Palestinians Murder 4 Jewish Settlers, Wound 7 -- INCLUDING CHILDREN IN THIER BEDS

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Mar 21, 2002
Really, why not?

Because the Americans were justified? C'mon man, anything you say is inevitably amounts to "American were justified because they were justified."



Oct 9, 1999
There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy given them a reason to exist.

Blaming the victims again, typical ploy.

Answer me this. Before 1967 when Egypt and Syria were keeping the Palestinians in refugee camps and in worse conditions than they are now. Why weren't the Palestinians sending suicide bombers into Egypt and Syria. Why do they reseve that special attention for Israel and the Jews?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< It seems all you pro-zionists-anti-orthodox-patriots are trying to do is discredit the very idea of terrorists actions being 'caused' by israeli actions, while justifying the same actions, if not worse, when carried out by the Zionist Israeli Army. A Palestinian kills an Israeli, he is a militant, or a terrorist, 'scum', and against peace. The events that caused him to kill an Israeli is NEVER addressed, and any attempt to address it is compared to an atempt to 'justify 9-11' Meanwhile, when an Israeli kills a Palestinian, he has killed a 'militant, terrorist, etc', and is an action of peace. Killings carried out by Israelis are almost ALWAYS 'justified' and/or 'excused' as being 'caused' by the Palestinians.

Let's see, would the Israelis be going into the Palestinian camps if the terrorist planning the sucide missions weren't hiding in them amoung the civilians like cowards.

Explain to me just how the Palestinian "freedom fighters"
are bringing peace to the region by blowing up themselves and women and children in Israel.

There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy giving them reasons to exist.

There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.


Jan 10, 2000

<< There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy given them a reason to exist.

Blaming the victims again, typical ploy.

Trying to play the only victim again, typical ploy. Why do you fail to see that there are victims on both sides? Just cause Jews have been victims, doesnt mean they are the ONLY victims. Sometimes they are the oppressors, and not only the victims.

Answer me this. Before 1967 when Egypt and Syria were keeping the Palestinians in refugee camps and in worse conditions than they are now. Why weren't the Palestinians sending suicide bombers into Egypt and Syria. Why do they reseve that special attention for Israel and the Jews?

and just WHY were the in refugee camps?


Nov 26, 2000

There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy giving them reasons to exist.

Thats a little simplistic, wouldnt you say? :frown:


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

<< Really, why not?

Because the Americans were justified? C'mon man, anything you say is inevitably amounts to "American were justified because they were justified."

Because Japan was an aggressor nation bent on our destruction. They had to be brought to an unconditional surrender because of our experience with Germany after WWI. To invade the Island would have cost us 1 million or more US soldiers, and 3 million or more Japanese soldiers and civilians. You forget that EVERY Japanese civilian that could walk and talk was being trained to fight, and therefore became a legitimate military target.

Americans were justified in the same way Israel is justified. They were protecting themselves against an Aggressor state. Only America got to do it right, and the Israelis have been unfairly held back all these years by international pressure. Israel should have owned the entire middle east after the aggression in the 1967 war, but no. And now we make silly comparisons like this. How sad.



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy given them a reason to exist.

Blaming the victims again, typical ploy.

Trying to play the only victim again, typical ploy. Why do you fail to see that there are victims on both sides? Just cause Jews have been victims, doesnt mean they are the ONLY victims. Sometimes they are the oppressors, and not only the victims.

Answer me this. Before 1967 when Egypt and Syria were keeping the Palestinians in refugee camps and in worse conditions than they are now. Why weren't the Palestinians sending suicide bombers into Egypt and Syria. Why do they reseve that special attention for Israel and the Jews?

and just WHY were the in refugee camps?

Because instead of choosing to live IN PEACE with a Jewish state, they promptly set out and joined the surrounding Arab nations in a war to destroy Israel. It's not Israel's fault the Arabs use the so-called "Palestinians" as pawns in this conflict; to fight a war by proxy they failed in no less than 6 times.


Feb 15, 2001
they are kicked out because they piss off anyone they live with. out of jordan because arafat abused his welcome, out of kuwait because they were iraqi sympathisers... etc etc.


Jan 10, 2000

<< Explain to me just how the Palestinian "freedom fighters"
are bringing peace to the region by blowing up themselves and women and children in Israel.

I dont know, and i'm not saying they are bringing peace. But perhaps the IDF knows as they do pretty much the same thing.

There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy giving them reasons to exist.

There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.[/i] >>

They are not they same, nice try.
By wearing a short skirt, women maybe occupying the minds of would-be rapists, but they are not physically harming them. The would-be rapists can choose not to be harmed by the woman simply by not looking nor thinking about it.
By terrorizing the terrorists they've created, Israel occupies not only the minds of the would-be terrorists, but also their homes and DOES physically harm them. The Palestinian doesnt haven't have a chance not to be harmed, they're gonna be harmed if they like it or not.


Mar 21, 2002
[There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.

No, they aren't. Either you can't think logically, or you are attempting to define terrorism as a mental disorder, by paralleling it with sexual predation, a known disorder.
I am inclined to think that the latter is what's going on, especially since the media and America has engaged in just such a campaign - by labeling them as "crazy" and without rational motive by definition, a causal analysis is subverted, preventing the recognition of nasty little things like our unilateral support of Israel as a fundamental part of the problem...




Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< Explain to me just how the Palestinian "freedom fighters"
are bringing peace to the region by blowing up themselves and women and children in Israel.

I dont know, and i'm not saying they are bringing peace. But perhaps the IDF knows as they do pretty much the same thing.

There wouldn't be any terrorists theres if Israel wasn't busy giving them reasons to exist.

There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.

They are not they same, nice try.
By wearing a short skirt, women maybe occupying the minds of would-be rapists, but they are not physically harming them. The would-be rapists can choose not to be harmed by the woman simply by not looking nor thinking about it.
By terrorizing the terrorists they've created, Israel occupies not only the minds of the would-be terrorists, but also their homes and DOES physically harm them. The Palestinian doesnt haven't have a chance not to be harmed, they're gonna be harmed if they like it or not.[/i] >>

You lose the chicken and the egg argument. Israel did not start the conflict. And the occupation would soon end were the Arabs to stop the terror. You do NOT respond to terror by giving into it. If this is how you believe, I hate to see how your children come out after you give in to their whining.

Terror is not, and can never be a valid or effective means of gaining one's way. As long as they commit terrorist acts, I will be against them 100%.


Jun 5, 2001

<< [There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.

No, they aren't. Either you can't think logically, or you are attempting to define terrorism as a mental disorder, by paralleling it with sexual predation, a known disorder.
I am inclined to think that the latter is what's going on, especially since the media and America has engaged in just such a campaign - by labeling them as "crazy" and without rational motive by definition, a causal analysis is subverted, preventing the recognition of nasty little things like our unilateral support of Israel as a fundamental part of the problem...



You think people who blow themselves up in crowded civilian areas and are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2001
It's THEIR Building. The soldiers shouldn't be bull-dozing it in the first place. Would it be justified if Palestinians somehow got a bull-dozer and leveled your home because you 'booby trapped' it?

Yeah its THEIR building and they allow murderers to use it as hiding places, that makes them accomplices. Its not like the Israelites just went blindly into Jenin and started shooting around. Jenin is KNOWN to be a hot bed of terrorism, terrorists use it for cover with the complete blessing of their owners. Heck, I'll do the same thing. Then when you level it, the owners of the building and the population who gladly assisted the murderers cry foul and put in a drama show worthy of an Oscar, claiming they have been wronged. BS, they train their kids to kill another of group of people and when that group of people strikes back, they whine? They shouldn'thave attacked Israel in the first place, as far as I remember, Israel has always been on the defensive and their actions are reactions to aggression towards them. The idea of the aggressors (Palestinians) whining when they get hit back is aggravating.

There is another conflict here. Christian/Jewish vs. Islamic ethics and morality. I don't see why Muslims around the world can justify killing innocent lives with the "plight of their Palestinian brothers". So they attacked in the first place, then got beaten back and displaced, then they kill innocent civilians of that country and its friends because they were beaten? Is that how they justify it? Christianity may have this mentality before back in the Middle Ages, but its over now. Islam needs to realize we don't live in that era anymore.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

<< [There wouldn't be any rapists if women didn't wear short skirts.

These two statements are one and the same.

No, they aren't. Either you can't think logically, or you are attempting to define terrorism as a mental disorder, by paralleling it with sexual predation, a known disorder.
I am inclined to think that the latter is what's going on, especially since the media and America has engaged in just such a campaign - by labeling them as "crazy" and without rational motive by definition, a causal analysis is subverted, preventing the recognition of nasty little things like our unilateral support of Israel as a fundamental part of the problem...




OK, how about this: There wouldn't be any mass murders if people didn't get together in groups.

If you believe terror is EVER justified, we'll end this argument right here and now. Because your position only guarantees there will be FAR more terrorism in the future by any nut case who wants his way.


Nov 26, 2000
You think people who ... are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception. I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"?


Jun 5, 2001

<< You think people who ... are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception.

Really. Name one state sponsored sucide bombing school or one state sponsored school that actively targets a specific people.

<< I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"? >>

Yet you never heard of one sucide bombing by an American or Israeli.

There is a difference.


Mar 21, 2002
You think people who blow themselves up in crowded civilian areas and are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

Very much sane. Just in belief of a different ideology than you. Should I call christians insane because they are raised to believe a man rose from the dead? Is responsible for all our sins? That a god has a "plan" for me? Yet have no "proof", or at least no more proof of their god than an Arab has of his allah and 72 virgins?

Its just as wacky as anything else. You HAVE to step back and see things from outside your blinders - people are more the same than different!
Calling them crazy is too convenient.


Oct 9, 1999
Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy


Lucky, wait for the report before judging.

Those people making those accusations are the same ones that were dancing in the streets on 9/11 and also accusing Israel of committing that action.


Jun 5, 2001


<< Looking for peace by the Palestinians >>

By Israel too?


LOL Lucky... You are quoting the same paper who said thousands Afgan civilians were killed by American bombs and they were proven wrong.

They also said America was torturing Arab prisnors and they were proven wrong again.

Now they have a new lie, and as always, its based on enemy intelligence with little to no fact behind it.

If we were at the race track, your horse would easily be a 10 to 1.


Mar 21, 2002
Yet you never heard of one sucide bombing by an American or Israeli.

Neither have ever felt cornered and without military strength.
...and what happened when America was attacked for a 5 minute air raid?
A nuclear bomb was dropped.



Jun 5, 2001

<< You think people who blow themselves up in crowded civilian areas and are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

Very much sane. Just in belief of a different ideology than you. Should I call christians insane because they are raised to believe a man rose from the dead? Is responsible for all our sins? That a god has a "plan" for me? Yet have no "proof", or at least no more proof of their god than an Arab has of his allah and 72 virgins?

How is having a belief and blowing yourself up in a civilian population the same thing? Explain that.

<< Its just as wacky as anything else. You HAVE to step back and see things from outside your blinders - people are more the same than different!
Calling them crazy is too convenient.

No. Its accurate.


Oct 9, 1999

Are the Palestinians at a state of war with Israel?

Yes or no answer please.


Nov 26, 2000
Tex, you really need to learn how to debate better (and admit that you are wrong!)

Lets recap the conversation:

You think people who ... are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception. I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"?

Notice bombing was never mentioned, nor was terrorism. I ONLY took issue with your remark that people who's state teaches them to dislike the "enemy" are not sane. Didnt say anything about state-sponsored anything, just that one particular remark. And what the youth's do with those "teachings" is a different matter and irrevelant to your statement.
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