Over 400 Scientists Challenge Gore's Man-Made Global Warming Claims


Apr 15, 2001
Story here.

Sorry, Al. If I had to take the word of a significant number of scientists or yours, I think the decision is pretty easy. It's laughable how the media has annointed Al as some kind of Einstein when the guy has no credentials. Zero.

The only question now is how long will "carbon credits" be a booming business?


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
Yeah, you're right. We need more impartial scientific studies done by the Republican staff of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. They are the true experts on this issue afterall.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
From what it sounds like the scientists aren't saying there is no global warming, or climate change, or that man has anything to do with it.

Its the Doomsday Fear Mongering that ALGORE is doing thats upsetting them.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2001
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: ChunkiMunki
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.

I don't think thats the issue really.

I think there is a danger that this fear and hysteria that is trying to be generated will lead to facism.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
Originally posted by: ChunkiMunki
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.

Our planet will survive just fine, as we are a tiny speck in history on it.
The most we can do is kill ourselves off and nature will be the same thing its always been after a few million years, unless another highly intelligent species rises immediately after we're gone.

I don't believe that as well, however. IMO we will find a cleaner way to produce energy in the next 100 years anyway. The problem is that most people cannot grasp the simple concept that there was life before them and there will be life after them and think that unless we do something *RIGHTNOWTHISMOMENT* we'll die...

Take it easy, research, develop, it will happen sooner or later.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Harabec
Our planet will survive just fine, as we are a tiny speck in history on it.
The most we can do is kill ourselves off and nature will be the same thing its always been after a few million years, unless another highly intelligent species rises immediately after we're gone.

I think most scientists and non-scientists agree with you, and when GW activists speak about saving the planet, of course it's metaphor for saving humanity. No one is saying the earth won't be fine in a few million years after man dies out. But fat lot of good that does any of us.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's fascinating, psychologically speaking, to try to understand the reaction Gore causes among Republicans, what it is about him that causes them to react so bizarrely. Could it be guilt, the knowledge that they stole his victory in Florida by not allowing and pushing that all votes be counted and saddled us with the worst disaster in American history, or is it some sort of other deep form of denial, a reluctance to spend money to save their own asses, or a fear of facing the facts that all life on earth is in danger?

Whatever it is, it's obviously insane and completely irrational.

Republicans, of course, have mostly been played by corporations to think their own interests and corporate interests are the same, but to be played you need a mental weakness that can be exploited. It's interesting to try to uncover what it is.

Is it greed, the disinclination to pay for planetary health?

Is it a sociopathic disregard for the future of our children?

Is is the ostrich syndrome that sticking you head in the sand will make problems go away?

Is it deep self hate that incapacitates ones confidence there can be found real solutions out there?

Whatever it is, what's really killing the planet is human neurosis.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
400 scientists, wow!

Compare that with this tid bit I found on the web:

"Taking into account only those working in the relevant fields of earth and life sciences, there are about 480,000 scientists, but only about 700 believe in "creation-science" or consider it a valid theory (Robinson 1995)."



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It's fascinating, psychologically speaking, to try to understand the reaction Gore causes among Republicans, what it is about him that causes them to react so bizarrely. Could it be guilt, the knowledge that they stole his victory in Florida by not allowing and pushing that all votes be counted and saddled us with the worst disaster in American history, or is it some sort of other deep form of denial, a reluctance to spend money to save their own asses, or a fear of facing the facts that all life on earth is in danger?

Whatever it is, it's obviously insane and completely irrational.

Republicans, of course, have mostly been played by corporations to think their own interests and corporate interests are the same, but to be played you need a mental weakness that can be exploited. It's interesting to try to uncover what it is.

Is it greed, the disinclination to pay for planetary health?

Is it a sociopathic disregard for the future of our children?

Is is the ostrich syndrome that sticking you head in the sand will make problems go away?

Is it deep self hate that incapacitates ones confidence there can be found real solutions out there?

Whatever it is, what's really killing the planet is human neurosis.


You like to REWRITE history. First off...if there is anyone to blame for ALGORE not winning florida, it was ALGORE and his lawyers.

Here is where he failed AGAIN FOR THE 100th time:

1. Not letting the Florida Vote be certified.
2. Cherry Picking which counties get recounted.

The Cherry Picking is why the USSC was able to step in.



Jul 1, 2004
What's going on here is the Republicans are pissed off at their competition in the fear market.

Americans will vote for whoever is out to save them, whichever party gives them the best security blanket. They just want to sleep well at night knowing their party is working so hard to save them.

So we have the two parties screaming "terrorism!" and "global warming!" and Americans are eating it up, all the while, trying to find a comfortable way of sitting down with a huge government vaccum cleaner attached to their wallets.

In the end, I don't want to blame the parties, I'd rather blame their constituents, for being stupid enough to fall for these shenanigans. But I can't, because there's a fucking vacuum cleaner attached to my wallet as well, and frankly, I'm getting pretty sick of it.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: bamacre
What's going on here is the Republicans are pissed off at their competition in the fear market.

Americans will vote for whoever is out to save them, whichever party gives them the best security blanket. They just want to sleep well at night knowing their party is working so hard to save them.

So we have the two parties screaming "terrorism!" and "global warming!" and Americans are eating it up, all the while, trying to find a comfortable way of sitting down with a huge government vaccum cleaner attached to their wallets.

In the end, I don't want to blame the parties, I'd rather blame their constituents, for being stupid enough to fall for these shenanigans. But I can't, because there's a fucking vacuum cleaner attached to my wallet as well, and frankly, I'm getting pretty sick of it.

this is an interesting take i never thought of. slow death by drowning or quick death by atomic bomb? both about equally likely i guess.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It's fascinating, psychologically speaking, to try to understand the reaction Gore causes among Republicans, what it is about him that causes them to react so bizarrely. Could it be guilt, the knowledge that they stole his victory in Florida by not allowing and pushing that all votes be counted and saddled us with the worst disaster in American history, or is it some sort of other deep form of denial, a reluctance to spend money to save their own asses, or a fear of facing the facts that all life on earth is in danger?

Whatever it is, it's obviously insane and completely irrational.

Republicans, of course, have mostly been played by corporations to think their own interests and corporate interests are the same, but to be played you need a mental weakness that can be exploited. It's interesting to try to uncover what it is.

Is it greed, the disinclination to pay for planetary health?

Is it a sociopathic disregard for the future of our children?

Is is the ostrich syndrome that sticking you head in the sand will make problems go away?

Is it deep self hate that incapacitates ones confidence there can be found real solutions out there?

Whatever it is, what's really killing the planet is human neurosis.


You like to REWRITE history. First off...if there is anyone to blame for ALGORE not winning florida, it was ALGORE and his lawyers.

Here is where he failed AGAIN FOR THE 100th time:

1. Not letting the Florida Vote be certified.
2. Cherry Picking which counties get recounted.

The Cherry Picking is why the USSC was able to step in.

Who cares why the Supreme Coup stepped in. It's what they did after they stepped in that matters. They did not demand a full and just recount of all the Florida vote which was the only way to determine who actually won the election, and we know that when the consortium of news papers did that count, Gore won. Because one person brings a bad case to court doesn't mean the court is then entitled to reach a bad decision. The Supreme Coup substituted their vote for the people of Florida, and elected the loser.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Originally posted by: bamacre
What's going on here is the Republicans are pissed off at their competition in the fear market.

Americans will vote for whoever is out to save them, whichever party gives them the best security blanket. They just want to sleep well at night knowing their party is working so hard to save them.

So we have the two parties screaming "terrorism!" and "global warming!" and Americans are eating it up, all the while, trying to find a comfortable way of sitting down with a huge government vaccum cleaner attached to their wallets.

In the end, I don't want to blame the parties, I'd rather blame their constituents, for being stupid enough to fall for these shenanigans. But I can't, because there's a fucking vacuum cleaner attached to my wallet as well, and frankly, I'm getting pretty sick of it.

this is an interesting take i never thought of. slow death by drowning or quick death by atomic bomb? both about equally likely i guess.

Probably the seeking of political power is a neurotic need for control, a need that arises out of fear. If so, it should follow rather logically that politicians motivated by their own fear would seek to scare you too, to put them in control.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
It's fascinating, psychologically speaking, to try to understand the reaction Gore causes among Republicans, what it is about him that causes them to react so bizarrely. Could it be guilt, the knowledge that they stole his victory in Florida by not allowing and pushing that all votes be counted and saddled us with the worst disaster in American history, or is it some sort of other deep form of denial, a reluctance to spend money to save their own asses, or a fear of facing the facts that all life on earth is in danger?

Whatever it is, it's obviously insane and completely irrational.

Republicans, of course, have mostly been played by corporations to think their own interests and corporate interests are the same, but to be played you need a mental weakness that can be exploited. It's interesting to try to uncover what it is.

Is it greed, the disinclination to pay for planetary health?

Is it a sociopathic disregard for the future of our children?

Is is the ostrich syndrome that sticking you head in the sand will make problems go away?

Is it deep self hate that incapacitates ones confidence there can be found real solutions out there?

Whatever it is, what's really killing the planet is human neurosis.


You like to REWRITE history. First off...if there is anyone to blame for ALGORE not winning florida, it was ALGORE and his lawyers.

Here is where he failed AGAIN FOR THE 100th time:

1. Not letting the Florida Vote be certified.
2. Cherry Picking which counties get recounted.

The Cherry Picking is why the USSC was able to step in.

Who cares why the Supreme Coup stepped in. It's what they did after they stepped in that matters. They did not demand a full and just recount of all the Florida vote which was the only way to determine who actually won the election, and we know that when the consortium of news papers did that count, Gore won. Because one person brings a bad case to court doesn't mean the court is then entitled to reach a bad decision. The Supreme Coup substituted their vote for the people of Florida, and elected the loser.

The Fla Supreme court made a bad decision by allowing the cherry picking of counties for a recount and not enforcing consistent guidance in the recount process.

The US stated that a recount must be done properly, not cherry picking.

They also stated that it was up to the State to determine if they would certify the re-count prior to the Electoral college vote.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Who cares why the Supreme Coup stepped in. It's what they did after they stepped in that matters. They did not demand a full and just recount of all the Florida vote which was the only way to determine who actually won the election, and we know that when the consortium of news papers did that count, Gore won. Because one person brings a bad case to court doesn't mean the court is then entitled to reach a bad decision. The Supreme Coup substituted their vote for the people of Florida, and elected the loser.
Sounds like a straw man to me... GoPack shows that your argument didn't hold water so now you want to change the basis of the discussion.

GoPack is 100% right, Al Gore loss because his lawyers and him screwed up by being overly political. If they had acted 'high minded' and asked for a total state recount he might have been able to win.

The Supreme Court didn't 'elect' anyone, they just stopped Gore and company from violating the rights of everyone in Florida who did not live in one of Gore's hand picked counties. After the court stepped in the state certified the vote count that it had at the time and Bush won.


Feb 18, 2004
let's say global warming isn't man-made and there's nothing we can do about it.

what's the worst that happens from trying to live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle and lower the amount of fossile fuels we use?


Apr 15, 2001
Moonbeam, go troll somewhere else. This thread isn't about GWB or your hero Al Gore's defeat in 2000.

Let's keep it on topic.


Feb 7, 2005

"Carbon dioxide, a molecule which contains one atom of carbon bonded with two atoms of oxygen, is a naturally occurring colorless gas exhaled by humans and metabolized, in turn, by plants," Bush told a stunned White House press corps. "As a leading industrialized nation, we can no longer afford to ignore the growing consensus of so many experts whose job it is to study our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is real."

Many of those whom Bush has long considered to be his most loyal followers, however, have expressed disappointment with the development.

"There is nothing about any 'carbon dioxide' in the Bible," said Rev. Luke Hatfield of Christchurch Ministries in Topeka, KS. "What's next? Claims that so-called 'fossil' fuels come from mythical creatures like dinosaurs? This has been a sad step backward for our nation."

A White House spokesman was careful to categorize the announcement as "cautious," and reiterated that the president is still not ready to take any position on the existence of polar ice caps, ozone, or a controversial idea held by many scientists and often referred to as "weather."


Great, we're halfway there!


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: ChunkiMunki
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.

I don't think thats the issue really.

I think there is a danger that this fear and hysteria that is trying to be generated will lead to facism.

Oh, brother. The generated fear and hysteria that can lead to fascism is coming from the republican party - 9/11, Iraq, 9/11, Iran, 9/11 9/11 - not global warming.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: ChunkiMunki
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.

I don't think thats the issue really.

I think there is a danger that this fear and hysteria that is trying to be generated will lead to facism.

Or at the very least lead to poverty as we take knee jerk reactions and enact them by force on the population. Maybe not us, although that is debatable, but the developing world certainly would be impacted if the UN told them they either couldn't develop or that they had to do it to our very expensive standards.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: ChunkiMunki
I would rather error on the side of clean air and reduced emissions rather than find out too late we f0cked our own planet. What is so bad about not sh!tting in your own house? keep it clean i say.

I don't think thats the issue really.

I think there is a danger that this fear and hysteria that is trying to be generated will lead to facism.

Oh, brother. The generated fear and hysteria that can lead to fascism is coming from the republican party - 9/11, Iraq, 9/11, Iran, 9/11 9/11 - not global warming.
I know, that's rich:roll:

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