Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Fern, honestly I'm confused when you criticized eskimospy's comment about how libel law works in the U.S.

This is the portion you took issue with:

You then said, critiquing his statement:

But if you look at the para'd statement, bolded for your reading ease, it says the same thing eskimospy said......libel is making a written statement that either you have knowledge of it being false or write it with reckless disregard for the truth, which either or both define malice in libel law.

Yeah that was pretty bizarre, haha. Fern has seemed a bit confused lately.

And, to be honest, Trump was speaking to newspapers writing "hit pieces" that he wants to be able to attack. Unfortunately, those "hit pieces" were and are all opinion pieces, not news. As far as I know, I can hold and write any opinion without being sued, or is this your ultimate contention....that people should be able to be sued for expressing an opinion?

This is also a case of 'be careful what you wish for'. I'm sure loosened libel laws would be good for Donald Trump as he could intimidate people who try to criticize him more easily, but for the average person this is basically nothing but bad news. If we instituted UK type laws for example, I wonder what percentage of conservative media outlets would be subject to a blizzard of lawsuits.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Solid post, except define the use of torture and define the type of scumbag terrorists we're interrogating. A higher up ISIS official who is responsible for mass grave deaths? He wouldn't have rights under Geneva anyway. We can do what we want and have done what we wanted behind closed doors to get information.

And yet no torture has ever yielded any actionable, or even valuable information. Don't read Cheney's account--read the de-classified accounts of the actual CIA investigators that personally handled these criminals.

Don't be daft: torture serves no purpose other than to create more terrorists in the wind. It is far easier, and you know--not criminal--to extract information by waving a carrot.

If you think Trump would use a nuke then you're crazy and that indicates the media has indoctrinated you. He may be crass but he's not suicidal. He has a beautiful family to look after and loves to talk too dam much. I bet he gets more pleasure out of talking/bragging to people than sex.

On this, we agree.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Generals come out against him after last night.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Pointing out that this has been the policy of the Magic One, and almost certainly will be the policies of the Beastly One. Both of whom you enthusiastically support.

Obama has certainly been better than our last 4 presidents and I support him--that doesn't mean he and some of his policies make me happy all of the time.

His aggressive stance towards whistle-blowers and warfare-via drone are, to me, his most egregious policies.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006


Jul 17, 2003
My friend who just exited the Marines last month informs me that should Trump be elected we should see a mass exodus from the branches. The recruitment worries of the Cheney years will be nothing by comparison. A single person's opinion, but one that I agree with given what I've heard from others as well as Trump himself.

Trump strikes me as the exact opposite of what you'd want for leadership in a war, and as much as I hate to say it, thanks to China we're probably going to have another war soon. I'd prefer a patient yet deliberate war chief type, with a demeanor befitting the office. Right now China has the unique distinction of having leaders that make it look autistic (frequently tone deaf as well), I think it would be a shame for the US to leave the crowd and go sit at China's table in order to help represent the 'special needs community.' It weakens us and our ability to protect our interests.


Dec 13, 2013
His aggressive stance towards whistle-blowers and warfare-via drone are, to me, his most egregious policies.

Unmanned systems are here to stay, and are no worse than previous technologies. Lots of collateral damage, AKA civilian casualties, have already been caused by manned aircraft.


Dec 9, 1999
My friend who just exited the Marines last month informs me that should Trump be elected we should see a mass exodus from the branches. The recruitment worries of the Cheney years will be nothing by comparison. A single person's opinion, but one that I agree with given what I've heard from others as well as Trump himself. snip.

Did he say why?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
What on earth made you think I was against any actions that could affect the press ever?

I have seriously never met anyone quite so stupid that seemed to think they were quite this smart.
Sweet Lord. I do NOT think that you are against any actions that could affect the press ever, I think that you judge such actions solely on the basis of the political affiliation of those taking or proposing them. I realize that is a long sentence with some big words, but I have every faith that you can find someone with the ability to explain it to you.

And just to help you differentiate reality and your fantasy world where you are an expert in literally everything and everyone admires your towering intellect, you haven't actually met me. Feel free to verify this with the person who buckles on your helmet when you go walkies. In the mean time, I invite you to kiss my ass and bark at the hole.

My friend who just exited the Marines last month informs me that should Trump be elected we should see a mass exodus from the branches. The recruitment worries of the Cheney years will be nothing by comparison. A single person's opinion, but one that I agree with given what I've heard from others as well as Trump himself.

Trump strikes me as the exact opposite of what you'd want for leadership in a war, and as much as I hate to say it, thanks to China we're probably going to have another war soon. I'd prefer a patient yet deliberate war chief type, with a demeanor befitting the office. Right now China has the unique distinction of having leaders that make it look autistic (frequently tone deaf as well), I think it would be a shame for the US to leave the crowd and go sit at China's table in order to help represent the 'special needs community.' It weakens us and our ability to protect our interests.
I dunno. Our last three Presidents' common response to China has been "How may we be your bitches today, sirs?" On that, Trump might well be an improvement. I'm also not at all sure what the 'special needs community' denotes or why you suspect that Trump might "go sit at China's table" when all his rhetoric has been against accommodating countries like China at our expense. But the recycling of the eternal "Nasty Republican will get us into a war" meme is duly noted.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Just so people know, according to one of Trump's most hysterical critics, the Huffy Puffy Post, he leads in support from the military and veterans, among Republicans anyway.
Thirty-five percent of primary voters who identified as members of the military or veterans voted for Trump, according to preliminary exit polling. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) picked up 23 percent of the military vote, while 21 percent sided with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, meanwhile, received 8 percent of the military vote. (Military voters made up 17 percent of voters participating in Saturday's primary.)

The actual article and editor's footnote are well worth reading for the lols.


Jun 22, 2001
And yet no torture has ever yielded any actionable, or even valuable information. Don't read Cheney's account--read the de-classified accounts of the actual CIA investigators that personally handled these criminals.

Don't be daft: torture serves no purpose other than to create more terrorists in the wind. It is far easier, and you know--not criminal--to extract information by waving a carrot.

On this, we agree.
Well, it's not criminal if they are an enemy combatant. They have zero rights and Geneva does not apply. Yes, this is even true for the obama admin who contains to detain enemy combatants (detainees). This program to capture terrorists and get info out of them isn't going away anytime soon regardless of administration.

Whether torture works or doesn't is highly disputed. Torture is a deterrent any way you slice it and shows that we don't fuck around. We do far worse things than that anyway (like droning without the permission of other countries). So let's cut the BS, these guys wouldn't hesitate to torture you or your family so why are you giving them 3 square meals a day + TV? It's horseshit. We should be extracting info out of them and then releasing them back to their terror-funded countries with GPS implanted chips. Then a month later when they go back to conspiring with their terror friends, drone them off the face of the earth. That is the definition of a tough policy.

I'll admit Obama's policy is tough with the droning but we can toughen up the Army Field Manual interrogation techniques a bit.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Well, it's not criminal if they are an enemy combatant. They have zero rights and Geneva does not apply. Yes, this is even true for the obama admin who contains to detain enemy combatants (detainees). This program to capture terrorists and get info out of them isn't going away anytime soon regardless of administration.

what the fuck is this--just making up nonsense because you want to?

There is no argument to be made when you decide to make your own rules.

I guess you really have just been set to ultra-troll mode since the untimely departure of alkemyst.

And no--it is not disputed if torture works or not--It is known for a fact that it does not work by virtue that standard interrogation methods are far, far, far more effective. Anyone in the CIA or FBI that performs these interrogations will tell you this.

Jack Baur is fiction--but I can see how these things confuse you when you wholly make up shit like in that first statement.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Sweet Lord. I do NOT think that you are against any actions that could affect the press ever, I think that you judge such actions solely on the basis of the political affiliation of those taking or proposing them. I realize that is a long sentence with some big words, but I have every faith that you can find someone with the ability to explain it to you.

That makes no sense, as I strongly oppose Obama's warrantless wiretapping and aggressive action against whistleblowers. Are you having trouble following this conversation? Remember, not everyone is as craven and dishonest as you are.

It seems like I nailed it from the get-go. When reality disagrees with what you want to think you suddenly decide reality is at fault.

And just to help you differentiate reality and your fantasy world where you are an expert in literally everything and everyone admires your towering intellect, you haven't actually met me. Feel free to verify this with the person who buckles on your helmet when you go walkies. In the mean time, I invite you to kiss my ass and bark at the hole.

Ah, so your argument is that you only WRITE extremely stupid things. Very clever! hahaha.


Jun 22, 2001
what the fuck is this--just making up nonsense because you want to?

There is no argument to be made when you decide to make your own rules.

I guess you really have just been set to ultra-troll mode since the untimely departure of alkemyst.

And no--it is not disputed if torture works or not--It is known for a fact that it does not work by virtue that standard interrogation methods are far, far, far more effective. Anyone in the CIA or FBI that performs these interrogations will tell you this.

Jack Baur is fiction--but I can see how these things confuse you when you wholly make up shit like in that first statement.
Silly zin, trying to box with those short arms again. :biggrin:

I addressed this two days ago, Geneva Convention rights do not apply to unlawful enemy combatants (W's admin) nor detainees (Obama's).

We can waterboard the fuck out of them if the new president wants to reinstate waterboarding as an interrogation technique against unlawful enemy combatants/detainees. The U.S. plays by its own rules since we're at the top of the military food chain.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Silly zin, trying to box with those short arms again. :biggrin:

I addressed this two days ago, Geneva Convention rights do not apply to unlawful enemy combatants (W's admin) nor detainees (Obama's).

We can waterboard the fuck out of them if the new president wants to reinstate waterboarding as an interrogation technique against unlawful enemy combatants/detainees. The U.S. plays by its own rules since we're at the top of the military food chain.

Oh, Patriot Act "US can do whatever the fuck it wants" nonsense?

No, try again, clown. The US can not simply decide to ignore the Geneva conventions. Trump is advocated war crimes, and this is not hyperbole and not speculation. He is basically saying "Send me to the fucking Hague!"

Shit man, I could box you with my dick if I wanted to. I'm sure it stands taller than your entire person.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Silly zin, trying to box with those short arms again. :biggrin:

I addressed this two days ago, Geneva Convention rights do not apply to unlawful enemy combatants (W's admin) nor detainees (Obama's).

We can waterboard the fuck out of them if the new president wants to reinstate waterboarding as an interrogation technique against unlawful enemy combatants/detainees. The U.S. plays by its own rules since we're at the top of the military food chain.

Looks like you're the one trying to box with short arms, Obama's executive order that limited interrogations to what is present in the Army field manual was codified into statute last year: (section 1045)

1045.Limitation on interrogation techniques
(a)Limitation on interrogation techniques to those in the Army Field Manual
(1)Army Field Manual 2&#8211;22.3 defined
In this subsection, the term Army Field Manual 2&#8211;22.3 means the Army Field Manual 2&#8211;22.3 entitled Human Intelligence Collector Operations in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act or any similar successor Army Field Manual.

(A)In general
An individual described in subparagraph (B) shall not be subjected to any interrogation technique or approach, or any treatment related to interrogation, that is not authorized by and listed in the Army Field Manual 2&#8211;22.3.

So no, the president can't do that.

Silly Sp33dDemon.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Fern, honestly I'm confused when you criticized eskimospy's comment about how libel law works in the U.S.

You're not confused, I was mistaken.

...or is this your ultimate contention....that people should be able to be sued for expressing an opinion?

Of course not. Additionally, I don't readily see what "opinion" has to do with libel etc.



Jun 26, 2009
Additionally, I don't readily see what "opinion" has to do with libel etc.


People continually confuse the Editorial pages with the news, and then want to sue the newspaper for its opinions.


Jun 22, 2001
Looks like you're the one trying to box with short arms, Obama's executive order that limited interrogations to what is present in the Army field manual was codified into statute last year: (section 1045)

So no, the president can't do that.

Silly Sp33dDemon.
Owned as usual from your own link:
(5) Interrogation by Federal law enforcement

The limitations in this subsection shall not apply to officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, or other Federal law enforcement entities.

You and zin are pretty dam gullible if you actually believed this publicity stunt. Geneva rights will never apply to our terrorist detainees. Get that through both of your thick skulls. They will always leave it up to our CIA/FBI/DHS to do whatever they feel is necessary at the time with zero limitations. That is why Guantanamo is still open. Do you actually think we're playing monopoly with them in their cells to get the information we need? GTFOOH
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Owned as usual from your own link:
(5) Interrogation by Federal law enforcement

The limitations in this subsection shall not apply to officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, or other Federal law enforcement entities.

You and zin are pretty dam gullible if you actually believed this publicity stunt. Geneva rights will never apply to our terrorist detainees. Get that through both of your thick skulls. They will always leave it up to our CIA/FBI/DHS to do whatever they feel is necessary at the time with zero limitations. That is why Guantanamo is still open. Do you actually think we're playing monopoly with them in their cells to get the information we need? GTFOOH

It's funny how reason and factual evidence are not part of the simple equation in your thinking. Despite the full knowledge that torture does not work, you still toe the line from your handlers that it needs to be done.

But back to reality--now that Drumpf has officially stated that he will no longer support war crimes, and obey US law by outlawing torture, what say you?

Are you still sucking his dick, or just not all that concerned that he truly believes only what is valuable to him on any given second?

Your posts are fascinating to me. I see this type of thinking and projection as a lifetime's accumulation of disappointment and rage over being turned away at the start of the line for the roller coaster. That must suck.


Jun 22, 2001
It's funny how reason and factual evidence are not part of the simple equation in your thinking. Despite the full knowledge that torture does not work, you still toe the line from your handlers that it needs to be done.

But back to reality--now that Drumpf has officially stated that he will no longer support war crimes, and obey US law by outlawing torture, what say you?

Are you still sucking his dick, or just not all that concerned that he truly believes only what is valuable to him on any given second?

Your posts are fascinating to me. I see this type of thinking and projection as a lifetime's accumulation of disappointment and rage over being turned away at the start of the line for the roller coaster. That must suck.
Trump acts tough but the fact is that if he's president, you and I won't know if he's waterboarding anyway. He says he'll follow the law and the law says waterboarding is ok for the right agencies. So he's sticking to his word.

Look, I know it's a hard pill to swallow that waterboarding isn't completely banned but sometimes extreme situations call for extreme measures. You hope you never have to use them but you need to leave that option on the shelf just in case. This is why semi-autos should never be banned. You hope you never have to use one, but it's there just in case. Bottom line: we cannot limit the CIA/FBI/DHS.
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