Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders

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Jun 26, 2009
Trump acts tough but the fact is that if he's president, you and I won't know if he's waterboarding anyway. He says he'll follow the law and the law says waterboarding is ok for the right agencies. So he's sticking to his word.

Look, I know it's a hard pill to swallow that waterboarding isn't completely banned but sometimes extreme situations call for extreme measures. You hope you never have to use them but you need to leave that option on the shelf just in case. This is why semi-autos should never be banned. You hope you never have to use one, but it's there just in case. Bottom line: we cannot limit the CIA/FBI/DHS.

It's rare to see an authoritarian spell out so clearly how little respect he has for his fellow citizens.

Oh no... I'm sure you're saying that all these threats are foreign, right? That's totes reasonable, guy.

And if you don't think that a President Trump would have to deal with whistleblowers inside his administration... then you are twice as naive as you present yourself.


Oct 15, 1999
Sweet Lord. I do NOT think that you are against any actions that could affect the press ever, I think that you judge such actions solely on the basis of the political affiliation of those taking or proposing them. I realize that is a long sentence with some big words, but I have every faith that you can find someone with the ability to explain it to you.

And just to help you differentiate reality and your fantasy world where you are an expert in literally everything and everyone admires your towering intellect, you haven't actually met me. Feel free to verify this with the person who buckles on your helmet when you go walkies. In the mean time, I invite you to kiss my ass and bark at the hole.

You'd get my vote for president based entirely on those two paragraphs. Very well said.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Owned as usual from your own link:
(5) Interrogation by Federal law enforcement

The limitations in this subsection shall not apply to officers, employees, or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, or other Federal law enforcement entities.

That's because those agencies aren't part of the Department of Defense, genius. The FBI already prohibits torture and already considered it to be illegal. Additionally, the CIA is not part of the FBI or the department of Homeland Security, and is not considered a federal law enforcement agency. This 100% applies to them. Owned again.

You and zin are pretty dam gullible if you actually believed this publicity stunt. Geneva rights will never apply to our terrorist detainees. Get that through both of your thick skulls. They will always leave it up to our CIA/FBI/DHS to do whatever they feel is necessary at the time with zero limitations. That is why Guantanamo is still open. Do you actually think we're playing monopoly with them in their cells to get the information we need? GTFOOH

It's hilarious that even when confronted with direct factual evidence that you're clueless you continue to flail and rage about this. It's also funny that you so confidently tried to declare that we will always let the CIA do what it wants with 'zero limitations' because you were too ignorant to realize that this law directly applies to them.

Also amusing to watch you shift to supportin whatever Trump says now. Your ego is so fragile.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Trump acts tough but the fact is that if he's president, you and I won't know if he's waterboarding anyway. He says he'll follow the law and the law says waterboarding is ok for the right agencies. So he's sticking to his word.

Look, I know it's a hard pill to swallow that waterboarding isn't completely banned but sometimes extreme situations call for extreme measures. You hope you never have to use them but you need to leave that option on the shelf just in case. This is why semi-autos should never be banned. You hope you never have to use one, but it's there just in case. Bottom line: we cannot limit the CIA/FBI/DHS.

Continue to deny the fact that it is a useless method. It is, in fact, worse than simply giving a fuckwit terrist a glass of water to drink.

You can't point to any information gained from torture, because none has.

"Well, they just aren't telling us for reasons!" No, no they aren't. That is quite the lie. We know very well from the CIA and FBI investigators and intelligence experts that torture, even in some fiction-based "time crucial" situation, is not effective.

If it makes you comfortable to think this is a valuable strategy, fine. No one is going to dissuade a short man from his sociopathic fetishes. We've learned that well enough from your posting history. I know that there isn't even a handful of numbers for you to vomit here in another vain attempt to prove some nonsensical argument. In fact, the reason you haven't number-saladed this issue is because you went searching, and didn't like what you found.

Hence, your current bloviating and dialing back into the "unproveable" sector of a soundly defeated argument.


Dec 13, 2013
Also the open letter now has 109 signatures.

David Adesnik
Michael Auslin
Mike Baker
Kevin W. Billings
Robert D. Blackwill
Daniel A. Blumenthal
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Anna Borshchevskaya
Joseph A. Bosco
Michael Chertoff
Patrick Chovanec
James Clad
Eliot A. Cohen
Carrie Cordero
Michael Coulter
Chester A. Crocker
Patrick M. Cronin
Seth Cropsey
Tom Donnelly
Daniel Drezner
Colin Dueck
Eric Edelman
Joseph Esposito
Charles Fairbanks
Richard A. Falkenrath
Peter D. Feaver
Niall Ferguson
Richard Fontaine
Aaron Friedberg
Dan Gabriel
Greg Garcia
Jana Chapman Gates
Jeffrey Gedmin
Reuel Marc Gerecht
David Gordon
Christopher J. Griffin
Mary R. Habeck
Paul Haenle
Melinda Haring
Robert Hastings
Rebeccah Heinrichs
Francis Q. Hoang
Jeffrey W. Hornung
William C. Inboden
Jamil N. Jaffer
Ash Jain
Marc C. Johnson
Myriah Jordan
Robert G. Joseph
Tim Kane
Kate Kidder
Robert Kagan
David Kramer
Matthew Kroenig
Frank Lavin
Philip I. Levy
Philip Lohaus
Mary Beth Long
Peter Mansoor
John Maurer
Matthew McCabe
Bryan McGrath
Paul D. Miller
Charles Morrison
Michael B. Mukasey
Lester Munson
Andrew S. Natsios
Michael Noonan
John Noonan
Roger F. Noriega
Robert T. Osterhaler
Mackubin T. Owens
Daniel Pipes
Everett Pyatt
Martha T. Rainville
Stephen Rodriguez
Marc A. Ross
Nicholas Rostow
Michael Rubin
Daniel F. Runde
Benjamin Runkle
Richard L. Russell
Andrew Sagor
Kori Schake
Randy Scheunemann
Gary J. Schmitt
Gabriel Schoenfeld
Russell Seitz
Kalev I. Sepp
Vance Serchuk
David R. Shedd
Kristen Silverberg
Michael Singh
Ray Takeyh
Jeremy Teigen
William H. Tobey
Frances F. Townsend
Jan Van Tol
Daniel Vajdich
Ruth Wedgwood
Albert Wolf
Julie Wood
Dov S. Zakheim
Roger Zakheim
Sam Zega
Philip Zelikow
Robert B. Zoellick
Laurence Zuriff


Dec 13, 2013
The desperation is palpable. When people lose power they never rightfully earned in the first place, it's going to sting.

Exactly. So how will you feel when you will never lose power, because you never got power you never rightfully earned in the first place?


Jun 22, 2001
That's because those agencies aren't part of the Department of Defense, genius. The FBI already prohibits torture and already considered it to be illegal. Additionally, the CIA is not part of the FBI or the department of Homeland Security, and is not considered a federal law enforcement agency. This 100% applies to them. Owned again.

It's hilarious that even when confronted with direct factual evidence that you're clueless you continue to flail and rage about this. It's also funny that you so confidently tried to declare that we will always let the CIA do what it wants with 'zero limitations' because you were too ignorant to realize that this law directly applies to them.

Also amusing to watch you shift to supportin whatever Trump says now. Your ego is so fragile.

So provide proof that torture is illegal in the CIA, DHS, and FBI. You just showed us (hilariously and ironically from your own link) that the Army Field Manual does not apply to those agencies. Owned as usual. Keep up the "flailing and rage" rhetoric. Noone's buying it.

Summary: The bottom line is that waterboarding is still legal for certain agencies until you can show us otherwise. That's why Trump said he'll "abide by the law" now, because it's perfectly legal to waterboard but the general public doesn't know it because they can't read fine print (like you). Read your own links before making claims, it's downright embarrassing when they disprove your argument.
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2001
Exactly. So how will you feel when you will never lose power, because you never got power you never rightfully earned in the first place?
Super Tuesday showed us that Trump has the power over these establishment idiots. 109 people just confirmed that power and it's a great advertisement for Trump. You may not like it, but Trump is a master of persuasion by using tactics like the double bind against his foes. You probably don't even know that is.


Jun 22, 2001
Continue to deny the fact that it is a useless method. It is, in fact, worse than simply giving a fuckwit terrist a glass of water to drink.

You can't point to any information gained from torture, because none has.

"Well, they just aren't telling us for reasons!" No, no they aren't. That is quite the lie. We know very well from the CIA and FBI investigators and intelligence experts that torture, even in some fiction-based "time crucial" situation, is not effective.

If it makes you comfortable to think this is a valuable strategy, fine. No one is going to dissuade a short man from his sociopathic fetishes. We've learned that well enough from your posting history. I know that there isn't even a handful of numbers for you to vomit here in another vain attempt to prove some nonsensical argument. In fact, the reason you haven't number-saladed this issue is because you went searching, and didn't like what you found.

Hence, your current bloviating and dialing back into the "unproveable" sector of a soundly defeated argument.
Move the goalposts more. Now that you've realized you lost on the "waterboarding is illegal!" talking point you want to discuss the efficacy of torture. Not biting, because there are arguments for both sides. The bottom line is that our lawmakers said it should be left on the shelf as an option of last resort. I know this upsets you but that's life. If you feel so strongly about being humane, then you should be protesting the droning our own citizens without permission of other countries. That's 10X worse than waterboarding from a humane standpoint.


Jul 17, 2003
I dunno. Our last three Presidents' common response to China has been "How may we be your bitches today, sirs?" On that, Trump might well be an improvement. I'm also not at all sure what the 'special needs community' denotes or why you suspect that Trump might "go sit at China's table" when all his rhetoric has been against accommodating countries like China at our expense. But the recycling of the eternal "Nasty Republican will get us into a war" meme is duly noted.

It pains me to see you resort to these kinds of assumptions possum, so allow me to clarify.

The risk I mentioned exists regardless of who wins the White House, and I in no way meant to imply that Trump would be helpful to the Chinese, more that his trainwreck of a personality and penchant to open mouth before engaging brain will make future conflict all the more costly to us. The 'go sit at China's table' comment was in reference to both sharing a condition that makes it hard to sit at the grown up table.

Sorry, no meme in mind but come to think of it one involving Dubya could work, maybe as something illustrative of what happens when you elect ignorant, nepotistic chickenhawks and conmen?

I wouldn't get too attached to his rhetoric if I were you, it's all subject to change at a moment's notice. Trump's recent Olympic grade flip over torture belies his soft, out of shape orange exterior I'd say.


Feb 15, 2002
Move the goalposts more. Now that you've realized you lost on the "waterboarding is illegal!" talking point you want to discuss the efficacy of torture. Not biting, because there are arguments for both sides. The bottom line is that our lawmakers said it should be left on the shelf as an option of last resort. I know this upsets you but that's life. If you feel so strongly about being humane, then you should be protesting the droning our own citizens without permission of other countries. That's 10X worse than waterboarding from a humane standpoint.

Can you point to one government document that supports your claims that water boarding is legal in these agencies? The document must specifically mention water boarding, I'll wait.


Jul 17, 2003
I almost hate wasting time on the torture part. Don't get me wrong, I'm against it and think it should be outlawed, but I know if the situation is pressing enough, our guys will just make arrangements so that certain people get to spend quality time at 40k feet with Mustafa and friends from the GID.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Move the goalposts more. Now that you've realized you lost on the "waterboarding is illegal!" talking point you want to discuss the efficacy of torture. Not biting, because there are arguments for both sides. The bottom line is that our lawmakers said it should be left on the shelf as an option of last resort. I know this upsets you but that's life. If you feel so strongly about being humane, then you should be protesting the droning our own citizens without permission of other countries. That's 10X worse than waterboarding from a humane standpoint.

I've not once moved any goalpost, and I have never been wrong on waterboarding. It is still illegal, as it has been. You've yet to point to the actual statute as recognized by the US. Your logic here is simply based on "secrets that we can't and shouldn't know," which in no way points to legality.

In fact, the law has been shown to you, but you close your eyes. This is not surprising from someone that supports a sentient cabbage for the head of state.


Dec 13, 2013
I almost hate wasting time on the torture part. Don't get me wrong, I'm against it and think it should be outlawed, but I know if the situation is pressing enough, our guys will just make arrangements so that certain people get to spend quality time at 40k feet with Mustafa and friends from the GID.

Yeah. Which is why we dont need to worry about legalizing torture to get info.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So provide proof that torture is illegal in the CIA, DHS, and FBI. You just showed us (hilariously and ironically from your own link) that the Army Field Manual does not apply to those agencies. Owned as usual. Keep up the "flailing and rage" rhetoric. Noone's buying it.

Summary: The bottom line is that waterboarding is still legal for certain agencies until you can show us otherwise. That's why Trump said he'll "abide by the law" now, because it's perfectly legal to waterboard but the general public doesn't know it because they can't read fine print (like you). Read your own links before making claims, it's downright embarrassing when they disprove your argument.

The only way you would think it disproves my argument is if you are entirely incompetent at reading that legislation. I already showed you how it applies to the CIA, and the FBI and DHS already are prohibited from torturing people. You thought that somehow the Geneva conventions were the only thing that prevents the president from torturing people. That's embarrassingly wrong.

Stop trying to puff out your chest and actually read something for once. I don't care that you're ignorant, but it is pretty bad when you refuse to educate yourself even when presented with the chance. I guess that's what happens when you're emotionally invested in this to the extent you appear to be. Why is your ego so wrapped up in whether or not Donald Trump said something dumb?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I've not once moved any goalpost, and I have never been wrong on waterboarding. It is still illegal, as it has been. You've yet to point to the actual statute as recognized by the US. Your logic here is simply based on "secrets that we can't and shouldn't know," which in no way points to legality.

In fact, the law has been shown to you, but you close your eyes. This is not surprising from someone that supports a sentient cabbage for the head of state.

He appears to think if he just declares something frequently enough it becomes real, haha. The roid rage here is getting a little out of hand.


Jun 26, 2009
Move the goalposts more. Now that you've realized you lost on the "waterboarding is illegal!" talking point you want to discuss the efficacy of torture. Not biting, because there are arguments for both sides. The bottom line is that our lawmakers said it should be left on the shelf as an option of last resort. I know this upsets you but that's life. If you feel so strongly about being humane, then you should be protesting the droning our own citizens without permission of other countries. That's 10X worse than waterboarding from a humane standpoint.

Sp33demon, Mr. Fallacious Arguer, is fallacious. Film at 11.
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