OM sales flyer 4/27 to 5/3 *** 10 DAYS ADVANCED NOTICE (from today: 4/17) *** 120GB WD HDD $40AR (VALID 4/24!!) & more!


Senior member
Dec 23, 2002
Before proceeding any further, this ORIGINAL POST (OP) will be updated during the duration of this thread's life. Many stupid or frequently asked questions will be answered in here. Other updates will be provided as well. Thus, please read the updates in this OP before posting any questions! Thank you

Everybody once again owes a HUGE THANKS to jimmywalt (a FW user) for getting his hands on the OM sales flyer 10 days in advance!!![/b] There are no FREE AFTER REBATE (FAR) items this time, but there are perhaps a few decent deals among the various sale items.

*** Click here to see the sales flyer!!! *** (special thanks to [/i]psianime[/i] for web hosting!)

THIS SALE BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 04/27/2003 - 05/03/2003

Here's a few items I've found which can be used to piece together some pretty nice deals:
[*]Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM HDD (Item #20148555) @ $159.99 - $10IR - $80MIR = $69.99 AR
[*]Cendyne 48x12x48 Internal CD-RW (Item #20182491) @ $79.99 - $30IR - $30 MFR-MIR - $10 OMAX-MIR (#2???) = $9.99 AR
[*]FujiFilm 50-Pack CD-R (Item #20328343) @ $17.99 - $5IR - $10MIR (#44) = $2.99 AR
[*]Curtis 2.4GHz Cordless Phone with CID and Digital Answerer, TC995 (Item #20213369) @ $69.99 - $40IR - $20MIR (#15) = $9.99 AR
[*]iConcepts Digital Camera (Item #20168685) @ $24.99 - $10IR - $5MIR (#16) = $9.99 AR
[*]Acco Paper Clips (filler item) (Item #09015424) @ 29¢

Deal #1:
WD 120GB HDD @ $149.99 +
Acco Paper Clips @ 29¢ -
$30 off $150 cpn -
$80MIR (WD HDD) =
TOTAL: $40.28 AR + sales tax on $120.28

Deal #2:
WD 120GB HDD @ $149.99 +
Cendyne CD-RW @ $49.99 +
Acco Paper Clips @ 29¢ -
$40 off $200 cpn -
$80MIR (WD HDD) -
$30MIR (Cendyne CD-RW MFR) -
$10MIR (Cendyne CD-RW OMAX) =
TOTAL: $40.27 AR + sales tax on $160.27

Deal #3
WD 120GB HDD @ $149.99 +
Cendyne CD-RW @ $49.99 +
Fuji CD-R 50pk @ $12.99 +
Curtis 2.4Ghz @ $29.99 +
iConcepts Camera @ $14.99 -
$50 off $250 cpn -
$80MIR (WD HDD) -
$30MIR (Cendyne CD-RW MFR) -
$10MIR (Cendyne CD-RW OMAX) -
$10MIR (Fuji CD-R) -
$20MIR (Curtis 2.4Ghz) -
$ 5MIR (iConcepts Camera) =
TOTAL: $52.95 AR + sales tax on $207.95

Note 1: If you want any of the items in this sale, SECURE YOUR MERCHANDISE NOW (before the sale starts) by BUYING IT NOW. OMAX has a 14-day PRICE MATCHING POLICY. Once the sale starts, go back to your OMAX B&M w/ your RECEIPT ONLY, have them issue a REFUND OF EVERYTHING followed by a REPURCHASE OF EVERYTHING. Do not simply have them credit you back the "price difference." You'll need a NEW RECEIPT during the SALE PERIOD for the REBATES TO BE VALID!

Note 2: Not all items are on-line yet at OMAX.COM

Note 3: OMAX.COM has a tendency to not update their web-site in a timely fashion at the start of new sales periods. Once the sale begins, you can safely order on-line at the INCORRECT PRICE(s) and then have your order MANUALLY PRICE ADJUSTED by calling OMAX.COM. Wait at least 30 minutes (after the order's been placed) before calling OMAX.COM. It takes about that long for the order to transfer from their web-site to their actual order processing system. 1-877-OFFICEMAX

Note 4: If your OMAX B&M accepts OMAX.COM coupons (YMMV), don't apply the coupon until the RE-PURCHASE!!! OMAX "takes back" coupons during refunds, so you really only need it applied during the FINAL PURCHASE (i.e. during the SALE PERIOD). You can purchase items at OMAX.COM and refund/re-purchase them at an OMAX B&M. YOU DO NOT NEED THE ITEMS WITH YOU when doing a REFUND/RE-PURCHASE. I've done this countless times at various OMAX B&M's.

Note 5: Any MIR with a (#) next to it is the REBATE ENTRY # of the rebate within a Multi-Item Rebate Form.

*EDIT1 Frequently Asked & Stupid Questions (FASQ)
Q: Can you better clarify how "securing the merchandise" works???
A: Let's look at a few scenarios:
[*]SCENARIO 1: You live near an OMAX B&M
a) Purchase the item(s) at your LOCAL OMAX B&M or at OMAX.COM, but DO NOT APPLY ANY COUPONS!
b) When the sale starts, take your SALES RECEIPT ONLY to your OMAX B&M
c) Have your OMAX B&M issue a refund of ALL ITEMS PURCHASED at the PRE-SALES PRICES
d) Have your OMAX B&M re-ring up ALL THE ITEMS at the SALE PRICES.
e) Have your OMAX B&M apply your DISCOUNT COUPON (it's a "YMMV" situation using an OMAX.COM coupon at OMAX B&M)
f) If all the above goes through w/o cause, you'll be issued a NEW SALES RECEIPT (during the rebate period) as well as REBATE RECEIPT(S)

[*]SCENARIO 2: You DO NOT live near an OMAX B&M. You can only use OMAX.COM
a) This scenario is much fuzzier than the above. You can try securing the merchandise in advance (as above); however, according to what a CSR at OMAX.COM explained to me, they can only issue you a CREDIT of the PRICE DIFFERENCE. To issue an actual "REFUND," they have to send one of their jackasses (err drivers) to your place and pick up the merchandise! (Kind of defeats the purpose of SECURING THE MERCHANDISE).
b) I say try securing the merchandise ANYWAY. If a regular CSR won't be able to issue a refund/repurchase, ask to speak to a supervisor. Keep going up the corporate food chain until you find somebody who'll do the 2 simple transactions.
c) Note: If you intend to do this strictly via OMAX.COM, you may want to apply your coupon on your INITIAL PURCHASE. Just make sure that whatever items you pick meet the terms of the coupon once the sale prices take effect.
d) The safest way to handle a 100% OMAX.COM purchase is to simply wait until the sale starts & BUY ON-LINE RIGHT AWAY! Apply your coupon on the INITIAL (and ONLY) purchase.

Q: Is the Western Digital 120 HDD the "8 meg" cache 3yr warranty model or the "2 meg" cache 1 yr warranty model?
A: Based on the picture shown, it appears to be the lesser "2 meg" cache w/ 1 yr warranty. What do you expect for $40???
*UPDATE* Several people who've "secured the merchandise" are reporting that they've received the "8 meg" cache 3yr warranty model!!!
*UPDATE2* Fo' shizzle mah nizzle, it'z offishul!!! I secured the SPECIAL EDITION ("8 meg" cache, 3 yr warranty drive) and YOU CAN TOO if your OMAX B&M has it in stock! How?? Do what I did: ASK FOR THE SPECIAL EDITION MODEL. Click here to see proof!!! It's a scan of my receipt w/ all personal info blocked out & a digital pic of my WD 120 gig retail box. BTW, the shelf price of the drive was listed as $159.99 even though it initially rang up at $179.99 at the register. The cashier looked at the shelf tag and lowered the price!

Q: The OMAX.COM coupons all have the following disclaimer:
"This is a one-time offer that applies only towards your first order at between xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx. This offer is exclusive to purchases from the OfficeMax Internet site and will expire on xx/xx/xx."
Does that mean you can only use ONE OF THESE coupons, and ONLY ON YOUR FIRST ORDER?

A: Those disclaimers have never prevented me from applying OMAX.COM coupons even though I've placed other orders during the specified coupon period. I've even used the same coupon several times, under the same user account, during the same coupon period. That said, YMMV.

Q: The WD HDD is showing up on-line @ $179.99 at the moment, not $159.99 (before anticipated $10IR). Explain?
A: jimmywalt and I must be pulling a fast one on everybody.
The prices listed in the ad will be valid once the sale begins! OMAX will lower the drive to $159.99 - $10IR, or $149.99. If they don't update their web-site immediately, after you've ordered the drive, call them. They WILL adjust your order.

Q: When doing a REFUND/REPURCHASE, is it true that you really only need to bring the receipt and not the ACTUAL ITEM(s)?
A: I used to bring my items back w/ me when doing a refund/repurchase, but the CSR's told me this was not necessary. Ever since I've been doing the REFUND/REPURCHASE without the items there. Besides, with this sale, there's a hidden BENEFIT to performing a REFUND/REPURCHASE w/o having the item(s) there. For those people who secured the "SPECIAL EDITION" WD HDD @ the $159.99 price, if on 4/27 OM refuses to sell the drive at the SALE PRICE of $149.99, and if the SE drive rings back up @ the current $179.99 (as it initially did for me), they'll at least have to re-sell it to you for $159.99! Remember, they issue the REFUND FIRST! Once the refund's been issued, if the refunded item's not in the store, they HAVE to ring up a new sale to keep inventory accurate! As a result, they'll be less inclined to give you sh*t about re-purchasing the SE model @ the $159.99 price. YMMV of course.

Q: I purchased multiple items on-line using a coupon; however, at least one of the items is CBO (i.e. backordered) and may end up getting cancelled. Without that item, my order total no longer meets the terms of the coupon and/or no longer meets the terms for FREE S&H. What should I do???
A: You will not lose your ENTIRE COUPON and you will not be charged S&H. If you were entitled to FREE S&H on your original order, the remaining portion of your order will be SHIPPED FREE. As for the COUPON, whatever PERCENT OF YOUR ORDER is cancelled is the SAME PERCENT of the coupon that you'll lose. For example, if you have a $200 order in which you're using a $40 coupon, if a $150 item in that order gets cancelled on you, here's what'll happen:
a) $150 is what percent of $200? Answer: 75%
b) 75% of the $40 coupon is what? Answer: $30
c) You're left with how much "coupon credit?" Answer: $10 (i.e. $40 coupon - $30 removed)
d) Your original $200 order minus complete $40 coupon would have been: $160.
e) With the $150 item cancelled, you're now left w/ a: $50 order
f) You now get $10 of "coupon credit" applied. Thus, your order total is: $40.
g) The order still ships free (even though you're below $50) because you were ORIGINALLY ENTITLED TO FREE S&H!

Q: Is there a way I can tell whether my WD STANDARD EDITION (i.e. 2 meg cache/1yr warranty) RETAIL BOXED HDD has been UPGRADED FREE to an "8 meg cache" SPECIAL EDITION HDD?
A: Certain SERIAL # formats seem to have higher probability of being "FREE UPGRADE" drives:
[*]WMACMxxxxxxx - Many people w/ drives of this S/N format are reporting that their drives have the FREE UPGRADE, including my WMACM11xxxxx S/N'd drive. (There have been several reported EXCEPTIONS, so it's not a GUARANTEE!)
[*]WMA8Cxxxxxxx - Many people w/ drives of this S/N format are reporting that their drives HAVE NOT BEEN UPGRADED. (There are several reported exceptions here as well. One person thinks that WMA8C3xxxxxx may be an UPGRADED DRIVE while WMA8C2xxxxxx may not be)
That said, the only SURE FIRE WAY to tell is to OPEN UP THE BOX and look inside for a PINK SLIP congratulating you on having received a FREE UPGRADE TO AN 8meg cache SPECIAL EDITION DRIVE. The warranty of such upgraded drives continues to remain 1yr; however, some people who've contacted WD claim that they've been told that if the PHYSICAL DRIVE is a "JB" model (which is the SPECIAL EDITION model), it's got a 3yr warranty. YMMV on that one.

*EDIT2 Rebate Issues!!!
Issue: The linked Cendyne CD-RW $10 OM-MIR (#2???) was valid 03/30/2003 - 04/05/2003 (which is not only outside the rebate period for this sale but has already expired). What gives?
Response: Not sure yet. I'll inquire w/ my local OMAX B&M once the sale starts. Previously they've supplied me w/ internal OMAX memos listing rebate corrections. My 1st guess is that the linked rebate will be honored for the 4/27 - 5/03 sales period. 2nd guess? Some other $10 OM-MIR will magically appear.
*UPDATE* OMAX.COM has linked $10 rebate offer on Cendyne PRODUCT PAGE. The OMAX.COM link points to the same REBATE FORM I've linked to from the very beginning. Furthermore, the PRODUCT PAGE says that the rebate's valid "4/27 - 5/3 only!" Thus, my original "guess" appears to have been correct.
*UPDATE2* For those who couldn't figure out what I meant above, it's SIMPLE: Per OfficeMax's instructions to the rebate company, the $10 MIR WILL BE HONORED! Here's the INTERNAL DOCUMENT(s) as PROOF:
[*]OMAX MIR Quick Reference, 4/27/2003 (Pg 1 of 2) (see Cendyne honored "expired rebate" proof circled in RED)
[*]OMAX MIR Quick Reference, 4/27/2003 (Pg 2 of 2) (no additional Cendyne proof here, just including it anyway)
*UPDATE3* Parago (i.e. has updated the $10 Cendyne WEB-SUBMISSION rebate form to reflect a rebate period of: 03/30/2003 through 05/03/2003. Click here for the Cendyne web-submission rebate form. (The REBATE PERIOD is listed at the TOP of the page.)

Issue: Is the $80 WD HDD rebate valid on the SPECIAL EDITION "8 meg cache/3yr warranty" model HDD?
Response: According to what people have posted at FW (whom have contacted the "WD Rebate Service Center"), the rebate supposedly is only valid on the "2 meg cache" model. That said, the REBATE FORM (which you can view by clicking here) ONLY ASKS FOR A CAPACITY LABEL, NOT A UPC CODE! The terms & conditions stipulate that the CAPACITY LABEL must come from a RETAIL BOXED drive showing that it's a 120gig, 7200 RPM HDD! The SAMPLE CAPACITY LABEL listed on the rebate form shows the label WITHOUT the UPC CODE attached to it! Furthermore, there is no mention of what COLOR the capacity label must be (i.e. YELLOW label for the "standard" drive vs. SILVER label for the "special edition" drive). Finally, WD has come up w/ new retail packaging on their HDD's (w/ new colors and styles of CAPACITY LABELS) as can be seen here:
[*]Western Digital Retail Kit "NEW STYLE" packaging (Standard)
[*]Western Digital Retail Kit "NEW STYLE" packaging (Special Edition)
Given all of the above, it's my opinion that ANY WD 120 GIG 7200RPM RETAIL KIT drive LEGALLY qualifies for the $80 rebate (regardless of whether WD intended the "special edition" models to qualify or not). That said, if you want to be absolutely safe, get a STANDARD "2 meg cache" model. I've secured my "8 meg cache" model & will apply for the $80 MIR with it. One more thing: I've applied for several WD MIR offers in the past which only asked for the CAPACITY LABEL. I've always sent in those labels WITHOUT THE UPC CODE and my rebate checks arrived EVERY TIME.
*UPDATE* Several people (who are really are looking out for YOUR BEST INTEREST) are stronly disagreeing with the notion that the $80 MIR is valid for the WD 120 GIG "SPECIAL EDITION" drive. They're basing this on the fact that once the WEB SUBMISSION version of this rebate form gets posted (at Parago -, it will clarify (in the "Additional Promotion Details" section) that only the UPC CODE of the "2 meg" cache model is applicable. I 100% agree that the WEB-SUBMISSION version of this rebate form will indeed make that clarification; however, I've also presented arguments (in the FW thread) why I believe even the WEB-SUBMISSION version of the rebate form isn't worded properly enough. That said, if you're going to claim your rebate on the SPECIAL EDITION model (8 meg cache, 3yr warranty):
a) You should use the PDF rebate form (as it makes no clarifications whatsoever on which models are applicable other than "7200 RPM" and "120 GIG")
b) It is possible that your rebate will initially be rejected. KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND IN and be prepared to DISPUTE THE REBATE REJECTION should it be rejected. I'm not saying it WILL be rejected, but there is an increased probability.
c) If you don't have the stomach for situation (b), buy the STANDARD EDITION HDD. $40 for a 120GIG HDD w/ 2 meg cache is still a great deal!
d) As I've repeatedly said, I'm going for the rebate on the SPECIAL EDITION model because I firmly believe that OMAX/WD doesn't have a legal leg to stand on (in reference to the PDF rebate form).
e) You have been given FAIR WARNING. Good luck to everybody on this deal!
*UPDATE2* Several people have confirmed w/ their local OMAX B&M that the SPECIAL EDITION MODEL is an OFFICIAL OMAX SUBSTITUTE ITEM! That means either the existing $80 rebate will be valid -or- OMAX will have to make some other $80 rebate available! The initial reports are that the existing $80 rebate qualifies (which makes sense). Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my hands on the OMAX INTERNAL MEMO listing the OFFICIAL SUBSTITUTE ITEMS (at which point I'll throw a scan up for the rest of you).
*UPDATE3* The SPECIAL EDITION "8 meg/3yr warranty" drive is indeed an OFFICIAL OMAX SUBSTITUTION. Here's the INTERNAL DOCUMENT(s) as proof:
[*]OMAX Weekly Ad Planner, 4/27/2003 (Pg 1 of 3) (see WD substitution proof circled in red)
[*]OMAX Weekly Ad Planner, 4/27/2003 (Pg 2 of 3) (no additional WD proof here, just including it anyway)
[*]OMAX Weekly Ad Planner, 4/27/2003 (Pg 3 of 3) (no additional WD proof here, just including it anyway)
BTW, the WD "substitution" info lists that the REBATE on "PAGE #37" is valid for that drive. Page #37 of the OMAX REBATE BOOKLET is the VERY SAME REBATE FORM I've linked in the OP since day 1. Thus, the SAME REBATE works for the STANDARD EDITION and SPECIAL EDITION DRIVES.

Issue: The $80 WD HDD rebate offer is currently showing up ON-LINE at Parago (i.e. as the OLD 3 DAY REBATE PERIOD (4/24 - 4/26) that OMAX apparently added to compete w/ CC's sale during that same period. What about the CURRENTLY ADVERTISED REBATE PERIOD of 4/27-5/3? Where's that ON-LINE REBATE?
Response: The ADVERTISED SALE began on SUNDAY, 4/27. People have been asking this question on that very same SUNDAY. Give Parago/OMAX at least 1 or 2 BUSINESS DAYS to get the ON-LINE rebate situation corrected. If you want to mail in your rebate ASAP, you can proceed w/ the PDF VERSION of the rebate form as listed in the OP. ON-LINE submitted rebates do get processed faster though, so IMO it's worth waiting for the PARAGO REBATE to be fixed/updated.
*UPDATE* The on-line rebate form has been updated to reflect the correct rebate period of 04/27/2003 - 05/03/2003. That said, the promotion description still lists it as a "THREE DAY OFFER." So Parago didn't do a the most thorough update; however, that verbiage is irrelevant. The REBATE PERIOD is what counts.
*UPDATE2* The updated ON-LINE rebate form includes the UPC CODES of both the STANDARD EDITION & the SPECIAL EDITION HDD's. Either UPC CODE officially qualifies in the ON-LINE rebate form!

Issue: I previously submitted a rebate for a/an ___________ (item of your choice). Am I entitled to re-apply for a rebate on that SAME ITEM this time?
Response: You're eligible for the rebate on the SAME ITEM if ANY of the following conditions are true:
1) The previous rebate offer was a different retailer's (or e-tailer's) rebate offer
2) The previous rebate offer was from the same retailer/etailer, but the rebate offer has a DIFFERENT OFFER # this time
3) The previous rebate offer and the current rebate offer ARE THE SAME OFFER, but the rebate permits MORE THAN ONE REBATE PER PERSON, HOUSEHOLD, etc.

Issue: Some OMAX rebate items can be applied for at; however, I placed an OMAX.COM order and EasierRebates wants a RECEIPT #. Is that my "ORDER #" from the OMAX.COM web-site or is the receipt # something that'll be listed on my packing slip?
Response: The OMAX.COM ORDER # is not your RECEIPT # !!! The RECEIPT # will indeed be listed on your PACKING SLIP (which is your OFFICIAL RECEIPT BTW). You should receive 2 copies of that PACKING SLIP/RECEIPT: a YELLOW COPY & a PINK COPY. BTW, if you submit a rebate requiring an ORIGINAL RECEIPT, you can use EITHER the YELLOW or the PINK copy.
*UPDATE* FW user SirZ e-mailed EasierRebates about this matter. He was informed that it's ok to put the ORDER NUMBER where it asks for the RECEIPT NUMBER. This obviously only applies to OMAX.COM orders.

Issue: OMAX may send me a SPECIAL EDITION HDD as a SUBSTITUTE for my order placed during the "unadvertised" 4/24-4/26 rebate period. The DOCUMENTED PROOF (above) showing that the SE model qualifies for the rebate doesn't specifically cover the 4/24-4/26 period. What should I do?
Response: If OMAX substitutes the drive, THE ITEM WILL BE REBATE ELIGIBLE PERIOD! Include a note with your rebate form as follows: "OMAX sent me a WD SPECIAL EDITION HDD in place of the WD STANDARD EDITION HDD I ordered. OMAX has further assured me that the SPECIAL EDITION HDD is REBATE ELIGIBLE because they made that drive an OFFICIAL OMAX SUBSTITUTION ITEM." If your rebate gets rejected, it'll be a VERY SIMPLE REBATE DISPUTE. Parago actually responds to their E-MAIL submitted disputes rather quickly!

*EDIT3 Other/Misc

To all the people who've sent me complimentary PM's, thanks for the kind sentiments!

In the event you are violating our forum rules, I have taken the liberty of deleting the links to your coupon scan

Woops! The line above was posted by the AT MODS. Here's why:
I'm maintaining this thread in 2 places (here & FW). When I update one thread, I COPY & PASTE my updates to the other thread. Some info (which is allowed to be posted at FW but not here) was accidentally inserted here. Sorry about that AT MODS, wasn't intentional!

Parago has added an $80 OMAX/WD 3 DAY REBATE OFFER on-line (valid 04/24/2003 - 04/26/2003)!!! The 3 DAY OFFER has got the SAME OFFER # as the offer which begins on 4/27. This may be an error on Parago's part, or it may be that OMAX added the additional $80 REBATE PERIOD to compete w/ CC's 3-day sale during the same period. Either way, since the rebate clearly lists that it's valid valid 4/24/2003 - 4/26/2003, if your rebate gets rejected for being "too early," you should have little trouble disputing it (so long as you have a copy of your submitted rebate form). Whether or not you'll be eligible for another rebate of the SAME REBATE OFFER # begining 4/27 is unclear. IMO they're two different rebates since they cover two different OFFER PERIODS; however, they do have the same OFFER #. Thus, YMMV on that one. BTW, the existing ON-LINE rebate offer has conflicting terms & conditions. Take a look at my completed on-line rebate submission (personal info has been changed). The PROMOTION DETAILS asks for the ORIGINAL CAPACITY LABEL while the MAILING INSTRUCTIONS asks for the STORE RECEIPT & ORIGINAL UPC CODE. You may want to send BOTH CAPACITY LABEL & UPC CODE for this 3 DAY OFFER (although EITHER OR should suffice). Finally, if you order the HD on-line during this additional REBATE OFFER PERIOD, use the coupon up front, PM to the 4/27 sale price, and be done w/ your transactions! Just make sure you add your PAPER CLIPS so that your PM'd price meets the coupon terms!

*UPDATE* If you intend to go for this 3 DAY REBATE OFFER, submit your ON-LINE REBATE SUBMISSION during the 3 DAY REBATE PROMOTION PERIOD! If you wait until after 4/26/2003, the on-line rebate form's TERMS & CONDITIONS may reflect the ORIGINALLY ADVERTISED REBATE PERIOD of 4/27/2003 - 5/03/2003. Thus you'll lose out on your properly worded rebate form (and as far as I can tell, there is no PDF/OFFLINE version of this "3 DAY PROMOTION" rebate form).

*UPDATE2* The rebate link above now reflects the correct rebate period of 04/27/2003 - 05/03/2003. If you ordered your HDD before 4/27, I hope you printed out your correctly worded rebate form!


Diamond Member
May 13, 2002
thank you for putting the deals together, and thank you jimmywalt for hooking it up with the fliers.


Senior member
Dec 23, 2000
mustave taken you a while to make this post huh? ..,, nice tho, even tho theres nothing I mite need (gfx card)

good job


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2002
Thanks! This looks great. I may buy the HD, burner, and Fuji CDs early, use my msn reward dollars and hardly pay anything in the end. I so excited I'm about ready to wet myself.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 1999
Do not bother with the iConcept camera. It is worse than the worst you can imagine. Even if they paid you to use it. I tried it once.

The Fuji CDs are the cheapest I've seen lately, both before and after rebate.

The HD is definitely a great deal after coupon.

Thanks for posting this TheDiggler


Platinum Member
Jan 7, 2001
Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM HDD (Item #20148555) @ $159.99 - $10IR - $80MIR = $69.99 AR

holy sh!t... 120 Mb for $70 after rebate..

there is $30 of $150 coupon floating around, make it $40 + tax for $120 G..

$40+tax ~ $50 for 120G... ! :Q too bad NOT the SE 8Mb version w/ 3 yr warranty, this 2Mb one just 1 yr warranty.


Senior member
Apr 24, 2000
Too bad it's not the SE version with the 8 MB cache, I'd be standing in line before the store opened :frown:

Need another one of those for my Raid


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
Thanks for the advance notice. I now have a while to justify buying a third hard drive to make my total space 300 GBs.


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2001
sounds like a great deal...wondering if I need another 120GB. I just did a PM at CC on a WD 120GB I bought for $170+tax. PM to local place for $136. Final cost was $143 after PM, plus $80 rebate from CC. So, for $63, I'm happy...but I'm also greedy. So maybe one more won't hurt...


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
Thanks so much for the post!

Well I'm doing deal #3 hehe. Then have my friends do that too, then have my cousins, etc. lol Then they send the stuff to me, and I'm one happy guy.


Senior member
Sep 10, 2001
but I'm also greedy. .......

He heeeee heeeee.......... So am I

Originally posted by: spinn
sounds like a great deal...wondering if I need another 120GB. I just did a PM at CC on a WD 120GB I bought for $170+tax. PM to local place for $136. Final cost was $143 after PM, plus $80 rebate from CC. So, for $63, I'm happy...but I'm also greedy. So maybe one more won't hurt...



Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dangit! Its only the 2 meg cache model (1 year warranty vs 3 year for the 8 meg). Thanks for the find anyway.


Dec 1, 2001
Read the rules, you're not allowed to ask for coupons; the moderators don't appreciate it. Just do a Google search for "OfficeMax coupons" and you should find what you need.

IMO, this deal is flaming. You can't go wrong with a 120GB HD and CD-RW for $40, no matter what size cache the drive has. Great post, TheDiggler!


Senior member
Dec 23, 2002
Originally posted by: heyzeus
hmm... i can't seem to find the $30 off $150 purchase coupon.... where could i find it?
I can't really help you with that here at AT; however, this identical thread has been posted by yours truly over at FW in their Hot Deals forum. They're a little more "flexible" w/ their coupon rules.



Dec 1, 2001
Anyone know if that 2.4 GHz phone is any good? With an original price of $69.99 it sounds like it might not be a total piece of junk.


Senior member
Dec 23, 2002
Originally posted by: jasonroehm
Anyone know if that 2.4 GHz phone is any good? With an original price of $69.99 it sounds like it might not be a total piece of junk.
The same phone w/o answering machine is available FAR (FREE AFTER REBATE) this week (as listed in this other thread of mine). I just hooked it up yesterday and so far my initial impressions are that it's worth about what I'll ultimately pay for it. On the positive side, although it's a 2.4ghz phone, it doesn't interfere w/ my 2.4Ghz 802.11b network. I was pleasantly surprised by that!



Senior member
Dec 23, 2002
Originally posted by: dizzle
$30 off $150
$40 off $200
$50 off $250

where do i get these coupons? instore?
Welcome to AnandTech. Now read the rules! And while you're reading... scroll up and read some of the messages in this thread. You may find information that'll point you in the right direction.



Mar 26, 2003
Nice, very nice.

Thanks to The Diggler and jimmywalt for all the hard work that was put in and the ready made deals.

I 'm going to go with deal #1.
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