Ontario to ban Pit bulls

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Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
They should ban the people that want to own pitbulls instead. That will solve the problem.


a freaking golden retreiver is more likey to bite than a pit

... that is the stupidest fvck!ng thing I have ever had the pleasure of setting my eyes upon, especially since the entire goal of a retriever is to not BITE.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
May 27, 2000
The retreiver lines, aka lab, golden, are the most commonly used dog in the service business for disabled people because of their temperment.

BTW, cats suck, when I was 4 years old, I was attacked by a stray cat, had to get all those rabies shots in the stomach because they never found the cat. As far as I am concerned, throw the cats in the ring with the pit bulls.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: SampSon
Rottweilers surpassed pitbulls as the leader in fatal dog attacks at one point in certain areas during certain years, though the pitbull still has it over all by a long shot.
I agree with the fact that it's a people problem and not a dog problem. Regardless, this breed kills more people than any single breed out there.
Where are you pulling you BS stats out I'd like to know. Mine first link clearly says the methodoly they used for temperment testing.

Do you care to analyze any data newer than 1993?
those tests were conducted on 2003/2004
Or mabey from a site that isn't pro pitbull?
It is'nt
Or mabey a data pool larger than 500 dogs?
over 20000 dogs were tested

I'm not even sure what that one link you provided means. Passed and failed what? An obedience test? AIDS test? That chart shows next to nothing.
temperment test as discribed. You'd do a lot better reading than talking

I have personally been attacked and almost killed by a pitbull when I was 7 or 8 years old.
anecdotal and personal bias. I worked at a pound and overwhemlingly was attacked by shepard breeds, also was attacked around same age as you were by a shepard, but you don't hear me using it as evidence, the facts speek for them selves, dipite being hugely popular animals, pitbulls bite far less than other dogs.

As it stands today I have no personal prejudice against pitbulls as a breed.
That's good. You should'nt since even out of all the dogs in the united states 20 deaths per year in a dog population of 53 million yields an infinitesimal percent of the dog population (.0000004%) which kill out of all the breeds

Why can't people pick another kind of dog? What exactly is it that draws people to the pitbull?
Read the pitbull Faq I linked above. There are lots of unique traits people love about pitbulls. Plus what busines is it of yours?

I will venture to guess that they all have to do with the dogs ability to scare
Sounds like a personal problem. You sleep with the lights on too? Again the "look" is what people ultimatly are offended by and even admit it, like you just did, if you talk to them long enough. I've never understood psychology though.

I've never seen a pitbull hunt, nor have I ever seen a pitbull at a dog show.
When I was a kid we used to hunt with them. It's a sight to see a wild boar taken down by 4-6 pitbulls.
ADBA and AKC has dog shows all the time featuring pitbulls and they even win somtimes. They also compete agressivly in obdiance, flyball, agility, human assistance and protection shows from various sactioning bodies. AGAIN READ THE FAQ

This negative stigma doesn't magically appear around a particular dog, it's there for a reason
Many people crush gardner snakes with thier hoes too, psychosis


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
some people don't understand dogs. of course owners have good experiences with them. thats how dogs work. they are loyal to their owners, they understand their place in the pack. they understand that they rank below every human in the family that owns them. this is ALL THEY KNOW. their reaction to "others" is the problem. people seem to confuse dogs with people. they aren't. they will revert to instinct when allowed, they are not completely rational, sudden and unprovoked aggression with some breeds is a big problem.

and yes we engineered these dogs. look at the springers and rage sydrome. an accidental engineering of aggression. the breeders favored ones that stood more upright, more aggressive posture was favoured. this came with more aggression..which they didn't realize until it was a tad late. the dogs would skip the normal steps between warning and biting. guard dogs like pitbulls are bred for a purpose, and their aggressive propensity/protectiveness + huge jaws = recipe for disaster. its the sheer damage they cause when they snap. a kid in oakland had his face torn to shreds a while back, plenty of other cases. the owner always thinks his dog is "friendly and harmless", let the dog escape...and then the trouble begins.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
The retreiver lines, aka lab, golden, are the most commonly used dog in the service business for disabled people because of their temperment.

BTW, cats suck, when I was 4 years old, I was attacked by a stray cat, had to get all those rabies shots in the stomach because they never found the cat. As far as I am concerned, throw the cats in the ring with the pit bulls.

i had a golden lab


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
Pit bulls should be kept behind a glass cage with a Warning: Do not break except in case of war." Those dogs are more dangerous than any other I have ever met.

My wife's friend got 2 pit bull puppies a few years ago, at 8 weeks old, they had already whipped the two older cocker spaniels into submission. I walked into the yard when the pups were 12 weeks old, and they both attacked me out of pure instinct. yeah they were puppies, but you could see the cold blooded killer in them. Luckily, the pups did not survive, they contracted Parvoe, and died. Thing is, the girl had a 4 year old son, and was pregnant at the time.

Those dogs were selectively bred for one thing and one thing only, killing.

We had a guy who was looking at buying the house down the street and across the road from us. My neighbor and i were outside cleaning our yards, and he pulled up in front of the house, his wife got out, and he did to, that is when he then picked up a leash, opened the back of his suv and put the leash on one of the biggest pit bulls I have ever seen. My neighbor and I both stopped and looked at each other, then I went over to talk to him. He has a little girl about 6 or 7, and my son, at the time, was about 18 months old. We talked for a bit, then saw the guy come back from walking arund the house, after he put that monster in the suv, we approached him. We asked him about the dog, had it bit anyone, was it aggressive, etc. Then my neighbor looks the guy right in the eye and tells this "future home owner" that if he does buy the house, he had better keep that thing indoors. My neighbor then tells this guy that if that dog so much as snorts in his direction from behind the fence, he will give the dog a forehead enema with a 44 magnum. He then told the guy that there were a lot of children in the neighborhood, and that if the dog just suddenly wound up dead, no one would care. He began listing lots of ways to deal with the "issue at hand" like antifreeze soaked meatballs, deer rifle, compound bow with razor heads, etc. His point was well taken, and the guy did not buy the house.

Point is, these dogs are, and will always be, inbreed killers. No one knows what it takes to flip their switch, or when it will happen.

Odd, you and your neighbor sound just like the gun grabbing lefties who are ruled by irrational fear. Get a grip already, really.


Jul 31, 2001
they obviously dont know about the underground poodle fighting scene


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
Pit bulls should be kept behind a glass cage with a Warning: Do not break except in case of war." Those dogs are more dangerous than any other I have ever met.

My wife's friend got 2 pit bull puppies a few years ago, at 8 weeks old, they had already whipped the two older cocker spaniels into submission. I walked into the yard when the pups were 12 weeks old, and they both attacked me out of pure instinct. yeah they were puppies, but you could see the cold blooded killer in them. Luckily, the pups did not survive, they contracted Parvoe, and died. Thing is, the girl had a 4 year old son, and was pregnant at the time.

Those dogs were selectively bred for one thing and one thing only, killing.

We had a guy who was looking at buying the house down the street and across the road from us. My neighbor and i were outside cleaning our yards, and he pulled up in front of the house, his wife got out, and he did to, that is when he then picked up a leash, opened the back of his suv and put the leash on one of the biggest pit bulls I have ever seen. My neighbor and I both stopped and looked at each other, then I went over to talk to him. He has a little girl about 6 or 7, and my son, at the time, was about 18 months old. We talked for a bit, then saw the guy come back from walking arund the house, after he put that monster in the suv, we approached him. We asked him about the dog, had it bit anyone, was it aggressive, etc. Then my neighbor looks the guy right in the eye and tells this "future home owner" that if he does buy the house, he had better keep that thing indoors. My neighbor then tells this guy that if that dog so much as snorts in his direction from behind the fence, he will give the dog a forehead enema with a 44 magnum. He then told the guy that there were a lot of children in the neighborhood, and that if the dog just suddenly wound up dead, no one would care. He began listing lots of ways to deal with the "issue at hand" like antifreeze soaked meatballs, deer rifle, compound bow with razor heads, etc. His point was well taken, and the guy did not buy the house.

Point is, these dogs are, and will always be, inbreed killers. No one knows what it takes to flip their switch, or when it will happen.

Odd, you and your neighbor sound just like the gun grabbing lefties who are ruled by irrational fear. Get a grip already, really.

Ulfwald did'nt even think Pete from little Rascals was a pitbull -- so I have no faith in his description what that dog was he was about to shoot-- was in fact a pitbull.

Pitbulls are 45lb dogs..match/in-shape dogs are 30lbs... From the size of it it sounds like it was'nt even a pitbull but a:

Cone Corso 140lbs of pitbullesque gameness

Or Argentine Dogo

Or American Bulldog (Scott type)

or a Dogue de Bordeaux

or Presa Canario 190lbs of pitbull.

Etc Etc Etc

Like I said some 30 dogs could be mistaken for a "pitbull" and the press/people do it all the time. ... How are they going to do this ban again? Shoot all dogs based on look? Then with no decernment for temperment and training just kill them all?

Hello irrational.


Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999

Who resurrected my thread?

And why is Zebo making every other post?

Pit bulls were bred for one purpose only and that is to fight and be very violent and aggressive.

We just had another round of pit bull attacks here in London again. The owner of one of the dogs involved in an attack is now trying to sue the city for banning the breed and making them wear muzzles and carry insurance. The attack (it wasn't a bite, you morons.) was on an elderly woman just walking down the street. The dog's owner said it was her fault because she didn't know how to walk properly. Numerous charges are now pending against this guy.

Its not about bites. Yeah, that pomeranian is more likely to bite you. But how many deaths are caused by a viscous pomeranian trying to rip your throat or face out?

Just ban the breed and impose strict controls on any dog that shows any aggression towards anyone.


Jul 16, 2001
...nice doggy or not them things are a litigation hazard now a days..beware of the real bit bull..the lawyers.


Jul 12, 2001
Thanks Zebo, others. It's just a dog everyone. And like nearly everything, it kills people periodically. Why not ban guns to prevent shootings? Why not ban cars to prevent crashes? Ban electricity to prevent electrocution? Ban mountains to prevent climbing accidents? Or better yet, let's ban water to prevent hurricanes, monsoons, big ass tsunamis, mudslides, drowning, and rainy days. Bad water! Bad! You've ruined your last baseball game!

Screw it. Stop murder--ban people.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
I have met plenty of friendly pitbulls in my time. I saw someone at an IKEA with one right near his two little kids. The dog didn't flinch even when the kids were pulling on its ears.

IMHO in my experience you can teach the "tamest" of dogs to be mean and vicious.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
And why is Zebo making every other post?

Because I've trained lots of dogs (Koehler Method) and know thier generally all the same, thier dogs. Because I know you and public in general is totally ignorant of even what a pitbull is let alone thier temperment. Because I don't like to see such a great breed with great history maligned/killed/banned by actions of backyard/gangbang breeders, irresponsible owners, and hysterical public.

I have no problem putting down aggressive animals, they should be put down. (hell If it were my world any dog not police trained that barked at a human would be put down) but to selectivly attack one breed, which may or may not even be a pitbull, is totally ignorant when thier are millions of perfect family bull type dogs and pitbulls and never a incident. Mainly I fight ignorance and hysteria more than anything.

Something more sensible for commie canada, instead of slaughtering millions of animals part of peoples family, would be testing and obediance. Sure dogs are dangerous, like guns, sure we live in jam packed communities. So test the damn dogs and make obediance training manditory for all dogs. That would elminate all problems IMO. How many gang bangers, irresponsible owners you think would go in for registration, a 12-24 Week course with biannual temperment testing say at the vets office? No complete = no licence.


Sep 1, 2004
thanks Zebo, maybe all these retards will take a second to not listen to everything the sh!tty media tries to tell them...


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
And why is Zebo making every other post?
That would elminate all problems IMO. How many gang bangers, irresponsible owners you think would go in for registration, a 12-24 Week course with biannual temperment testing say at the vets office? No complete = no licence.

Can we have the same standards on humans? Please?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
My only experience with pitbulls is the TWO that my brother currently owns. They were pups when he got them about four years ago, and now they're ENORMOUS and incredibly strong. I forget what kind of pitbulls they are, but one is smaller and has longer legs. The other has a bigger head and is very low to the ground. The one low to the ground is so massive that I recently stood on it's butt (I'm 155 lbs.) to hang a picture in my brother's dining room and he wasn't even phased.

My brother bought his pitbulls for a reason - he was due to have a child. The kid is now almost 4 years old, and my brother will tell you that the dogs are the best money he's ever spent. They're extremely fun to play with and very sweet. They're also very protective of the boy. They sleep in the room next to the kid and will get up instantly if you open the boy's door. They fiercely growl at strangers that approach the boy. They're also the two smartest dogs I've ever met. If someone they know well points to a new person and says "he is good" then they're fine. If you were to point at a new person and say "he is bad" the dogs will get right by your feet and start growling. They're awesome.

If I ever have children, the first thing I'll do is buy a pitbull.



Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
I dont like how they are taking more rights away from us...

I would much rather see them make a law that they have to be muzzled or something instead... but whatever stops these things from attacking children is okay with me.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Whatever, it really doesn't bother me all that much, I mean when I was working out in Windsor these past 4 months they put a ban on them there, and if anything there was a lot of support for it.


Where are you pulling you BS stats out I'd like to know. Mine first link clearly says the methodoly they used for temperment testing.

those tests were conducted on 2003/2004
Your other link about bite stats data did not go past 1993.

over 20000 dogs were tested
Yes, but only 446 pit bulls were tested.

temperment test as discribed. You'd do a lot better reading than talking
I understand that. Though there is little supporting data on that page besides the fact that these dogs "pass". That coupled with the incredibly small data pool, doesn't say a lot.

anecdotal and personal bias. I worked at a pound and overwhemlingly was attacked by shepard breeds, also was attacked around same age as you were by a shepard, but you don't hear me using it as evidence, the facts speek for them selves, dipite being hugely popular animals, pitbulls bite far less than other dogs.
If the facts speak for themselves then the pitbull is still the #1 killer by far out of any dog. By at least twice as much. I believe lawmakers are looking more at fatalities than bites. Your personal experiences as a anectoal as mine, ad hominem.

That's good. You should'nt since even out of all the dogs in the united states 20 deaths per year in a dog population of 53 million yields an infinitesimal percent of the dog population (.0000004%) which kill out of all the breeds
The fact that it's such a small percentage of the overall population says nothing. Serial killers are an infinitesimal percent of the human population, that doesn't make them any less deadly. This can be applied to almost any dataset in the world.

Read the pitbull Faq I linked above. There are lots of unique traits people love about pitbulls. Plus what busines is it of yours?
I havn't read the whole thing, and I take it you havn't either. Though from what I've read the pit seems to be a very well rounded dog. It's my business when I get attacked, my family gets attacked and I can't feel safe in my neighborhood because someone owns a potentially deadly dog.

Sounds like a personal problem. You sleep with the lights on too? Again the "look" is what people ultimatly are offended by and even admit it, like you just did, if you talk to them long enough. I've never understood psychology though.
Again, being the #1 killer by a longshot will put a stigma around it, and rightfully so. The same would go for ANY breed. If chihuahua's started putting up numbers like pitbulls, the response would be the same.

When I was a kid we used to hunt with them. It's a sight to see a wild boar taken down by 4-6 pitbulls.
ADBA and AKC has dog shows all the time featuring pitbulls and they even win somtimes. They also compete agressivly in obdiance, flyball, agility, human assistance and protection shows from various sactioning bodies. AGAIN READ THE FAQ
Yea, I read the hunting part. Personally from all the hunters I know, I've never heard of anyone ever using a pitbull. I recognize the breeds wide spectrum of abilities.

Many people crush gardner snakes with thier hoes too, psychosis
Gardner snakes don't kill. Nor are gardner snakes the #1 killer in the snake species.

It boils down to the simple fact that pitbulls kill 3 times as much as any other breed of dog. I'm not saying that I support their stance in the banning of this breed, I can just understand how they are coming to that decision. This idea has the support of much of the population, including dog owners. Seems the only people not for it are pitbull owners.

It's not some magical coincidence that pitbulls are the #1 breed involved in fatal dog attacks. There will always be irresponsible dog owners, and they can own any breed they want, but when it comes down to it of all these dogs that are neglected, treated poorly etc, the pitbull is the one killing the most. If you wiped out every pitbull on the face of the planet, these people would take another kind of dog and do the same thing to it. You can't really ban the people(well you can), so you ban the dog.

So mabey the first step to truly regulating this breed is to ban it, and then set up a system in which to handle it. Ideally what you said about making people register and train their dogs and go through testing is the best option, though it's not easy to phase that in. So you start with the lowest common denominator, ban all of them. Then work your way up from there.
It boils down to a few people ruining it for everyone else, that's how life works, tough sh!t.

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