Oops! Biden's turn in the Classified Documents barrel.

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
good im glad you agree that Biden committed a crime. 18 U.S. Code § 1924. Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material. Section 1924 makes it a crime to knowingly remove classified documents with the intent to retain them in an unauthorized location. since he had them for 7 years the intent is a slam dunk. saying oh shit, im sorry i kept them and turn them in does not negate the crime.

lol you're so fucking stupid. Go back and read what you're trying to claim.
Reactions: Pohemi


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I'd feel better about his concern for stolen valor if he weren't such a fan of draft dodging chickenhawks who act like war heros. Where's that outrage? Particularly over the one who conspired with Russians while violating the most important part of his Constitutional duty - passing the reins of power to an elected successor. The biggest flop possible by the head of the government would seem to be an event that should be on his radar a bit more. Maybe even provide him some rrrrreally important context to go alongside that concern over contents, who knows.

the existence of people like Ackmed really drive home the reality that we have grossly unqualified individuals placed in rather sensitive levels of our government or workforce. The vetting that goes on for large swaths of our workforce is grossly incompetent--I attribute this, honestly, to the buddy network: Generations of idiot fratboys shoving their idiot fratbros and self-fellating their family into cushy positions, generation after generation after generation.

These are almost always people that pretty much fail their mediocre attempt to "finish college," but it doesn't matter because the buddy network insures that they will only ever fail up.

These are the people that prevent our nation from being as good as it could be, and their bitterness at what they understand to be their own general incompetence (because they have never been punished for being shitty people, or allowed to actually fail and learn, because all of the people they know are as dumb and useless as they are, and therefore convinced of their own brilliance because, duh! look how we constantly make each other "Successful!")

This is also why this very same group of people rail against things like affirmative action or social programs that assist talented and intelligent people trapped within underexposed communities: they dare not let the vastly more qualified people of the world ever get a chance to compete with them, because they want their free, grossly-undeserved ride to continue. And they know all of this. It's why they project their self-hate (yeah, I sound like moony) as bilious hatred towards the, talented and intellectual communities of the world.

This is the only type of system where known, prideful traitors like Ackmed, that place the entirety of their self-worth in thousands-years-old notions of "morality and law" and the shared success of their like-minded idiot inbred cabal of wealth redistributors, could ever succeed.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Apparently, these documents are from his time as Vice President. How did no one notice they were missing for (at least) six years?
From the sounds of it, these were briefings catered for Biden for his upcoming meetings. There’s weren’t the original intelligence documents. All of those are indeed in the national archives. So it makes sense why Biden would have these offsite at that time. But yeah big whoopsies to just get packed away later.
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Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
FWIW, Biden was doing his job as VP up until the last minute unlike trump the traitor who spent his last days as POTUS trying to figure out how to overthrow our government.

Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
As expected, the "both sides" right wing nutjob crowd with their bullshit has come out. Never mind that what Trump did was 100x worse than what Biden did. The reasons have been said ad infinitum, so I won't repeat them.

Either you can think for yourself, and can see why what Trump did is much worse, or you're a total tool. And by tool, I mean the type who follow Faux News who even said in a court of law that you're idiots for eating the shit they drop out of their ass.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.
One is currently President and the other is not.

A rabid partisan like yourself might be willing to ignore this distinction, but the sensible majority of this country do not.


Dec 12, 2000
As expected, the "both sides" right wing nutjob crowd with their bullshit has come out. Never mind that what Trump did was 100x worse than what Biden did. The reasons have been said ad infinitum, so I won't repeat them.

Either you can think for yourself, and can see why what Trump did is much worse, or you're a total tool. And by tool, I mean the type who follow Faux News who even said in a court of law that you're idiots for eating the shit they drop out of their ass.

Let’s see where it all plays out once the special counsel and DOJ has done a thorough investigation of both Presidents. At this point, if I were the Clintons, I’d be checking every nook and cranny right now for every scrap of paper with a clearance stamp. I only assume the Bushes were smarter about this stuff from Daddy Bush’s time at CIA.

Like I said, I won’t jump to conclusions about whether or not Biden committed a crime, but in the court of public opinion he’s already guilty. Can’t imagine his approval ratings won’t be tanking faster than our credit rating.
Reactions: Pohemi


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.

what law did Biden break, tho?


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.

Meh, don’t worry about Biden. He’s current POTUS so he can declassify any documents found. Problem solved.


Jul 17, 2003
Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.

Read the fucking thread, then honk off. Or have you made it to page 13 in this thread still unable to comprehend why the two situations aren't really comparable, legally? Seriously? That means you're either too dumb to sound off on this or just another partisan troll making a limp attempt at impartiality, like Ackmed. Elements of both maybe?

One more time: Trump the Traitor is attacked for being a lying criminal, for breaking the law. Biden has been an above average CiC and has shown no intent to break the law, lie, or be uncooperative.

Any rational adult can see the difference here, layman or not. So what's your excuse for being such low information partisan twat? Biden's situation will have no effect on Trump's legal jeopardy btw, trying to link the two as much as possible is just more desperate bullshit from your kind.

This is no goose to gander comparison, more like apples to alpacas. It's all there for you, provided you can read and be honest with yourself.

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Oct 18, 2005
Keep making excuses. What's good for he goose is good for he gander. Nail Trump to a wall and nail Biden next to him. Anyone that attacked Trump for this and wants to let Biden off is a partisan POS.
User name checks out.


Oct 11, 2005
As expected, the "both sides" right wing nutjob crowd with their bullshit has come out. Never mind that what Trump did was 100x worse than what Biden did. The reasons have been said ad infinitum, so I won't repeat them.

Either you can think for yourself, and can see why what Trump did is much worse, or you're a total tool. And by tool, I mean the type who follow Faux News who even said in a court of law that you're idiots for eating the shit they drop out of their ass.

The problem is it's not just the GQP RWNJs that will end up in the "both sides" part. A large part of the country is just plain old too stupid to understand the nuance involved in the differences between the two situations, so the shades of gray become black/white and they think of them as the same in the end. There are orders of magnitude between what each did but it won't matter to large swaths of the population.

We're a dumb dumb dumb population.


Feb 24, 2009
Let’s see where it all plays out once the special counsel and DOJ has done a thorough investigation of both Presidents. At this point, if I were the Clintons, I’d be checking every nook and cranny right now for every scrap of paper with a clearance stamp. I only assume the Bushes were smarter about this stuff from Daddy Bush’s time at CIA.

Like I said, I won’t jump to conclusions about whether or not Biden committed a crime, but in the court of public opinion he’s already guilty. Can’t imagine his approval ratings won’t be tanking faster than our credit rating.
Clinton's, Bush, and Obama. And the last person who's name is on who ever checked out the documents log. I want my sleepless nights back. What a waste.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The problem is it's not just the GQP RWNJs that will end up in the "both sides" part. A large part of the country is just plain old too stupid to understand the nuance involved in the differences between the two situations, so the shades of gray become black/white and they think of them as the same in the end. There are orders of magnitude between what each did but it won't matter to large swaths of the population.

We're a dumb dumb dumb population.
Let’s be honest, most of the population most likely doesn’t even know any of this has happened and even fewer actually care.
Reactions: Pohemi


Feb 6, 2002
As someone with the highest clearest available, who works with TS material every day, papers, material and areas. Weapons grade nuclear material and processes. Who carries TS and classified documents daily, and works in and out of a SCIF, all the arm chair qb's who dont have a clue are funny.

Im letting both investigations go thru before making too many judgements. Although, one thing is for sure. If this was me, or anyone I work with it would be a quick process and I would be in prison. With everyone else who had a hand in this mess. Many others would lose their clearance. This is such a serious issue where I work, and others like it. While the information may be different, it doesnt matter. There are logs, follow the logs.

Behar claiming that Biden should get the benefit of the doubt because he is known to be truthful is hilarious.

Claimed he graduated in the top half of his class, he was 76th... of 85.
Claimed he was arrested in Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela.
Claimed he was appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965, he was not.
Claimed his son Beau died in Iraq. He died in an America hospital.
Claimed he got a Purple Heart for his Uncle that he deserved from WW2. He did not, the dates and records prove this.
Train conductor, truck driver, etc.
Plagiarized a paper and why he dropped out of running for Pres before. Literally dropped out for multiple lies.
SO many more.

Multiple stolen valor's, despicable. So many lies, to claim he should get the "benefit of the doubt" because he is not known to tell lies is just ridiculous.
Good for you. Found 7 lies vs 30K. Heckuva job Brownie

Trump already admitted to willful intent which is the requirement under law for improperly handling of documents. Indict Trump and start his prosecution. He's got the additional problem obstruction of justice. Let the jury decide.

Let the SP finished his investigation of Biden. If he is found to have willful intent prosecute him as well. Let the jury decide.

Treating them equally


Feb 6, 2002

Even more boxes of CLASSIFIED documents found in Biden home. "Room adjacent to his garage" Probably a bathroom or laundry room adjacent to his ultra/ultra secure garage. Time for a comprehensive search warrant to be served at his residence and any other place he may have stashed top secret documents.

Dude, they are classified documents he just leaves laying around, if I had classified documents in a u-haul box i'd know about them.
Not if you dealt with 50/day for 8 years.

Did you ever post concern for possession of classified docs before the Biden story?


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2019
As expected, the "both sides" right wing nutjob crowd with their bullshit has come out. Never mind that what Trump did was 100x worse than what Biden did. The reasons have been said ad infinitum, so I won't repeat them.

Either you can think for yourself, and can see why what Trump did is much worse, or you're a total tool. And by tool, I mean the type who follow Faux News who even said in a court of law that you're idiots for eating the shit they drop out of their ass.
the point is Biden has had these documents in excess of six years, and inasmuch as Penn Center wasn’t even a thing when he got out of office that means these documents have been at his house and have been moved around quite a bit. Don’t forget these documents have been floating around for some 6 to 7 years and the places that they found them were not even attached to Joe Biden or his name for at least if I remember correctly two years after he got out of office these documents have been God knows where, but we know they haven’t been secure. We really need to know who signed these documents out. We need to know why the archives the national archives didn’t start chasing these documents down six years ago they seem to of had no trouble chasing documents down that President Trump had within months of the time that he left office so at least we know somebody signed the paperwork out for President Trump. We haven’t heard anything about who signed these documents out who took control of these documents.


Jun 17, 2005
If this was me, or anyone I work with it would be a quick process and I would be in prison.
No, probably not. Most likely you would receive a security violation. It would go on your permanent record, and if you get three of them in 7 years you get a LR case against you. The most likely outcome of that would be 1-2 weeks suspension. Have it happen again and you would also face and a loss of your security clearance, which would probably mean that you lose your current job, although you might just be moved to a job that does not require such a clearance. The only way you would face prison time would be if the Inspector General had reason to believe that you were intentionally trying to steal or sell classified information.

That is what everyone here has been trying to say, intent matters in these cases. We don't throw people in jail for simply having possession of classified documents.

How did no one notice they were missing for (at least) six years?
Because as VP he probably got them before they had officially been classified, so the apparatus that is supposed to track them had not yet been put into place. Also these are very likely mixed documents that contain classified information, and not classified documents in and of themselves. The difference here is really thin, but there is one. Classified information gets used in all sorts of ways, especially at high levels like the VP. I could, for example, make a todo list that included a single bullet point that had classified information, but that list by itself might not in itself be classified.

The other thing to consider is that the reason they are finding all this classified information in his possession is because he did the responsible thing and ordered a audit of all his documents to weed out anything that shouldn't be there.


Feb 6, 2002
typical lib, attack the person not the content. shameful.
I just asked you a question. Nice deflection to avoid answering.

I'll answer it for you, "NO". That means you aren't really concerned about handling of classified documents.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
the point is Biden has had these documents in excess of six years, and inasmuch as Penn Center wasn’t even a thing when he got out of office that means these documents have been at his house and have been moved around quite a bit. Don’t forget these documents have been floating around for some 6 to 7 years and the places that they found them were not even attached to Joe Biden or his name for at least if I remember correctly two years after he got out of office these documents have been God knows where, but we know they haven’t been secure.
The ones in Penn Center were in a manila envelop. And these were briefing documents directly prepared for the VP. These weren’t original intelligence documents and they are in the national archives. So that’s why it was harder to identify.

We really need to know who signed these documents out. We need to know why the archives the national archives didn’t start chasing these documents down six years ago they seem to of had no trouble chasing documents down that President Trump had within months of the time that he left office so at least we know somebody signed the paperwork out for President Trump. We haven’t heard anything about who signed these documents out who took control of these documents.
But this is where it’s different for TFG. He had originals in his possession. As if no one would not have noticed the Kim love letters missing.

As for the treatment difference complaint, do you admit, that NARA gave him months from February of 2021 to return them before forwarding concern to DOJ. DOJ then gave a few opportunities to voluntarily return but he ignored.

As for the search warrant. Biden lawyers gave timeline this morning. That one new document found in his office at home beginning of last week. Once discovered, they stopped looking further and contacted DOJ. When DOJ came to pickup the document, they continued the search and found 5 more. So one of Biden’s places has officially now been searched.
Reactions: Pohemi
Jul 9, 2009
Is there any evidence Biden's aids/lawyers DIDN'T find them? Maybe you are just making shit up again?
Why would a team of Biden "lawyers" be searching his garage and house unless they had been previously informed of their existence? Just how stupid and gullible are you ? Don't answer, we all already know it.
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