On creating what we fear:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The beautiful thing about Trump is that he gave permission to conservatives to express their disgust and to proudly and exuberantly do so. In this way the inhibition of expressing disgust socially because it is so disgusting to witness, brought about the obvious but for conservatives unanticipated consequences. They forgot, in their cult circle the fact that to normal people the uninhibited expression of disgust is disgusting to witness. In this way conservatives out of a fear of the disgusting, made clear to others the fact that they are disgusting. We create what we fear. Thanks to Trump they will now inexorably lose elections because they are unwilling and thus unable to transcend the disgust that animates their behavior. The greater their disgust the more repellent they become.

Liberals should take care not to make the same mistake. There are some pretty radically hateful people who post on this forum who continue naturally, in just a small additive way, to turn that wheel. Disgust is something we need not to indulge but to transcend. Do you see this or do you disagree?

None of us is of much moment on the grand stage, but we cease to create what we fear only individually I would say.
Reactions: cytg111


Jan 14, 2013
Did you write this before or after stroking the guns that you defend with all your mini mental might? With the exact same attitude that has created this totally fucked up gun nut violence society we live in which is obscene?

Calling out evil is not disgusting. And it's rich coming from someone who defends one of the most evil things in this country, the relationship and pervasiveness of guns to horrific violence against innocent people including children.

Go back to caressing your guns. Or better yet walk into some redneck town and try to talk some sense into these people. And do it while you're armed with your precious precious precious toys.

History, including recent history, has proven that your babble and blather is complete and utter stupid ignorance of the actual world we live in. You sound like a couple Nazi apologist telling the Jews to just go talk to their captors and speak some sense into them, rather than become self-hating or disgusting.

Fucking moron.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Just remember talking about deplorable doesn’t make you one of them
It only does when it's a projection. Take the example of MrSquished above. He is so full of hatred that he projects it on to me. He's afraid that my being armed is dangerous to him so he is desperate to insult me. He wants me to react to prove that I'm deplorable enough to shoot him because he need to self justify his wallowing in his hatred. What he fears is knowing how much his hatred is toward himself. Living with all that hate is depressing without self understanding and self acceptance.

I have told him two things, that it isn't guns I defend but the right of self defense and that gun violence is the result of mental illness. But there is no reaching people in the grips of fear. I have some small means to defend myself if the right trys to take over the country, something is fears will happen, and wants others on the left to prepare for, but he remains unable to contribute to that effort himself because because of his fear of guns. He worries if he owned them he might shoot himself. He wants me to hate him but he just makes me sad how he runs away from facts. I wish he weren't such a mess.


Mar 17, 2008
The beautiful thing about Trump is that he gave permission to conservatives to express their disgust and to proudly and exuberantly do so. In this way the inhibition of expressing disgust socially because it is so disgusting to witness, brought about the obvious but for conservatives unanticipated consequences. They forgot, in their cult circle the fact that to normal people the uninhibited expression of disgust is disgusting to witness. In this way conservatives out of a fear of the disgusting, made clear to others the fact that they are disgusting. We create what we fear. Thanks to Trump they will now inexorably lose elections because they are unwilling and thus unable to transcend the disgust that animates their behavior. The greater their disgust the more repellent they become.

Liberals should take care not to make the same mistake. There are some pretty radically hateful people who post on this forum who continue naturally, in just a small additive way, to turn that wheel. Disgust is something we need not to indulge but to transcend. Do you see this or do you disagree?

None of us is of much moment on the grand stage, but we cease to create what we fear only individually I would say.

Well. I have to agree with that.


Nov 4, 2004
TIL radical people want to stop fascism, and give more to the American people like better education, affordable healthcare, food, water.

Just not allowed to get upset at all, lol


Nov 4, 2004
Well. I have to agree with that.

I don’t agree. Squished isn’t scared of moonies guns. He sick and tired of the repeated gun violence inflected on innocents in this country. Moonie has shown his humanity when it comes to guns more than once on this forum.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I don’t agree. Squished isn’t scared of moonies guns. He sick and tired of the repeated gun violence inflected on innocents in this country. Moonie has shown his humanity when it comes to guns more than once on this forum.
In the first place I don’t mean by my guns I mean he fears the ones I own but fears those owned by people who own them for self defense. His fears are the product of projection. He fears what he does not know he feels. The greater the repression of fear, the greater the chance it will explode in rage. Me telling him the truth pisses him off.

Secondly, he like you are hypocrites when it comes to gun violence because you suffer from the very disease that creates it, repressed unconscious self hate and substitute hatred of guns as a means to deflect that fact, pretending to a useless and self imagined virtue.

Thirdly, what you think you see in me is determined by your capacity to see. You see what you believe. You are like a person who has a religious faith. Not a thing you believe can you actually prove. It’s all a manifestation of ego.

After months of resignation to the fact that an old and worthless 22 I own, the pot metal trigger I broke while removing the rust on it, I was able to locate a replacement in Canada. I expect it will be many more months again before I get around to attempting to fix it. So far I have gone through 5 iPhone 7 screens trying to fix the original I cracked. I love a mechanical challenge. I am a dog that loves a bone. Building an AR 15 has been a load of fun requiring the acquisition of a ton of knowledge. My aim was for accuracy at range. You can build an AR to suit all kinds of purposes. The only interest I have in shooting is the challenge of hitting a gong at long range. I don’t own a gong and I don’t have a place to shoot. But if I ever torque the parts to speck, need a bench and a vice, I will be all set. Then I’ll have to learn how to sight my scope I looked through once.

So yes I am a gun nut but not the kind you think. If all of my precious babies were to disappear tomorrow with all the guns in the world, which will happen soon enough when I depart, I would be perfectly happy in my misery. I could always drown my sorrows by take up fixing broken cuckoo clocks.

People who would take the right of self defense from others who choose to practice it remind me of them so I guess that’s another side hobby.


Feb 6, 2002
It only does when it's a projection. Take the example of MrSquished above. He is so full of hatred that he projects it on to me. He's afraid that my being armed is dangerous to him so he is desperate to insult me. He wants me to react to prove that I'm deplorable enough to shoot him because he need to self justify his wallowing in his hatred. What he fears is knowing how much his hatred is toward himself. Living with all that hate is depressing without self understanding and self acceptance.

I have told him two things, that it isn't guns I defend but the right of self defense and that gun violence is the result of mental illness. But there is no reaching people in the grips of fear. I have some small means to defend myself if the right trys to take over the country, something is fears will happen, and wants others on the left to prepare for, but he remains unable to contribute to that effort himself because because of his fear of guns. He worries if he owned them he might shoot himself. He wants me to hate him but he just makes me sad how he runs away from facts. I wish he weren't such a mess.
I've always disagreed with you on this theory. If you are correct, you must conclude the United States has a unique problem with mental illness and we certainly do not.
Reactions: woolfe9998


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
TIL radical people want to stop fascism, and give more to the American people like better education, affordable healthcare, food, water.

Just not allowed to get upset at all, lol
You are upset. You can’t be otherwise. I just don’t blame you for being upset. I know only that you would be less upset if you realized that being upset is uselessness the best way to realize that is to become so upset you die from it. The road down upset alley leads to a dead end and the death of ego. You are not upset, you are projecting that others are to blame for it. You and you alone are the osource and the cure of it.

I am as human as you are. That buys you nothing.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I've always disagreed with you on this theory. If you are correct, you must conclude the United States has a unique problem with mental illness and we certainly do not.
I have told you the mental health issue is world wide. The US is unique in the manifestation of that illness via gun violence. Just as you will find more pedophiles in churches where religious faith and church attendance is high, you will find more gun violence in a country full of guns, political divisions over them, outrage and hate on all sides, pathetic psychological awareness, and money and fame to be had making news of violence a part of one’s daily diet.

Why do we have bullying at schools? How many young psychos do you think that creates. How much TV do we watch that involves revenge. How much of ego is about getting even? We live in a sickness exporting country. We are the Donald Trump of the world.


Oct 6, 2009
"We create what we fear"
"I fear the right may try to take over the country"


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
"We create what we fear"
"I fear the right may try to take over the country"
Keep it up and you'll have MrSquished buying guns to target random people. I already got mine. Fear is the motivator for violence.

The question is, in my opinion, do you react rationally or irrationally to rational fears. The right already tried to take over the country and failed I trust they will always fail because we were created in God's image just like we created him in ours. Is your God the god of hate or the god of love? What is your true nature? You may have no idea but a dog will tell you.


Mar 17, 2008
I don’t agree. Squished isn’t scared of moonies guns. He sick and tired of the repeated gun violence inflected on innocents in this country. Moonie has shown his humanity when it comes to guns more than once on this forum.
I dont really read all those moonie posts cause I suspect that he doesnt mean half of them and they’re really meant in a bigger framework of we were all tought to hate our selves…

All that aside, the bolded part and posting history not considered, I can agree with that.


Jan 14, 2013
Keep it up and you'll have MrSquished buying guns to target random people. I already got mine. Fear is the motivator for violence.

The question is, in my opinion, do you react rationally or irrationally to rational fears. The right already tried to take over the country and failed I trust they will always fail because we were created in God's image just like we created him in ours. Is your God the god of hate or the god of love? What is your true nature? You may have no idea but a dog will tell you.

You are disgusting because I point out your ridiculous hypocritical bullshit pontificating.

The simple fact is gun nuts like you are responsible for the current gun violence we have in today's America. All that blood is on your hands too. You refuse to acknowledge the very simple fact that guns contribute to gun violence. It's disgusting.

You refuse to acknowledge the reality of the people we are facing who are trying to oppress us. I'm going to go around and shoot random people. Look who's projecting their self hate now you jackfuckwagon.


Apr 8, 2013
I have told you the mental health issue is world wide. The US is unique in the manifestation of that illness via gun violence. Just as you will find more pedophiles in churches where religious faith and church attendance is high, you will find more gun violence in a country full of guns, political divisions over them, outrage and hate on all sides, pathetic psychological awareness, and money and fame to be had making news of violence a part of one’s daily diet.

Why do we have bullying at schools? How many young psychos do you think that creates. How much TV do we watch that involves revenge. How much of ego is about getting even? We live in a sickness exporting country. We are the Donald Trump of the world.

You realize you just admitted to the entire argument being made against your position, right? Yes, mental illness is worldwide, but we kill lots of people over it because we have so many guns, so....


Apr 8, 2013
You are upset. You can’t be otherwise. I just don’t blame you for being upset. I know only that you would be less upset if you realized that being upset is uselessness the best way to realize that is to become so upset you die from it. The road down upset alley leads to a dead end and the death of ego. You are not upset, you are projecting that others are to blame for it. You and you alone are the osource and the cure of it.

I am as human as you are. That buys you nothing.

Yes, it isn't constructive or useful, may even be a form of self-harm, to be upset to the exclusion of all else. Some posters around here think that because you're wrong about something that you're a piece of shit. Not much we can do about that. Yet you aren't defending your position on guns terribly well.
Reactions: cytg111


Jan 14, 2013
Yes, it isn't constructive or useful, may even be a form of self-harm, to be upset to the exclusion of all else. Some posters around here think that because you're wrong about something that you're a piece of shit. Not much we can do about that. Yet you aren't defending your position on guns terribly well.

I don't think Moonie is a piece of shit because his position on guns. But I like to poke him because he is also oblivious to the evil around us. And he is amusing projecting his self-hate onto me by saying I could be a next mass shooter, but this whole post is about how it's bad to call people bad things for the things they support. So I am a mass shooter potential but it's terrible that I call straight up corrupt fascist racist nationalist bigots in power like Abbot, or Miller, or Trump or DeSantis or tons of these types of people as 'evil' (as in we can't talk them out of anything, we have to acknowledge them as the enemy now)

I mean his entire schtick is just one big hypocrisy, he is intellectually dishonest and also dangerously naive at best, willfully ignorant oblivious at best.

His position on guns is also very very problematic


Jun 23, 2004
Liberals should take care not to make the same mistake.
I generally agree with this idea, that we should go high when they go low.
It was certainly my sentiment that we should focus on winning elections as a consequence of 2016. Mass appeal, etc.

In the wake of 2020, and Jan 6th 2021.
Certain challenges in our time call for different action(s).

I have come to appreciate the human condition even more, and part of that is how radicalized people can, and are, becoming. Our contest will not be decided at the ballot box. For even if they were to lose, they would not accept defeat. Not sure our side would either. Given what is at stake. No, I firmly believe the die is cast and our bloody future awaits.

To that end, the question should not be one of civil discourse, but rather... we should debate the rules of engagement. How to not overstep and become the enemy. How to discern friend from foe. To let innocent people go while focusing on real dangers. Our people wish to overstep the shit out of this. They want to rip apart anyone who does not wave the correct flag, who does not give the correct salute, or say the correct things.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I generally agree with this idea, that we should go high when they go low.
It was certainly my sentiment that we should focus on winning elections as a consequence of 2016. Mass appeal, etc.

In the wake of 2020, and Jan 6th 2021.
Certain challenges in our time call for different action(s).

I have come to appreciate the human condition even more, and part of that is how radicalized people can, and are, becoming. Our contest will not be decided at the ballot box. For even if they were to lose, they would not accept defeat. Not sure our side would either. Given what is at stake. No, I firmly believe the die is cast and our bloody future awaits.

To that end, the question should not be one of civil discourse, but rather... we should debate the rules of engagement. How to not overstep and become the enemy. How to discern friend from foe. To let innocent people go while focusing on real dangers. Our people wish to overstep the shit out of this. They want to rip apart anyone who does not wave the correct flag, who does not give the correct salute, or say the correct things.
Off the top of my head I would say that only an enlightened person could discern such things with any precision and none would take the job.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yes, it isn't constructive or useful, may even be a form of self-harm, to be upset to the exclusion of all else. Some posters around here think that because you're wrong about something that you're a piece of shit. Not much we can do about that. Yet you aren't defending your position on guns terribly well.
You explained that I am not making my point very well in your previous post here, so I will lump both together here:

I didn’t just admit to the case against me here. My argument has never been that the number and ease of access to guns makes guns a big and special problem for the US. I have insisted instead that the liberal fears of guns are just another form of madness that have added to the difficulty of rationally dealing with the gun aspect of that issue.

I believe that the in the polarized political situation we find ourselves that fear, liberal and conservative has increased gun sales with half of recent gun sales going to women and minorities.

Gun fanatics and gun grabbers have only exacerbated the situation. Now even gun regulations that even most gun owners would agree need to be implemented can’t get passed. Liberal insanity is the cause in my opinion.

I am pro sane gun regulation but oppose outright gun bans as premature at best and impractical or even potentially nonsensical in the area is self defense. I keep hearing on gun sites that the Dalai Lama believes it is OK to use a gun in self defense. I don’t know the details or the context etc. but it is my opinion as well.

The second point I try to make is that the real cause of violence, of which gun violence is a subset is the universal, unaddressed, and profoundly avoided truth that we hate ourselves. We do not know we feel that at an unconscious and deeply repressed level and so engage in any and all manner of means of denial.

Because of this violence will persist no matter what we do. I challenge the notion that the gun problem can be solved simply at the level of the gun. I see this as just another form of abdication of responsibility. Being anti gun is just a way to deny the fact that gun hate is just a subset of our hidden hate for ourselves. We hate violence because it is what we unconsciously do to ourselves every day. We live to blame, to shift the responsibility of our need to manage our blame by justifying its expression on others. We are the source of violence in the world and it is dying from our self hate.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You are disgusting because I point out your ridiculous hypocritical bullshit pontificating.

The simple fact is gun nuts like you are responsible for the current gun violence we have in today's America. All that blood is on your hands too. You refuse to acknowledge the very simple fact that guns contribute to gun violence. It's disgusting.

You refuse to acknowledge the reality of the people we are facing who are trying to oppress us. I'm going to go around and shoot random people. Look who's projecting their self hate now you jackfuckwagon.
Know that watching you prove what I say is profoundly painful for me. All I can do is tell you your self hate is the result of the belief in lies. I can’t make you feel that. Your have to realize the utter futility of rage first. Behind your rage is a beautiful suffering child who was separated from self love. But that love is waiting for you hidden in a mountain of trash. That child hides in terror but it has not been lost.
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