Oops! Biden's turn in the Classified Documents barrel.

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Aug 5, 2000
I agree that by being so constantly nuts it’s less newsworthy when Trump does this sort of thing. If you listen to him talk it’s an endless stream of lies, demented babbling, and nonsensical statements. Since he does it all the time though nobody cares.

It’s the same thing with the corruption. Since Biden is so squeaky clean the idea of even a single corrupt act being possible is a big news event. Trump was so constantly, flagrantly corrupt that people stopped caring. I mean imagine if it turned out Biden was running a business down the street from the White House where foreign leaders paid him bribes. That would be an extinction level scandal. Trump did it for four years though and nobody cared.

The Republicans allowed Trump to normalize his vile criminal behavior while they picked at every little thing on Biden's part so as to attempt to bring Biden down to Trump's level of incompetence. They did it to Hillary and Obama as well so it's pretty clear that they're resorting to that underhanded ploy of theirs because the Democrats have a popular sell on their efforts to govern while the Republicans are merely trying to hook and crook their way to victories because they have nothing of value to offer the nation's working class stiffs.


May 30, 2008
Nope, but I live in a deep red state so I can thankfully NOT vote for either one of them without feeling guilty about it.

Similar to my position with Starmer (the empty suit). Might vote Green next election (haven't decided yet), because this is a safe seat so it makes no real difference how I vote anyway. Want to hope for the best from Labour, but Starmer is pretty unimpressive, he doesn't seem to have any detectable principles, barely a week goes by without him flip-flopping on one policy or another. But a benefit of a crap electoral system is it doesn't really matter how I vote in any case.

My impression is the US system is considerably more crap, though, because instead of hundreds of winner-takes-all constituencies, you have a small number of winner-takes-all _states_, which hugely amplifies the problematic effect.

FPTP and winner-takes-all partially cancels out overall when you have large numbers of constituencies, where the bias can act in different directions.
Reactions: Pohemi


Aug 5, 2000
White House is having yet another briefing on this shitty report. What I can't believe is the unbelievable ignorance of almost all of the reporters asking the same questions over and over again and not listening to the briefer. Media is now part of the problem with our democracy. Apparently, English must be a second language for half of them. I'm beginning to lose hope!
Edit: As the briefer keeps saying to the idiots. Read the report!

Media hounds want stories that hits their ratings like a testosterone boost. Blood and crap on the walls sells much better than positive news that simply get taken for granted.

Selling tickets to see Trump the circus clown that entertains by making a humiliating spectacle of himself can only be matched by putting Biden under a microscope and screaming bloody murder whenever he has a brain fart, the more farts the better. Meanwhile all those good things he's done for the nation so far gets sidetracked by the Republican's efforts to smear him.
Reactions: Pohemi


Oct 15, 1999
Carville, best known for his central role in former President Clinton’s 1992 election campaign, added that Democrats were now looking to interventions from the Supreme Court, or a criminal conviction for Trump, in the hope that such developments would shift the election in Biden’s favor.

“We’re officially in Hail Mary mode here,” he said.

A different Democratic strategist, who asked for anonymity, chose a similarly dire metaphor.

I think between the catastrophic Special Counsel report and the more catastrophic press conference that followed, and the even more catastrophic attacking of the Special Counsel for the report, they are magnifying and dismissing the concerns that the overwhelming majority of Americans have about Biden — including a lot of Democrats.”

Oof. Brutal.

Best quote in that entire story:
Meanwhile, in a CNN appearance Friday, Paul Begala — who rose to political fame along with Carville during the 1992 Clinton campaign — described himself as a “Biden supporter” but continued, “I slept like a baby last night. I woke up every two hours and wet the bed". This is terrible for Democrats. And anybody with a functioning brain knows that.”


Aug 5, 2000
Not every policy, but a lot of them are.

Please don't leave us hanging by not telling us what policies of the Republicans and Trump have been good for the nation, especially for the middle class and the poor?
One thing that is very disappointing is that Biden won't do the super bowl interview.

You're letting Republican party and shitty mainstream sensationalist media drive the narrative, This is your chance to reach the biggest TV audience of the year. Why not take it?

I'm thinking the risk/benefit analysis the Biden team came up with wasn't in Biden's favor of which those reasons to nix the show is pretty compelling and intriguing to me.
Reactions: Pohemi


Aug 5, 2000
I'm sorry what? We can't understand what you are trying to say, with your head shoved up your ass.

Please remove head from sphincter, look around and try again.

Oxygen depravation while inhaling concentrated doses of methane gas does that to people. It's one of life's mysteries why Trump's cult clowns think it's ecstatic and orgasmic to do such things for him.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
This is the narrative they want to set up:

A Republican special prosecutor found that Biden illegally kept classified docs, but declined to prosecute. But Biden’s Justice Department is charging Trump with felonies for the exact same thing!

Most of us know these two cases are apples and oranges. Biden cooperated, he didn’t hide anything, there was no conspiracy or obstruction. Biden and Pence made mistakes. Trump deliberately committed crimes. Even the Republican Hur made the distinction that one returned them when asked and another didn't. but for low-info voters (and not just MAGAs) it sure could look like a double standard. Obviously, this has been a goal since day one.

And all the swipes in the report by Hur at Bidens memory is also feature. They want to show how Biden is unfit to serve. There will be a conservative pivot to this absolute proof that Biden is mentally unfit to be President, and the lack of prosecution will be secondary to this. I’m already seeing it. The claim that Joe doesn’t know when his son died (as opposed to has an obvious strong emotional response to discussions about his son’s death such that he may not immediately spout specific dates) is a callous, personal, and entirely gratuitous political attack. It doesn’t at all belong in this kind of report. The proper response to a question about your son’s death date would have been “Fuck off! I’ve got better things to do, Hamas just attacked Israel today and they declared war... ask relevant questions or get lost!”


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
A major "plus" of the Trump presidency, IMO, is that it has demolished the myth of the liberal media (for me personally at least).

News is a business. It needs ratings in order to make money, and it will pursue those ratings ravenously, at the sake of integrity, truth, and duty as the fourth estate.

The journalists that make up news orgs might themselves have a liberal slant, but the machine they work for, the producers/execs/shareholders definitely don't.

Question everything. They don't have to burn the books, they just remove them.


May 15, 2000
Being a risk taker is definitely not in any way consistent with Merrick's style of play. His aversion toward walking on thin ice turns out to be a blessing for Trump and his goon squad.

Garland is emblematic of many people whose job it is to hold people accountable, in their desire not to appear politically motivated or biased they actually end up ignoring their duty or otherwise taking precautions they wouldn’t morally afford to others in their crosshairs. This especially applies to the press, the judicial branch, and other institutions that are meant to protect us.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Oh, I disagree. That will accomplish nothing on the practical front, and it will give a huge propaganda/talking point to the GQP.

Garland needs to be fired, but it needs to happen after the election.

I don't think it matters too much. They already act like he's a partisan operative so what's the difference?
Whatever political mileage Biden and Co thought they'd get out of appointing somebody who should be seen as above reproach hasn't materialized.

The rest of the year and into next is probably going to pretty hairy in ways Garland isn't well equipped to deal with. Just get him to resign.
Reactions: Pohemi


Oct 6, 2009
I think it would be a good idea to replace Garland before the election.
Wasn't Garland a compromise pick for SCOTUS? As in, Obama picked him as a moderate as a gesture of good will hoping McConnell would allow him through if he was seen as conservative enough?

The center between 2015 Democrats and the Freedom caucus equals lunatic. I figured Biden knew him well enough to know that wasn't the case. I guess Biden was an absolute dipshit about it like most of his party.


Jun 3, 2011
Someone remind me, wasn't there a difference between being President and NOT being President?


Jan 14, 2013
General Election does not even start until this Summer, after both parties throw their conventions and make the actual nominations.
Biden could easily be replaced by the party AT the convention.

The time to campaign is after becoming the nominee. In that context, planning something more than 3-4 months out from November is probably not wise?
If you would say the sitting President can and does need to present himself to set the narrative and to wield the power of the Presidency... of being the head of state, I could appreciate that. But charisma and public speaking ARE NOT Biden's thing. There are reasons to play to one's strengths and avoid weaknesses. Even if that means abdicating much of the bully pulpit.

The campaign has started whether you like it or not, just look at any of the media coverage. It's well on it's way at this point.

This would be a perfect time to do an interview to shut down the nonsense from the special report. If Biden can't hack that, he should step down as the nominee. This interview is a silver platter. If our candidate is not ready for that moment, that is disqualifying.


Oct 6, 2009
The campaign has started whether you like it or not, just look at any of the media coverage. It's well on it's way at this point.

This would be a perfect time to do an interview to shut down the nonsense from the special report. If Biden can't hack that, he should step down as the nominee. This interview is a silver platter. If our candidate is not ready for that moment, that is disqualifying.
Short of a national catastrophe, the needles aren't going to move much between now and October. I have a feeling the GOP is going to get wrecked. Young people are shifting rapidly to the left.

Actually killing Roe was the last straw needed to make it real for the breeding age. GOP dogs caught the car and got their head trapped in the wheel well. I don't think even a normal October surprise will be enough to save them.


Golden Member
Mar 5, 2016
Cops mostly die in traffic accidents.
And they get shot in the line of duty as well, so it is a pretty dangerous job I would not want to do, but they have to do it and they feel leftwing politicians are in the way of it with the regulations.
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
Short of a national catastrophe, the needles aren't going to move much between now and October. I have a feeling the GOP is going to get wrecked. Young people are shifting rapidly to the left.

Actually killing Roe was the last straw needed to make it real for the breeding age. GOP dogs caught the car and got their head trapped in the wheel well. I don't think even a normal October surprise will be enough to save them.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous to not think there is any merit in presenting the product to the American people. How the fuck do people think politics work? Guaranteed that a solid interview by Biden in front of a national audience would be a really good thing for his numbers now and longer term, and give a shield to the current and constant narrative about him. If you candidate can't do that, your party picked the wrong candidate. I find it sad that so many Democrats turned out to be in a sort of cult themselves, they are immune to basic reason like this.

Also read an interesting article a couple days ago how it's enough of a pain in the ass now for college kids to vote in states like Ohio, with the new voting ID laws that were implemented purposely to reduce turnout from college kids, that many are just not going to vote. This was an article done on the ground at colleges/universities in Ohio talking to students. And the logic and reasoning was sound. Anti-democratic voter suppression works.

Hey Biden in a coma is better than Trump or any GQP president. But I am not in a cult, he should have done this interview and others or step down.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
And they get shot in the line of duty as well, so it is a pretty dangerous job I would not want to do, but they have to do it and they feel leftwing politicians are in the way of it with the regulations.
It’s not a particularly dangerous job.

I agree that cops feel that regulations are in their way but that’s because they foster a culture of impunity where lawbreaking by police is considered acceptable and anyone who tries to enforce the law equally is punished.

For example:



Apr 8, 2013
It’s not a particularly dangerous job.

I agree that cops feel that regulations are in their way but that’s because they foster a culture of impunity where lawbreaking by police is considered acceptable and anyone who tries to enforce the law equally is punished.

For example:

Some statistics:

In 2022, 226 police died in the line of duty, out of about ~650,000 police. That was a bit of a up year for police deaths, as the average is 14 per 100K per year.

Which makes it the 22nd most dangerous profession:

Not funny haha, but funny nonetheless, that crossing guards are 10 higher on the list, with 19 deaths per 100K. Because they get hit by cars...

64 of those 226 deaths were due to firearms. If we're concerned about that, it might have to do with 400 million guns being in private hands?

I honestly think the perception of high danger for police comes from popular culture, where police are depicted getting into shootouts every other day on the job. It's an easy narrative to sell because people have trouble separating fiction from reality.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Some statistics:

In 2022, 64 police died in the line of duty, out of about ~650,000 police. That was a bit of a down year for police deaths, as the average is 14 per 100K per year.

Which makes it the 22nd most dangerous profession:

Not funny haha, but funny nonetheless, that crossing guards are 10 higher on the list, with 19 deaths per 100K. Because they get hit by cars...

I honestly think the perception of high danger for police comes from popular culture, where police are depicted getting into shootouts every other day on the job. It's an easy narrative to sell because people have trouble separating fiction from reality.
I think you’re right it’s partially popular culture, but these falsehoods are also perpetuated by the police unions.

Basically the constant argument is that any attempt to hold police accountable for misconduct is an impermissible intrusion that will cost police their lives in an incredibly dangerous job.

In reality they just don’t want accountability. If you read that article it’s enraging. The guy was actually trying to do his job and the police were threatening him and cursing him out for not breaking the law on their behalf.
Reactions: Pohemi


Oct 6, 2009
I think it's absolutely ridiculous to not think there is any merit in presenting the product to the American people. How the fuck do people think politics work? Guaranteed that a solid interview by Biden in front of a national audience would be a really good thing for his numbers now and longer term, and give a shield to the current and constant narrative about him. If you candidate can't do that, your party picked the wrong candidate. I find it sad that so many Democrats turned out to be in a sort of cult themselves, they are immune to basic reason like this.

Also read an interesting article a couple days ago how it's enough of a pain in the ass now for college kids to vote in states like Ohio, with the new voting ID laws that were implemented purposely to reduce turnout from college kids, that many are just not going to vote. This was an article done on the ground at colleges/universities in Ohio talking to students. And the logic and reasoning was sound. Anti-democratic voter suppression works.

Hey Biden in a coma is better than Trump or any GQP president. But I am not in a cult, he should have done this interview and others or step down.
100% of magats and 90% of "independents" would be enraged the second Biden's face was shown during the superbowl. I just want to watch football and you gotta force politics down my throat?! Then they are going to naturally spin every word he says into a negative to match that attitude from the start.

People that aren't already committed to voting straight Democrat are working full time to stay that way.


Apr 8, 2013
I think you’re right it’s partially popular culture, but these falsehoods are also perpetuated by the police unions.

Basically the constant argument is that any attempt to hold police accountable for misconduct is an impermissible intrusion that will cost police their lives in an incredibly dangerous job.

In reality they just don’t want accountability. If you read that article it’s enraging. The guy was actually trying to do his job and the police were threatening him and cursing him out for not breaking the law on their behalf.

Can't read it at the moment because I'm beyond my NYT article limit, which is like 1 per month these days. But I can well believe the narrative you describe. Police have a culture of impunity.

Anyway, I agree that police unions are full of shit when it comes to the danger of policing. But for every person who is aware of their bullshit, 100 more are unaware but are watching cop shows on TV every night.

Popular culture is also where many conspiracy theories come from, like microchips in vaccines coming directly from the X Files. It's like people understand that the story is fiction, but they somehow think this fiction is vaguely based on reality.

It's very hard to counter the perception of policing being dangerous in this culture. Most people are quite surprised by the statistics I just linked. Tell the average person that a crossing guard is 40% more likely to die on the job than a cop, and you get incredulity.
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