Oldtimers Sound Off

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Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
I cought the tail end of the "old days" I don't know if I qulify or not... I remember the switch from VB to FT tho and you all wishing Virge a happy 14th or 15 Bday I can remember. I wasn't around for CSC or DES, I do remember Dcypher.net did alot for that project . I remember Virge talking about the PTE a bit when you all hit him. Project Total Eclypse is PTE (I belive) I used to know the warp core addie dont remember anymore, wasnt the original mika stats page somthing like mika.2y.net or one of those many ones...so I guess the real question is...do I count


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2000
Heheh..... I seemed to have joined back in December.......of 98( thats when my stats page starts). I think that was back when a p2 266 was the fastest computer out. I think i qualify. Does Montac.com ring a bell for anyone, before it became a clay's mountain bike page? Does anyone remember who the number one team over all was up till slashdot beat them?


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999

I remember most of the old stuff. I really looked up to that old WarpCorp crackrack project. But I felt all alone doing SETI back then as the team concentrated on RC5. It's great to see alot of the old timers still around


Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
According to my memory the first team at the time was the one comprised of Mac Users mainly.


Mar 31, 2000
Battling for the first place @ RC5 sure was fun, hope to be able to do that at other projects some time
Who remembers the phantom flusher? My entire RC5 stats (and fun) got @#$% by him...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Hey everybody,

Old beat up oldtimer here but alive and kicking thanks to the young and old here. It is truly fond memories seeing the originals posting all of the history we went through. The key is the "we", we went through it all together.

Dave McOwen




Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
I still remember the reason why I joined TA.

There was some Russian guy (don't remember his name, someone?)that outperformed the whole of the team on its own. He did this by cheating.
I couldn't stand that, so I put my formidable herd of two machines to the aid of TA.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Has anyone seen ZF3361/The Crow about lately?
Come to that ,I haven't seen Binky about for a while either
Whatever happened to Ragman?

Elf & NWM
You 2 guys should remember the MURC vs TA battles in SETI ,we swapped positions many times!

That link is dead to me

I actually started to read that log ,then I thpught I'd better check how long it is! ,I gave up ,but it sounded like you had a good laugh winding up Virge

Haven't seen Clay here around very much these past days (or is it months?).

BTW, does anyone knows how things worked out with the lady friend, he tried to help. She was involved in a divorce lawsuit for keeping her son with her.

Yeah I'd like to know too ,I donated a bit towards him ,heard nothing about it

My 1st cruncher was a Cel 366@550 which was still pretty hot at the time ,I only started SETI in 10/99 just a few weeks before I joined the forum & TA.
I still have the Cel 550 crunching for me, though its at a friends house now.

MURC really gave us some stiff competition back then ,we overtook each other many times ,in fact it wasn't until v3.03 was enforced that MURC seazed to be a threat.Didn't many SETIers switch to G@H then?


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Assimilator1, MURC has in Seti 118 of 712 active, Genome has 31 of 98.
UD has 42 users, but I'm not sure how many active...
This gives roughthly for active users: 17% doing Seti, 5% moved to Genome, 75% stopped crunching.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Ahh, it's good to see the old crackheads showing up; Joe, Polo, Peter, "I've fallen and I can't get up" Ray, Dave, Mech, Wolfie, JonB(I have a licence now, your daughter will never be safe again), and the list goes on. For the record, there are actually people that pre-date me by a tad, and Joe should be able to back me up on it; but some of the original crackers included Becks, Jackal(who wrote the first FAQ), and Amok(the only guy who was ever smarter than his computer).

For the answers to the questions:

Anyone here remember the CSC or DES projects?

Yes, there was the DES projects to prove that the old DES standards uses for exportable encyptions were too weak. Dnet held 5 contests I believe(DES I to III, with 2 tests for DES II I believe). In the last contest, the EFF participated with their quarter-million dollar cracking machine, which pumped out the same rate as all the Dnet crackers combined(I hesitate to say 90GK/sec here). DES III was cracked just shy of 24 hours.

CSC was a longer short-term project that lasted a few months, and was sponsored by the company that made the CSC algorithm. Because of a bug in the keymaster, the keys from the 20%-40% range were bad, and had to be re-done, from which the winning key was in. TA did well in CSC.

Anyone remember what Dcypher.net was?

Dcypher.net was both the first company to do CSC(Dnet came later), and the company that did GammaFlux. While they weren't sucessful financially(they had to close up shop in early 2001, I believe), we're still on good terms with Charrison, and Otlg22(Steve). Steve actually provided a Win2K licence for the Edge.

Anone remember the ViRGE fiasco?

How can I not remember it? Thanks to those psychos like JonB, Hutch, Maggie(Hutch's GF, and X's crush), Ray, ect; I picked up 271084 blocks, putting me in first place by about 3K blocks. Not only did I pee my pants(which I really did, BTW:Q), but it provided for some of the best reading material the team has. Thanks again for that guys.

Can you identify what a PTE is?

Project Total Eclispe. The idea behind a PTE is to secretly amass blocks to give to someone who has done a lot of work for the team. While it's harder to pull off nowadays because of the size and time needed to do SETI WUs, they still happen from time to time.

Do you know what the e-mail addy was for the WarpCore?

Warpcore@montac.com. The WarpCore was TA's first truely public crackrack composed of 12 BP6 boards complete with Celeron 450A's. The entire project ran off a very nicely done power panel system designed by Cautry(Clay), and his pal, Nevin(who designed Arctic Silver). It was one of our first major Linux racks too, as it used a heavily customized version of RedHat 5.x. The Warpcore could put out ~11K blocks a day at the time, which was good enough for the top 5 in TA's stats.

Can you remember what the original host name mika used for the stats page?

It is indeed mika.dynip.com. Mika volunteered to run a stats page, and has since then served as our resident website operator, who was kind enough to host TA's web boxes up to this day(first at work, then starting ~2 months ago, at his home).

Other questions

The Alien-Cow Wars

The Alien-Cow Wars were the flame treads that errupted from when SETI@Home first came online. Because is was the first major project besides the RC5 project, there was a lot of momentum to have people switch over. However, the internal recruiting didn't go over too well, which started the flame threads. Ultimately, it was solved from within TA(we had never needed a Mod), and its reprecussions still dictate what's acceptable for internal recruiting for a project.

Random Factoids

DStroth, a member of TA, it roumered to glow green. He had 3 17" monitors at one point durring the summer, and it has been theorized that he absorbed enough radiation(more than JonB, who works at a nuclear reactor:Q) to glow green.

A long time joke in IRC has been between myself and JonB over his lovely daughter. Because of our similar ages, I've always faked that I've had a crush on her(in a manical way). One day we were joking in IRC, and his daughter saw what we were typing. Needless to say, she was a tad freaked out.

My Question To You

BKehoe, our head IRC OP, hasn't always been a TA member. Who did he originally crack for?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< My Question To You
BKehoe, our head IRC OP, hasn't always been a TA member. Who did he originally crack for?

If I remember right it was Sysopt.

<< A long time joke in IRC has been between myself and JonB over his lovely daughter. Because of our similar ages, I've always faked that I've had a crush on her(in a manical way). One day we were joking in IRC, and his daughter saw what we were typing. Needless to say, she was a tad freaked out. >>

Now I know why you where so proud when you got your license.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
ViRGE is too young to be an old timer. He would have had to been in diapers when this all started. What's that ViRGE, you still are in diapers.
/Me feels badly that he brought this up


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
My first RC5 machine was an Abit LX6, Pentium II 266, 128MB SDRAM, 8.4GB Maxtor, Diamond FireGL Pro, Soundblaster Awe 64, USR 56K Sportster ISA voice modem, Adaptec AHA-2940UW & AHA-1510, Sony 2X slot load burner and a Panasonic 24X reader all packed in a Inwin A500 case with a 250W Powerman power supply, Mag Innovision DJ700 monitor, Microtek ScanMaker E6. I took out a loan for the whole thing and it came to $4,250.

The second system I built was an Abit BE6, Pentium II 400, 128MB SDRAM, 6.4GB WD, Canopus Spectra 2500 TNT1, Soundblaster Live Value, Diamond 56K Supra, Creative 24X reader in an Inwin Q500A. I didn't have that CPU for very long before I updated and went with a Pentium III 500. Sold the 400, and sent the full tower case to LD for The Game Box.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dasm I'm old.....hehe.

*waves his Cyrix Throwing Stars at all the old timers*

Anyone remember the MROS? How about NIC Nunchakus? You Tea anyone?

Yes, I'm old


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Wolfie, that's actually not the right answer. Try again.

Jay I've been around on this team so long, I think that I was on it before I existed. And yes, I'm wearing diapers just in case you guys do another PTE-esque event on me again.:Q

Oh, and another question just to keep you guys thinking: When we hit 10% of the RC5 keyspace, the Dnet guys sent the guy who got the 10% key a prize. What was it?(Doesn't need to be too specific).


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh well, It was a guess.


Your not too old. You where just around when the team started. A lucky person if you ask me.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Oldtimer, I resemble that remark

I just wanted to pop in to say HI to the old gang. I still scan the forums once in a while, but never seem to find the time to take an active role these days. I do however still run the RC5 client, and will until that project is complete. I still even have one of the old WarpCore nodes purring away in the corner of the room, which until a month ago was used as my main PC. I've since upgraded to a killer 2.2Mhz Northwood, 1gb RDRAM, Raid0, PC.



Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
You know, This has got to be the best thread i've read in a long time. Interesting to see that we "old timers" are still at it. Is it devotion or stubborness, that keeps us going. There's alot of history there. I started RC5 on a Pentium 166 (later a 166MMX). I got into RC5 because I wanted to fit in and have something to talk about on the forums.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I must say that I am happy to see so many old faces come out of the wood work.

/me thinks we need more rocking chairs for this porch we all are sitting at. What porch is that you ask, why the old-folks home.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
My first cracker was a P166MMX on a Asus T2P4 (great board !). I've done 28 blocks my first day, 12/28/1998...

Assim1 : I've no prob with the page... ??? but most of the links in it are dead.

I think BKehoe was first on TA then switch to sysopt when having "problem" in the forum...

Very nice thread. Thanks Jay for this one.

Polo, TA cracker since 12/27/1998...


Oct 10, 1999
I joined TA RC5 June 23rd, 1999, running a Dell 486DX-66mhz, and got credit for 9 blocks that day. The Phantom Flusher:| still contributes to that old account, which has been active for 992 days.

KingHam was my most honorable and worthy dnet racing opponent. We had a lot of fun.

I also loved the PTEs! They were great, and a wonderful team way of saying THANKS! to teammates who did so much for the team, and never asked anything in return.

OK, another couple of old-timer questions:

1. Who was notorious for feigning death in UT Instagib matches (I couldn't stop laughing enough to hit 'em)
2. Who played UT using their laptop touchpad?
3. Who at one point could only run around in circles?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
1) Mech - He used to do it to me in regular matches too.
2) Thunder - At least at the first Mid-West TA Drive/Fly-in
3) JonB - It's just a guess

BK was on SysOpt/Tweak It when I first met him online

This is getting to be a bad place for cats. With all the rocking chairs their bound to have their tail mashed soon.


Oct 10, 1999
#1 was actually Possessed_Freak. He was the first to feign death in UT Instagib on the Morpheus map. I can still remember him slowly landing on the pad, and about 20 Instagib shots were all around him trying to hit him. (for non UT folks, in regular UT, you can feign death, and as people go by, get up and frag them. In Instagib, feigning is worthless, as there are no bodys laying around becuase you are instantly fragged into pieces. It still is one of the funniest things I've seen playing UT. Well, besides 8 people trying to telefrag each other at the same time )

The reason that there are so many listed as October, 1999, is because that is when Anandtech converted the forums to Fusetalk, and everyone had to re-join.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
I know a little bit more about the Alien vs Cow wars now ,thanks,it happened a little while before I joined.
Btw I can't believe that you did actually wet your pants!:Q (& admit so on here!)

That link works now!
Must be my rubbishy ISP ,NTL:|

Ragman was a big gun at CSC too!:Q ,that's news too me! ,it's very odd that someone who was so interested in DC would just dissappear ,he last posted in 5/2000 in the 'bring back Office Boy ' thread.His SETI output was unsteady after that finally going flatline in November.
Any idea where he went? ,I tried Emailing him on his SETI email add but never got a response

Btw I also had an Asus TXP4 ,it was a nice board


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
&szlig;G&oslash;d, I've done a little feigning but my main UT claim to fame is that, at times, I had logged more hours on GameBox than some of the bots had I also racked up over 700 frags in one CTF game in the Coret map, against an all-bot team, just to one-up Slahr Dzhe. The amazing thing is, I can stop any time I want to! */me twitches uncontrollably*

Ah, those were fun times.
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