Original Gas Thread: Americans enjoying $4 gallon despite oil oversupply highest in 8 yrs

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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Vic
And yes, you are. I think I have a very good idea now of why the Dems lost, and I see now that without question they deserved it. They catered to pseudo-scientific hypocritical socialist entitlement-sucking elitist doomsaying assholes. Sickens me.
LOL, I saw that coming a mile away from your posts. I clued in on this around mid-2003. Both sides are really just as idiotic as the other. Both sides stand for an equal measure of vitriol, emotion-based illogic and corruption. If the right hates gays, the left hates the rich. Why? Uhh...because gays undermine society who'll ruin the country, and the rich are lazy playboys who'll ruin the country!

The most wonderful thing about your Congress is that it allows very little to get done. May your God help us all if government ever gets efficient in carrying out the wishes of the people it serves.
Finally someone who understands me! :beer:


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Vic
And yes, you are. I think I have a very good idea now of why the Dems lost, and I see now that without question they deserved it. They catered to pseudo-scientific hypocritical socialist entitlement-sucking elitist doomsaying assholes. Sickens me.
LOL, I saw that coming a mile away from your posts. I clued in on this around mid-2003. Both sides are really just as idiotic as the other. Both sides stand for an equal measure of vitriol, emotion-based illogic and corruption. If the right hates gays, the left hates the rich. Why? Uhh...because gays undermine society who'll ruin the country, and the rich are lazy playboys who'll ruin the country!

The most wonderful thing about your Congress is that it allows very little to get done. May your God help us all if government ever gets efficient in carrying out the wishes of the people it serves.
Finally someone who understands me! :beer:

Hey, maybe you'll have a candidate in 2008 who you can vote for without bursting into tears afterwards. I have faith that the Democrats will regroup, come out with fiscal policy that doesn't make Wall Street cringe and give us a nice refresh of government policy.

Maybe they'll lose the Patriot Act (yeah right). Maybe they'll drop the DMCA (yeah right). Okay, so they'll do absolutely nothing at home, but at least mouth the insincere words of friendship for the foreign press that Bush seems loathe to do. To me it's comforting that so little will change in the hands of men with such frightening power.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"Meaning that you think a minority of the people are more capable of governing than the majority. "

Where did you get that idea???

We don't have to "look" bad, we are bad. Look at what the Non-Sheeple lost to.
Are you not insulting and condemning the majority? Are you not using "sheeple" as a derogatory expression?

And yes, you are bad. I think I have a very good idea now of why the Dems lost, and I see now that without question they deserved it. They catered to pseudo-scientific hypocritical socialist entitlement-sucking elitist doomsaying assholes. Sickens me.

No, being part of a flock isn't neccessarily "derogatory".

It used to be a sign of strength as the U.S. was United in the Principles of the Constitution regardless of party affilation. Unofrtunately that is no longer the case as the Republican party clearly has an Agenda of ripping the Consitution up and writing their own version.

The people that I call Sheeple believe that is OK to do.

If I am bad and an asshole because I don't believe the Constitution should be thrown away and re-written with a Religious and Dictatorship Agenda then so be it.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
More proof the Sheeple are happy with $2 Gas.

More proof it had nothing to with Supply or Demand

4-19-2005 Analyst: 'Worst is over' for gas prices

For motorists, "The worst is over for the first half of the year," says Tom Kloza, senior analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.

"It's hard to believe how many people got sucked in to the notion that this was the year of $75 oil and $3 gasoline," he says. "Markets tend to peak just when the rhetoric gets excessive, and that held true."

It's unlikely that gasoline will drop to the $1.80 level of a year ago. Kloza predicts nationwide average prices as low as $2 through much of the spring and early summer. "And some states will see prices less than $2, guaranteed."


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
It isn't just the gas that's going up; everything is. I used to be able to run from the shop to the corner store with a dollar to get a soda, and something to munch on, and have a couple of cents left. Now I am lucky if I get a couple of cents back from my two dollars. This has all been within the last couple of years. But it's all going up.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus

Hey, maybe you'll have a candidate in 2008 who you can vote for without bursting into tears afterwards. I have faith that the Democrats will regroup, come out with fiscal policy that doesn't make Wall Street cringe and give us a nice refresh of government policy.

Maybe they'll lose the Patriot Act (yeah right). Maybe they'll drop the DMCA (yeah right). Okay, so they'll do absolutely nothing at home, but at least mouth the insincere words of friendship for the foreign press that Bush seems loathe to do. To me it's comforting that so little will change in the hands of men with such frightening power.
That's quite comforting to me as well. I believe that is the basic principle that our country was founded on. Ensuring freedom by the limiting the power of those that wield it, or at the very least bogging the process down to the point where rapid change is impossible.
This is why I lose my patience so quickly with those who do want rapid government change. It seems to me that they don't know what they're really asking for.
Regardless, I'm sure I'll be crying in '08 as well.

Yaknow, I like Canada. Especially BC. Being of Scottish heritage, visiting there is almost like old home week.


Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: judasmachine
It isn't just the gas that's going up; everything is. I used to be able to run from the shop to the corner store with a dollar to get a soda, and something to munch on, and have a couple of cents left. Now I am lucky if I get a couple of cents back from my two dollars. This has all been within the last couple of years. But it's all going up.

population reduction will make our life a lot easier. overpopulation is the root of all evil.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: wchou
Originally posted by: judasmachine
It isn't just the gas that's going up; everything is. I used to be able to run from the shop to the corner store with a dollar to get a soda, and something to munch on, and have a couple of cents left. Now I am lucky if I get a couple of cents back from my two dollars. This has all been within the last couple of years. But it's all going up.
population reduction will make our life a lot easier. overpopulation is the root of all evil.
You first
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Thank you Mr. Bush!

And your failing policies! Middle class is shrinking. 20% of US below poverty levels and gas prices are on the rise.

You're right Mr. Bush. The rich need more tax breaks! YOU %&%&$

Wow, you're an idiot, aren't you? What tax breaks have the rich gotten that no one else has? And what does it have to do with oil prices?

What i want is for him to follow through on what the Socialists have said he was going to do: Kill the Iraqi's and take their oil. I'm tired of $2.50 a gallon.



Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Thank you Mr. Bush!

And your failing policies! Middle class is shrinking. 20% of US below poverty levels and gas prices are on the rise.

You're right Mr. Bush. The rich need more tax breaks! YOU %&%&$

Wow, you're an idiot, aren't you? What tax breaks have the rich gotten that no one else has? And what does it have to do with oil prices?

What i want is for him to follow through on what the Socialists have said he was going to do: Kill the Iraqi's and take their oil. I'm tired of $2.50 a gallon.

huh? what? heh. yea? right.



Golden Member
Apr 5, 2004
Guys, if you blame the following for high prices:

1. George W. Bush
2. Oil companies
3. The Middle East

Go take a good look in the mirror instead. If the answer isn't clear pm me.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Thank you Mr. Bush!

And your failing policies! Middle class is shrinking. 20% of US below poverty levels and gas prices are on the rise.

You're right Mr. Bush. The rich need more tax breaks! YOU %&%&$

Wow, you're an idiot, aren't you? What tax breaks have the rich gotten that no one else has? And what does it have to do with oil prices?

What i want is for him to follow through on what the Socialists have said he was going to do: Kill the Iraqi's and take their oil. I'm tired of $2.50 a gallon.


He has followed through, killed Iraqis, and stolen their oil.

And now that he has control of Iraq's oil he and his Saudi friends are capitalizing on it by charging you higher prices.

You suckers have been had.

And now the effects of high gasoline prices will be felt in places other than gas stations.

Anxiety over gas prices scuttling vacation plans

Oil firms, foreign countries and politicians share blame
Friday, April 22, 2005
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Half the people in the country say record-high gas prices are starting to cause them problems. Who's to blame? Americans point a finger at the oil companies, foreign nations that control the oil supply, and politicians.

More than half say they're cutting back on driving and many plan to stay closer to home on their summer vacations.

An Associated Press-AOL poll found 51 percent of those surveyed say that if gas prices remain high for the next six months it will cause a financial hardship for them. Thirty percent of those polled classified the hit as "serious," according to the survey conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs for the AP and AOL News.

"You have to decide -- gas, groceries, medicine," said Marcia Cain of Indianapolis, who is semiretired. "I'm on limited income. I don't go out as much -- eating out, going to listen to jazz. It uses gas you don't want to use."

High global oil prices have pushed the cost of regular gasoline for U.S. motorists to around $2.21 per gallon, with prices ranging from an average of $2.64 in California to about $2 in Oklahoma, according to the auto group AAA. Prices are expected to remain above $2 nationally through the summer.

Americans spread the blame around, with 29 percent blaming the oil companies, 24 percent blaming foreign governments that dominate oil reserves and 23 percent saying politicians. Eight percent blame the high prices on "environmentalists who want to limit oil exploration," while 6 percent blame "people who drive gas-guzzling vehicles."

"Multiple parties are responsible," said Misty Sanders, a nurse and mother from Sebastian, Fla. "A lot of it is where we get our oil from. And I think the companies are doing some things to drive the price up, taking a little advantage."

Anxiety about gasoline prices comes as President Bush is pressing Congress to approve energy legislation that includes $8.1 billion in tax breaks, mostly for energy companies, and would open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil development.

The president gets low marks from the public for his handling of the nation's energy problems, with 62 percent saying they disapprove. When he first took office, people were more inclined to say he would handle energy problems effectively.

Many people, 41 percent, say gas prices are making them seriously consider purchasing a more fuel-efficient vehicle.

Sales of big trucks and SUVS are off at General Motors. And purchases of Ford's largest SUVs -- the Excursion, Expedition and Explorer -- all fell by more than 24 percent in the first three months of the year.

Auto makers that produce hybrid cars that run on a combination of electricity and gas are reporting strong interest from consumers.

Seth Miller, who lives in Sumter, S.C., and serves in the Air Force, spent almost $80 the last time he filled up his Chevy Silverado truck. He has considered getting something that would be less of a gas guzzler.

"If it were feasible for me to buy another (more fuel-efficient) vehicle and keep my truck, I would," Miller said.

The survey found gas prices have prompted 58 percent to reduce their driving, 57 percent have cut back on other expenses and 41 percent have changed vacation plans to stay closer to home

"We're going to end up with a couple of short trips," said Tom Brewer, a father of three from Cable, Ohio. "We will stay within two or three hours from home."

Dermot Gately, a New York University economics professor, said it takes time for consumers to feel the full impact of gas prices.

"The next time they buy a vehicle -- in two or three years -- they may be more careful to get a more fuel efficient one," he said. "It's a relatively slow adjustment."

The poll of 1,000 adults was taken April 18-20 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.



Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
"And now that he has control of Iraq's oil he and his Saudi friends are capitalizing on it by charging you higher prices. "

Canada is an extremely close second as a source for imported crude oil for the U.S....I suppose Bush has "friends" there also..albeit secret ones, I imagine.........


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999

Two more words becoming Extinct:

Free Delivery

I don't have a link yet but the Yellow Pages Corporation is reporting that over 90% of businesses have called so far to have "Free Delivery" removed from their Ads.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Wow $97 billion :shocked:

Somebody slap this 19 yr old College student driving and complaining about having to drop $50 a pop in his SUV Poor fvcking baby

4-29-2005 Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Cos., BP Group PLC, Exxon Mobil Corp. and ChevronTexaco Corp. have earned a combined $97 billion, including $23.8 billion during the first three months of this year.

"As far as you can look out, things look pretty rosy for (oil) refiners," said Tom Kloza, chief energy analyst for the Oil Price Information Service in Wall, N.J.

The bottom line for consumers: U.S. gasoline prices seem likely to stay above $2 per gallon through the summer ? traditionally the time when more drivers are hitting the road for vacations and burning up more fuel.

That's unwelcome news for motorists like Henry Shin, who already has been cutting corners so he can afford to fill up his sports utility vehicle at $50 per tankful.

"It bugs me big time," said Shin, a 19-year-old college student from San Ramon. "I feel like all my money is going straight into the gasoline tank."

If oil prices stay down, gasoline prices should follow. As a rule of thumb, every $1-per-barrel drop in oil prices lowers gasoline prices by about 2.5 cents per gallon.

But that ripple effect isn't always immediate. "Gas prices tend to go up like a rocket and come down like a feather," said Rob Schlichting, a spokesman for the California Energy Commission.



Senior member
Jan 25, 2000
My old oil stocks are doing very well I see....good thing I bought back when oil was $10/barrel...
you know.....when Clinton rescued the Saudis from cheap oil and did his thing to prop up the price....
Super cheap oil isn't good either, so I was told.......


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I got a kick out of this morning.

The P&N Elite said this would never happen.

There is one stubborn guy at the end of the article that said he wants the biggest Vehicle possible, turns out he is a United Auto Workers Rep and he knows that all that Ford (sans the Hybrid Escape) & GM is cranking out is these behemoths so he is afraid for his job.

4-30-2005 Car Buyers Think Hard and Long Distance About Mileage

Darci Bawdon was nearly sold on the powerful Dodge Durango SUV that she was renting as a tryout ? until she stopped at a gas station one day last month. As the fuel pump's digits reached $70, the fitness trainer nearly choked on her vitamin water.

Sherman Oaks businessman Marc Kontoff was tired of watching his profit squeezed by $25 fill-ups every four days. Now, in his brand new Toyota Prius gas-electric hybrid, he can stretch the interval to eight days.

Then there's Jason Holmes, an unrepentant lover of large rides.

But for Holmes, there's nothing like a big vehicle. The 49-year-old belongs to the fraternity ? somewhat beleaguered lately ? that clings to very large vehicles in the belief that they are safer and more comfortable.

"What am I supposed to do, pile everyone into a Toyota Corolla? Well, then I have to rent a trailer to carry everything," said Holmes, a benefits coordinator for the United Auto Workers.

Holmes might reconsider if gas reaches $3 a gallon by June, when he is planning to make his purchase, he said.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: nergee
My old oil stocks are doing very well I see....good thing I bought back when oil was $10/barrel...
you know.....when Clinton rescued the Saudis from cheap oil and did his thing to prop up the price....
Super cheap oil isn't good either, so I was told.......

IF anything Clinton lowered the price of oil selling some of the strategic oil reserve...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: nergee
My old oil stocks are doing very well I see....good thing I bought back when oil was $10/barrel...
you know.....when Clinton rescued the Saudis from cheap oil and did his thing to prop up the price....
Super cheap oil isn't good either, so I was told.......

IF anything Clinton lowered the price of oil selling some of the strategic oil reserve...




Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: 0marTheZealot
Guys, if you blame the following for high prices:

1. George W. Bush
2. Oil companies
3. The Middle East

Go take a good look in the mirror instead. If the answer isn't clear pm me.

Hey, I do everything I can to conserve energy. Everything!


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I got a kick out of this morning.

The P&N Elite said this would never happen.

There is one stubborn guy at the end of the article that said he wants the biggest Vehicle possible, turns out he is a United Auto Workers Rep and he knows that all that Ford (sans the Hybrid Escape) & GM is cranking out is these behemoths so he is afraid for his job.

4-30-2005 Car Buyers Think Hard and Long Distance About Mileage

Then there's Jason Holmes, an unrepentant lover of large rides.

But for Holmes, there's nothing like a big vehicle. The 49-year-old belongs to the fraternity ? somewhat beleaguered lately ? that clings to very large vehicles in the belief that they are safer and more comfortable.

"What am I supposed to do, pile everyone into a Toyota Corolla? Well, then I have to rent a trailer to carry everything," said Holmes, a benefits coordinator for the United Auto Workers.

Holmes might reconsider if gas reaches $3 a gallon by June, when he is planning to make his purchase, he said.



Guess he's worried about those $15-20K profits per vehicle going bye-bye (along with his wittle job). Heck, he might even be reduced to becoming one of the "common people" (working class), perish the thought!

WHAT A SHAME! :roll:



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: nergee
My old oil stocks are doing very well I see....good thing I bought back when oil was $10/barrel...
you know.....when Clinton rescued the Saudis from cheap oil and did his thing to prop up the price....
Super cheap oil isn't good either, so I was told.......

IF anything Clinton lowered the price of oil selling some of the strategic oil reserve...

Speaking of SOR, I wonder if the oil companies ever repaid the oil "loaned" by GW after the hurricanes shut down the Gulf Coast oil rigs a few years back. Several million barrels were "loaned" to ease the shutting down of those rigs and was to be "repaid" later. I wonder if it really was (I doubt it).



Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
When the public reaches the point where they are fed up with high oil prices, the President will announce that he's proposing that the EPA loosen the environmental restrictions and approval process for new refineries.

When the people complain, he will blame the Democrats.
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