Palestinian: Donors wary of funding Hamas-run Gaza


Jul 13, 2005
The international community is waking up and calling Hamas just what they are....not to be trusted!!

I thought Hamas has the best interest of the Palestinians at heart....

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — The deputy Palestinian prime minister said Tuesday that international donors are hesitant to fund the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip so long as Hamas remains in control there and the specter of future wars looms.

Mohammed Mustafa, a top official in the West Bank Palestinian Authority, said international bodies are eager for President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah forces to take on a leading role in Gaza in the wake of a 50-day war between Israel and Hamas that killed more than 2,000 people.

With Hamas still committed to Israel's destruction and with an arsenal of rockets still at its disposal, the donors are wary of rebuilding, Mustafa said. This summer's war was the third in less than six years.

"Some donors say why sponsor Israeli wars in Gaza every two years," Mustafa said. "Some donor countries are concerned because of the atmosphere on the ground ... because the reconstruction is not possible without enabling the (Palestinian) government to take the lead in all aspect of life in Gaza."

Mustafa said despite the obstacles, the Palestinian Authority had launched a relief plan for Gaza and will call for a donor conference in Egypt next month. Egypt announced late Tuesday the conference, co-sponsored by Norway, would be held Oct. 12.

In Washington, Maen Areikat, ambassador and chief representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization delegation to the U.S., said that while donors are nervous, the Palestinian Authority has received indications that many are willing to contribute to a massive reconstruction effort. "I think Hamas understands that everything is going to be channeled through the Palestinian Authority. They are not arguing with that."

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Mustafa and U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator James Rawley released a new appeal Tuesday for $551 million for emergency aid in Gaza, up from the $367 million requested in Aug. 1.

He said the assistance is needed for food and basic supplies, expanding access to health, water and education, protection of the population and psycho-social support. He said the aid will be provided through the government, U.N. agencies and international and local aid groups.

Dujarric said Rawley stressed that the appeal is not a solution and called for fundamental changes including a continued cease-fire, the full lifting of the blockade and a political solution.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, the Israeli navy arrested four Palestinian fishermen and seized their boat Tuesday, a Gaza official said, in one of the first instances of friction between the sides since the Gaza war ended last month.

The incident occurred off the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya, said Nizar Ayyash of the Gaza Fishermen's Union. He provided no additional details.

Israeli military said two vessels were involved in the incident. It said the vessels were operating outside of their permitted maritime limit, and after ignoring requests to move closer to shore, were boarded by naval personnel and seized.

Israel and Hamas-led militants in Gaza ended 50 days of intensive fighting on Aug. 26 and committed to enter into indirect truce talks in Cairo aimed at developing a sustainable roadmap for the future of the densely-populated coastal territory.

As part of the cease-fire deal that halted the fighting, Israel doubled the maritime area in which Gaza fishermen are permitted to operate from five to nine kilometers (three to six miles).


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Haven't you already posted such a critique against Hamas in an opening post of another thread of yours? Regardless if you ever may have valid points, why start a new one? How many threads are necessary? Why do you waste the forum's time?

Besides your previous thread calling for the ethic cleansing of Palestinians was rightly derided as propaganda BS, and of course you ran away. JEDIYoda, it's a dishonest shotgun to promote Israeli-state propaganda. With the volume of new yet related threads and your regular running away from discussion you keep starting, the label of a troll is well earned.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
I'm sure he was paid $0.25 for this post by the Israeli government. Money well spent and earned I'm sure.


Mar 6, 2008
Not everyone. I rather enjoy JEDIYoda's posts, especially considering the volume of Palestinian & Hamas propaganda so many others in this forums propagate.

I understand and agree with the bolded, but the stuff he posts is generally completely beyond rational thought. He makes me feel bad about myself for being on the same side as he is in some threads.


Jul 13, 2005
Besides your previous thread calling for the ethic cleansing of Palestinians was rightly derided as propaganda BS, and of course you ran away. JEDIYoda, it's a dishonest shotgun to promote Israeli-state propaganda. With the volume of new yet related threads and your regular running away from discussion you keep starting, the label of a troll is well earned.
You have gone on record claiming that Israel should not defend themselves and should just sit back and allow the missiles to drop on Israel!
You in essense are calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Israeli really need to back off with that ethnic cleansing crap Whiskey....

In that link you posted I never once called for the ethnic cleansing of any group......

Yet you on the other hand constantly call for the ethnic cleansing of the Israeli population.

Just the mere suggestion that they don`t fight back is a call for ethnic cleansing!

We can keep going back and forth......but you know I have never called for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Truth be told I have always sided on a 2 sate solution....but you will never discuss that because you like to level accusations of a call for ethnic cleansing....when you are they very person who started calling fo the ethnic cleansing of all Israeli citizens!


Jul 13, 2005
If you go back and see how many threads I start on this subject verses ho many threads SandEagle starts against Israel there is a huge difference between his amount and point of this thread is simple -- If the Palestinians could get rid of Hamas the rest of the world just might rally around trying to help the Palestinians.....


Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
You have gone on record claiming that Israel should not defend themselves and should just sit back and allow the missiles to drop on Israel!
You in essense are calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Israeli really need to back off with that ethnic cleansing crap Whiskey....

I know you say are fluent in several different languages and all that..maybe you just can't read or write in any of them.
May I see the quote of Whiskey where he said what you posted here?


Jul 13, 2005
I know you say are fluent in several different languages and all that..maybe you just can't read or write in any of them.
May I see the quote of Whiskey where he said what you posted here?
You have a computer and mouse ...look for it.....Whiskey stated that Israel should not defend herself against the missiles being fired....because the missiles were not causing any damage.......duh...anyways -- I stand by my accusations of what whiskey meant...because whiskey continually uses the words -- Ethnic cleansing which in noway is truthful or factual!

I am all for a 2 state solution to this mess and I honestly believe that Hamas representing the Palestinians is not in their best interest!

I as well as most Israeli`s , I believe wish there could be a two state solution.

I am not talking about the government...I am talking about the Israeli`s on the street!!



Nov 11, 1999
Too bad that donors aren't wary of funding Likud-run Israel's military that creates the need for donors to the Pals.

Or is the idea of proportionate response too deep to ponder?


Nov 11, 1999
so if the Palestinians attacked Israel with BB guns , Israel should retaliate using BB guns??

That`s asinine!!

Last I checked, there were ~20 dead Israelis & 2000 dead Pals.

An eye for an eye is one thing, 100:1 is entirely another.

Not to mention that the scale of the damage to Gaza probably exceeds the scale of the damage to Israel even more than that.

Not that our resident Hasbara Troll would bring that up, of course.

When 3 Israelis were killed in Jerusalem, actually under Israeli Jurisdiction, the Israelis jailed 300 Pals for "questioning". When Hamas hotheads fired off some rockets from Gaza in retaliation, it was time to kick Palestinian ass, again, so the Pals fired off more rockets which basically didn't do shit in the greater scheme of things. Meanwhile, the IDF blasted the shit out of whatever they wanted in Gaza. As the dust settled, Israel announced annexation of more West Bank territory, because, well, because the Pals deserve to be screwed even harder, obviously, and because Israel played America for suckers, again.

Any questions?


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
I know you say are fluent in several different languages and all that..maybe you just can't read or write in any of them.
May I see the quote of Whiskey where he said what you posted here?
He can't do any such thing. JEDIYoda is known troll who will lie through his teeth all to stir shit up:
Whiskey stated that Israel should not defend herself against the missiles being fired....
You lying fuck.

Despite rules against misrepresentation, that is what the P&N welcomes.
JEDIYoda is well aware of what he can get away with and is present to disrupt, lie, and to troll.
Nov 25, 2013
He can't do any such thing. JEDIYoda is known troll who will lie through his teeth all to stir shit up:
You lying fuck.

Despite rules against misrepresentation, that is what the P&N welcomes.
JEDIYoda is well aware of what he can get away with and is present to disrupt, lie, and to troll.

And you walk into it with eyes wide open every single time. I have to ask, why bother? Do the ravings of some anonymous Hasbara propagandist on some internet forum really matter that much?


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
And you walk into it with eyes wide open every single time. I have to ask, why bother? Do the ravings of some anonymous Hasbara propagandist on some internet forum really matter that much?
No, he's become well notorious for what he presents himself to be. But it would be more pleasant to clean this place up.

Hardly tough, either. Only a few are responsible for the most infractions of the posted rules.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Since this is the most recent of man Isreali/Palestinian threads, what does our resident Hasbara troll think of this:

Israeli intelligence veterans refuse to spy on Palestinians

Dozens of veterans of an elite Israeli military signals intelligence unit have said they will no longer serve in operations against Palestinians.

Forty-three past and present reservists signed a letter about Unit 8200, which carries out electronic surveillance.

They said the intelligence it gathered - much of it concerning innocent people - was used to "deepen military rule" in the Occupied Territories.

"We refuse to take part in actions against Palestinians and refuse to continue serving as a tool for deepening military rule in the Occupied Territories," the letter added.

"Intelligence allows ongoing control over millions of people, thorough and intrusive monitoring and invasion into most aspects of life. All of this does not allow for normal living, fuels more violence and puts off any end to the conflict."
Israeli aggression upon occupied territories and the oppressed population are the source for instigation tensions. Israel is responsible. Symptoms of such injustice return elements that are certainly as extreme as the militant wing of Hamas and other groups. Such is the nature of insurrections and resistance.

In growing stature, more Israelis become morally averse to the criminal actions of their state government and, for the greater and respectful security of all in the region, do voice opposition to militarily perverse and antagonising rule that is to implement the pogroms of Apartheid (applicable definition of that crime) and lebensraum.

Those are the facts. Israelis are increasingly disgusted by the injustices and degrading provocations by their government. Israeli propaganda, as presented by JEDIYoda, is well in line with the Hasbara briefs to demean all Palestinians/Arabs as generally "stupid,:"

Actually they [Arabs] are stupid......look what the Israelis accomplished agriculturally with the land they had.....turning baren land in to food producing land...
....inferior, and aligned for perpetual violence against Israel. The mere existence of Israel and Jews is an instigator enough.

No, many more Israelis will not abide by the same supremacist and marginalising line that enabled past regimes as were found in South Africa and Germany, that held certain and whiter people as the inherent and warranted tenants of the land, and to maintain control of that land, through whatever means chosen, at the expense of the demeaned heathens...

Racist and unjust states are usually fairly easy to identity. It just takes more people as above to stand up against them and thereby attempt to deter the great damage and insecurity that such criminals incur.


Jul 13, 2005
You lying fuck.<-- If I am lying then you should be able to go back and show me using your own posts where I am wrong....unless I am right..
Despite rules against misrepresentation, that is what the P&N welcomes.
JEDIYoda is well aware of what he can get away with and is present to disrupt, lie, and to troll. <-- it`s all perspective -- You accuse of genocide -- anybody who says Israel should be able to defend itself.......


Jul 13, 2005
Since this is the most recent of man Isreali/Palestinian threads, what does our resident Hasbara troll think of this:

Start your own thread.....instead of trying to deflect --

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) &#8212; The deputy Palestinian prime minister said Tuesday that international donors are hesitant to fund the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip so long as Hamas remains in control there and the specter of future wars looms.

Mohammed Mustafa, a top official in the West Bank Palestinian Authority, said international bodies are eager for President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah forces to take on a leading role in Gaza in the wake of a 50-day war between Israel and Hamas that killed more than 2,000 people.

With Hamas still committed to Israel's destruction and with an arsenal of rockets still at its disposal, the donors are wary of rebuilding, Mustafa said. This summer's war was the third in less than six years.

"Some donors say why sponsor Israeli wars in Gaza every two years," Mustafa said. "Some donor countries are concerned because of the atmosphere on the ground ... because the reconstruction is not possible without enabling the (Palestinian) government to take the lead in all aspect of life in Gaza."

Israeli intelligence veterans refuse to spy on Palestinians

Dozens of veterans of an elite Israeli military signals intelligence unit have said they will no longer serve in operations against Palestinians.

Forty-three past and present reservists signed a letter about Unit 8200, which carries out electronic surveillance.

They said the intelligence it gathered - much of it concerning innocent people - was used to "deepen military rule" in the Occupied Territories.

"We refuse to take part in actions against Palestinians and refuse to continue serving as a tool for deepening military rule in the Occupied Territories," the letter added.

"Intelligence allows ongoing control over millions of people, thorough and intrusive monitoring and invasion into most aspects of life. All of this does not allow for normal living, fuels more violence and puts off any end to the conflict."
It must be hard for you to have to accept the fact that Hamas is the main problem when it comes to rebuilding the Gaza Strip!

So what do you do you enter my thread and you attempt to thread crap.....which is what you are doing and not very well!!

You really need to look in the mirror before you accuse others of what what you do....


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
So what do you do you enter my thread and you attempt to thread crap.....which is what you are doing and not very well!!
Report me to moderation then. I have stayed on topic of the Israeli/Palestinian situation. I have correctly expressed offence to your lies and intentional misrepresentation or logical fallacies of things I have never said.
You have gone on record claiming that Israel should not defend themselves and should just sit back and allow the missiles to drop on Israel!
You in essense are calling for the ethnic cleansing of the Israeli really need to back off with that ethnic cleansing crap Whiskey....

If I am lying then you should be able to go back and show me using your own posts where I am wrong....unless I am right..
You lying, pathetic fuck.

I have never stated any such thing. In your inability to quote me, as no such statements of mine exist, you lie, and then have the stupidity to claim the onus is on me to prove a negative? You bloody, self-proclaimed troll.

Let's have an open discussion upon the published forum rules:

1. No thread-crapping, thread-derailment, off-topic posting, trolling, the intentional posting of logical fallacies or misinformation.
(rule permanently adopted by community vote Jun 06, 2012)
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