<BurntKooshie> you our out for blood with them on the BBS
<ccalvert> Yeah. You are always bashing them ViRGE
<jator> Hey...who was that guy from SysOpt who was squating?!?
<jator> He doesn't like us!!
<BurntKooshie> and what was teh final verdict on it?
<ViRGE> Naa, it couldn't have been Brendan
<BurntKooshie> Good.
<jator> I wonder if he is able to crack the client?
<BurntKooshie> i hate to see peoople doing that
<BurntKooshie> but then who was it?
<ViRGE> No, he doesn't hodl anything against me
<Lord_Demios> Yeah, but he said he didn't sit on the web page name either!!!!!!
<BurntKooshie> did he?
<Lord_Demios> So who set him up might have planned this for you ViRGE!!!!!
<jator> Good point
<BurntKooshie> arg! I don't want the team banned!
<ccalvert> Maybe it is some sort of large conspericy like you would see on the X-Files
<ViRGE> All I know is this, someone set Brendan up, and I'm being set up too
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<jator> X-files sucked tonight
<BurntKooshie> i didn't see it
<Lord_Demios> I think it's a fluke in the stats box. They will find it.. Look at the logs and fix it!!!
<BurntKooshie> i was doing HW.....
<maggie> lol jator... was to play the tangent ;P
<jator> Yeah, nothing showed up on Mikas
<ViRGE> Mabey I won some sort of prize?
<Lord_Demios> Awmygwad.... That is an Xfiles..... BK doing HW!!!!
<BurntKooshie> hymmmmmm
<BurntKooshie> LOL!
<BurntKooshie> i do plenty of HW thank you
<ccalvert> I don't know.
<BurntKooshie> AP classes are fun, but require actual thought
<BurntKooshie> so who would set you up VIRGE? we have /.
<BurntKooshie> who else?
<hutch> hey, Maggie got disconnected!!!
<ccalvert> Bkehoe, but I doubt it was him.
<hutch> and she's on the server I am being fed from, HAHA!
<ViRGE> I have no real enemies, so I don't know who set me up
<BurntKooshie> what about dcypher?
<BurntKooshie> you don't often sound to happy 'bout them.........
<BurntKooshie> that would be bad publicity if it got out, but you speak so much
<ccalvert> There is Mycroft, but I don't think that he has anything against us.
<ViRGE> No, I haven't said anything bad about them in their face
<BurntKooshie> yes, i know that
<BurntKooshie> but you haven't supported them either
<ViRGE> Very true
<ViRGE> But still, they gain nothing from this
<jator> Why would Mycroft give Virge blocks if he's mad at him
<ccalvert> There has been some mud slinging, but I doubt it is them.
<ViRGE> Mycroft doesn't even know me
<ccalvert> Yeah, he just knows JonB I supose.
<jator> Somebody had to have cracked the client
<BurntKooshie> but....
<ccalvert> Are you sure that you downloaded the client from the D-NET servers ViRGE?
<ViRGE> Ya, I did
<BurntKooshie> any trojans of it?
<BurntKooshie> i've heard of a few of those....
<ccalvert> Probably, that is why I asked.
<jator> Tojans on the Dnet clients?
<BurntKooshie> yeah
<BurntKooshie> yep
<Lord_Demios> Where did you download this "Update" to the client... And are you sure it really is a proper update?
<ViRGE> Nope, I haven't picked up any programs in the last few days next to the client
<jator> Hmm, didn't know about that
<ViRGE> http://www.distributed.net/download/updates.html
<BurntKooshie> that's where you got it?
<Lord_Demios> Is your ISP's DNS server ok?
<ViRGE> Ya, @home's DNS is fine
<ccalvert> Yeah, I never thought of a DNS hack.
<ViRGE> Besides, my cow goes through Mika
<ccalvert> Hmm...
<ccalvert> Then I guess it couldn't have came from your client.
<ccalvert> It would have to be something else.
<jator> I wonder if somehow all of Mika's proxy was somehow put under your name?
<ccalvert> No, I doubt that could be it.
<ccalvert> I dobut that Mika's entire proxy could pump out that many blocks.
<ccalvert> Then again, I could be wrong.
<jator> What's our total coming from Mika today?
<ViRGE> 225653
<jator> Maybe we should e-mail Mika
<jator> Close..
<ccalvert> Hi could atleat check his logs.
<jator> ...still 50,000 blocks off
<ccalvert> Even if it was Mika's it still wouldn't be enough.
<Lord_Demios> I dumped 57 thousand today and Had and error durring it!!!!
<Lord_Demios> My pproxy died with a blue screen.!!!!
<BurntKooshie> so the only possible suspect so far is some anonymous person from /.?
<ccalvert> I don't believe in coincidence allowing mika's and 50,000 other blocks to screw up, so I think that we can eliminate that possibility.
<jator> What kind of error?
<Lord_Demios> Killed my PROXY and my BOX
<jator> ah
<Lord_Demios> (Um your welcome ViRGE if I broke it)
<ViRGE> Ya, /. is/are the only people capible of this, and have a motive
<ViRGE> Heh
<ccalvert> Yeah, I doubt that it was a brake in the pproxy software causing ld's and mika's to all dump to you.
<ccalvert> it must be /.
<ccalvert> I think that their only motive could be framing.
*** maggie has quit IRC (Ping timeout for maggie[ppp01-170.algx.iadfw.net])
<ViRGE> Should we head over to #distributed and talk to a admin?
<BurntKooshie> do tehy even have a BBS for distributed stuff?
<BurntKooshie> nah
<BurntKooshie> we should wait, and see what others on the BBS might have to say
<ViRGE> No, they don't have a BBS that I'm aware of
<ccalvert> I don't think so, but they have a bbs for each post I think.
<BurntKooshie> that's what i thought
<ViRGE> Ya, I think you're right BK
<BurntKooshie> so how would they organize this?
<ccalvert> If they did it in one post, we might not notice it.
<ccalvert> I think that they posted about CSC being cracked. It could have been done in there.
*** hutch has quit IRC (Ping timeout for hutch[ppp01-170.algx.iadfw.net])
<BurntKooshie> hymmmmmm
<ccalvert> You should check the article and its comments ViRGE.
<BurntKooshie> search it for anandtech
<BurntKooshie> and ViRGE
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<BurntKooshie> or anything else suspicous
<ViRGE> I can't find the article
<ViRGE> NEver mind, found it
<ccalvert> Okay.
<jator> Wish I could help to find the cause of this...
<BurntKooshie> and?
<jator> but I have to work tommorow
<jator> Let me know what you guys find out.
<Lord_Demios> Bye Jator
<BurntKooshie> bye jator!
<ccalvert> Bye Jay
<BurntKooshie> so ViRGE, what's in the discussion of the article?
<ViRGE> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/01/16/0033225&mode=thread
<BurntKooshie> arg
<BurntKooshie> i read all those AP lit books
<BurntKooshie> and you want me to read more!
<BurntKooshie> ;p
* BurntKooshie is heading out to read it
*** maggie has joined #anandtechrc5
<ViRGE> I couldn't find anything mentioning Anandtech
<ViRGE> Hey maggie
<maggie> whew!! disconnected
<ccalvert> If I know the way that their replies are orginized, it could take for ever
<ccalvert> Welcome back Maggie.
<maggie> one of the ISP's phone numbers just dropped out
<BurntKooshie> i've had that happen 'roudn here too
<BurntKooshie> i've been lucky tonight though!
*** hutch has joined #anandtechrc5
<maggie> so what did I miss?
*** jator has quit IRC (Leaving)
<ccalvert> We are sure it is /.
<ccalvert> We are looking for something in a reply in the CSC announcement. They would have had to orginize for this much power.
<ccalvert> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/01/16/0033225&mode=thread
<Lord_Demios> No one else could be mad and have the power to do it. It has to be /.!!!!
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<BurntKooshie> does this mean you'll go back a little ViRGE?
*** maggie has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** maggie has joined #anandtechrc5
<BurntKooshie> meaning, not being so "thrashing" about em?
<hutch> whoops, just X'd maggies MIRC
<ViRGE> No, I'll thrash them until the end of time!
<BurntKooshie> Good!
<maggie> grrrrrrrrr
<BurntKooshie> that's teh spirit ViRGE!
<ccalvert> Yeah... this could me ment as a message to you.
<ccalvert> wb maggie
<maggie> Hutch, keep your hands on your own computer!
<ccalvert> lol
<Lord_Demios> heheheh
<hutch> that's IS my computer
<Lord_Demios> Hey ViRGE keep doing it. Maybe we will pass /. faster!!!!!
<BurntKooshie> as winston Churchil said: "Never give up. Never give up. Never give up."
<maggie> hahahahahaha TYPO!!!
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<ViRGE> Oh well, at least this keeps me from working
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<ccalvert> Yeah.
<BurntKooshie> distractions are nice
<ccalvert> Especialy 270,000 block distractions
<BurntKooshie> any ideas when the stats will finish?
<ViRGE> Hey maggie, read http://anandforums.gisystech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=27&threadid=107209
<ViRGE> No clue BK
<BurntKooshie> changes nightly, doesn't it?
<maggie> ok
<ViRGE> Ya, it does, but I don't know what time the run will be done
<ccalvert> Some people sure are opioninated.
<BurntKooshie> ?
<hutch> well, the team ranks are finally running, because it finally says they don't exist when you go to top 100 teams yesterday
<maggie> Hutch overclocks himself... if anything he is overclocking me... I don't normally stay up this late ;P
<BurntKooshie> ;p
<BurntKooshie> what time zone?
<ViRGE> Late?! It's only 9:21
<BurntKooshie> heh
<maggie> 11:23pm here
<BurntKooshie> 12:19
<BurntKooshie> so you are central
<maggie> and it's Hutch's clock so we ALL know it is the CORRECT time
<ccalvert> It is 11:21 here, but I want to stay around and see what comes of this. Grades be damned!
<BurntKooshie> exactly!
<ViRGE> Hehe
<BurntKooshie> i have to read a book, and write a paper on it by tuesday, and i've not started!
<ccalvert> I see that you posted that you are not bragging... sure ViRGE, we believe you
<BurntKooshie> hehe
<BurntKooshie> riiiiiiiight.
<maggie> school doesn't start here until Tuesday, burtkooshie
<BurntKooshie> same here
<BurntKooshie> but still
<BurntKooshie> i haven't started, and I have bball practice tomorrow
<BurntKooshie> ah well, that's what coffee is for
<ViRGE> Coffee!
* BurntKooshie raises a cup in memory of mechBgon
<BurntKooshie> he's doing well BTW
* ViRGE raise a cup in memeory of MechBgon too
<BurntKooshie> he switched a 'puter over to my email though
<ccalvert> If this doesn't resolve its self soon, I might have to start drinking mechBgon's favorite drink as well.
<ccalvert> Too mechBgon!
* BurntKooshie turns into coffee crystals
* BurntKooshie raises his mug
* ccalvert makes a toast
<ccalvert> He may have had his IRC life cut short, be we will always miss him.
<ccalvert> be=but
<BurntKooshie> indeed
<ViRGE> Definately
<BurntKooshie> he keeps in touch with me via email though, so at least he's not COMPLETELY cut off
<DStroth-HL> cool
<Lord_Demios> What happened?
<DStroth-HL> i hope he gets his internet back..
<DStroth-HL> we need some more mechbgon here
*** hutch is now known as maggie1
<maggie1> hahaha
*** ViRGE is now known as Hutch
*** BurntKooshie is now known as mech_wannabe
<Lord_Demios> Um hutch, having another identity crisis?
<maggie1> I took over
<ccalvert> I have heard of joined at the hip, but joined at the nick?
<Hutch> Hehe
<Lord_Demios> (---- believes speeling is for the week
*** mech_wannabe is now known as BurntKooshie
<BurntKooshie> LOL LD!
<ccalvert> lol
*** maggie is now known as hutch1
*** maggie1 is now known as maggie
<Lord_Demios> (Really is wondering about Hutch and Maggie)
<maggie> God that was an AWFUL experience teaching hutch to switch his name ;P

Next Day. Stuff shows up on Mika's

*** Now talking in #anandtechrc5
*** X sets mode: +o ViRGE
<ViRGE> Hey ugys
* DStroth hint hint X sets mode: +o Lord_Demios
*** DStroth is now known as Lord_Demios
<Lord_Demios> sorry must have stayed when we were fighting eachother
<ViRGE> Hey LD, have you been giving me the blocks?
<Lord_Demios> Um, no, but if I did can I have them back
<ViRGE> Mika's reports about 273K from xmission, TMR's ISP
<Lord_Demios> ?
<ViRGE> The blocks showed up on Mika's, and they came from xmission
<Lord_Demios> WHAT!@@$#%#$% I wish I could do that many blocks... But I just don't have the power
<ViRGE> Ya, and what's really weird is that Mika's says the blocks came in yesterday, and we all know the pproxy didn't show it yesterday
<Lord_Demios> ? Maybe Mika's box is broken again?

(Connection failure.....)

Back after looking at Captian_Rob's new posting

Formatting will be messed up on this cut and paste, but here is the full list for "Hostname *.xmission.com":
Participants working for this Hostname

Totals Days: 5 days - Average Blocks: 57770 blocks - Average Rate: 179.41 Mkeys/sec

Participant Blocks Submited Percent Keys Checked Keyspace
virgedx*at*home.com 273156 94.57% 73.32 Trillion 0.000397%
bphantom*at*xmission.com 11878 4.11% 3.19 Trillion 0.000017%
edurant*at*engin.umich.edu 1928 0.67% 517.54 Billion 0.000003%
jator*at*netzero.net 1690 0.59% 453.66 Billion 0.000002%
dstroth*at*crosswinds.net 132 0.05% 35.43 Billion 0.000000%
bgodfrey*at*epicinc.net 32 0.01% 8.59 Billion 0.000000%
jonback*at*itexas.net 16 0.01% 4.29 Billion 0.000000%
tom_the_bicycle_mechanic*at*yahoo.com 8 0.00% 2.15 Billion 0.000000%
paulmazzucco*at*yahoo.com 5 0.00% 1.34 Billion 0.000000%
ss59*at*hotmail.com 4 0.00% 1.07 Billion 0.000000%
aoliver*at*techplus.com 1 0.00% 268.44 Million 0.000000%

(I replaced the @'s with *at*'s so an email bot won't pick them up)

Back at the IRC channel

*** Now talking in #anandtechrc5
*** Topic is 'Welcome To Team AnandTech's IRC Home! (http://www.anandtech.com/html/rc5.cfm)'
*** Set by X on Mon Jan 17 08:15:00
<Lord_Demios> Sorry about that
*** chris[rt9] has joined #anandtechrc5
* Lord_Demios *X set mode +v Lord_Demios
<Lord_Demios> hey Chris
<chris[rt9]> hey
<ViRGE> Hey LD, RT9
*** X sets mode: +v Lord_Demios
* Lord_Demios dances around the room happy with his +
<Lord_Demios> Thanks X
<X> No problem
<Lord_Demios> Any new news on the problem?
<ViRGE> Nope, all I know is that 273K blocks seem to have been sent through mika's, and 271 showed up on Dnet
<Lord_Demios> This is no good at all
<ViRGE> Ya
<Lord_Demios> Hmmm any news of the forum?
<ViRGE> Well, captain rob posted the emails working under xmission.com
<ViRGE> http://anandforums.gisystech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=39&threadid=107717
<Lord_Demios> Um, those aren't xmission.com addresses
<ViRGE> Ya, but they seem to be sent through xmission.com
<Lord_Demios> So how long have you been a member of Xmission ViRGE?
<Lord_Demios> virgedx*at*home.com 273156 94.57% 73.32 Trillion 0.000397%
<ViRGE> I never used it
<ViRGE> I'm using @home
<Lord_Demios> This is really weird..... the listing shows edurant? Who is that?
<ViRGE> I don't have a clue
<ViRGE> I better not have 270K more blocks in about 8 hours too
<Lord_Demios> Have you gotten an email from D.net about this?
<Lord_Demios> BK just posted on the forum
<ViRGE> Someone had my password sent, but that's it
<Lord_Demios> Yeah, but that would have been sent to you right?
*** chris[rt9] has quit IRC (Ping timeout for chris[rt9][lc0630.zianet.com])
<ViRGE> Ya
<ViRGE> That's how I know about it
<ViRGE> Somebody is paying dearly for this
<Lord_Demios> Yeah., I wonder if they bought the blocks on Ebay?
<ViRGE> No, because the blocks have my email address coded into them
<ViRGE> Somebody cracked 273K blocks under my name, or hacked them, no question about that
<Lord_Demios> Hey BP just posted an Idea on the IP spoofing for Xmission.com
<ViRGE> And the plot thickens
<Lord_Demios> .....
<ViRGE> If someone is IP spoofing, this is a much bigger deal than we thought
<Lord_Demios> First a Domain name, next the IP spoofing.. This is not GOOD!!!
<ViRGE> If I get any more blocks like yesterday, I'm going out and hiring a bounty hunter
<Lord_Demios> You need a cyber slycer
<ViRGE> Ya
<ViRGE> But who could we hire?
* Lord_Demios ghost busters music starts up
<Lord_Demios> GHost Busters
* Lord_Demios takes out all of the GB's with his Impact Hammer
<ViRGE> Hehe
<ViRGE> How about the Spoof Busters?
<ViRGE> Why me, why oh why me?
*** Lord_Demios is now known as Spoof_Buster
* Spoof_Buster starts up the Spoof Buster theme song
<Spoof_Buster> Well, with no word from D.net I guess they didn't think much of it
<ViRGE> Ya, I guess that's good
*** Spoof_Buster is now known as Lord_Demios
<Lord_Demios> hmmmm.... Simpson's MP3
<Lord_Demios> s are great
<ViRGE> Why do you say that?
<Lord_Demios> I have Winamp playing them... I have about 4000 of them saying great things.
<ViRGE> Hehe
*** DStroth has joined #anandtechrc5
<DStroth> hi all!
<DStroth> geez.. LD still has that +
<Lord_Demios> Hey DStroth.....
<Lord_Demios> hey
*** X sets mode: +o DStroth
* Lord_Demios tells DS not to touch the +v
<DStroth> don't worry, i won't
<Lord_Demios> http://anandforums.gisystech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=39&threadid=107717
<DStroth> ok
*** bphantom has joined #anandtechrc5
<DStroth> whoa!
<bphantom> Hey...
<DStroth> hi bphantom!
<ViRGE> Hey guys
<DStroth> it gets wierder every second!
<DStroth> (not in reference to bphantom, of course)
<ViRGE> I'm telling ya, someone is trying to frame me, big time
<Lord_Demios> Hye BP
<Lord_Demios> doah
* Lord_Demios breaks his Y key again
<DStroth> i don't think that is good for your keyboard..
<Lord_Demios> hehehehe. My 9 key is also having problems. I think i need to blow out/up my keyboard
<DStroth> my keyboard is too nice and hard to find a replacement for me to get mad at it.. so i usually just ctrl-alt-del "systray" and "explorer" when i'm mad
<Lord_Demios> what happens if you want to go into linux
<DStroth> of course when i'm mad windows has usually already gone crazy
<ViRGE> Hehe
<DStroth> in that case.. umm.. uh... i take my anger out on my brother
<Lord_Demios> hehehehee
* Lord_Demios smacks BP
<Lord_Demios> heheheheh
<bphantom> You would too if you could.
* Lord_Demios is thinking that that was a great idea
* ViRGE smacks BP and LD
* Lord_Demios Impact Hammer's ViRGE
* DStroth jumps out a window hopeing to avoid the war
* Lord_Demios says. "you don't know the power of the +v
<DStroth> !devoice Lord_Demios
*** X sets mode: -v Lord_Demios
<DStroth> !voice Lord_Demios
*** X sets mode: +v Lord_Demios
* Lord_Demios says "NOOOooooooooooooo"
* Lord_Demios says "bwahahhahahah, evil is better because good is dumb"
<DStroth> and just to be nice...
<DStroth> !voice bphantom
*** X sets mode: +v bphantom
<Lord_Demios> Grrrrr...
* Lord_Demios kicks BP's +v
* Lord_Demios smacks BP around to get a reaction from him
* Lord_Demios Impact Hammers everyone
<Lord_Demios> Come on people!!!!
* bphantom kickers LD square in the nuts!
* DStroth pulls out a porta-barnicle
<Lord_Demios> Noooooooo
<DStroth> hahaha!
<Lord_Demios> not a Porta-Barnicle
* Lord_Demios pulls out the google flopper
<DStroth> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
* DStroth jumps into his google flopper proof suit
* Lord_Demios Pulls out is Imac, with all the extras
<Lord_Demios> um is = his
<DStroth> agh! *cough* *splutter*
<Lord_Demios> hehehehe
* DStroth uploads dnetc and puts it to work cracking for him!
<DStroth> haha!
* Lord_Demios grabs the Imac and adds it to TMR's collection
<DStroth> @#$@
<DStroth> hmm...
* Lord_Demios then grabs DStroth and adds him to the collection
* DStroth trys to think of an even more evil plan
<Lord_Demios> Aw My GAWD
<DStroth> noo!
<Lord_Demios> check the forums!!!!!!!
<ViRGE> Well, I'm going to vent some of my anger in Tribes
<ViRGE> What now LD?
<Lord_Demios> LOOK
<Lord_Demios> http://anandforums.gisystech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=39&threadid=107717
<DStroth> something very interesting has appeared...
<ViRGE> What, the Rabbit?
<Lord_Demios> http://www.xmission.com/~bphantom/ptestats/
<Lord_Demios> reload the forum page.....
<Lord_Demios> BP found the info on this dump
<DStroth> whoa!
<ViRGE> Gezze, the plot is thicker than tar now
<ViRGE> Well, I'll be back in a bit
<DStroth> ok
*** Lord_Demios is now known as Disapears
*** ViRGE has quit IRC (Leaving)
<DStroth> hmm......
<Disapears> What the Fu^&
<DStroth> hmm?
<bphantom> I think he is getting plane tickets to kill BPhantom and I.
<bphantom> err LD..
<Disapears> as the name says
<bphantom> Should we go serious on the forum?
<DStroth> maybe.. we don't want this to get too out of control
<DStroth> but...
<DStroth> i'm sure someone else will figure it out
<bphantom> as in, ViRGE. Put all the hints together and you will see your Teammates need a good ass kicking.
<DStroth> hehe
<DStroth> he should know that is your website...
* Disapears thumps ViRGE'S head with the facts until they are one
<bphantom> He hasn't checked the hostnames for participants on my site... Check it, ViRGE!!
<DStroth> maybe we need to give him a link to another part of your website, like the aircannons mpegs.. and see how long it takes for him to figure it out then
* Disapears using telepathetic power forces ViRGE to check it
*** Disapears is now known as LD_NOmore
<bphantom> If you read my last reply, I covered my myself.
<DStroth> shall we tell him once he comes back?
<bphantom> Yes.
<DStroth> ok
<LD_NOmore> smack him with the stats
<DStroth> yeah, i noticed that...
<bphantom> Maybe he went out to take a smoke.
<DStroth> hehe
<DStroth> its so obvious!!!
<LD_NOmore> Maybe his head popped
*** LD_NOmore is now known as ViRGE
<DStroth> he should realize it is someone here.. especially from our past behaviours
<bphantom> I think we warped his mind to much...
<bphantom> last night..
<DStroth> i've dumped CSC blocks to him before
* ViRGE 's head pops thinking of this
<DStroth> change your nick incase he comes back...
*** ViRGE is now known as LD
<bphantom> If he reads the the "What the ....." and its participants, he should realize everyone listed uses IRC.
<DStroth> hmm, if he just looked at our stats for the last month he would realize it
<DStroth> if i had switched my pproxy sooner my email wouldn't be there... doh
<bphantom> I think he would beat me up if he could..
<LD> I wonder if he will link *.utah.edu to me?
<DStroth> hmm, mechBgon is dumping to your pproxy it seems still...
<bphantom> Some one want to post a reply stating ViRGE should read the "What the ....." from bottom to top and put together all the facts.
<DStroth> lets hope he comes back.. or else this could really get out of control
<bphantom> I agree..
<DStroth> all the guilty people have posted things like "how strange..", etc. so he should notice a coralation...
<LD> Hmmmm. Anyone live near ViRGE?
<DStroth> i live in WA, he lives in OR.. uhoh

*** ViRGE has joined #anandtechrc5
*** X sets mode: +o ViRGE
<DStroth> hey virge!
<Lord_Demios> WB ViRGE
<ViRGE> Ok, what's up?
<Lord_Demios> Well Go here.
<Lord_Demios> http://www.xmission.com/~bphantom/ptestats/byhost.html
<ViRGE> Wow, where did you get that?
<Lord_Demios> (that's the list of people who you need to get even with)
<Lord_Demios> So what do you think?
<ViRGE> I don't know what to think
<ViRGE> That's 20 differnt ISPs that blocks were submitted with under my name, that wasn't me
<Lord_Demios> Then who could it have been?
<Lord_Demios> Is their something about those names that makes them somewhat familier
<ViRGE> I don't know, but there were a lot of blocks submitted under a lot of ISPs
<Lord_Demios> *.utah.edu
<Lord_Demios> *.xmission.com
<Lord_Demios> .....
<Lord_Demios> *.itexas.net
<ViRGE> *.freei.net
<ViRGE> Road Runner
<Lord_Demios> Formatting will be messed up on this cut and paste, but here is the full list for "Hostname *.xmission.com":
<Lord_Demios> Participants working for this Hostname
<Lord_Demios> Totals Days: 5 days - Average Blocks: 57770 blocks - Average Rate: 179.41 Mkeys/sec
<Lord_Demios> Participant Blocks Submited Percent Keys Checked Keyspace
<Lord_Demios> virgedx*at*home.com 273156 94.57% 73.32 Trillion 0.000397%
<Lord_Demios> bphantom*at*xmission.com 11878 4.11% 3.19 Trillion 0.000017%
<Lord_Demios> quote from the forums
<ViRGE> Who ever did this was coordinated, very coordinated
<DStroth> yes, they were...
<Lord_Demios> Of course they are
<Lord_Demios> They're members of Team Anandtech
<ViRGE> How did BP get this data?
<Lord_Demios> The best team around...
<Lord_Demios> Well, as we slowly dumped blocks into his proxy it created these log files
<Lord_Demios> Enjoy the blocks ViRGE. From everyone on the IRC channel
<ViRGE> What, this was planned!?
<DStroth> Of Course!!!
<Lord_Demios> Yeah...
<ViRGE> You guys scared the snot out of me
<Lord_Demios> This was Project Total Eclipse
<ViRGE> Thank you so much!
<DStroth> who else but us could pull of such an intricate and astounding dump!?
<DStroth> your welcome!
<Lord_Demios> And we have it recorded so that we can post it on the forum
<DStroth> our objective has been met.. you've been put in 1st for a day.. and gained a much higher ranking
<ViRGE> How did you pull it off though, it must have been hard to keep it from me?
<Lord_Demios> Thanks for all of the work you have done for the team ViRGE.... This is a small token in comparison
<DStroth> yeah
<Lord_Demios> yeah... But we did
<DStroth> i've got logs of all our irc chats!
<Lord_Demios> and if you look at the postings of the forum chats. You will find that most of us were in on it
<DStroth> not to mention if you looked closely you'll notice most of us haven't submitted very many blocks over the last few weeks
<ViRGE> So who all was part of this?
<Lord_Demios> or some of us hid our donations well. (the dumping of 37K from Grahn@eng.utah.edu was a nice save in another proxy)
<Lord_Demios> well. I can't answer that all the way.
<DStroth> we aren't quite sure..
<Lord_Demios> but almost everyone that uses the IRC and some who didn't
<DStroth> but to name a few:
<DStroth> mechBgon
<DStroth> Jay
<Lord_Demios> Hutch
<DStroth> DStroth
<DStroth> LD
<Lord_Demios> Bphantom
<DStroth> BP
<DStroth> TMR
<DStroth> JonB
<Lord_Demios> DStroth
<Lord_Demios> Maggie
<Lord_Demios> ss59
<DStroth> i believe Jay was the originator of this whole sceme...
<ViRGE> You guys are great!
<Lord_Demios> thanks, but you earned these
<ViRGE> So who's posting on the BBS about this?
<DStroth> we started cracking back in decemember
<Lord_Demios> I will post the log files of the IRC chat
<DStroth> erm, December
<ViRGE> Wow, you guys really planned this
<DStroth> yeah
<DStroth> BP's pproxy helped quite a lot...
<DStroth> our original target was only about 150k blocks
<DStroth> as you can see we easily reached it!
<ViRGE> Except, what was up with the blocks not showing up on Mika's?
<DStroth> mika merged BP's logs with his later on
<ViRGE> Ya, you totaly surpassed it
<ViRGE> Ahh
<DStroth> mika was involved in this too
<Lord_Demios> yup
<DStroth> BP dumped to dnet and had mika merge his pproxy's logs with mika's
* ViRGE get teary eyed
<ViRGE> I don't know what to say guys, thank you so very very much


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
DES was before my time. I do remember CSC... that short-term project generated a lot of excitement because we were trying to gain ground in RC5 while getting a respectable position in the CSC ranks. One trivia item I remember from CSC is that it raised CPU temperatures beyond what even us DC'ers were accustomed to, because it used the MMX units heavily.

I did only a smidgen of DCypher, but I still have the install file on disc somewhere DCypher's organizers gave the Team a Win2k Server license for our web server.

The ViRGE fiasco...? and PTE...? uh, never heard of 'em! Nope! :Q:Q () But if I had, I'm sure I was merely an innocent bystander!

WarpCore, also slightly before my time. I do remember seeing pictures of it, a rack of motherboards set up for DC crunching for the Team. It did DNet projects, isn't that right? RC5-56, DES, and RC5-64?

Ok, some new trivia memories for us antique Team members...

Anyone remember the little contest we had to see who would be the 100,000th viewer of Mika's DNet stats? RaySun2Be and I were 99,999th and 100,001st (can't remember in which order anymore).

And who can name RaySun2Be's longtime racing partner in RC5-64? Their racing fun was spoiled by unwanted interference from the ___________ _____________ . (fill in the blanks)

Hey viztech, good to see you posting in here!



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
We have a winner! Dang Jay, that was fast.

Ok, and I have another one which I don't know if anyone but Jay could answer[/b]. When did your Forum ID switch from Jator to Jay and what is the significance of either one, since they're not your name? I never did figure it out, maybe you're a Blue Jays fan or ???


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hehe, actually, there have been several switches going back to the old bbs forum.

For those interested, (is anyone there?!?) I used Jay for a few months when I regsitered to the new Forum here at AT and then when I started posting at other forums, I couldn't get the nick Jay, so I went with my other nick Jator for consistency. But alas, I missed the Jay handle here on the forum, so I eventually switched back. And yes, my name is Jay.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Now, that was a walk down memory lane. Looks like I wasn't actually involved in the IRC those nights, but got mentioned a few times.

The good old days when I had a herd of cows running RC5 and wondered what was up when the Cow icon changed to a Butterfly all by itself, then changed back when DES was completed.

Trying to recruit Mycroft, only to have him start cracking RC5 for SlashDot
Recruiting Mander from the old Compaq team and watching him take off like a rocket

Taking abuse because my only home PC was a Cyrix MII300

Collecting funds to build Warp Core, watching it come on line
Buying one the motherboards with its dual C300a's (it is still running OGR 24/7 guys !!!!)
when it became to expensive for Clay to keep running.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Another Trivia Question:

Which project ran over 100% completed and had to be re-run???


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Oldtimers Sound Off >>

This isn't fair, I'm too old to remember much of anything.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
It's been a while since I have come across some of the stuff you are asking. I can only remember about half of them. I started about July of 99 on the old forums and then joined the new forums when they came out. But CSC and DES where just finished if I remember right. That's a long time ago Jay.

I joined about the same time Mech did and I do remember the First PTE to ViRGE. I was drilled on what happend two days after the PTE. Those where the days...



Senior member
Oct 30, 1999
Am I the only one disturbed of seeing long row of "Joined: Oct 1999" in this thread?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
beh, i'm not disturbed. whatever. let you old-timers have some fun. you guys need it. what with being geezers and all.


Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
Somewhere way back in my mind, I can remember some of them, but it is fuzzy.

Jay, do you remember our talk with BGod about making one of the first MT's at TA?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Yeah, originally it was going to be put together to battle the evil forces of ss59 and Chris. They had put together the 'Garden' I believe was the name of their herd. However, BGod and I never could get used to the idea of not having our own identity. Too many big ego's I guess.

Another trivia question:

Who was the 'official' winner of the original SO vs TA UT match?
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