Onkyo Good Deal Gone Bad...HELP


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2002
I was playing around on Onkyo's website the other day and noticed if I put the reciever in my 'shopping cart' that the price said $0.00. I decided what the He**, I will order it with the 2 year extended warranty and it will cost me $65 bucks.......Never thinking I would get it as I have tried so many of the ones posted on here to get a rejection e-mail. I printed out my receipt to show my wife what a sweet deal I got. Just playing with her.

To make a long story short, I got home and there was the reciever on my doorstep! I was feeling really good......I decided to jump on-line to check my account and they charged me for the whole thing.

Help, what do I do? Are they allowed to charge me more than what I authorized like that?

:frown: :Q


Senior member
Feb 11, 2004
No they shouldn't charge you for more than what it stated. I'd call their CS department and demand a full refund and also that they pay for the return shipping.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
You DID save copies of the web page(s) showing the price to you, didn't you?

Of course you did, you're a smart online shopper!



Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Doveman
I was playing around on Onkyo's website the other day and noticed if I put the reciever in my 'shopping cart' that the price said $0.00. I decided what the He**, I will order it with the 2 year extended warranty and it will cost me $65 bucks.......Never thinking I would get it as I have tried so many of the ones posted on here to get a rejection e-mail. I printed out my receipt to show my wife what a sweet deal I got. Just playing with her.

To make a long story short, I got home and there was the reciever on my doorstep! I was feeling really good......I decided to jump on-line to check my account and they charged me for the whole thing.

Help, what do I do? Are they allowed to charge me more than what I authorized like that?

:frown: :Q

Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."


Golden Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: NYSTrooper
Originally posted by: Doveman
I was playing around on Onkyo's website the other day and noticed if I put the reciever in my 'shopping cart' that the price said $0.00. I decided what the He**, I will order it with the 2 year extended warranty and it will cost me $65 bucks.......Never thinking I would get it as I have tried so many of the ones posted on here to get a rejection e-mail. I printed out my receipt to show my wife what a sweet deal I got. Just playing with her.

To make a long story short, I got home and there was the reciever on my doorstep! I was feeling really good......I decided to jump on-line to check my account and they charged me for the whole thing.

Help, what do I do? Are they allowed to charge me more than what I authorized like that?

:frown: :Q

Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

blah blah blah. newb. call them up and get a full refund. they should have at the very most cancelled the order via phone or e-mail. but in no way can they charge you the full amount. you never authorized that price. hopefully u have saved the web page or printed it etc.


Sep 15, 2001
Maybe next time you'll think about not being a freakin idiot and realise the consequences of your actions


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2002
Yes I printed out the page and it shows the total price being $65.00....

I really didn't think anything about it because I received an e-mail stating we are currently reviewing the order information you provided. I never received an e-mail stating it was being shipped or being processed....



Junior Member
Mar 4, 2002
Yes I printed out the page and it shows the total price being $65.00....

I really didn't think anything about it because I received an e-mail stating we are currently reviewing the order information you provided. I never received an e-mail stating it was being shipped or being processed....



Jan 27, 2004
Originally posted by: NYSTrooper
Originally posted by: Doveman
I was playing around on Onkyo's website the other day and noticed if I put the reciever in my 'shopping cart' that the price said $0.00. I decided what the He**, I will order it with the 2 year extended warranty and it will cost me $65 bucks.......Never thinking I would get it as I have tried so many of the ones posted on here to get a rejection e-mail. I printed out my receipt to show my wife what a sweet deal I got. Just playing with her.

To make a long story short, I got home and there was the reciever on my doorstep! I was feeling really good......I decided to jump on-line to check my account and they charged me for the whole thing.

Help, what do I do? Are they allowed to charge me more than what I authorized like that?

:frown: :Q

Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

NYSTrooper I hope you are just kidding.

Try calling them and see what they say about the situation. Ask if the price was wrong why did they not stop the shippment and notify you? Which is what they should have done. The bottom line is if you have not authorized the charge then call you credit card company and refute the charge. You did not make the mistake you should not have to pay for it.



Nov 20, 2003
Originally posted by: SgtZulu
Maybe next time you'll think about not being a freakin idiot and realise the consequences of your actions

Well, I half agree with your comment.............

He should have realized that this was obviously an error on the part of the web site, and that there was a probability of them charging him full price for the unit..........

HOWEVER, He should have never been charged the full amount, as he never authorized it.

I agree, people who get charged the full amount, or have their orders cancelled and then come in here and whine about it, should get a life, and accept the fact that what they are doing is taking advantage of a company, but I also don't think the company should have billed him the full amount, they should have just sent him an email and said "Uh......... no?"


Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: NtRanger92
Originally posted by: SgtZulu
Maybe next time you'll think about not being a freakin idiot and realise the consequences of your actions

Well, I half agree with your comment.............

He should have realized that this was obviously an error on the part of the web site, and that there was a probability of them charging him full price for the unit..........

HOWEVER, He should have never been charged the full amount, as he never authorized it.

I agree, people who get charged the full amount, or have their orders cancelled and then come in here and whine about it, should get a life, and accept the fact that what they are doing is taking advantage of a company, but I also don't think the company should have billed him the full amount, they should have just sent him an email and said "Uh......... no?"

Getting your order cancelled is not something losers should whine about. But he did only authorize them to charge $65.00 on his credit card. So in effect, the store is stealing from him. The earlier analogy about finding something on the shelf of a store without a price tag and trying to walk out with it is so damned stupid I'm not even going to explain why.


Oct 13, 1999
Or you can be passive aggressive and just give all the info to your credit card company and dispute it. But I concur with the others, call Onkyo and let them know what happened.


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2002
I sent them an e-mail explanation the situation, and will go from there. It's not a big deal, Onkyo has great stuff and a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. So if I don't keep it, I can always send it back....I have an older similar model.

I was not whining about the situation, I figured with the savy people in this forum. Someone would be able to tell me how they were able to charge more than I authorized on the website.....Didn't figure I would get chastised about it...


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: NYSTrooper
Originally posted by: Doveman
I was playing around on Onkyo's website the other day and noticed if I put the reciever in my 'shopping cart' that the price said $0.00. I decided what the He**, I will order it with the 2 year extended warranty and it will cost me $65 bucks.......Never thinking I would get it as I have tried so many of the ones posted on here to get a rejection e-mail. I printed out my receipt to show my wife what a sweet deal I got. Just playing with her.

To make a long story short, I got home and there was the reciever on my doorstep! I was feeling really good......I decided to jump on-line to check my account and they charged me for the whole thing.

Help, what do I do? Are they allowed to charge me more than what I authorized like that?

:frown: :Q

Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

Actually, a better one would be you go into a store and find the item you want is ticketed at a crazy low price. You go buy it with a Credit Card and at the time your sales slip rang up as the crazy low price. When yu get home you go check your visa balance and find out that they charged you the full price without your consent. That is fraud! They can't charge you more then you agreed to pay.


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2003
Man, the way people justify stealing something and then getting caught and acting as if they are innocent is out of this world. "Well, the forgot to put a price on it so it must be free!!" or "Well, THEY made the mistake and I had a pretty good idea it was a mistake but I did it anyway because it was FIRST their fault."

You should have to ship it back at YOUR expense is what should happen and your credit card company should not allow you to dispute such a blatant act of theft.

Hot deals are one thing and trying to shaft a retailer is another. You confused the two on purpose and should have to pay. Period.


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2002
I don't understand why people are coming down on the OP. The way I see it is simple:

(1) He ordered the product at one price.
(2) They shipped him the product and charged him a higher price.

This is a tactic that sleazy companies uses all the time.

I don't think that Onkyo is a sleazy company, but I think they made a mistake. Here's what they should have done:

(1) honor the original agreement to which they consented; or
(2) cancel the agreement (which I am sure they had reserved the right to do).

No reasonable person would have expected them to honor the agreement (even the OP didn't expect this), but no resonable person would expect them to increase the price and ship the product anyway, either! If the OP used a credit card, then I wonder if Onkyo violated their agreement with the credit card company for overcharging by an amount far greater than the customer had authorized!


Feb 18, 2003
Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

That is a stupid analogy.

It's more like this:
- You find a product with a $0.00 price tag
- You take item to the checkout counter
- Cashier rings up $0.00, asks you for $0.00, hands you a receipt for $0.00, puts it in a bag for you, and sends you on your way.
- A month later your charge card bill shows up with a $300 charge for the item.



Mar 19, 2001
don't understand why people are coming down on the OP. The way I see it is simple:
(1) He ordered the product at one price.
(2) They shipped him the product and charged him a higher price.

No. He ordered it at NO price. He found a bug on their site allowing him to put a PRICED receiver into his cart and have it check out for $0.00. There is no way that a reasonable person would think that Onkyo was giving away free receivers. He was trying to steal a receiver. The fact that Onkyo.com's error made it easy to do is no excuse - no more than your door being unlocked give someone the moral/legal right to help themselves to what's inside. Onkyo left a "door unlocked" and he tried to slip in and take a receiver.

This is not the same thing as buying something at an incredibly low price and it turning out to be a price mistake. Sometimes retailers DO sell things at 70, 80, 90 percent off. You could plausibly argue that you thought the price was legit. But a free receiver at Onkyo.com could not possibly be legit. He knew it, and Onkyo will know it when he tries to explain how he tried to get it for free and now wants to return it since he plan didn't work. It would take a lot of stones to actually expect Onkyo to pay his return shipping because he was unsuccessful in stealing their receiver. If I were him I'd just send it back for a refund at my own expense, and not even bring up the price issue. I'm sure they have a return policy.

Then again if I were him I wouldn't have stolen a receiver in the first place.

There may be a gray area between taking advantage of a deal and stealing. But this isn't one of them.


Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: MarthaLynn
Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

That is a stupid analogy.

It's more like this:
- You find a product with a $0.00 price tag
- You take item to the checkout counter
- Cashier rings up $0.00, asks you for $0.00, hands you a receipt for $0.00, puts it in a bag for you, and sends you on your way.
- A month later your charge card bill shows up with a $300 charge for the item.

Except there is NO cashier that would ever see something ring up at $0 and charge you $0 then watch you leave, they would call a manager and have it checked. I don't believe for a minute that a company like Onkyo failed to notify him of the full charge via email prior to shipping and then also fail to notify him of when it shipped. First he tried to steal, now he is trying to lie to make it sound like he isn't responsible.

Onkyo has several resources on their webpage to track and modify orders, I HIGHLY doubt that they don't have an automated email generation system for order notifications.


Feb 18, 2003
no more than your door being unlocked give someone the moral/legal right to help themselves to what's inside.
No this is bullshat. He didn't steal or attempt to steal anything. Again, the brick and mortar equivalent is him going to Circuit City, finding a receiver tagged $0, taking the receiver to the checkout counter, having $0 rung up, paying $0, and being given a receipt and bag.

What if it had erroneously been tagged $10? Would he be trying to steal it then? $20? $0.10?

Help me out - where is the cutoff between taking advantage of a good deal due at the expense of a sloppy mass retailer and attempting to steal something? Just tell me the dollar amount please.



Apr 10, 2000
Originally posted by: NYSTrooper
Originally posted by: MarthaLynn
Good. I hope they reject your attempts to return it or charge you a restocking and shipping fees for OBVIOUSLY trying to steal from them. What you did is no different then going into a store and finding something with no tag and then trying to walk out with it exclaiming that it has no tag it must be free. I hope people in your neighborhood take things out of your yard thinking "Gee this is just lying around he must not want it."

That is a stupid analogy.

It's more like this:
- You find a product with a $0.00 price tag
- You take item to the checkout counter
- Cashier rings up $0.00, asks you for $0.00, hands you a receipt for $0.00, puts it in a bag for you, and sends you on your way.
- A month later your charge card bill shows up with a $300 charge for the item.

Except there is NO cashier that would ever see something ring up at $0 and charge you $0 then watch you leave, they would call a manager and have it checked. I don't believe for a minute that a company like Onkyo failed to notify him of the full charge via email prior to shipping and then also fail to notify him of when it shipped. First he tried to steal, now he is trying to lie to make it sound like he isn't responsible.

Onkyo has several resources on their webpage to track and modify orders, I HIGHLY doubt that they don't have an automated email generation system for order notifications.

You have no idea if there is a cashier or not. There most likely is someone who reviews the orders before they're sent out . Thing is, the company would have informed him of the price mistake and would have told him that they would cancel the order automatically unless he contacted them saying he still wants the order.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Put it this way, if WalMart marks and item with the wrong price, THEY HAVE TO SELL AT THAT PRICE. I have done it several times myself. They call the manager, he gives the great deal, then screams to get the rest changed to the right price


Feb 18, 2003
I don't believe for a minute that a company like Onkyo failed to notify him of the full charge via email prior to shipping and then also fail to notify him of when it shipped. First he tried to steal, now he is trying to lie to make it sound like he isn't responsible.

Thank you for the classic example of the attitude we see from so many law enforcement officers. "I don't have to know the facts to know that he's obviously not just guilty, but a liar."

I will end my discussion and just use this opportunity to remind myself how grateful I am that our forefathers constructed such a wonderful judicial system that protects US citizens.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
a better analogy would be finding an item and scanning it shows up $0.00 on the computer. you walk out the store paying only $65 for the 2yr warranty and finding they had charged you the full price later when u look @ your bill.

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