

Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
i went for my first time today(actually, tagballing, instead of paint they are little rubber balls- more pain, less mess) how many people here have gone/like paint/tag balling?

our guns were only set at 150feet/sec though. the ref's carried 360feet/sec


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 1999
yup sure do!
every dern weekend...well not anymore

carry a super moded spyder shutter. it's running at over 500fps w/ my new spring giddup.
i use that to take out a man or two at the beginning of games while they are running to their bunkers unaware of the beast i am carrying, heeehe


Golden Member
Dec 22, 1999
I've gone a few times with my friend. He got me into it last year. It's so DAMN fun


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2000
500fps?! :Q that's gonna leave a BIG mark, lol. these were weak enough to feel, but you just wear a sweatshirt and it doesn't hurt. the 360 he carried put a dent in the wall(these are rubber balls, not paint) but 500, all i can say is "ooooooowwwwwwwww"

and i'm going to bed, night all

Buddha Bart

Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
I have either reffed or played a game every weekend for nearly 3 years. Last year I started slackign on it because I'm here at college.

abracadabra: I pray for your sake you are lying about that 500fps. You most likely are, for one you use a spyder shutter, a sure sign of ignorance, and for two, getting a paintball out the barrel at 500fps is damn near impossible, because that much of an air burst will usually break it.
whether or not you're lying, I really hope you manage to shoot yourself, or one of your fellow retard friends shoots you with a paintball at 500fps. Your kind of ignorance deserves that kind of pain.



Diamond Member
Nov 18, 1999

<< abracadabra: I pray for your sake you are lying about that 500fps. You most likely are, for one you use a spyder shutter, a sure sign of ignorance, and for two, getting a paintball out the barrel at 500fps is damn near impossible, because that much of an air burst will usually break it. >>

nope no lie. but what i didn't make clear was that i don't play the whole game at that rate. once i bunker myself i drop it down to the field-mandated 285fps (i have a mark on the velocity adjuster knob).
i resent what you said about the shutter. it's a damn fine gun. i know you'll probably say i wasted my money in buying a shutter if i was planning on modding it and that a tl or tl plus (or even the regular spyder) would have been a much better investment.
well i liked the anodizing on the gun, so i bought it and modded it.
btw it doesn't do 500fps...but it does do 440fps. i use marbalizers btw.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
I'm with Bart, 500 fps, is irresponsible if you are shooting that fast. Thats gonna hurt really bad


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
I've never heard of tag-ball. New? Paintball, hell yes, although I only play about once a month. I've got a stock spyder, but I want to get one of the older Tippman carbine &quot;factory specials&quot; any ideas anyone?


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< for one you use a spyder shutter, a sure sign of ignorance >>

While I agree about him being stupid and irresposible for the speed (if he's even being truthfull, which I doubt), what the hell do you have against Spyders? They are very good guns for the price and perfect for someone who isn't doing pro level tourney's or just doesn't have the cash to shell out for a mag or cocker. You could certainly do a lot worse in the same price range.


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 1999
500 fps or anything over that is stupid fast. You might as well just start throwing rocks at people's goggles at that point. Even if it is for one or two quick shots, it is not right. If someone shot me with a gun at that rate and got me somewhere good (or bad depending on your point of view) I would never play with them again and would likely break their gun on a tree. Getting that off shot that hits you in the neck under a collar is bad enough, at 500 fps, it can cause serious damage.


Senior member
Nov 14, 1999
500fps is insane. Even 440fps is insane. Wouldn't even something like 375fps almost crack someone's goggles? Anyways, I kinda agree with Buddha Bart. A Spyder is a nice gun and all, but if you're gonna mod it like mad, might as well invest in a different gun. I myself have a Mini-Mag and a Mini-Lite.
BTW, is toph talkinga about AirSoft? I'm starting to get interested in taht as it is cheaper in the long-run(and they have 1:1 scale replica guns).


Senior member
Nov 5, 1999
I play paintball (but not in the last couple of months). I have a Spyder and 20oz Remote CO2 system.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
What gun do you suggest someone who wants to mod a spyder invest in? Any mag or cocker caliber gun costs more than a tricked out spyder just for the base unit with no extras at all.


Senior member
Oct 22, 1999
I love paintballing. I got a Rhino Spitfire. Even with rubber balls though, 150 ft/sec is slow as mess. Easy stuff to dodge. My buddies and I play right under 200 ft/sec. But only because the guys with Talons can't keep up and it's not fair to them whine whine whine...


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
If they wanted to keep up they should have bought a real gun instead of that little toy thing.

Buddha Bart

Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
A spyder from the get go is a poor gun.
Yes you can do worse, but you can also do a lot better. Mainly the Model 98 (an excellent gun)

From my work at the field and the store I cannot begin to tell you how many hundreds (seriously, hundreds) of spyders I've had to fix, most with the SAME problems they've had since the design was introduced (not even by kingman, but in the original patriots).
The Kingman corporation does not care. They rely much more heavily on marketing, and having become the de-facto standard than they do on quality or improvement.
Anyway, as much as I dislike the spyder, you can make it a nice enough gun with a lot of work. But you have to be smart enough to see through all the BS like rear-cocking and venturi-bolts. People who buy a shutter, have bought into what are essentially bald-faced lies.

abra: the fact that you think a mark on your velocity adjuster will bring you down to 285 continues to show just how stupid you are. There are soooooo many other variables to a paintball speed, that your little mark does nothing. Warm day means higher pressure CO2, so higher velocity, cold day opposite. Humid day means slightly swelled balls, so they take more push to go through the barrel so slower, dry day opposite. Even if you only use marbalizer every batch is a little different, so speed will vary. Different barrel, different velocity. Anyway, back to my oridginal intenet, I hope you Die. (have a bad day)

Zeeliv: There's basically 3 classes of guns
-absloute crap (talons, stingrays, mostly stuff from Brass Eagle)
-blowbacks (this includes over/under blowbacks like the spyder, or in-line blowbakcs like the Model98)
-competition guns (everything from the mag up to the dark LCD angel)

Frankly, any dime you can scrounge getting yourself into the competition class is worth it in the long run. But, if you need to work on the cheap, here are some pointers.
-Go with a model 98, its an amazing piece of work. And has gotten to be very upgradeable.
-Start with nitro. CO2 is little more than &quot;white sh!t&quot; (my quote). You can usualy get tanks used for a decent price, or go with a crossfire type of tank (screws in like a co2 tank). Frankly, if at all possible, spend your money on a Flatline. One of the best bang/buck's in nitro.
-IGNORE THE HYPE. Frankly, the paintball industry AMAZES me with the downright lies it gets away with in advertising. &quot;Venturi&quot; bolts are complete BS, Rear cocking was a fad started to make spyders look a little like cockers, and is actualy a real pain in the ass to deal with. No barrel will ever give you more range than another barrel. Rifling or Spiral Porting will not improve accuracy, and in some cases can completely ruin it.

anyway, this post is getting really long. If you need a place to shop, check out D&amp;R Sports, the owner, and myself, can be found on IRC in Afternet's #Paintball.


ps: die abra, die.


Senior member
Dec 16, 1999
Ab.. Your a sh!t for playing with your gun jacked. Play by the rules or leave. If I go to a public field and some sh!t is firing higher then the field rate I want em out. If you want to shoot your friends with that crap on a closed field.. feel free jackass. Masks are rated for 300 fps. I don't know what to say about a ref playing at 360.. sounds like another jackass to me.


Buddha Bart

Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Vik: its a very reliable gun, but it'll be a little annoying from the performance end. You have to smooth out the sear and totaly re-spring the trigger to get it to shoot fast.
Plus its not as upgradeable as the Model98.
The pro-carbine is really designed to be a rental gun for fields. Perform ok, and take an extreme amount of abuse.


[edit]woah! I almost went an entire post without telling abra to F-off and Die[/edit]


Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Hey BB, different barrels DO increase distance and accuracy. How can you work at a pro shop and not know that? Here's a simple test for you. Take a gun with a stock barrel and immobilize it. Fire shots and check the grouping. Switch to a quality barrel (SP, Dye, ACI, etc) and do another grouping. I can guaruntee you will see a difference. I've performed this test myself. Also, a couple years ago, a gun fanatic (non-retailer) did a benchmark of many of the different popular types of barrels. There were some very interesting results. I may still have this bookmarked at home. If I do, I'll post the link.


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 1999
I sold my Micro Mag to pay for some classes, and have since bought a gas blow back Beretta 92FS (airsoft) and am saving toward a MP5-A4 or SD5 (again, airsoft ) I've never heard of tagball tho.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've been outta the paint ball scene for a few years now. Back in either 96 or 97 i got myself a Tagline TS1 full auto paintball gun. Put me back about 1,200 bucks, i was getting serious.

That gun was AMAZING. 14 pbs (paintballs per second) is what i got mine up to, and that thing was INSANELY loud... not the standard &quot;pahthunk&quot; sound that most paintball guns give off, but this sounded like a REAL GUN.

When i first got it, i had a spare co2 bottle but no paintballs, so i just gassed it up and fired off some blank shots... I dropped the gun after hte first few shots, it was SOOOO loud i scared myself. This is in a very urban area btw, right in the suburbs. I quickly ran inside, and wasnt long before a couple cop cruisers started to circle aroudn the neighbourhood (someone phoned in hearing shots fired) heh...

Anyways it was only a week after i got it that i got hte cahcne to use it in battle. Really wasnt fair though, somep eople were still using PUMP GUNS!!! my god those are ancient! hehehe and here is me Mr Rambo blowing htem away at 14 pbs!! Plus my field never had a full auto rule, no one there had one. Angels were jsut coming onto the scene at that time and no one had seen one in person. So to be fair i switched my gun to semi auto (what a nice guy i am huh?)

Anyways, one word of advice, dont try and be a sniper with this gun. Again, it is SO LOUD that it will give your position away immediatly. I used it mostly to help pin other guys down, no one would poke their neck out to see what wa sgoin on, giving my team the chance to out flank them.

I guess i was the HW Guy (heavy weapnos guy) like in half life's TFC

was fun a gun...i had it for about a year, then sold it as I didnt have the time and I was only 17 i think when i got the gun and needed the cash for computer stuff.

However when i had the gun i was just itching for someon to break into my house, nothing like hearing a bunch of paint balls zing'in by your head from a full auto machine paintball gun heheh

Now i've been outta hte scene for a good 3 years, no clue what is &quot;cool/good&quot; anymore.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
A few things:

- I'd heard that spyder makes some decent guns - haven't played with em myself though
- people say the masks are rated for 300 FPS but I bet there is a big margin of error. Either way if somebody even so much as joked about playing with their gun shooting at 440 I'd rip their mask off and shoot them in the eye. I think that 440 could certainly break some masks. ~300 is enough to make me have to compose myself instead of getting mad when I'm hit and people do sometimes complain when I hit them at that speed (whiners hehe), but more than that would seriously hurt like mad and that isn't including the blindness the victim would get with an eye shot!

I played yesterday in fact, my friend and I use Tippman 98's we bought this year. Budha bart is good to have recommended them if you don't have the cash for competition guns. They are not a particularly pricey gun but for the price they are commonly considered the best you can get in that price range. Very upgradable, very reliable (I've had about 1 ball break in the last 2-3 thousand shots and I don't always use good paint), and quite accurate off the bat. Tippmann's service is supposed to be top-notch too (wouldn't know since my gun works so well heh).

Regarding switching from CO2, it is better but make sure you are going to play enough to make it worth it. I spent about $350 this year on gear at the beginning of the year and have played only 6 its gonna take a while to get my money's worth. If I'd gone to a different air system it would have cost me a small fortune just for that... for instance with the scuba tank setups that some people use I wouldn't bother unless you fire a LOT of paint, like you play speedball every weekend and you and your friends are crazy with the air you use!


Oct 11, 1999
I've played a little for a couple years. I now own a Tippmann Carbine but I don't play much and the cost of paintballs, though better now that a year or two ago, still kicks me in the nuts. Those Airsoft guns look pretty cool. I didn't think they were made for playing like paintball though.


Senior member
Dec 16, 1999
I own a spyder that I bought used from Canobie paintball for $99.00. Cleaned it all up and used it a few time stock.. then I modded the heck out of it.

I also own a Model 98 that I bought used from Canobie for $99.00. Cleaned it up and bought a Flatline barrel kit for it... thats also fun but I think I enjoy my spyder more.

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