Opinion Needed: Design Flaw in Dell Inspiron 8000/8100 Laptops


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
Hi all, I'm currently in the middle of a neogotiation with Dell's Customer Care department about a problem I'm having with my Dell Inspiron 8000 Laptop, and I would like to run this problem and Dell's response by you guys .

I have owned my laptop for a few months now, and about 2 months ago I started to notice some black outlines/etchings in the middle of my LCD screen. I originally thought it was the common oil stain or whatnaut transfered from the keyboard, but it wasn't (Because this permanant etching cannot be cleaned off with cleaners, and it had a physical indentation.) The etching was basically an outline of the space key. This problem really bothered me because the damage was right in the middle of the LCD and it is really affecting my usage of the laptop. And note that I do not travel with the laptop, 95% of the time the laptop is just sitting on a desktop in its docking station.

Because this was not the normal oil-transfered-from-keyboard-to-LCD situation, I gave Dell a call, and their technitian suggusted me to send in my laptop for repair (I have the CompleteCare service). So I did. But a fews days after I have sent laptop for repare, I got a call from Dell's repare depot saying that there's nothing they can do to the LCD since the problem falls under the normal "ware-and-tare" category. I was VERY bothered by the fact that they labeled this problem under "normal ware-and-tare" because the LCD got damaged simply sitting on a destop in a docking station (with no traveling involved). But worst of all, because this is a normal ware-and-tear, Dell refuses to fix the problem, or even look into it. Not even when you paid extra for the "Complete" Care service waranty (what I have). I mean, this is NOT normal, the LCD is damaging itself just by sitting on a desk, and from what I read on numerious forums, this could later cause the anti-glare protection in that area to be worn away and later, the acutall pixel in the LCD could break and cease to function. After calling Dell's Tech support again, and again, two of their technitian admitted to me that the problem originated from a design flaw. The problem was that because the LCD is a 15" LCD, its own weigh will cause the LCD to concave in and crush itself on the keyboard. They said it was a matter of using a more ridgit material (like mixed Titanium by IBM), and the problem would've never occured.

So after hearing this from Dell's own Tech, I gave their Customer Care dept. a call again, they refuses to do anything to my satisifaction because, and I'm quoting here, "you should've done more research before you bought the laptop, it is common sense to ask about problems that could rise from a large LCD screen, such as its weigh and its affects. It is common sense, sir. Yes, it is a design flaw, but you should've done your research before making a purchse." EXCUSE ME?! They are blaming me for not doing my homework. I mean, how would I know to ask this question in the first place? I mean, the reason why I bought I Dell is because of its experience in the computer field. Shouldn't it be the other way around? The designer of the laptop forgot to do his/her homework about the bending of the LCD.

Dear friends, can you weigh in on the situation? Does Dell have a reasonable argument here? Is it my fault by not doing my homework before buying the computer? Or should Dell do something about it?

Please know that I did NOT write this message to flame Dell, I LOVE Dell as a whole, only this problem is bothering me. And I'm not writing this message to let off steam, I wrote this msg after a few days of consideration because, first, I want people to know that this problem existed, second, Dell's response to this problem, and third, Dell's most expensive Complete Care service isn't really "Compete".

Please let me know what you think about this situation, because this is a hardware issue, I'm posting in under the General Hardware thread.

Thanks all.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Dell has a support forum,post there and try to find others who have had the same problem. Maybe a group effort with attorneys may change their mind. If it doesn't just keep calling back and nagging them until you get high up enough to find someone with half a brain.


Apr 11, 2001
First of all, it's "wear and tear", not "ware and tare"

Second, welcome to Dell's world of "excellent customer service".

People, Dell isn't the same company today that earned them their reputation years ago. Today, the could care less if you (the customer) are satisfied or not.

Regarding your problem, if all the facts are as you claim, then yes, they definitely should take care of this and make things right. ANY reputable company would, but again, this is DELL.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2000
I know someone who had problems with dell lappy dvd's dying. He called once and got turned down, so he called again, and in a screaming rage demanded to speak to the highest Dell officer available. He told them his story, and got it taken care of.

The key is being persistent.


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2001

<< People, Dell isn't the same company today that earned them their reputation years ago. Today, the could care less if you (the customer) are satisfied or not. >>

I have purchased 3 computer systems and 1 laptop (inpiron 8100) from dell in the past 5 years. The tech support team has been very good to me. In those 5 years I have had 1 motherboard failure (sister messed up the mobo), 1 hard drive failure, and a monitor that just died on me one day. When I contacted dell they were really nice about it and tried to help me fix the problem. When they figured it was just broken, they let me return it and it didn't cost me a thing for shipping. There were no hassles. Just last month I returned a 15" monitor that died on me for a new one. So I stand by dells reputation for good tech support. But that is just me. I'm sure many others have had problems with dell.

What I would do is keep on fighting to get a return or get the laptop fixed.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
Good luck, but FWIW I've been reading posts on the Delltalk forums about this same problem since the I8000 came out 1 1/2 years ago. I don't think you'll get anywhere with this, no one else (apparently) has.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
First of all, thanks for everybody's response/advises/spelling corrections(it was a long post).

I have tried to contact their return department, but Dell's return department doesn't take calls directly, the Customer Care's dept. has to schedule a call back. Therefore making everything less straight forward.

I agree with phas3 in that Dell does treat people nicely. I was only enraged and troubled by the customer care(I don't think I was cared for) personale that blamed me for not doing my homework and told me that I was very unprofessional during the phone conversation.

What do you guys think is the best solution for this problem? Trying to get a refund before this laptop is defective? Or settle for a replacement?

The reason why I do not think getting a replacement is the right solution is because since this LCD problem is a model-wide deisgn problem, I think the problem will re-occur and I'll be facing the same problem a few months down the road.

QUICK SURVEY: Who would've thought to ask a Dell salesperson if the larger LCD screen would damage itself because of its weigh? I just want to know if this is common sense.



Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< What do you guys think is the best solution for this problem? >>

Accidentally drop a heavy object on the screen since you wont be satisfied until it is replaced. Complete care covers the following:

2. Scope of Services:
a. Repair and Replacement Service. During the term of this Agreement and subject to the limitations in this Agreement, we will repair or replace the Product as necessary to correct any damage to or defects in the Product. For example, under this Agreement, we will repair or replace the Product if it is damaged because:
? You spill liquid on the keyboard
? You accidentally drop the Product
? An electrical surge damages the Product?s internal circuitry
? The LCD cracks or shatters in extreme temperatures

If we repair your Product, you understand and agree that we may replace original parts with new or used parts from the original manufacturer, or a different one. Replacement parts will be functionally equivalent to the original parts. In our discretion, we may designate an affiliated company or contract with a third party to complete repairs on the Product.

If we decide that it is necessary to replace the Product rather than repair it, you will receive a Product equivalent to or better than the Product you originally purchased from us, as determined by us in our sole and reasonable discretion.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2000
We have about 10 of the latitude (sp?) c-800's at work. I have one and so does a co-worker. His has the exact same problem. It may not be worth anything to you now but here's what I have been doing. I have a regular laminated piece of paper (8.5x11) and I just place it on the keyboard when I close mine. I have no outlines/etchings of keys what-so-ever.
I know it doesn't help now but maybe when you get your replacement.

Hmmmmm. John may have a point.



Jul 25, 2001
I've never heard of such a thing! I went and checked my 8100 15" screen and it looks perfect. Is there a chance that the docking station was putting any added weight onto the top of your laptop lid? Maybe applying pressure down on the lcd to the keys? Very odd indeed. Also sounds like you gotta hold of some lousy CS people, remember they are only as good as the people. Try calling back and speaking to management or someone else.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2000
lemme get this straight, you can drop it, arc a battery through it, or throw it into liquid nitrogen and they'll fix it, but if the problem is because they are too cheap to design a good laptop you're screwed. Makes sense to me.:Q if that's what they want you to do, i say you just "accidentally" drop the damn thing and have them fix it.



Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
LikeLinus01: Do you have a docking station for your 8100? Because from what I can observe, there's no way the docking station can excert pressure onto the laptop. It mainly adds support on the bottom and connects at the back-end of the laptop. And that's about it. Treasure your 8100


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
No problem with my 8000, except that WinME blows and I replaced it with my desktop's copy of Win2k. Also, the "Inspiron" metal inlay is separating from the plastic on the right side. Anyone know what glue to use for that? I'm thinking epoxy.

Looking at the keyboard, the spacebar is no higher than the rest of the keyboard. Mind you, the 8000 flexes quite a bit, but you don't seem to think that's the problem, so...resume complaining, preferably in writing.



Jul 25, 2001
DocYahoo - no i dont have a docking station (no use for one) so thats why i was asking if it put any pressure on the lid. If it doesnt, then thats not the cause. But also there could be some other issues. Does he have a cat that sits ontop of it cause its warm? hehe. My cat LOVES to sit on my monitor (21" trinitron) because it's nice and toasty. hehe


Mar 9, 2000
First of all, ask to speak to a SUPERVISOR. Then send them a link to this thread . . . make sure you let them know you are making public how Dell is treating you (we have about 80,000 people - potential Dell customers that read these Forums).

Then tell them you are not going to accept their lame excuses and are going to further publicize this on EVERY major forum on the Internet. Then the BBB and every other complaint website there is. Continue to work your way up the Dell Customer service chain until you get satisfaction.

Of course, if they resolve your problem to your satisfaction, you will also tell everyone how well Dell has treated you.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
LikeLinus01: No cats, my laptop has been in an office environment most of its life. But you're right about how cats/animals love warm spots.

apoppin: Well, apparently Dell's return department doesn't take calls, or E-mails directly. They kind of hide behind their customer care dept. But at this moment, I'm waiting for a phone call from a supervisor at the return department. I will of course follow similar steps as those you have mentioned. Likewise, I'll post any resolutions.

Thanks guys


Mar 9, 2000

<< Well, apparently Dell's return department doesn't take calls >>

Of course not . . .

It is up to you to ask for a direct line to a supervisor. Let them know you are not just going to go away.

And please, post a resolution here. Good luck!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Holy crap!! Mine is doing it too...I just flipped it open and there it is, two little dark marks on the screen that won't go away. I guess I won't close the lid for a while until I find something to put in between it and the keyboard.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2001
apoppin: I got the direct line to the person who told me that I didn't do my homework. But I don't think that'll do me any good since she's not really into the Customer "Care" philosophy.

Chadder007: I'm sorry this is happening to you too.


Mar 9, 2000

<< apoppin: I got the direct line to the person who told me that I didn't do my homework. But I don't think that'll do me any good since she's not really into the Customer "Care" philosophy.

Chadder007: I'm sorry this is happening to you too.

Wonderful. Now make sure you tell her that you are reporting her to her supervision and to her higher-ups for her rudeness to you. That is really shocking that they would give you such a stupid excuse. It is not your fault that Dell didn't engineer it properly. You are not a notebook engineer and couldn't possibly know they screwed up the design. That is plainly ridiculous and I'd love to hear Dell's lawyer give that excuse in court (so would any judge).

And you two guys should get together and and join your complaints (without Dell knowing) - hopefully speak to different departments and different supervisors and play one against the other until you get one to admit responsibility. Then you're home free.

Evidently the problem is only with the 8000 series, my 4100 doesn't appear to have this problem . . . you paid a PREMIUM for Dell's top-of-the-line notebook (I didn't) and you were "supposed to know better"??? :Q


Apr 30, 2001
I didn't have the problem you had with your laptop, but I didn't keep my I8100 long enough to find out. I took advantage of the 30 day return policy to return the laptop. This particular laptop (Dell Inspiron 8100) is highly regarded on this forum and when I was doing my research on purchasing a gaming laptop, the I8100 was the one that consistently was pitched as the best laptop for the money. What I hadn't expected when I received my computer in October were the problems with uneven lighting in the LCD screen, the dead pixels, the cheap plastic of the case, and the way it wobbled when I set it on an even table. This laptop is horribly designed and cheaply built. I would caution anyone to look elsewhere before settling on Dell's inexpensive and powerful laptop. Sometime cheap does mean inexpensive AND low-quality. I sincerely hope that Dell fixes their quality control, engineering, and manufacturing problems with this laptop because I really do like Dell as a company.
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