Only six percent of scientists are Republicans

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Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: bobsmith1492
Perhaps most college science professors are liberal, but that's been understood since the '60s. Check out the engineering population though; based on personal experience, I would say 90%+ are conservative.

You pulled that number out of your rear.

Yeah, he didn't qualify it correctly. He should have said that 90% of the GOOD Engineers are Conservative

I believe 100% of GOOD Engineers are conservative. They have to be, or the shit they design would break.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Phokus
Smart people tend to be liberal, get over it.
You must be the exception to that rule.

I would have to question that statement as it seems pretty obviously false. In general more highly educated people identify with the Republican party, not the democratic party.

Like was said before though ,this is all where you live though. I would say 75% of my professors were conservative and 90% of the engineers I have met are conservative. Not surprisingly I live in a Republican state and went to a conservative college, I'm sure if I went to Berkley and worked in California the numbers would be the exact opposite.

Also of note is the type of people I see one way or another, of that 10% engineers who are liberals the ones I am thinking of are ALL black Not sure what you can read into that, but there it is.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: bobsmith1492
Perhaps most college science professors are liberal, but that's been understood since the '60s. Check out the engineering population though; based on personal experience, I would say 90%+ are conservative.



Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
Originally posted by: wirelessenabled
Originally posted by: bobsmith1492
Perhaps most college science professors are liberal, but that's been understood since the '60s. Check out the engineering population though; based on personal experience, I would say 90%+ are conservative.


you want a link to his personal experience?


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Science and politics go together as well as religion and politics.

Seems we haven't learned from the past...


Jul 12, 2001
Repubs have to make the money for the educrats to spend. Cause Libs are not as good at running businesses. Well it is hard to run a business when you never leave a college campus!

Just putting that out there.

Actually the smarter people get the more egotistal they get. That lends itself to Democrats!

Just an Opinion from years at listening to all these AT Dem know-it-alls...

:beer: I'm not affiliated with either party i think they are both silly!


Aug 5, 2000
Originally posted by: senseamp
And those 6% are Chrisitian Scientists?

Nah, more than likely they're the ones cooking the lab findings for big pharma, GMO pushers and tobacco.



Aug 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Cogman
Originally posted by: themusgrat
Originally posted by: Gonad the Barbarian
If you aren't liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you aren't conservative when you're old, congratulations.

Cherry picking at its finest, amidoingthisright. Fact is, you're an idiot, and some people are different than you. Don't try to discount them because they're different, you're not a perfect person you know... Also, do try and come up with something original in your next post, beyond copycatting and quoting. I DAREST YOU!!!!!

Didn't you see the "generally well intentioned" poll. Most democrats are egotistical and believe that they are absolutely right and everyone else is retarded for not conforming to their perception of reality. (at least on this board).

Ironic how republicans are tagged with intolerant and democrats with accepting.

Methinks you just shot your big toe off with this one.



May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: tweaker2
Originally posted by: Cogman

Ironic how republicans are tagged with intolerant and democrats with accepting.

Methinks you just shot your big toe off with this one.

He doesn't get that Democrats are tolerant of things deserving tolerance - they are the ones opposing bigotry and discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation etc.

Twisted little Republicans unable to defend any attacks on those positions try to come up with ways to twist the issue to demand democrats tolerate things not deserving tolerance:

Warmongering, lying, greed, pollution, violence. Oh, you liberals are so *intolerant*!


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
He doesn't get that Democrats are tolerant of things deserving tolerance - they are the ones opposing bigotry and discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation etc.

Twisted little Republicans unable to defend any attacks on those positions try to come up with ways to twist the issue to demand democrats tolerate things not deserving tolerance:

Warmongering, lying, greed, pollution, violence. Oh, you liberals are so *intolerant*!

Not many people with strong opinions are really truly tolerant.... At best, you could say you're selectively tolerant or some such other thing, I don't know. The rest of your post is pretty hopeless. You're definitely living in a very sheltered world though, good for you.
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: themusgrat
Originally posted by: Gonad the Barbarian
If you aren't liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you aren't conservative when you're old, congratulations.

Cherry picking at its finest, amidoingthisright. Fact is, you're an idiot, and some people are different than you. Don't try to discount them because they're different, you're not a perfect person you know... Also, do try and come up with something original in your next post, beyond copycatting and quoting. I DAREST YOU!!!!!

Overreact much? I took a cliche and turned it upside down. Come on, admit it, that's comedy gold.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2002
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: bobsmith1492
Perhaps most college science professors are liberal, but that's been understood since the '60s. Check out the engineering population though; based on personal experience, I would say 90%+ are conservative.

You pulled that number out of your rear.

Yeah, he didn't qualify it correctly. He should have said that 90% of the GOOD Engineers are Conservative

LOL. By the way, I think many on here don't classifly Conservative = Republican (for whatever reason).

Bingo. I am a conservative and a chemist.

While in academia I had to be a closet conservative because many liberals in college are openingly hostile to conservatives. Young minds are easily manipulated and when most if not all of their professors are liberal (easy to be a liberal when they can live in a bubble), they relate liberal means professor = smart; therefore, conservatives = dumb.

That's the main reason; it's just basic close minded liberal elitism. Mind you not all of them, but the vocal ones.

Yeah, I'll get flamed for this but as any conservative that went through or currently going through college knows--this is the sad truth.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
People who leave their options open are smart.
People who blindly swear fealty to a single political party are dumb.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
As was stated before, most highly intelligent people tend to see the faults of both parties as well as the true motivations of any politician. That said the republican parties official stance on scientific advancement seems to push most scientist away. But most realize that we have essentially a two party system so why waste your vote on independents, at least on the national level.
Nov 30, 2006
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: tweaker2
Originally posted by: Cogman

Ironic how republicans are tagged with intolerant and democrats with accepting.

Methinks you just shot your big toe off with this one.

He doesn't get that Democrats are tolerant of things deserving tolerance - they are the ones opposing bigotry and discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation etc.

Twisted little Republicans unable to defend any attacks on those positions try to come up with ways to twist the issue to demand democrats tolerate things not deserving tolerance:

Warmongering, lying, greed, pollution, violence. Oh, you liberals are so *intolerant*!
On 2nd thought...nm.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: Drako
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: Drako
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: bobsmith1492
Perhaps most college science professors are liberal, but that's been understood since the '60s. Check out the engineering population though; based on personal experience, I would say 90%+ are conservative.

What are you talking about? Come to Silicon valley, 90% liberal engineers here.

LOL, what part of Silicon valley do you live in. I would say it's closer to 75% conservative, 25% liberal.

Really, go to google or apple campus and do a poll.

LOL, I'll let you go ahead and do that, and you can report back to me.

I'll report back to you: I've visited the google campus. Almost everyone is liberal, and the few conservatives would more aptly be described as libertarian.

Also, here are donations from tech workers, overwhelmingly liberal

Smart people tend to be liberal, get over it.

Based on my own experience working in engineering (in Silicon Valley), I find most to be conservative. However, it depends on the field. I find software to be more liberal. There are informal surveys done in many trade publications that find an overwhelmingly majority of engineers describe themselves as conservative/Republican, but they're nowhere near a proper study.

Those companies (Apple, Google) you posted are very young and hip. They would trend towards liberal.

Silicon Valley is a lot more conservative than people think, but it's not some conservative stronghold either. Fobs aren't exactly vegan hippies.

I also have to question your interaction with Google and Apple employees. I don't imagine dropping off pizzas at the receptionist provides much experience for you.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: Engineer
LOL. By the way, I think many on here don't classifly Conservative = Republican (for whatever reason).

Bingo. I am a conservative and a chemist.

While in academia I had to be a closet conservative because many liberals in college are openingly hostile to conservatives. Young minds are easily manipulated and when most if not all of their professors are liberal (easy to be a liberal when they can live in a bubble), they relate liberal means professor = smart; therefore, conservatives = dumb.

That's the main reason; it's just basic close minded liberal elitism. Mind you not all of them, but the vocal ones.

Disagree. Any vocal liberal can tell the difference between a dumb conservative and a smart conservative. No one thought William Buckley was an idiot, and no liberal thinks that a person is mentally deficient simply because they favor smaller government and lower taxes.

The problem for conservatives is Republicans claim to be their voice, and when you have someone like Palin, who represents a celebration of know-nothingness, as the voice of the party, you lose credibility in people who value intelligence and intellectual curiosity. The conservative intelligencia and pundits broke ranks and many outright endorsed Obama from fear of Palin getting anywhere near the oval office. In 2008 the higher-educated fled from the Republican ticket as if it had leprosy. Three Republican presidential contenders proudly raised their hands at a debate when asked if they didn't believe in evolution.

It's not just liberals or the educated who were put off recently. The Rep party is at its lowest ebb in decades, and many former Reps now self-identify as Independents, even if they vote more or less the same way.

I recognize that being in the Federalist Society on most campuses is probably going to earn you grief from college kids who tend to be liberal for a host of reasons, mostly due to their age and marital status. But looking at just the responses in this thread and others from conservatives about how education is overrated, and Ivy League doesn't mean anything, and science/academia is for people who don't want to get real jobs, etc., it's hard to deny the undercurrent of victimization the right claims exists.


Sep 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Craig234
He doesn't get that Democrats are tolerant of things deserving tolerance - they are the ones opposing bigotry and discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation etc.

Twisted little Republicans unable to defend any attacks on those positions try to come up with ways to twist the issue to demand democrats tolerate things not deserving tolerance:

Warmongering, lying, greed, pollution, violence. Oh, you liberals are so *intolerant*!

Lol, so democrats are tolerant of things they deem worthy of being tolerant of, that clearly makes them the more tolerant party! It makes perfect sense. I guess every dictator in history was really tolerant, of the things that they would tolerate!

Lets make a list of things that my terrible little republican view (more accurately conservative) doesn't tolerate. Big spending, Big government, population controlling, freedom limitations and government empowerment. Oh, you conservatives are so *intolerant*!

(I really should note that I don't really vote for the republican party as, truth be told, they have turned themselves into democrats lite. Both parties and their zealots are reprehensible).


Sep 19, 2000
Originally posted by: BudAshes
Republicans believe in creationism... scientists don't.

democrats believe in getting something for nothing, scientists don't.

There, you see how silly your statement is?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
It's hard for anyone with the slightest hint of the ability for critical thinking and who is not monarchist to be able to badmouth the word 'liberal' all day (as though the political philosophy of representative govt tempered by the rule of law is something evil). And because the latter is what the GOP currently requires of its members, people with objective thinking skills (like scientists) are going to be hesitant to admit their membership.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: HomerJS
I'm not sure if this is a clash of political parties but of science vs religion. I think the GOPs emphasis on religion over science is causing this gap.

Right wing talking heads constantly complain of too many "libs" working at colleges, journalism and now we have science in the mix.

What is it about these professions that turn off the GOP?

Article on survey

Right pew wrong church,

Hollywood and the media in general have done more to cast the scientist and science in a negative light than any GOP member could in their wildest dreams.

There can be little serious doubt that entertainment depictions have consequences. Entertainment industry expert Marty Kaplan, director of the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication, perhaps puts it best when he describes Hollywood films as the "unofficial curriculum of society."

What do we learn from this curriculum about science? Well, just ask America's kids. Researchers who have studied the stereotypical views of scientists held by American schoolchildren report that when they encounter real-life scientists who visit their classroom, the kids think someone's pulling their leg, because the scientists aren't anything like the big-screen version ? mean, male, gray haired and mad. As one study author explained to the magazine Nature: "They might say the person was too 'normal' or too good-looking to be a scientist. The most heart-breaking thing is when they say, 'I didn't think he was real because he seemed to care about us.'"

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Why America is flunking science

Don't just blame poor education for our nation's scientific illiteracy -- but our politics and pop culture</a>

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Generally speaking scientists don't give a crap about religion. They do tend to be associated with institutions and people who are less concerned about taxes and more about the people around them. Since Dems tend to be more supportive of social programs, they would naturally side with them.

Ain't rocket science.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Cogman
Originally posted by: BudAshes
Republicans believe in creationism... scientists don't.

democrats believe in getting something for nothing, scientists don't.

There, you see how silly your statement is?

You mean like 2 wars/endless occupations for nothing?
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