Palestinians Murder 4 Jewish Settlers, Wound 7 -- INCLUDING CHILDREN IN THIER BEDS


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Palestinians Kill 4 Jewish Settlers

c. The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (April 27) - Palestinian gunmen disguised as soldiers slipped into an Israeli settlement in the West Bank on Saturday and went from house to house, shooting residents in their bedrooms and killing four people, including a 5-year-old girl, the army said.

One or more attackers cut through the defensive perimeter fence of the Adora settlement, west of Hebron, entered a house and shot a couple in their bedroom, killing a woman. In the upstairs bedroom of the next home, they killed the girl and wounded her mother and two younger brothers, the army and survivors said.

At least seven people were wounded in the attack, which began around 9 a.m. The attackers disappeared, said Lt. Gen. Amos Ben Avraham.

It was the worst attack on a West Bank settlement since Israeli forces punched into the area on March 29 in an operation to hunt down Palestinian militants. The Adora killings ratcheted up tensions after Israel withdrew from several main towns last week and negotiations were progressing to resolve two long standoffs.

Overnight, Israeli troops withdrew from Qalqiliya, a town in the northern West Bank, after a daylong incursion. As it withdrew, the army underlined that it would enter any areas ''it feels necessary in order to thwart terrorist activity.''

After the Adora attack, Israeli troops launched a large-scale manhunt in the Hebron region on Saturday, searching Taffuh, the closest Palestinian village. In Hebron, Palestinian security officers abandoned their buildings, expecting an Israeli reprisal.

Israeli troops conducted a house-to-house search in Adora, fearing that at least one gunman may be hiding and holding hostages. But they found no one.

Many of the settlers were attending Sabbath prayers in the synagogue when the attack began. Some rushed to the area to confront the infiltrators but were unable to find them, Avraham said.

Yaakov Shefi, the father of the slain girl, was in the synagogue and rushed home when he heard the shots. Shefi, a policeman, said his wife was sitting with their daughter and two sons, aged 4 and 1, when the gunmen broke into the room and sprayed them with gunfire.

''She remembers pushing the children under the bed. She said, 'Be quiet and don't cry, so that they don't come back,''' Shefi said.

Anat Harari said the gunman shot at her through the kitchen window, wounding her in the shoulder. She fled to the bathroom, where she phoned her parents on her mobile phone.

''I am on the floor, bleeding in a pool of blood, in the bathroom. I stay on the phone with my parents. I am talking to my parents without stopping. I tell them what is going on. I tell them, it's not the army, it's terrorists in disguise. And I wait for help,'' Harari said later from a hospital bed.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. It came several days after Israeli forces killed Marwan Zalloum, the Hebron leader of the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades, a militia linked to Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement.

Israel said it held Arafat's Palestinian Authority responsible, as it does for nearly all Palestinian attacks against Israel or its settlements.

Israeli Cabinet Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, on hearing about the settlement attack, said, ''The war against terror is not over.'' Just before Israel launched its West Bank offensive, a Palestinian attacker killed four Israelis in a West Bank settlement. In December, gunman attacked a bus near a settlement in the northern West Bank, killing 10 people.

In their West Bank offensive, Israeli forces entered villages in the Hebron area, but there were not the large-scale occupations seen elsewhere. Israel scaled back its operation last week, withdrawing from the city centers of several main towns.

Israel and the Palestinians, meanwhile, tried to find ways to resolve standoffs in Ramallah and Bethlehem, where Israel has said it won't completely withdraw its forces until wanted Palestinians in both surrender.

A Palestinian negotiator, Salah Taameri, consulted with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at his besieged headquarters about Israeli proposals to end the 25-day standoff at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, where some 200 people, including 30 militiamen, were under siege. After a nearly three-hour meeting at the Ramallah compound, Taameri returned to Bethlehem.

The focus of negotiations to resolve the standoff centered on the fate of six wanted men holed up inside - whether they will be escorted to the Gaza Strip, as the Palestinians propose, or be sent into exile, as Israel demands.

Palestinians inside the church said by telephone that Israeli snipers shot one man walking in the church courtyard Saturday, wounding him in the abdomen. The Palestinians were trying to arrange his safe evacuation through the international Red Cross.

A U.N. fact-finding mission, which had been due to arrive Saturday to start an investigation into a battle in Jenin refugee camp, was delayed a day because of the Sabbath. Palestinian say Israeli forces indiscriminately killed civilians in the northern West Bank camp. Israel denies the accusation, saying casualties were mainly Palestinian militants killed in fierce gunbattles.

In the second standoff, at Arafat's Ramallah compound, Israel demands the Palestinians hand over six wanted men inside. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told Secretary of State Colin Powell by telephone Friday that he was willing to release Arafat from confinement if he agreed to leave for Gaza or anywhere in the West Bank without the wanted men, an Israeli official said on condition of anonymity.

It appeared unlikely Arafat would agree since he has said he would not hand over the men - five of whom allegedly were involved in the assassination of an Israeli Cabinet minister and the sixth in arms smuggling.

President Bush repeatedly has demanded Israel leave the Palestinian towns. He said Friday he'd had enough of the Israeli incursions. ''It's now time to quit it altogether,'' Bush said.

Israeli forces pulled out of Qalqiliya in the northern West Bank late Friday night.

The army said it had ''neutralized'' three explosives-making laboratories in Qalqiliya and arrested 20 Palestinians, including 11 who remained in custody after troops left the town.

Raed Nazal, the local leader of a radical PLO faction, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was killed in a firefight.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2001
both parties (Palestinians -- Israeli) need some serious brains or this stupid violence will continue

I don't think the situation will be better in the near future


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

<< Sad and despicable. :|

Although children are killed much more frequently, I'd assert, here in the US. 669 young people ages 0-19 died as a result of guns in California (alone) in 1996. Of these: 520 were gun homicides;

What isn't told in this stat is most were 17-19 and were involved in gang violence or some other illegal activity at the time. They weren't innocent little kids murdered while in their beds sleeping.

The very fact that 18 and 19 year olds are added to a stat on "children" shows that it is trying to skew the results. It's a very obvious and old tactic by the gun grabbers.

Of course, the alternative answer to your post would be: But those killers are just oppressed... let's give them their own country!


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
>>>Although children are killed much more frequently, I'd assert, here in the US. 669 young people ages 0-19 died as a result of guns in California (alone) in 1996. Of these: 520 were gun homicides; <<<

This has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of this thread topic. Lucky,spread your manure elseware. :disgust:


Nov 26, 2000


<< Sad and despicable. :|

Although children are killed much more frequently, I'd assert, here in the US. 669 young people ages 0-19 died as a result of guns in California (alone) in 1996. Of these: 520 were gun homicides;

What isn't told in this stat is most were 17-19 and were involved in gang violence or some other illegal activity at the time. They weren't innocent little kids murdered while in their beds sleeping.

The very fact that 18 and 19 year olds are added to a stat on "children" shows that it is trying to skew the results. It's a very obvious and old tactic by the gun grabbers.

Ok, I agree with that. Study of kids 5-14.

The study looked at data from all 50 states from 1988 to 1997. In that period, 6,817 children between 5 and 14 years old died from firearms: 3,447 from homicides, 1,782 from accidental shootings and 1,588 from suicide.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Although children are killed much more frequently, I'd assert, here in the US. 669 young people ages 0-19 died as a result of guns in California (alone) in 1996. Of these: 520 were gun homicides; >>

Yeah but how many kids between the ages of 0-19 have died in the US by blowing themselves up because Sheik Adnon Al Asswipealot said so.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001



<< Sad and despicable. :|

Although children are killed much more frequently, I'd assert, here in the US. 669 young people ages 0-19 died as a result of guns in California (alone) in 1996. Of these: 520 were gun homicides;

What isn't told in this stat is most were 17-19 and were involved in gang violence or some other illegal activity at the time. They weren't innocent little kids murdered while in their beds sleeping.

The very fact that 18 and 19 year olds are added to a stat on "children" shows that it is trying to skew the results. It's a very obvious and old tactic by the gun grabbers.

Ok, I agree with that. Study of kids 5-14.

The study looked at data from all 50 states from 1988 to 1997. In that period, 6,817 children between 5 and 14 years old died from firearms: 3,447 from homicides, 1,782 from accidental shootings and 1,588 from suicide.


I like the wording. "Died from firearms." Do you realize how ridiculous that is?

We can remove suicide. The presense of guns in no way increases the rate of suicide. Even most of the anti-gunners are forced to admit this.

Again, what % of the murders were gang related?

And finally, while any death from an accident sucks, more kids drown in five gallon buckets each year than from unintentional shootings.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999

<< more kids drown in five gallon buckets each year than from unintentional shootings >>

Oh really?


Nov 26, 2000
I like the wording. "Died from firearms." Do you realize how ridiculous that is?

We can remove suicide. The presense of guns in no way increases the rate of suicide. Even most of the anti-gunners are forced to admit this.

Again, what % of the murders were gang related?

I dont understand your feelings towards the wording of "died from firearms". Simply states the facts, that 3,447 young kids were intentionally killed in 8 years. My reason for posting it was I knew there was inevitebly going to be a reaction from some people here to label the palestinians as an ass-backwards, frothing at the mouth, missed-the-evolution-train society. While that may or may not be true, we've got our own serious problems with violence here in the US as well. Can we characterize all of the US based on Andrea Yates or Susan smith? Or all the gang violence?

Either way, Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank. No excuse for killing innocents (and especially children), no matter whether here or in the US.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< more kids drown in five gallon buckets each year than from unintentional shootings >>

Oh really?

Yeah, I can't find that exact stat right now, but...

According to the National Safety Council

In 2000

60 kids aged 5-14 died from unintentional shootings.

260 died from fire

350 died from drowning

1500 dies from automobile accidents

70 died from falls


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< dont understand your feelings towards the wording of "died from firearms". >>

How many kids died from Automobiles, neglect, abuse, choking or Bikes? Why is it when someone dies in a car accident you blame the person driving the car but when you get shot you blame the gun?


Nov 26, 2000


<< dont understand your feelings towards the wording of "died from firearms". >>

How many kids died from Automobiles, neglect, abuse, choking or Bikes? Why is it when someone dies in a car accident you blame the person driving the car but when you get shot you blame the gun?

Ok, I see what you were getting at, but how else do you phrase it when you're trying to write a crammed news article? You guys are playing semantics and interpreting too much. I dug out the gun study to compare apples to apples between the recent even there and our history here.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2001
something has to be done......How can you make peace with such terrorist??????

Peace for what?????


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Palestinians Murder 4 Jewish Settlers, Wound 7 -- INCLUDING CHILDREN IN THIER BEDS >>

OMG, not the gentle, peace-loving Palestinians.


Jun 5, 2001


<< Palestinians Murder 4 Jewish Settlers, Wound 7 -- INCLUDING CHILDREN IN THIER BEDS >>

OMG, not the gentle, peace-loving Palestinians.

Yep. Them.

Lucky.......tsk tsk Don't hyjack the man's thread.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2001

<< Ok, I see what you were getting at, but how else do you phrase it when you're trying to write a crammed news article? You guys are playing semantics and interpreting too much. I dug out the gun study to compare apples to apples between the recent even there and our history here. >>

If the wording is trivial in your mind, but not ours', then you won't mind us phrasing it "our" way.


Jun 1, 2001

<< palestinians are scum.. as ussual maybe the berkeley protesters will dance in the street now. >>

Sure, why not? The weather's nice this weekend


Jun 5, 2001


<< palestinians are scum.. as ussual maybe the berkeley protesters will dance in the street now. >>

Sure, why not? The weather's nice this weekend

lol get some pics for us


Jun 1, 2001



<< palestinians are scum.. as ussual maybe the berkeley protesters will dance in the street now. >>

Sure, why not? The weather's nice this weekend

lol get some pics for us

Bleck...Of non-armpit-shaving, no-bra-wearing, non-hair-washing protesting hippie chicks in their springwear? No thanks :disgust:



Jun 5, 2001




<< palestinians are scum.. as ussual maybe the berkeley protesters will dance in the street now. >>

Sure, why not? The weather's nice this weekend

lol get some pics for us

Bleck...Of non-armpit-shaving, no-bra-wearing, non-hair-washing protesting hippie chicks in their springwear? No thanks :disgust:


hehe show us the ugly side of protests


Nov 26, 2000


<< Ok, I see what you were getting at, but how else do you phrase it when you're trying to write a crammed news article? You guys are playing semantics and interpreting too much. I dug out the gun study to compare apples to apples between the recent even there and our history here. >>

If the wording is trivial in your mind, but not ours', then you won't mind us phrasing it "our" way.

well fine, but I think some of you have a little too much "everyone is out to get our guns" paranoia.
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