Oregon college shooting

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Jan 4, 2001
They need help, They won't seek it themselves, Terrible parents, Bad childhood, Can't handle 'bullying', Can't handle life in general, Etc. If you look at each fairly recent mass shooting (Columbine, Sandy Hook, etc) it always boils down to something like that. These people (kids) have problems and the only solution to fixing it is taking other people's lives and potentially their own. They won't seek any guidance in a humane way. Stupid but true.
A feeling of being utterly and completely trapped, and being tormented constantly by others.

Trapped animals can do some really crazy things. Humans are no different.


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
You have a nice night there skippy.

Rant away after grabbing that.

Seems your English has improved dramatically lately over some of your other ramblings in threads.

Who said anything about Cuba ?

you said cigarettes for ak 47
so i wanted what i can get for cuban cigars.


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
A feeling of being utterly and completely trapped, and being tormented constantly by others.

Trapped animals can do some really crazy things. Humans are no different.

when you hunt an animal you always give it an escape route

if not then the animal instead of trying to escape will turn around and attack you. and depending the animal you hunt that will be the last thing you want to do. you hunt by ambush.

corner an animal or human and live him with no way out and then ... what happens you caused it on yourself.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah, this shit again. Prez Obozo is speaking now. Can't wait for when he talks about the 2nd Amendment.

Instead of paying a professor 200,000 dollars a year install some damn security. Arm the teachers! If you want to stop it on the street enforce stop and frisk!

Every week we hear about this shit.

every week we here about this...and yet you don't give a shit. go fuck yourself.


I'm glad Obama is our president.

And you are an ignorant fool that can't easily differentiate gun rights and gun control, and our out-of-control gun culture. You are a shill for people that are no smarter, but far more evil than you. Time to wake up and start thinking for yourself.

That was a great speech he gave: He gave this country hell tonight and we all deserve it.

Too bad you're a fascist, and hate this country.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
And in countries you can not get a gun? The criminals have guns and the people have none. If you cross the line it wont matter i you can buy a gun or not because you will find one.

Guns is not a problem people are. If he entered with a bow and arrows and start killing people. Then we should be all outrage and ban bows????
If i want to kill i will find the way to kill. It does not matter what is for bitten. or not.

Simple solution. Molotof bombs. Easy to construct and the materials can not be panned. In the past the Chinese army also constructed armors from paper so suddenly we need to ban paper???

Its all about taking the right and the possibility of self defense of the people.

Also in my country they freed all the mental into the cities because they need to reenter society. That a neighbor of mine is violent and every now and then goes into violent shock and hits and destroy anything in front of him. Does not matter we need him around us because !?!?!??!?

Not housing these people make as a bad barbaric oppression society. But we will use this people that should have been locked up to pass laws to cut off our freedom and make us live in a totalitarian society.

Power to the crazy. Lets fuck the normal majority for a few mental fruit cakes who have more rights than us.

if he entered with a bow and arrow...

wait, what? you're saying he would have been more successful, equally successful?

are you this fucking stupid, or are you just pretending?

Be honest, here.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
also who bullied the kids
who offend him in daily basis
if not having sex is a problem then make prostitution legal
have you seen people taking their car and hitting people in the road? and there are many people that play car theft auto.

if playing a video game is dangerous then training police officers and army is what???? maybe we should also watch them.

a video game may trigger someone yes but that someone is already gone from other aspects. someone who spent all the day in home playing games you call him a nerd but have you seen a nerd going out to kill people.

why these people are pushed in the breaking point and from whom
thats the only thing to be investigated.

so if that person ask a woman out and she replies you are gross go kill yourself i would never go out with you and ... and this is not the first time that happened to him. you know women and men have a right to choose with whom to be but they do not have a right to be a completely asshole when they do it.

having minority report or a controlled society is good and that what we want
but nazi were bad!?!??!?!?

Bullying is a problem that I think we have not yet figured out the long lasting effects.

Prostitution should be legal and we ought to have prostitute rankings IMO. Government can provide coupons. Business meet need, provide best service for the $$$. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

I think video games are fine for 99% of us, and that they help fullfill/perpetuate the wrong release for the remainder. Trigger yes.

Minority Report vs Nazi situation, agreed. How to remedy need to profile, without going overboard?


Dec 3, 2013
if he entered with a bow and arrow...

wait, what? you're saying he would have been more successful, equally successful?

are you this fucking stupid, or are you just pretending?

Be honest, here.

I'm actually starting to think that guy isn't pretending.


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2002
School shootings since Newtown - Los Angeles Times http://graphics.latimes.com/school-shootings-since-newtown/

Almost none of those incidents are school shootings. The map includes suicides, unintentional discharges in off-campus college housing, shootings that occurred near schools in the middle of the night, etc.

If a gun was fired anywhere near a school or a property vaguely associated with a school, that map lists it as a school shooting. That's absurd.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
every week we here about this...and yet you don't give a shit. go fuck yourself.


I'm glad Obama is our president.

And you are an ignorant fool that can't easily differentiate gun rights and gun control, and our out-of-control gun culture. You are a shill for people that are no smarter, but far more evil than you. Time to wake up and start thinking for yourself.

That was a great speech he gave: He gave this country hell tonight and we all deserve it.

Too bad you're a fascist, and hate this country.

Guns aren't the problem, society is the problem. Unfortunately there's no quick fix for that one. :|


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Guns aren't the problem, society is the problem. Unfortunately there's no quick fix for that one. :|

so you are suggesting no fix, then?

so useless.

I'm tired of hearing this bullshit.

as a gun owner, I'm tired of hearing the same cowards say this same shit over and over.

"no quick fix...eh, let's just move on, I guess?"

I don't know. There's been many rather quick fixes in every other developed nation in every corner of this planet. Maybe a good start?


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
so you are suggesting no fix, then?

so useless.

I'm tired of hearing this bullshit.

as a gun owner, I'm tired of hearing the same cowards say this same shit over and over.

Suggesting no fix? What does that even mean? I'm suggesting that the problem is deeply routed in multiple facets of society, and that I can't even begin to grasp all of the elements that lead incidents like this. Useless maybe, but I'm not trying to take the lead on fixing it precisely because I don't have a solution.

But I'm sure you have great solutions. ^_^

"I don't know. There's been many rather quick fixes in every other developed nation in every corner of this planet. Maybe a good start?"

Care to provide an example? I'm not saying making guns illegal won't help the issue, but I am saying there are other deep seeded problems - this is just the symptom, not the cause. Maybe I'm callous, but whats more concerning to me is that there exist people who are willing to perform mass shootings, rather than the events actually happening.

We're forming those people. That's scary.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
so you are suggesting no fix, then?

so useless.

I'm tired of hearing this bullshit.

as a gun owner, I'm tired of hearing the same cowards say this same shit over and over.

"no quick fix...eh, let's just move on, I guess?"

I don't know. There's been many rather quick fixes in every other developed nation in every corner of this planet. Maybe a good start?

I think he meant: Shoot and Shovel. Everyone should just pretend these things don't happen. Success!


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
Bullying is a problem that I think we have not yet figured out the long lasting effects.

Prostitution should be legal and we ought to have prostitute rankings IMO. Government can provide coupons. Business meet need, provide best service for the $$$. Happy Happy Joy Joy.

I think video games are fine for 99% of us, and that they help fullfill/perpetuate the wrong release for the remainder. Trigger yes.

Minority Report vs Nazi situation, agreed. How to remedy need to profile, without going overboard?

lets see history and bulling

the romans and the slaves the romans were extremely harsh on their slaves they could practically do anything they wanted. With the system of fear if a slave killed his master then all the slaves in the house would be killed because the slaves are supposed to protect their master.

so that stopped many from doing something and many were betrayed from the other slaves just to live another day. but now and then there were slaves revolts with the most famous the ones with Spartacus.

you have kids that they grow up and all the time are laughed made fun of the other kids and simple they feel that they do not fit in this society. a person needs to feel part of the society not an outsider in a society that is against him.

people have the possibility of good and evil. instead of telling the kids they are bad and criminals why not tell them they can be doctors architects!?!?
the model system have worked out through our history. and it is working right now. now the kids are left to grow up with television and thus they take their models from there. television and the media are not innocent. they are innocent when it comes to adults but when it comes to kids they are responsible how they are shaped.

the problem will not be black and white it will be a combination of things but when it boils down it will be people that have pushed over the breaking point.


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
i live in Europe my father generation was raised in the ww2 and the atrocities of a civil war that followed.

parents were slaughtered in front of their kids for being in the opposite side, families had to flee in the cities to find protection where they had to sleep in the land because there was no infrastructure for them.

my fathers generation had it all hunger, violence, bad childhood but instead of all that the generation grow up to be normal. because there was the society and the way they were raising the people.

now not having specific brand of a serial is justification for kids to go kill people. no it is not. you had it hard yes but many other generations before you had it hard that does not mean you are allowed to tun into violence.

the raising of the kids is wrong now days and that is causing all this we experiencing. a kid is not an adult you can not have an intelligent conversation with it period. the only think a kid can understand is punishment and see that there is limits on what it can do. not set limits and then you ruined the kid. as the kid is getting older if the upraising was correct then you can start talking to eat. you can not have a conversation to a kid that can believe you that the moon is of cheese.

there is an obvious problem in the upbringing of kids now days.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2004
Shoot a lion, the hunter is evil.

Shoot nine people, the gun is evil.

I'll never understand liberal logic.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Shoot a lion, the hunter is evil.

Shoot nine people, the gun is evil.

I'll never understand liberal logic.

No. The Gun is not evil, but it's a too convenient tool in the hands of people intent on evil. Guns don't have Rights, nor do they have Agency, so they can't be Evil or Good.
May 11, 2008
Why? You are 5x more likely to die from the flu than guns. Make that multiple times that once you cut out gang/drug/other illegal action violence. The average person is far more likely to die in a car accident than a mass shooting, or really any kind of shooting.

What a dumb argument. You will be the first mass killer that sneezes on people in school ?

Volatile nature of people. Giving the opportunity and the mindset that it is oke to use those guns.
Guns do not kill people unless someone pulls the trigger. But when it is socially acceptable to pull that trigger... The threshold to do so becomes a lot lower. Especially when unhappy and not thinking over all the consequences.
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
No. The Gun is not evil, but it's a too convenient tool in the hands of people intent on evil. Guns don't have Rights, nor do they have Agency, so they can't be Evil or Good.

Yes the problem is guns are far too efficient at killing, easy to use and overwhelmingly powerful against the unarmed.

If you have a nutjob with a knife who goes into an area intent on killing tons of people they're not going to get far running from one person to the next trying to stab them before they're dropped by someone as well as outrun by a lot of their targets.

A gun is easy to spray around and you're sure to kill and injure a good number of people. Step one would probably be completely abolishing the ability to purchase any sort of assault rifle. Restrict things down to hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns. There is no need to have military grade weapons for the almighty home defense deity. Not that it would change much, but these mass shootings always seem to involve assault weapons obtained by legal means by the offender or someone else.
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Apr 12, 2004
Yes the problem is guns are far too efficient at killing, easy to use and overwhelmingly powerful against the unarmed.

If you have a nutjob with a knife who goes into an area intent on killing tons of people they're not going to get far running from one person to the next trying to stab them before they're dropped by someone as well as outrun by a lot of their targets.

A gun is easy to spray around and you're sure to kill and injure a good number of people. Step one would probably be completely abolishing the ability to purchase any sort of assault rifle. Restrict things down to hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns. There is no need to have military grade weapons for the almighty home defense deity. Not that it would change much, but these mass shootings always seem to involve assault weapons.

Bolded is the only correct part of your last paragraph. Cho, for example, was one of the most successful spree killers and did so entirely with handguns. Many carried both "assault" rifles and handguns, and iirc many of the actual murders are committed with the handguns regardless. More over, a "military grade" gun is no more lethal than an ordinary rifle, that's just koolaid you're drinking. Notably, if you look at ALL firearm murders, not just knee-jerk-encouraging stories like this, you'll find that handguns come out on top by quite a bit.
May 11, 2008
Yes the problem is guns are far too efficient at killing, easy to use and overwhelmingly powerful against the unarmed.

Very true.
I tried that same argument long ago. They responded with that cars kill people too. I have never seen someone rob a bank while threatening to drive into the bank...

Guns are designed to kill people. And nothing will ever change that. Unless bullets are developed that increase in size on impact, deforming in such a way that only a bruise and a lot of pain will be present. And the amount of gun powder should be set to a maximum (potential energy) since that is also vital in the amount of kinetic energy a bullet has after being fired.
Rubber bullets will not do ,though. Then a gun would be a proper non lethal deterrent. Unless someone is saturated with painkillers of course.
But such bullets do not exist... :|

Only the police should have real bullets.
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Apr 12, 2004
Very true.
I tried that same argument long ago. They responded with that cars kill people too. I have never seen someone rob a bank while threatening to drive into the bank...

Guns are designed to kill people.

Yep, and it's a good thing they were designed that way. Name me a better deterrent against a home invader, a rapist, or a murderer. Self-defense is a fundamental right in any country worth living in (no, I do not consider the UK to be a worthwhile place to live).
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