Open Mic Thread: Tell us your likes and dislikes of P&N

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Mar 29, 2004
It sounded like that's what steeplerot was getting at by comparing P&N to stormfront.

It went right over your head, I could give a rats ass if it is con or lib, I was speaking about mod bias and lack of inclusiveness, this forum is a mirror of who gets bashed at stormfront also. I am not really surprised at the lack of comprehension.
Typical Latino/african-american/female IT response to Anandtech as a whole after trading and readimg you guys: "OH, that place." or "F%#@K that place, I dont go there anymore afte I saw the shit the posters run rampant with." It is embarresing enough where I don't even recommend AT anymore.

This place is bad for buisness, doubly so for my muslim customers. Much less the bottom of the barrel debate it attracts.
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Jan 12, 2002
Past few years it has gone to shit, personal attacks being banworthy used to be enforced[...]

The before mentioned logical fallacies be banworthy would be a dream come true. But I am not counting on it, mods are only human.


I am not really surprised at the lack of comprehension.

This is a good example of why it's hard to punish personal attacks. Your comment here is an attack. It might not be "you're dumb" but it's not that subtle either. If you really understood fallacious reasoning you wouldn't make a comment like that in the same breath.

As to the original point, there are posters on this forum who consistently attack people of European descent. That doesn't fit into your over-the-top stormfront comparison. You make it sound like you want a more reasonable forum but in this very thread you inject outrageous comparisons and lame attacks when someone disagrees with you.


Jul 13, 2005
It went right over your head, I could give a rats ass if it is con or lib, I was speaking about mod bias and lack of inclusiveness, this forum is a mirror of who gets bashed at stormfront also. I am not really surprised at the lack of comprehension.
Typical Latino/african-american/female IT response to Anandtech as a whole after trading and readimg you guys: "OH, that place." or "F%#@K that place, I dont go there anymore afte I saw the shit the posters run rampant with." It is embarresing enough where I don't even recommend AT anymore.

This place is bad for buisness, doubly so for my muslim customers. Much less the bottom of the barrel debate it attracts.

Your kidding right?
On the muslim comment--- This forum is spot on in how it percieves Muslims as a whole and as it percieves the Muslim Extremists!

You can`t have it both ways....a pot painted red is still a pot painted rewd....

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Your kidding right?
On the muslim comment--- This forum is spot on in how it percieves Muslims as a whole and as it percieves the Muslim Extremists!

You can`t have it both ways....a pot painted red is still a pot painted rewd....
Its all well and fine to say this forum perceives a pot Israel painted as Red as still red, but when the bulk of responsible world leaders perceive Israel as calling the Palestinians black, and the bulk of the world then correctly says, Israel is simply the blacker kettle calling the pot black.

The bulk of the world leaders may not care much for only 6 million Israel Jews or 4 Million Palestinians, but everyone in the world has to care about any country threatening to disrupt the oil flow through the Persian Gulf. What is more important, the opinions on this forum or world leaders?


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
JEDIYoda, in this moderator's thread upon overhauling the managing of this forum, you have concisely reaffirmed many members concern against this society having developed a free pass for generalised hate speech on through to outright calls of violence upon Muslims/Arab/Palestinians.

Every one of your posts propagates a call to violence with your choice of a signature:

Once Israel accepts the violence, peace can finally reign.
That resolution route to enact a final solution and inflict extreme violence upon Palestinians is right along the line of Anders Breivik's regular internet posting and manifesto of xenophobic hatred through to calls for violence upon Muslims in Europe and evidently his fellow countrymen who engaged respect toward Palestinians.

After witnessing an all powerful moderation warning upon Nebor's latest common presentation to wipe out Palestinians, I am gratified to see a new page for tolerance and moderation against extremism will be enacted here at AnandTech.


Mar 29, 2004
You can take it personal if you want Lemon, but to me it more seems like you are mad because I am calling out something that is a "pet issue" to you, so be it. I am just calling it as I see it, own it if youd like.I would rather not cal out imdividual posters on specifics, for one it would take all night and I am busy trying to run a bar full of drunk assholes, thing is I get paid to deal with them. and 2 my phone sucks and I hate typing in this little fusetalk box killing my eyesight.
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Mar 29, 2004
Damn impressed.

You have had a history of negative posting yourself but yet spot on here.

Bias is the biggest problem but I doubt you will see them admit it.

This account bears the scars of a few whacks of the banhammer, this is true. But generally when I have ripped someone a new one that far it is because I have been badgered and pushed too far by certain "protected" posters who were allowed to go from thread to thread and harass me personaly derailing threads and endlessly going OT to score points while mods looked the other way. I am a opinionated firebrand snarky a-hole, but I try to keep it political, not personal.

I give you plenty of shit too Dave, a lot you bring on yourself but you know exactly what I am talking about, I think we spoke of the little mod hustle and games before on your forum one of the times the mods banished me.
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Jul 13, 2005
JEDIYoda, in this moderator's thread upon overhauling the managing of this forum, you have concisely reaffirmed many members concern against this society having developed a free pass for generalised hate speech on through to outright calls of violence upon Muslims/Arab/Palestinians.

Every one of your posts propagates a call to violence with your choice of a signature:

That resolution route to enact a final solution and inflict extreme violence upon Palestinians is right along the line of Anders Breivik's regular internet posting and manifesto of xenophobic hatred through to calls for violence upon Muslims in Europe and evidently his fellow countrymen who engaged respect toward Palestinians.

After witnessing an all powerful moderation warning upon Nebor's latest common presentation to wipe out Palestinians, I am gratified to see a new page for tolerance and moderation against extremism will be enacted here at AnandTech.

You do not understand at all what this saying is in reference too at all --
This saying was in reference to several posts stating that it was OK for the Palestinians or Hamas or other fringe groups to attack Israel by any means - be it rockets or kidnapping soldiers or using kids as suicide bombers.

That in order for there to be Peace that Israel would have to accept the violence that has been thrust upon them.

I could see how somebody with your lack of character and your lack of understanding could purposely misunderstand what the sig is referring too.

But the truth being as long as there is violence towards Israel and it`s citizens there will never be a lasting peace in that region.

The truly sad part is if there were to ever be a Palestinians state, then the people who call themselves Palestinians would be responsible for any and all attacks against Israel and they would have no grounds to cry when Israel decided enough was enough...

so YES my sig says it all -- concerning what Israel needs to accept from those who would do harm against Israel --
Atreus21 --Once Israel accepts the violence, peace can finally reign.

I think you are not very bright to think that my sig has anything to do with wishing violence upon the people who call themselves Palestinian.

We all wish for a Palestinian state only we have our own ideas.....
I for one believe that as long as Israel is being attacked by whatever means that Palestinian state will never happen.

Please don`t put words into my mouth -- I have never called for violence against the people who call themselves Palestinians or for that matter Muslims. What I have said is that unlike most people I do not believe for a minute that Muslims as a people in general immigrate to a country and then accept that countries laws.......when in Rome do as the Romans do.

When Americans immigrate to other countries they do not expect those other countries to observe or adopt laws that we have in America.....

So continue to believe that my sig is propagates hate speech and what not.....that is so far from the truth.



Oct 9, 1999
I find it interesting that 3/4 of the people on my ignore list haven't weighed in yet.


Jul 11, 2000
So much mindless dogma being regurgitated from all sides. Too many beliefs and not enough ideas being exchanged. There is nothing absolute in politics and yet everyone speaks as though their map of politics and reality is the only one and true map. History says this is not true nor has it ever been true. If you are not willing to adjust your map and evolve your brain is not switched on.


Nov 17, 2011
Its all well and fine to say this forum perceives a pot Israel painted as Red as still red,...

Quoted as an example. The actual item he quoted had nothing to do with Israel.

It is not only Muslims who are labeled and attacked here, it is also Israel, Jews, and Christians.

All the major world religions are attacked as either being evil, barbaric, stupid, or all of them combined.


Jul 11, 2000
Quoted as an example. The actual item he quoted had nothing to do with Israel.

It is not only Muslims who are labeled and attacked here, it is also Israel, Jews, and Christians.

All the major world religions are attacked as either being evil, barbaric, stupid, or all of them combined.

Well anyone that regurgitates any kind of dogma religious based or otherwise should be attacked as being evil, barbaric, and stupid.


Nov 18, 2007
The only issue I have is how fast things go off topic. I log in and see an interesting topic, start reading through but after a few posts it turns off topic and a flamefest. Then there isn't any point following up on the actual topic. Usually it's the same subjects that the off-topic matter come from so it's like a running battle in different topics.


Jul 11, 2000
And this is another thing which is wrong with P&N.

whats that? You should be called out if you are being overly rigid and dogmatic in your belief structure whether that is from a scientific or religious standpoint. If you are never skeptical about anything except the things you have a prejudice against then you are adding nothing to the discussion and have turned your brain off.


Jun 11, 2004
You went over the top with your hyperbole. Over the years, if anything the forum polls have shown the majority of posters are left-leaning.

I (used) to agree with this. However, the number EBT and ALT accounts that are continually pop up here every month or so have leveled the scales a bit.. see guy a few posts up who signed up in Nov. and already has close to 3000 posts here for ref.


Nov 17, 2011
whats that? You should be called out if you are being overly rigid and dogmatic in your belief structure whether that is from a scientific or religious standpoint. If you are never skeptical about anything except the things you have a prejudice against then you are adding nothing to the discussion and have turned your brain off.

Thank you for so eliquently proving my point.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I find it interesting that 3/4 of the people on my ignore list haven't weighed in yet.

How would you know?

I used the feature once for a few days and I found I didn't like it. It encourages conformational bias. The true utility of a political forum is to be exposed to ideas that one doesn't normally think of or agree with. We all have our own personal perspectives however that doesn't mean we are correct (or wrong for that matter). To me the essential is to broaden my understanding of what others think, form an educated opinion as objectively as possible and keep an open mind (but not so open that my brain falls out)


Oct 9, 1999
I think here is a good example of what needs to be moderated.

This thread linked here:

Was going along pretty well, decent discussion (of course minor jabs etc.) and Craig234 makes a valid post with zero attacks. Valid posts all the way up.

Then along comes post #14:

I'm not so much pointing out the person as the behavior. That is pretty uncalled for even in P&N. Not sure if that's within the rules currently. As is said, attack the opinion not the poster. I'm not saying someone who calls another guy "dumb liberal" is that bad, but when it's constant and for zero reason it's a bit much.

This is where I give a guy like spidey07 credit. That behavior is good. One of if not the most hard lined opinionated guy here, and he goes off sometimes, but as I can think of it isn't any real (bad) personal attacks and he knows his stuff and pays attention. Attacks and disputes the post not the poster.

Craig calls anybody who disagrees with him an idiot or a liar. I'm simply respond to people in the manner in which they respond to others. Someone who presents their ideas respectfully gets my respect in return. Someone who is simply an asshole gets my scorn. It's as simple as that.


Jun 5, 2000
staying on topic is a huge one. somebody will start a thread and next thing you know somebody makes an abortion, gun control, tipping comment and boom thread is totally derailed from what the OP was wanting discuss.

to me that should be vacation worthy.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Craig calls anybody who disagrees with him an idiot or a liar. I'm simply respond to people in the manner in which they respond to others. Someone who presents their ideas respectfully gets my respect in return. Someone who is simply an asshole gets my scorn. It's as simple as that.

This below is just a short, incomplete sample of your personal attacks on Craig from just this month and last, and found only on the keyword 'Craig." There are others, even just based on this keyword.

In several of these attacks, Craig is not even posting.

Craig is an idiot. Nothing new there of course. I'll try to explain it so his neanderthal progressive brain can understand... Fail 234

I just like pointing out how stupid Craig is. He so dumb doesn't even realize just how wrong he is.

Don't bother trying to have a meaningful conversation with shadow9d9 either. He's as nutty as Craig.

Craig is a crazy left wing nutjob who is quite vocal about his love for the copyright cartels, just look at his views about how watching TV and skipping commercials is stealing. He just hasn't posted in this thread yet.

And Craig would gladly keep women in the kitchen, for their own protection from evil men of course.

I wish Craig would choke to death on an expensive burger.

Now, it it your turn to prove your side of the argument by posting all the examples, from this month and December, for instance, where Craig personally attacks you in the same vein.

Bonus points for his personal attacks on you in threads where you're not posting.

Nothing other than these guidelines would be fair.

The ball is now in your court. Please don't expose the weakness and insincerity of your position with attack deflection or by not responding in exact kind -- which, again, for everyone to see, would be a list of Craig's personal attacks on you in the last two months.


Jul 13, 2005
This thread is now a flame fest.

she said he said....

No its not a flame fest --
All Boberfett has to do is back up what he is saying by posting links....

It is only he said she said -- if biether parties want to post links or cannot find any links to support their stance...

I learned along time ago that sometimes both parties are absolutely correct!!
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