Opinions & Advice on this $1750 spec


Junior Member
May 21, 2013
Hey guys.. I need your help.. I'm putting together a new PC and need help and any kind of advice you can spare.. I'm mainly looking to game at 1080 P .. Also run a few VMware instances (dual, tri-boxing) for a few MMO titles out there... I need to know if there's any improvements I can make to this build.

-My main concerns are for the SSD.. Whether I need a 730 or If i can settle for a 530 which costs $70 less and has slightly less storage.
-Also will I be gaming from SSD or from the HDD? Not exactly sure how that works.
-Is the PSU I have listed sufficient to run this PC efficiently or would i need to upgrade to a 750?

One last thing.. Which R290 card is the best for me.. I do not plan to overclock it.. I need one with a good warranty as well.. I don't upgrade my PCs often :0

Basically aiming for a nice cool quiet and AWESOME PC for about $1600-1750.

This is what I have so far.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($305.00 @ Microcenter with tax included)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($64.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: Asus SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK2 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($152.00 @ Microcenter with tax included)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Elite 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($159.23 @ B&H)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Elite 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($159.23 @ B&H)
Storage: Intel 730 Series 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($199.00 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 290 4GB Black Edition Double Dissipation Video Card ($381.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 w/Window (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($138.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($16.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1730.31
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-15 18:05 EDT-0400
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
-My main concerns are for the SSD.. Whether I need a 730 or If i can settle for a 530 which costs $70 less and has slightly less storage.
The 530 has the same amount (240GB is 240GB). Why not, instead, either save $90 and get a 256GB MX100, or spend $20 more for 512GB?

-Also will I be gaming from SSD or from the HDD? Not exactly sure how that works.
Whichever. Install to C:, and it's on the SSD. Install to D: and it's on the HDD.
-Is the PSU I have listed sufficient to run this PC efficiently or would i need to upgrade to a 750?
It will be plenty, unless you intend to OC both the CPU and GPU.

One last thing.. Which R290 card is the best for me.. I do not plan to overclock it.. I need one with a good warranty as well.. I don't upgrade my PCs often :0
I'd go MSI, for a good warranty, and OotB quietness.

Do you intend to OC the CPU? If not, you could also save a good bit on the motherboard, getting an H97 (or even B85), instead.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($305.00)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($64.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: Asus SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK2 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($152.00)
Memory: A-Data XPG V1.0 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($135.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: A-Data XPG V1.0 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($135.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($107.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.92 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 290 4GB TWIN FROZR Video Card ($424.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 w/Window (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($138.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($16.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1635.83
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-15 18:50 EDT-0400

There's about -$100, without any changes to motherboard choice.
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Junior Member
May 21, 2013
Cerb I heard Intel are more reliable and more stable and give less errors. I can get the 530 series with 180 GB for $129.99. Just not sure if getting the 730 is worth the extra $70. It's a little more space I guess but I don't know if i'll even need that.

MSI is better than XFX? I don't want to get the Sapphire which I heard is the best for cooling because it only has a 2 year warranty and I'd like my card to last a little longer provided something happens down the line.. Like a fan replacement etc....
I don't plan on overclocking the GPU.. I might possibly OC the CPU a little in the future but I doubt I'll even do that.

Do i need low profile Ram for the Fractal case and the Noctua cooler?

Btw.. I don't mind if i pay $50 less or $50 more :0 But i'd like to spend less than more. Just need a PC that will last me for about 5+ yrs without any problems. I know problems arise but I'd like to NOT run into any by having good quality components


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Cerb I heard Intel are more reliable and more stable and give less errors. I can get the 530 series with 180 GB for $129.99. Just not sure if getting the 730 is worth the extra $70. It's a little more space I guess but I don't know if i'll even need that.
Compared to say, PNY, absolutely. Intel and Toshiba are the only Sandforce makers I would bother with. Sandisk and Crucial are fine, though. You're better off having a backup routine than a 730. The Crucial M500 would be a good option, if you want something that's been around for awhile, but also fairly cheap.

MSI is better than XFX? I don't want to get the Sapphire which I heard is the best for cooling because it only has a 2 year warranty and I'd like my card to last a little longer provided something happens down the line.. Like a fan replacement etc....
MSI support is generally pretty good, plus their cards are quite good. Asus' cards are good, too, but their support leaves a bit to be desired, as MSI has stepped up their CS game over the years.

Do i need low profile Ram for the Fractal case and the Noctua cooler?
No. Depending on heatsink fan config, you may need to install RAM before the CPU cooler, though.

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
If you purchase from B&H, make sure that you can be at home when they deliver since they require signature confirmation on all purchases. I don't know how many times UPS will try to re-deliver if they miss you the first time, but they should give you one chance at the very least.


Senior member
May 24, 2014
Intel K SKU cpus do not support virtualization for some reason. If you want it, you'll need a locked cpu... which is unfortunate. I don't know what the other user was saing... 660W is more than enough for a heavily overclocked CPU and GPU if you're going Intel.

Since you'll be on a locked CPU you can go to a B or H series motherboard and save some cash there.


Oct 9, 1999
Intel K SKU cpus do not support virtualization for some reason. If you want it, you'll need a locked cpu... which is unfortunate. I don't know what the other user was saing... 660W is more than enough for a heavily overclocked CPU and GPU if you're going Intel.

Since you'll be on a locked CPU you can go to a B or H series motherboard and save some cash there.
4770k had some hardware virtualization support. 4790k appears to have complete support.


Junior Member
May 21, 2013
K.. Ty guys..... I might just try and get the Sapphire Tri-X and buy the $85 NewEgg 3 year replacement Warranty.. Might cost me a little extra but at least it'd be Hassle Free.. Not sure if that's worth it though. Sapphire only has 2 year warranty Or i'll just look into MSI..


Torn.. I live 15 mins away from B&H main store.. I can just pick it up from there.


TerryMatthews I can install Crucial Elite Ram in a R4 Fractal along with the Noctua NH-D14 without any problems right? I ask because I see you have that Cooler and the Case.. :0


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2007
If you want this rig to last 5 years for demanding games you're probably looking at replacing the video card in 2-3 years anyway. If you don't feel like your needs are that intense then it probably doesn't make sense to buy an R9 290.

Keep in mind those protection plans are priced to make money for the vendor. Chances are that $85 is going to be pure profit for Newegg.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2011
If you want this rig to last 5 years for demanding games you're probably looking at replacing the video card in 2-3 years anyway. If you don't feel like your needs are that intense then it probably doesn't make sense to buy an R9 290.

Keep in mind those protection plans are priced to make money for the vendor. Chances are that $85 is going to be pure profit for Newegg.

OP, take that $85 and stick it under your mattress for a GPU upgrade in 2-3 years... don't waste it on the extended warranty.

I would opine that if you are going to have problems with a GPU, it will be within the factory warranty period; after a reasonable 3-year warranty, if you have problems with the card, it was time to upgrade anyway.


Oct 9, 1999
TerryMatthews I can install Crucial Elite Ram in a R4 Fractal along with the Noctua NH-D14 without any problems right? I ask because I see you have that Cooler and the Case.. :0

Cooler and case wouldn't be the problem. motherboard is going to be the real question. the D14 has a recess to accommodate tall RAM but if your slots are too close to the CPU socket you might have to get creative.

I can take some pics if it will help you visualize.


Senior member
May 24, 2014
Cooler and case wouldn't be the problem. motherboard is going to be the real question. the D14 has a recess to accommodate tall RAM but if your slots are too close to the CPU socket you might have to get creative.

I can take some pics if it will help you visualize.

It's the D15, not 14, that has recesses for tall RAM. The D15 is fine as long as you use low profile memory. Average ATX mobos seem to have a standard minimum distance between the socket and RAM slots that will accomodate a D14. With a D15 it's the same thing, try to use low profile RAM to accomodate the first fan. With that cooler, you also have the issue of GPU interference, so buy a board that doesn't have the first PCIEX16 slot too close to the socket. A board with an X4/etc slot as the first slot is a good bet. The D15 significantly outperforms the D14.


Oct 9, 1999
It's the D15, not 14, that has recesses for tall RAM. The D15 is fine as long as you use low profile memory. Average ATX mobos seem to have a standard minimum distance between the socket and RAM slots that will accomodate a D14. With a D15 it's the same thing, try to use low profile RAM to accomodate the first fan. With that cooler, you also have the issue of GPU interference, so buy a board that doesn't have the first PCIEX16 slot too close to the socket. A board with an X4/etc slot as the first slot is a good bet. The D15 significantly outperforms the D14.


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
Intel K SKU cpus do not support virtualization for some reason. If you want it, you'll need a locked cpu... which is unfortunate. I don't know what the other user was saing... 660W is more than enough for a heavily overclocked CPU and GPU if you're going Intel.

Since you'll be on a locked CPU you can go to a B or H series motherboard and save some cash there.

Not true. The K series supports VT-x, which is the main virtualization feature. What they don't support is VT-d, which is only needed if you want to map raw PCIe devices to the guest.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
guys one more question.. For a Soundcard.. I have a chance of getting this card:
Creative PCI EXPRESS Sound Blaster X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty Champion Series Sound Card


for $50 used. is it worth it? It's kinda Old i think.. I don't know if i should even buy it...
What will you need it for? Dolby Digital is about all that isn't either ubiquitous or obsolete, these days. It might be a decent improvement over onboard, but only if the drivers like you.


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
guys one more question.. For a Soundcard.. I have a chance of getting this card:
Creative PCI EXPRESS Sound Blaster X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty Champion Series Sound Card


for $50 used. is it worth it? It's kinda Old i think.. I don't know if i should even buy it...

I'd go without it at first and see how you like the onboard sound.

Regarding the build, I agree with Cerb regarding his changes, but there are a couple other parts that haven't been mentioned:

- Mobo: The Sabertooth is pretty expensive and I don't think it really has a benefit over another stacked board like the MSI Z97-Gaming 5 for $120 after combo discount.
- PSU: $139 is a crazy amount of money to spend on a 660W PSU. You can get a Seasonic S12G-650 for $70 AR AP

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
That Seasonic 660W has a promo going on right now that gets it down to $80 after promo code and rebate. I haven't checked the promo code myself, but the Hot Deals forum mentioned the deal.


Oct 22, 2006
Your build looks amazing and I'm building something similar but am going slightly more budget in a few places. I'm also temporarily reusing some parts from my current i7-860 build, namely RAM, SSD and GPU. Since I have not been in a rush (the 4790k isn't even out yet!), I've been able to wait/pounce on nice deals for some of the parts I wanted. One of those is the Seasonic 660W platinum PSU which as Torn Mind just mentioned is now available for $80 AR. I highly recommend getting in on that deal for the type of machine you're building. The deal ends tomorrow.

Here's what I'm building and a brief description on any parts I selected differently:

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K - no change. I'm excited about getting a guaranteed 4ghz.

CPU Cooler: Enermax ETS-T40-TB, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16835214023. It was available for $15AR @ Newegg on a Shellshocker deal a few days ago. The Noctua you have selected is definitely near the top of the class but I'm not a huge overclocker so I didn't feel the need to get a top of the line part. I was actually ready to buy another CM212, but I saw the Enermax on sale and it ranks similarly to the CM212. They are both about average for aftermarket coolers but still much better than stock. So, at $15 IMO it was a good deal, and I should be able to do some moderate overclocking with it. If you aren't planning on doing any extreme overclocking, you might be able to wait on a good deal and pay closer to $20-30 for a CPU cooler rather than pay >$50.

Motherboard: ASRock Z97 Extreme6, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813157500. It was recently on sale for $153 shipped. The main reason I got it was the M.2 x4 SSD slot, but it also has dual NICs, which is unique at its price point. I like ASUS boards too, but the Extreme6 seems to stand out to me in regards to value when looking at the offerings of all Z97 boards.

Memory: This is one of the areas that I'm reusing parts from my current machine. I have 4x2GB of G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR3-1333, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820231275

If I were to buy a new set of RAM now, I'd get these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820231558. I like the ARES line because it is low profile, which gives you more flexibility in choosing a CPU cooler, and I'm not a big believer in the efficacy of RAM heat spreaders. I'd also try to wait on a hot deal if I could.

SSD : Another place I'm reusing my old parts, for now. I bought an Crucial C300 128GB a few years ago and it still works fine. It's actually only running on SATA2 on my current board, so I should get a slight increase in performance going to SATA3. The SSD you selected is fine, but I think you can actually go with a cheaper drive and still get great performance. The MX100 is currently the price/performance king, and going with the 256 or 512 variant of that drive would work well, but it might also be worth waiting for Samsung to come out with their next set of drives. I don't have any idea when they are coming but it feels like an 850 EVO (or something similar) is due before the end of the summer (again, mostly conjecture).

Storage: I have a WD Black 1TB as my storage drive that I'm reusing. I'm partial to WD Blacks for 'everyday storage' use, but Seagates are fine too. I'd try to wait on a hot deal for one of these drives as it's not a piece of hardware you need the first day for the system to work.

Video Card: Another place I'm reusing parts. One of my upgrades about a year ago was a 1440p monitor, so I'm definitely 'hurting' in this part of the build as I'm only running at 560ti. I am waiting for the next round of videocards before I jump in as I haven't seen enough value in upgrading at the $250 level, which is where I usually purchase videocards. If I didn't have a videocard at all right now, I'd likely purchase an aftermarket 290. I haven't done a ton of research into which are the best, but the one you selected seems solid.

Case: Fractal Design Define R4. I went without a window but got the same case. I've received it and it's great to work with. If you can be patient, they occasionally drop down to $80 shipped at Newegg, and I was able to snag one at that price.

Power Supply: SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum. Same PSU. Go buy this now for $80AR from Newegg, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16817151121.

Optical Drive: I'm reusing whatever I have from a previous build but I don't remember the model and it's not so important anyhow. Yours seems fine to me.

I have plans to upgrade my SSD when M.2 x4 cards start popping up and I'll upgrade the GPU when the next round of cards are available. I'm hoping I don't need to upgrade my RAM, but I'll buy that pair of 8gb sticks if I need to.

One thing you didn't mention is how you're handling case cooling. I bought 4 Phantek PH-F140XPs, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16835709022. They don't seem to be highly rated on Newegg but other sites rate them well and they are fairly priced as 140mm PWM fans go.

I plan to use them with a Swiftech 8-way PWM switch, http://www.swiftech.com/8-WayPWMsplitter-sata.aspx. I've done a fair amount of reading on how to best cool the Define R4 while keeping it quiet and I'm pretty happy with the setup I have planned. Let me know if you want any more info about that.
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Junior Member
May 21, 2013
Your build looks amazing and I'm building something similar but am going slightly more budget in a few places. I'm also temporarily reusing some parts from my current i7-860 build, namely RAM, SSD and GPU. Since I have not been in a rush (the 4790k isn't even out yet!), I've been able to wait/pounce on nice deals for some of the parts I wanted. One of those is the Seasonic 660W platinum PSU which as Torn Mind just mentioned is now available for $80 AR. I highly recommend getting in on that deal for the type of machine you're building. The deal ends tomorrow.

Here's what I'm building and a brief description on any parts I selected differently:

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K - no change. I'm excited about getting a guaranteed 4ghz.

CPU Cooler: Enermax ETS-T40-TB, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16835214023. It was available for $15AR @ Newegg on a Shellshocker deal a few days ago. The Noctua you have selected is definitely near the top of the class but I'm not a huge overclocker so I didn't feel the need to get a top of the line part. I was actually ready to buy another CM212, but I saw the Enermax on sale and it ranks similarly to the CM212. They are both about average for aftermarket coolers but still much better than stock. So, at $15 IMO it was a good deal, and I should be able to do some moderate overclocking with it. If you aren't planning on doing any extreme overclocking, you might be able to wait on a good deal and pay closer to $20-30 for a CPU cooler rather than pay >$50.

Motherboard: ASRock Z97 Extreme6, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813157500. It was recently on sale for $153 shipped. The main reason I got it was the M.2 x4 SSD slot, but it also has dual NICs, which is unique at its price point. I like ASUS boards too, but the Extreme6 seems to stand out to me in regards to value when looking at the offerings of all Z97 boards.

Memory: This is one of the areas that I'm reusing parts from my current machine. I have 4x2GB of G.SKILL Ripjaws DDR3-1333, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820231275

If I were to buy a new set of RAM now, I'd get these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820231558. I like the ARES line because it is low profile, which gives you more flexibility in choosing a CPU cooler, and I'm not a big believer in the efficacy of RAM heat spreaders. I'd also try to wait on a hot deal if I could.

SSD : Another place I'm reusing my old parts, for now. I bought an Crucial C300 128GB a few years ago and it still works fine. It's actually only running on SATA2 on my current board, so I should get a slight increase in performance going to SATA3. The SSD you selected is fine, but I think you can actually go with a cheaper drive and still get great performance. The MX100 is currently the price/performance king, and going with the 256 or 512 variant of that drive would work well, but it might also be worth waiting for Samsung to come out with their next set of drives. I don't have any idea when they are coming but it feels like an 850 EVO (or something similar) is due before the end of the summer (again, mostly conjecture).

Storage: I have a WD Black 1TB as my storage drive that I'm reusing. I'm partial to WD Blacks for 'everyday storage' use, but Seagates are fine too. I'd try to wait on a hot deal for one of these drives as it's not a piece of hardware you need the first day for the system to work.

Video Card: Another place I'm reusing parts. One of my upgrades about a year ago was a 1440p monitor, so I'm definitely 'hurting' in this part of the build as I'm only running at 560ti. I am waiting for the next round of videocards before I jump in as I haven't seen enough value in upgrading at the $250 level, which is where I usually purchase videocards. If I didn't have a videocard at all right now, I'd likely purchase an aftermarket 290. I haven't done a ton of research into which are the best, but the one you selected seems solid.

Case: Fractal Design Define R4. I went without a window but got the same case. I've received it and it's great to work with. If you can be patient, they occasionally drop down to $80 shipped at Newegg, and I was able to snag one at that price.

Power Supply: SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum. Same PSU. Go buy this now for $80AR from Newegg, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16817151121.

Optical Drive: I'm reusing whatever I have from a previous build but I don't remember the model and it's not so important anyhow. Yours seems fine to me.

I have plans to upgrade my SSD when M.2 x4 cards start popping up and I'll upgrade the GPU when the next round of cards are available. I'm hoping I don't need to upgrade my RAM, but I'll buy that pair of 8gb sticks if I need to.

One thing you didn't mention is how you're handling case cooling. I bought 4 Phantek PH-F140XPs, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16835709022. They don't seem to be highly rated on Newegg but other sites rate them well and they are fairly priced as 140mm PWM fans go.

I plan to use them with a Swiftech 8-way PWM switch, http://www.swiftech.com/8-WayPWMsplitter.aspx. I've done a fair amount of reading on how to best cool the Define R4 while keeping it quiet and I'm pretty happy with the setup I have planned. Let me know if you want any more info about that.

TY for that long post bro.. I read it very thoroughly and checked out all the links... I didn't actually think about the 140mm fans because I thought they all come with the Fractal Case. How many fans will I need? and I probably will go with either Cougar fans or with Noctua Fans if I need to buy them... Not sure which I will buy yet.

I don't plan on doing much overclocking if any on my new rig, but who really knows. I just want to keep my components in my case as cool as possible.. Summers in NYC are kinda hot and I dont always have the AC on so I tend to hear my Zalman cpu fan and my video card fan spin up during some moderate games. That Power switch connects 8 fans right?

Also dude.. about waiting on deals and snatching items when they go on sales... If i buy items too much time apart from each other how can I be sure they work? Won't my 30 day return to store for a replacement expire and would I need to rely on Manufacture Warrantys if for some reason they never work after I open the package? Isn't that the downfall? let me know.. thnx
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Oct 22, 2006
TY for that long post bro.. I read it very thoroughly and checked out all the links... I didn't actually think about the 140mm fans because I thought they all come with the Fractal Case. How many fans will I need? and I probably will go with either Cougar fans or with Noctua Fans if I need to buy them... Not sure which I will buy yet.

I don't plan on doing much overclocking if any on my new rig, but who really knows. I just want to keep my components in my case as cool as possible.. Summers in NYC are kinda hot and I dont always have the AC on so I tend to hear my Zalman cpu fan and my video card fan spin up during some moderate games. That Power switch connects 8 fans right?

Also dude.. about waiting on deals and snatching items when they go on sales... If i buy items too much time apart from each other how can I be sure they work? Won't my 30 day return to store for a replacement expire and would I need to rely on Manufacture Warrantys if for some reason they never work after I open the package? Isn't that the downfall? let me know.. thnx

YW. Here are some links I found regarding cooling when researching the case:

They use an R3 in this link but it's definitely still relevant: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/02/10/the-big-cooling-investigation/1.

There are some really nice pictures in those links that I found useful when thinking about the build too. You'll see a guy named doyll in the OC.net threads and he seems to really know what he's talking about, so I followed a fair amount of his advice. I'm going with 2 front intakes, a bottom intake, and a back exhaust, with all the other vents closed to try to ensure it's as quiet as possible. I'm also looking for a cheap/easy/safe way to raise the Define R4 to help with the bottom intake. Most things I've found look ugly and/or don't match the case, like this: http://www.amazon.com/Shepherd-Hardw...2985336&sr=1-3, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I might end up getting those feet anyway.

Perhaps I'm going overboard with cooling with my 4 PWM fans, but I think I'm hitting the right middle ground by buying more of the quality-yet-reasonably-priced fans rather than fewer elite-and-expensive Noctuas for the same money. I was seriously considering the Noctuas (even the new industrial fans), but ultimately felt their added cost (about twice the price) wasn't worth it. My thinking is that having an extra fan or two is better than having no fan and that the Phanteks will likely be more than fine for my needs.

You can probably run with the two stock Fractal Design fans, but considering you're building such as badass machine, you might want to add some more cooling, even if it's just another 140mm intake in the front. There's plenty of room in the Define R4, and you don't even have to go PWM as it has a fan controller for up to 3 fans. Personally, I'm interested in getting a PWM fan setup going but it might end up being more complicated than I hoped. The Swiftech switch can connect up to 8 PWM fans that then lets you control everything through the bios, at least in theory. I'm not sure the stock FD fans would be able to be controlled by the switch, but again, you can connect them to the integrated fan controller. And this is actually the one you'd want to get: http://www.swiftech.com/8-WayPWMsplitter-sata.aspx. It's got a sata power connect rather than molex. I corrected my original post to include the new link.

You make a good point about the possibility of products possibly not working if purchased at different times. For some things, like the case or cpu cooler, it doesn't really matter as it's just a hunk of metal. For others, like a GPU, SSD, or case fans, you can fairly easily test it on another system while you wait. For the PSU, that's harder but not impossible depending on your current setup (either way, just buy the Seasonic 660, ha!). The CPU, RAM, and motherboard should probably be the last things you get as those things really define the backbone of your system's performance and need to work together seamlessly.

In general, I try to buy reputable products from companies that offer good (2-3+ year) warranties, so even if it breaks down after 30 days I'm covered. But I understand that taking that amount of 'risk' might not be for everyone.
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Junior Member
May 21, 2013
YW. Here are some links I found regarding cooling when researching the case:

They use an R3 in this link but it's definitely still relevant: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/02/10/the-big-cooling-investigation/1.

There are some really nice pictures in those links that I found useful when thinking about the build too. You'll see a guy named doyll in the OC.net threads and he seems to really know what he's talking about, so I followed a fair amount of his advice. I'm going with 2 front intakes, a bottom intake, and a back exhaust, with all the other vents closed to try to ensure it's as quiet as possible. I'm also looking for a cheap/easy/safe way to raise the Define R4 to help with the bottom intake. Most things I've found look ugly and/or don't match the case, like this: http://www.amazon.com/Shepherd-Hardw...2985336&sr=1-3, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I might end up getting those feet anyway.

Perhaps I'm going overboard with cooling with my 4 PWM fans, but I think I'm hitting the right middle ground by buying more of the quality-yet-reasonably-priced fans rather than fewer elite-and-expensive Noctuas for the same money. I was seriously considering the Noctuas (even the new industrial fans), but ultimately felt their added cost (about twice the price) wasn't worth it. My thinking is that having an extra fan or two is better than having no fan and that the Phanteks will likely be more than fine for my needs.

You can probably run with the two stock Fractal Design fans, but considering you're building such as badass machine, you might want to add some more cooling, even if it's just another 140mm intake in the front. There's plenty of room in the Define R4, and you don't even have to go PWM as it has a fan controller for up to 3 fans. Personally, I'm interested in getting a PWM fan setup going but it might end up being more complicated than I hoped. The Swiftech switch can connect up to 8 PWM fans that then lets you control everything through the bios, at least in theory. I'm not sure the stock FD fans would be able to be controlled by the switch, but again, you can connect them to the integrated fan controller. And this is actually the one you'd want to get: http://www.swiftech.com/8-WayPWMsplitter-sata.aspx. It's got a sata power connect rather than molex. I corrected my original post to include the new link.

You make a good point about the possibility of products possibly not working if purchased at different times. For some things, like the case or cpu cooler, it doesn't really matter as it's just a hunk of metal. For others, like a GPU, SSD, or case fans, you can fairly easily test it on another system while you wait. For the PSU, that's harder but not impossible depending on your current setup (either way, just buy the Seasonic 660, ha!). The CPU, RAM, and motherboard should probably be the last things you get as those things really define the backbone of your system's performance and need to work together seamlessly.

In general, I try to buy reputable products from companies that offer good (2-3+ year) warranties, so even if it breaks down after 30 days I'm covered. But I understand that taking that amount of 'risk' might not be for everyone.

Thnx man... and the thing with Warranty's... I know if you purchase anything with "Most" credit cards.. The Credit card offers an extra year of warranty (extended warranty) on the product you bought.. But only up to 2 years.. So if the manufacture only covers you for 1 year.. The Credit Card will cover you for an additional year after the Manufacture warranty expires. Not many people know about this but this is true :0 Just gotta provide a receipt to the CC Company if sh*t breaks down. I'm looking for 3-5 year warranty on parts since I give away all my other outdated PC's to family and would like for them to still work after, although there's really no guarantee; but so far so good.

I'm looking at the sapphire tri-x or the vapor 290 video cards... Do any of you guys know how much a fan replacement costs on those cards after the warranty expires? If for instance a fan goes bad on the card or i need to reapply thermal paste to the gpu, how much would that run me if I send the card back to the manufacturer. Anyone here know? I tried googling but can't find anything.

But yeah.. Time flies by now super fast now.. 2-3 yrs will be gone in no time and I don't want to be stuck with broken parts... :0


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2007
I really think you're overthinking this GPU failure bit. If you're passing them down to friends and family and the GPU does fail then I'm guessing a very basic $60 video card would suffice for them. Cheaper than the protection plan in the first place.

Now in terms of the fans I would take a wait and see approach. I also have the Define R4. Keep in mind it comes with a fan controller. Hook the stock fans up the fan controller and run them on low, or on medium if you feel you really need the airflow. (You likely won't for the kind of computer you're building). At that speed they are silent or so close to silent that I can't hear them above the normal house noise.


Oct 22, 2006
Wait and see is definitely a reasonable approach. Even though many overclocking enthusiasts buy the Define R4, I bet most people end up running with the stock fans and don't know the difference. You can always add more later.

One of the reasons I went 'all in' on fans is that this will be a 24/7 machine that stays in my bedroom (yay small NYC apts!). So I want it to be able to stay as cool AND as quiet as possible all the time. And ultimately, spending about $65 gave me a fairly crazy and modern fan setup, which isn't a ton of money when looking at the full build. Another reason I looked to save money on other parts when I could.

Edited to add that it looks like the case you want is now available for $80.
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Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
That Seasonic 660W has a promo going on right now that gets it down to $80 after promo code and rebate. I haven't checked the promo code myself, but the Hot Deals forum mentioned the deal.

:thumbsup: Nice deal! That'll teach me not to rely on the cut-and-pasted PCPartPicker prices.
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