Pakistani Coalition parties oppose use of force in Fata

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
ISLAMABAD, July 23: The heads of political parties making up the ruling coalition have called for negotiations to resolve the conflict in tribal areas and opposed the use of force, fearing that it might boomerang on the federation.

The unqualified assertion came after a meeting on Wednesday of heads of political parties at which the Chief of Army Staff and security chiefs took the politicians into confidence on the military operation in tribal areas.

The meeting did not touch the thorny issue of the deposed judges because it was held primarily to discuss the security situation, an official source told Dawn.

It was a lengthy interaction between the coalition leaders and Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who was assisted by heads of premier security agencies.

The meeting resolved not to allow the country?s soil to be used for terrorist activities and to safeguard its sovereignty against foreign intervention.

Briefing reporters after the meeting, Information Minister Sherry Rahman said it had resolved not to allow anyone to challenge the writ of the government or use Pakistan?s soil for terrorist activities.

Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam chief Maulana Fazlur Rahman said the meeting had resolved that since Pakistan was capable of watching its interests, it would not allow any foreign power to interfere in its internal affairs.

Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani presided over the meeting. It was attended, among others, by Pakistan Muslim League-N president Shahbaz Sharif, Maulana Fazl, Awami National Party chief Asfandyar Wali Khan, Pakistan People?s Party?s co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari, Fata parliamentary leader Munir Orakzai, the prime minister?s adviser on interior affairs, ministers for information and state and frontier regions and the NWFP?s governor and the chief minister.

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was not invited.

The first round lasted over five hours. The COAS and heads of security agencies joined the consultations after the first round. They briefed politicians on the security situation and the armed forces? strategy in tribal areas.

Prime Minister Gilani briefed the participants on the situation and activities of the security agencies in tribal areas.

He also replied to the concerns of the ANP, JUI-F and representatives of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas about the ongoing operation.

The sources said the meeting also discussed the prime minister?s coming visit to the United States.

Maulana Fazl and Shahbaz Sharif complained that military operations had been launched without consulting coalition partners.

The sources said that the adviser on interior and the chief secretary and home secretary of the NWFP briefed the coalition leaders on the situation in Fata.

Asfandyar Wali raised questions about a change in the government?s policy on the ?war on terror? and suggested that peaceful means should be given precedence over the use of force.

The leaders urged the government to immediately summon a session of the two houses of parliament to take a unified decision on all matters.

The government indicated that the parliamentary session would be convened soon after the prime minister?s return from the United States.

The coalition partners agreed on a need for maximum investment in less developed areas and improvement of infrastructure in inaccessible areas of Fata to establish the writ of the government.

The JUI-F chief told reporters that it was agreed to tell international players that Pakistan was fully capable of safeguarding its independence without compromising its vital interests and every power should respect this position.

He said participants had decided to implement all accords signed with tribesmen.

The information minister said in a written statement: ?(There was) a clear consensus that the situation warrants the evolution of long-term policies across the board with the support of all political partners.

?It was noted that Pakistan?s national security and internal stability is paramount and that no one will be allowed to challenge the writ of the state. ?It was also agreed in principle that in order to mobilise public support for a greater national consensus on Pakistan?s battle against extremism and militancy, parliament will discuss the formulation of a national policy to address this issue.

?Greater cooperation between federal and provincial governments was also stressed, while the strengthening of civilian law-enforcing agencies was emphasised. To pursue the objective of making inhabitants of the affected area into stakeholders of a durable peace, the committee decided to increase investments in education, employment, development and infrastructure.?

PML-N information secretary Ahsan Iqbal said such meetings should be held periodically to brief the leadership on different issues.

Sources said Maulana Fazl returned to the Prime Minister?s House later to hold another meeting with Mr Gilani and Mr Zardari.

I fully agree with them. Violence is not the solution to this. I hope things get better soon.


Apr 8, 2001
Sounds good, but the problem with pakistan has always been the follow through.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
in other related news, pakistan is approaching collapse?

Lol; the author is an Indian Hindu! And mods take notice of this attempt to hijack my thread.

The author is: Sumit Ganguly is Director of Research of the Center on American and Global Security at Indiana University, Bloomington and an Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles.

See, that the problems with pakistanis - you will look for religion make your judgment based on that. Never mind the man's credentials, if he's not Muslim ... he's against us!!! Pathetic.

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
in other related news, pakistan is approaching collapse?

Lol; the author is an Indian Hindu! And mods take notice of this attempt to hijack my thread.

The author is: Sumit Ganguly is Director of Research of the Center on American and Global Security at Indiana University, Bloomington and an Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles.

See, that the problems with pakistanis - you will look for religion make your judgment based on that. Never mind the man's credentials, if he's not Muslim ... he's against us!!! Pathetic.

He's an Indian American. Look at his name!


Golden Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
He's an Indian American. Look at his name!

Wow, this statement by itself explains why that area of the globe remains engulfed in violent turmoil. You are perfectly willing to completely discount this man's ideas/theories simply because of his name? Did you even read the article? Do you have any counter points to his?

Back to your OP, they may not want violence but are they really going to have that choice? The way things are degrading over there right now, the "peaceful" coalition parties may very well become governed by those they detest simply because they did not have the conviction to forcefully secure their position. Until you can get the hydra of a "ruling" class over there unified, someone willing to be strong and violent could easily garner the support of many of the war torn and tattered tribes with the simple position that the "ruling" class will be defeated.



Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
I'm all for peaceful negotiations where possible, but I imagine that what we're actually talking about here is capitulating to extremists in return for a very temporary lull in violence being imported into other regions of Pakistan.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
in other related news, pakistan is approaching collapse?

Lol; the author is an Indian Hindu! And mods take notice of this attempt to hijack my thread.

The author is: Sumit Ganguly is Director of Research of the Center on American and Global Security at Indiana University, Bloomington and an Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles.

See, that the problems with pakistanis - you will look for religion make your judgment based on that. Never mind the man's credentials, if he's not Muslim ... he's against us!!! Pathetic.

He's an Indian American. Look at his name!

no shit sherlock ...


Golden Member
May 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
in other related news, pakistan is approaching collapse?

Lol; the author is an Indian Hindu! And mods take notice of this attempt to hijack my thread.

The author is: Sumit Ganguly is Director of Research of the Center on American and Global Security at Indiana University, Bloomington and an Adjunct Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles.

See, that the problems with pakistanis - you will look for religion make your judgment based on that. Never mind the man's credentials, if he's not Muslim ... he's against us!!! Pathetic.

Because 9 times out of 10, Indian Hindus are against Pakistan. Even the ones that I would consider "friends" would stab you in the back if it meant helping a fellow Indian.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I thought an Indian is somebody who helps you get back on line and a Pakistani somebody who rents out rooms.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
While it is the US perspective that Pakistan should exterminate all extremists in the tribal regions, from a Pakistani perspective, as long as extremists in the tribal regions of Pakistan make no mischief against Pakistani interests, why should Pakistan waste the lives of its troops to bail out Nato in Afghanistan? As it is. Pakistan has lost more troops than Nato, and when the US and Nato refuse to co ordinate with Pakistani troops, the result is that too many Pakistani troop deaths come from US forces.

As it is, Pakistan has fulfilled its part of the contract, and its Nato that has not allocated the troops necessary to control Afghanistan. And in the modern parts non tribal area of Pakistan, the US presence in Afghanistan does contribute to other divisive political issues in Pakistan. But fear of India does give the US leverage but the US first needs to ask what they can do for Pakistan in terms of long term commitments. Diplomacy is always a two way street in any administration except GWB&co.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: yllus
I'm all for peaceful negotiations where possible, but I imagine that what we're actually talking about here is capitulating to extremists in return for a very temporary lull in violence being imported into other regions of Pakistan.

There is this small matter of picking the right battles and avoiding the wrong ones.

Going after Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistand was the right battle. It was justified because Al Qaeda attacked us, and the Taliban supported them and gave them shelter in Afghanistan, and we probably would have been done with them if our Traitor In Chief hadn't taken his eye off the ball and squandered our military resources with his illegal war in Iraq.

Now, we still have the same problems with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and now, they've spread into Pakistan, where they're continuing to plot against us and others who oppose them.

Unfortunately, our forces and our ability to act in our own defense are severely depleted, and the political aspects of dealing with them in Pakistan are much more complicated and difficult. If they succeed in taking over Pakistan, they could have instant access to nukes.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban are our REAL enemies who pose REAL a threat, and we have to deal with them, one way or another. Thank the Traitor In Chief for making everything that much worse for us and the entire world. :thumbsdown: :|

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I guess TGB wants talks with India on the same basis.

Yes; We've put so many options on the table but India won't agree. Why not just have a democratic referendum and let the Kashmiris decide? India says no! Then we say let's just let the current LOC become the permanent border. They say no? What are we to do then?

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: NaughtyGeek
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
He's an Indian American. Look at his name!

Wow, this statement by itself explains why that area of the globe remains engulfed in violent turmoil. You are perfectly willing to completely discount this man's ideas/theories simply because of his name? Did you even read the article? Do you have any counter points to his?

The stock exchange is back up by 10% for one.

The rest of your post is rubbish.

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: yllus
I'm all for peaceful negotiations where possible, but I imagine that what we're actually talking about here is capitulating to extremists in return for a very temporary lull in violence being imported into other regions of Pakistan.

The Taliban and their ideology is nothing new in Pakistan. They haven't been a problem because we haven't confronted them and there's no need to. Even in Afghanistan they only reason they came to power was a power vacuum. If they hadn't come Afghanistan would've had far more loss of life and violation of so called human rights. And now they're fighting a freedom war against an occupation that is illegal.

I'll just make it more clear before some bigots here start saying I support the taliban. I wish they were gone but I don't feel sorry for the Americans killed in Afghanistan.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I guess TGB wants talks with India on the same basis.

Yes; We've put so many options on the table but India won't agree. Why not just have a democratic referendum and let the Kashmiris decide? India says no! Then we say let's just let the current LOC become the permanent border. They say no? What are we to do then?

Yes, pakistan is the bastion & shining beacon of democracy :roll:

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Vonkhan
Originally posted by: The Green Bean
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I guess TGB wants talks with India on the same basis.

Yes; We've put so many options on the table but India won't agree. Why not just have a democratic referendum and let the Kashmiris decide? India says no! Then we say let's just let the current LOC become the permanent border. They say no? What are we to do then?

Yes, pakistan is the bastion & shining beacon of democracy :roll:

India is the one rejecting calls for a democratic referendum.

The Green Bean

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2003
US confirms Pakistan F-16 fleet upgrade WASHINGTON, July 24 (AFP/AP): The United States confirmed Thursday that it planned to shift 230 million dollars in aid to Pakistan from counter-terrorism programs to upgrading the country's F-16 fighter jets. Asked about an article in The New York Times detailing the shift, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters ?that story is accurate? but said the airplanes would be used for counter-terrorism operations. The planes traditionally have not been used in anti-terrorism operations and Congress must approve the switch, which was requested days before Pakistan's new prime minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, is due to meet President George W. Bush at the White House. The request to Congress late last week would allow Pakistan to purchase equipment to upgrade existing planes so that they have similar capabilities to equipment the Bush administration is already selling to Pakistan. The $226 million would come from an allotment already approved for other Pakistan anti-terror operations. The previous request would have upgraded P3-C aircraft, which often are used in surveillance operations, and modernize AH-IF Cobra helicopters. The helicopter work still would be done using different funding, a State Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because discussions with Congress are still preliminary. Switching the money to fix up F-16s would represent a change in the purpose for more than two-thirds of the $300 million that Pakistan will receive this year in U.S. military underwriting for Pakistan's equipment and training. U.S. assistance and other payments to Pakistan have totaled $9.6 billion in the six budget years since 9/11, according to the State Department. (First Posted @ 10:50 PST Updated @ 20:04 PST)

haha!! I doubt these planes are for anything other than a deterrent against India and leverage against Afghanistan.
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