OMMFG: lady I work with is DEMANDING sick/vacation workarounds

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Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Originally posted by: KarenMarie
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
I have one and only one problem with working with women.

I'm a fairly quiet person, and I pretty much stay in my cubicle. Women translate that fact in a way that they think I'm a good listener. So they assume that I want to listen to them. Every job I've ever had, my office has become the "bitching spot". They gripe about their jobs, their hair, their coworkers, their workload, the color of the carpet, something their husband said last night, the movie they saw the day before their ninth birthday, the fact that their deodorent now only comes in unscented, their little doggy at home peeing all over the carpet, the fact that they aren't 16 anymore, how that damned George Bush ought to see things their way, how white paper would be so much prettier if it was pink, that Walmart is taking over the entire retail world, that smelling wet fingernail polish makes them feel all funny, that Clive down in accounting looked at them funny this morning, that typing nonstop all day is giving them brain cancer, that their butts have grown five sizes larger since just yesterday, that Krispy Kreme is skimping on the filling in their doughnuts, that everyone keeps screaming something about TPS reports, that someone in Engineering told a joke this morning that they just didn't get and nobody should be allowed to tell jokes in the workplace anyway, that its just so unfair that Barbara gets to take the mail to the mailbox every day, that last night at the club Billy put something in her drink and she can't remember a period of about three hours, that maxi-pads don't come in any larger sizes, and so on, ad nauseum.

But mostly, they just gripe about each other.

that is hilarious!!!

hahaha, that has to be one of the better rants i've seen lately



May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: everman
Originally posted by: randomlinh
Originally posted by: KarenMarie
Originally posted by: NuclearNed
I have one and only one problem with working with women.

I'm a fairly quiet person, and I pretty much stay in my cubicle. Women translate that fact in a way that they think I'm a good listener. So they assume that I want to listen to them. Every job I've ever had, my office has become the "bitching spot". They gripe about their jobs, their hair, their coworkers, their workload, the color of the carpet, something their husband said last night, the movie they saw the day before their ninth birthday, the fact that their deodorent now only comes in unscented, their little doggy at home peeing all over the carpet, the fact that they aren't 16 anymore, how that damned George Bush ought to see things their way, how white paper would be so much prettier if it was pink, that Walmart is taking over the entire retail world, that smelling wet fingernail polish makes them feel all funny, that Clive down in accounting looked at them funny this morning, that typing nonstop all day is giving them brain cancer, that their butts have grown five sizes larger since just yesterday, that Krispy Kreme is skimping on the filling in their doughnuts, that everyone keeps screaming something about TPS reports, that someone in Engineering told a joke this morning that they just didn't get and nobody should be allowed to tell jokes in the workplace anyway, that its just so unfair that Barbara gets to take the mail to the mailbox every day, that last night at the club Billy put something in her drink and she can't remember a period of about three hours, that maxi-pads don't come in any larger sizes, and so on, ad nauseum.

But mostly, they just gripe about each other.

that is hilarious!!!

hahaha, that has to be one of the better rants i've seen lately


<Elvis> Thank you, thank you very much </Elvis>


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2001
Originally posted by: crownjules
Originally posted by: armatron

I was like WTF. my boss was like WTF. his boss was like WTF.

I can just picture this, in rapid succession.
I have the Family Guy Kool-Aid Man scene it my head.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Accipiter22
wow actually most people haven't disagreed with you

There is an inherent difference between men and women. I think often women in the workplace do require special accomodations and as such I see no problem with them getting paid less.

Think about it, as an employer you have a choice between a male and a female who are both equally qualified and likeable, but the female you know will require special circumstances because more often than her male counterpart she will have to be out for kids or have pregnant leave. Why would you choose the female? Now say you can choose her but not pay her as much because of the special needs, sounds fair to me.

However, there is no reason for a woman to be paid less for the same amount of the same type of work as a man. (i.e. they both work 2,000 hours a year they both make 60k)


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2000
Its kind hard to say how this problem affects the melting pot that is USofA, but for instance in a fairly homogenous ethnicity-wise Russian Federation, inferiour and sexist employment practices(where young women were discouraged from having children) resulted in a significant reduction in birth rates which in the end erodes the cultural and ethnical foundation of the nation. And in our country where due to tax and social care setup young end up supporting(indirectly of course) the elder, a reduction in birth rate could have a devastation effect on our economy.
In theory of course.
In reality, be greatfull that you got women at work, after all,she might have a cute girlfriend or even daughter that will be glad to find out that youre such a great listener with a charming personality and a wonderful sense of esthetics.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2004
To add my own experiences I have worked with several women and men waiting tables as a summer job, the hardest workers that I can remember are 1. our boss 2. a very quiet asian girl 3. our head waitress 4. another woman waiter 5. Coco the crazy kitchen dude. The laziest workers have been a steady mix of men and women. The most dramatic workers have been 2 men and 2 women. The most anal retentive have been the boss followed by 2 women.

However, when I went to study in China over the last three months with a group of 4 guys and 7 girls, the girls were BY FAR the more dramatic/complaining/problem causing part of the group.

Depends on the situation you are in and the people you are with methinks.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: MrsBugi
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Originally posted by: MrsBugi
Originally posted by: armatron
she has kids, and is DEMANDING (not asking) that the rest of the dept redo our vacation days to revolve around her kids time off from school.


I hate to say this, and this is JUST my experience; but I HATE, HATE working with women. I have worked with 5-6 different women throughout my professional corporate experience of a measly 6 years, and EVERY one was horrible to work with. a couple were power-hungry psychos, a couple were complete losers ALWAYS calling in sick or with problems, one had a newborn and was NEVER there (company was expected to accomodate this, even though it was a huge hassle) and now this whore who has a ~7 year old who is always going through some issue.

Look, I know you have kids, damn, I know you fell down the stairs, got pregnant, and had no choice in the matter. I also know that you HAVE to work, which means someone else is halfass watching your rugrat where for some reason you always have to go home.

OMFG abort that thing or quit your job. If you couldn't afford to have kids and properly raise them, THEN DON'T HAVE THEM.

FIRE THEIR LAZY ASSES. Stop worrying all the time about getting sued, etc. SOMEONE has to stand up to this ******.

YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN THE WORKPLACE. There is NO reason for you to boss anyone around (when you are no manager, etc) and NOONE is respecting you or thinking higher of you, 'women' or whatever you are standing up for.

Women in the workplace (in my experiences) SUCK.

I could make the exact same assertions about males in my former workplace (several of them were single fathers).

I'm not going to be obnoxious and make overgeneralizations like "cliffs: Men in the workplace (in my experiences) SUCK.", though. It's a shame you've had such experience, but blame it on the individuals themselves instead of generalizing such assertions to all women.

It's disappointing how many people take a handful of personal experiences and feel that gives them enough evidence to generalize to millions of others.

You appear to have some very serious and disturbing issues with misogyny.

For every working mother who has to leave the workplace early to deal with a sick kid or school cancellation there's a father who doesn't have to be bothered.Also, let's not forget that come divorce time these same guys would be screaming about how the lazy biatch needs to get off her arse and get a job.

That said, I've had to deal with people like the OP is complaining about and it's annoying
as all get out.If you KNOW you need certain days off for whatever reason, put your requests in way ahead of time, don't wait till last minute and then expect others to switch their plans.

It would be nice if it was a handful, or 10% or something like that. This is gender-wide.

I can handle the divorce-excuse. This doesn't apply to this woman, or the power-issue problems, or the general 'losers' who don't need their job and it's obvious
. She's married and 'wants to work'. (doesn't NEED to, and points this out often)

I can assure you it isn't gender-wide, as I know some very powerful (but not power-hungry), assertive (but not controlling), respectful and competent women in the workforce. The former VP at a place I worked at for several years was a black female, and infinitely more able, competent, and reliable than the white male President. Do I think that all white males are problematic and incapable of performing their job functions because of this example? No.

It sounds like the individual you are complaining about is a major pain, but I wouldn't be so rash as to make assumptions about ALL women based on your experience with a limited number of females in one of thousands of companies and occupations.

I have STRESSED that it is MY experience, and it ISN'T one, or two, or three.

Don't get your panties in a wad, relatively speaking.

Dude if I knew you in real life you'd have been knocked out a couple of times already. You are an annoying, over-bearing whiny little nerd.

Yeah, cuz THAT'S progressive. :roll:


Aug 28, 2001
The sad part is, i dont disagree with the OPs rant.

I worked in Retail for 7 years, all big faceless companies, and ive seen rediculous levels of catering to some female workers who take advantage of our laws (US). Nothing hits me harder than equal opportunity though... right now theres hundreds of people getting screwed at Walmarts because an internal memo from corporate said they need to promote hiring women before they get sued for discrimination....

You hire the best person for the job, not based on their friggin gender, race, or religion.

If you miss work because of your kids frequently why is that "fault free". Women get a few get out of jail free cards i dont agree with when it comes to promotions from "equal opportunity employers".


Dec 11, 2002
Yeah don't get me started on trying to get help from women too.
I always find that women in customer support, or women in the school administration are almost NEVER likely to help out, and usually give a it's your fault attitude, while males are more accomodating and understanding.


Senior member
Dec 25, 2003
Originally posted by: SouthPaW1227
I know where you're coming from, and it is annoying

Women who think they're uber special b/c they have kids are so annoying...their vacation dates should take no special priorites over anywhere else.

Otherwise they can have a lifelong unpaid vacation as far as I'm concerned.

You know how vacation time should be organized? by seniority, not gender.


Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2005
Warning long *ss post:

Peter Griffin: First, if I can speak in my own defense, all I did was tell a little joke. Second of all, women are not people. They are devices built by the Lord Jesus Christ for our entertainment.

Mr. Weed: Peter, please! Miss Ironbox, I assure you, this company in no way condones Peter's conduct. In fact, a film on employee relations has been a mandatory part of our personnel training for 50 years. [Old filmstrip rolls]

Film Host: Irrational, emotionally fragile by nature, female coworkers are a peculiar animal. They are very insecure about their appearance. Be sure to tell them how good they look every day even if they're homely and unkempt.

Film Host to ugly woman: ?You're doing a great job, Muriel, and you're prettier than Mamie Van Doren.? And remember, nothing says "good job" like a firm, open-palm slap on the behind.[Cheery instrumental music]

But seriously, I have had female coworkers both in public and private workplaces that have acted very similar to what the OP described. One of my ex-girlfriends worked for a private company that gave all women one FREE personal day a month for their period. They could not be accumulated and you could not take them back to back, but they were just like an extra paid sick day a month!

When I was younger I usually worked the holidays and let my coworkers with families take preferred vacation days. The advantage was the bosses weren?t there either so it was like having a paid day to BS with the guys and screw around shooting baskets or having chair races while answering the two or three phone calls the secretaries would have missed.

Of course when I wanted to take a few weeks of accumulated vacation to help my wife and baby after a C section the boss (male) said ?You can take three paid sick days. The rest is not approved and will have to be unpaid.? Do you think he would have pulled that crap with a woman? I had to get the union to hit him over the head with the Federal Parental Leave Law. This is why I work for myself now.

After I left they finally fired the middle management jerk and replaced him with a woman that was new to the office but had recently suffered a family loss. It was similar to the Seinfeld episode ?The Pinky Toe?.


Oct 5, 2004
Originally posted by: middlehead
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: kukyfrope
I've noticed this trend a lot too, and this may contribute to why women get paid less? Just a thought.

Yup, women get paid less for a good reason.

Having a penis actually increases efficiency by 14.7%

And that woman needs to learn how not to be an asshat
GOOOoooooooo, PENIS!!!!!!



Aug 11, 2000
My best client is a woman.
My worst client is a man.
This woman is vile. Not because she's a woman or because she has kids; it's because she's a jerk.
Tell her that you're going to take vacations whenever you damm well want.
That, or ask to be compensated for the pain in the ass this causes. 100$ might make it worth the while, neh?


Feb 7, 2004
I had a woman scream at me once when I was a stocker (back at age 18) at a grocery store. She was a stocker, too. We were hired the same day. She wanted me to come lift her crap up onto her section for her. I did it once.

Then everyday she wanted me to do her job. I told her no. She screamed at me, and I ended up getting a verbal reprimand. I did not talk to her or acknowledge her existence after that. She ended up getting fired because after I got in trouble noone else would do her work for her, and she could not perform the job.

spc hink

Golden Member
Jun 13, 2005
Women have their strong points as do males. At my work the women don't get ranked up in the company as quik because most like to talk to much to each other rather than working. On the other hand, women get hired more because females tend to mature faster and are less apt to horesplay and what not.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
Originally posted by: zixxer
Originally posted by: sixone
I'm not saying you're completely wrong...but I hope you're not posting from work.

No, I'm not. I took the day off after this incident in our dept meeting. Out of 10 people, 7 agreed to switch or GIVE UP vacation time. I refused to do either. I explained that I already had plans, and it sucks, but there's nothing I can do. The lady I am speaking of started talking about how the company doesn't adapt to women in the workplace, etc.

I was like WTF. my boss was like WTF. his boss was like WTF. After that I took the day as a personal day. I had stuff to do anyway. bleh.

OMFG You know what really annoys me? People who pussy out and take a personal day because some broad and a brat ruffles their feathers. If I were your boss I'd consider you no different then her... a whiny ass b!tch. Welcome to Corporate America, chump. If this is the worst that's happened in your little career consider yourself lucky.

If you can't handle this little sh!t you need to leave now cause when you move up the ladder responsility and problems just become bigger. I don't think your whiny ass could handle it.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
What a fun thread!

I have worked with some very, very intelligent women. In fact, at my previous company, I frequently had to work with the director of another department who was a woman. She was very highly regarded and probably the most intelligent person - aside from me, of course - trapped within those walls.

On the other hand, I've also met some flakes. Our director of marking at the same company was a clique-ish b1tch who had absolutely no clue how to do her job. She was forced to resign.

There are men with similar quirks, too, though. Neither gender is immune from having members they'd rather forget. The male "bad seeds" tend to talk out of their ass and pound their chest a lot, usually only to make a total jackass of themselves. The female bad seeds tend to expect the universe to flex to their every wish and demand and without any regard for others' needs.

That's just the way it is.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Dude if I knew you in real life you'd have been knocked out a couple of times already. You are an annoying, over-bearing whiny little nerd.

Proletariat 4 ethug



Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: kukyfrope
I've noticed this trend a lot too, and this may contribute to why women get paid less? Just a thought.

Yes it does. Often times when women have a choice of jobs, they will take the more flexible one with a lower salary in order to accomadate their family. Women and men (usually) have different priorities.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
Originally posted by: zebano
Originally posted by: kukyfrope
I've noticed this trend a lot too, and this may contribute to why women get paid less? Just a thought.

Yes it does. Often times when women have a choice of jobs, they will take the more flexible one with a lower salary in order to accomadate their family. Women and men (usually) have different priorities.

No it really doesn't. The statistics should be job for job (exact) if they are to have any meaning. For example:

JOB A - MAN $$$


JOB A- MAN $$$

If there is a difference of jobs then you aren't proving that men make more than women, you are proving that they make different choices.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: Britboy
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: MrsBugi
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Originally posted by: MrsBugi
Originally posted by: armatron
she has kids, and is DEMANDING (not asking) that the rest of the dept redo our vacation days to revolve around her kids time off from school.


I hate to say this, and this is JUST my experience; but I HATE, HATE working with women. I have worked with 5-6 different women throughout my professional corporate experience of a measly 6 years, and EVERY one was horrible to work with. a couple were power-hungry psychos, a couple were complete losers ALWAYS calling in sick or with problems, one had a newborn and was NEVER there (company was expected to accomodate this, even though it was a huge hassle) and now this whore who has a ~7 year old who is always going through some issue.

Look, I know you have kids, damn, I know you fell down the stairs, got pregnant, and had no choice in the matter. I also know that you HAVE to work, which means someone else is halfass watching your rugrat where for some reason you always have to go home.

OMFG abort that thing or quit your job. If you couldn't afford to have kids and properly raise them, THEN DON'T HAVE THEM.

FIRE THEIR LAZY ASSES. Stop worrying all the time about getting sued, etc. SOMEONE has to stand up to this ******.

YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN THE WORKPLACE. There is NO reason for you to boss anyone around (when you are no manager, etc) and NOONE is respecting you or thinking higher of you, 'women' or whatever you are standing up for.

Women in the workplace (in my experiences) SUCK.

I could make the exact same assertions about males in my former workplace (several of them were single fathers).

I'm not going to be obnoxious and make overgeneralizations like "cliffs: Men in the workplace (in my experiences) SUCK.", though. It's a shame you've had such experience, but blame it on the individuals themselves instead of generalizing such assertions to all women.

It's disappointing how many people take a handful of personal experiences and feel that gives them enough evidence to generalize to millions of others.

You appear to have some very serious and disturbing issues with misogyny.

For every working mother who has to leave the workplace early to deal with a sick kid or school cancellation there's a father who doesn't have to be bothered.Also, let's not forget that come divorce time these same guys would be screaming about how the lazy biatch needs to get off her arse and get a job.

That said, I've had to deal with people like the OP is complaining about and it's annoying
as all get out.If you KNOW you need certain days off for whatever reason, put your requests in way ahead of time, don't wait till last minute and then expect others to switch their plans.

It would be nice if it was a handful, or 10% or something like that. This is gender-wide.

I can handle the divorce-excuse. This doesn't apply to this woman, or the power-issue problems, or the general 'losers' who don't need their job and it's obvious
. She's married and 'wants to work'. (doesn't NEED to, and points this out often)

I can assure you it isn't gender-wide, as I know some very powerful (but not power-hungry), assertive (but not controlling), respectful and competent women in the workforce. The former VP at a place I worked at for several years was a black female, and infinitely more able, competent, and reliable than the white male President. Do I think that all white males are problematic and incapable of performing their job functions because of this example? No.

It sounds like the individual you are complaining about is a major pain, but I wouldn't be so rash as to make assumptions about ALL women based on your experience with a limited number of females in one of thousands of companies and occupations.

I have STRESSED that it is MY experience, and it ISN'T one, or two, or three.

Don't get your panties in a wad, relatively speaking.

Dude if I knew you in real life you'd have been knocked out a couple of times already. You are an annoying, over-bearing whiny little nerd.

Amen to that

let the man rant. i wouldn't knock him out. I'll knock him up w/ a couple beers to talk about this BS that goes about the workplace. I'm sorry but I have to agree w/ his experience. I envy those who have had a pleasant experience around women in the workplace, I really do, since I have yet to have any. The only times were actually the ones who were quiet and never talked to me. they were the best women coworkers i've ever had. ACtually, it was only two i can remember .

when they needed my help, they requested it, no questions, no BS, no nothing.

unfortunately, outside of these 2, the other 10 or so I wanted to slap them. to the ladies here, i'm sorry, and I'm sure you ladies here are not as bad, but really,

let the OP RANT off about this. My friends, peers, family all complain about those couple of women in the workplace. It's COMMON. the OP has the right to complain because it is so common.

geezes, some people get really worked up about something that's actually the truth.

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