Palestinians Murder 4 Jewish Settlers, Wound 7 -- INCLUDING CHILDREN IN THIER BEDS

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Jun 5, 2001

<< Yet you never heard of one sucide bombing by an American or Israeli.

Neither have ever felt cornered and without military strength.
...and what happened when America was attacked for a 5 minute air raid?
A nuclear bomb was dropped.

What the hell are you talking about?

btw, Palestinians had enough weapons to put up a hell of a fight for an Israelie incursion.

They had the weapons.


Nov 26, 2000
Lucky, wait for the report before judging.

I intend to. I was throwing the BBC story in their for a little fun.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2001
They had the weapons.

And they also have the financial support of the Saudi's, Jordanians, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Lebanese Muslims, Indonesians, Malaysians, etc....The earlier wars was also supported by the Soviets ( the egyptians uses soviet hardware). The whole Arab world is just a bully who resorts to whining, dramatics, and foul play when the object of their bullying turned around and smacked them back.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Tex, you really need to learn how to debate better (and admit that you are wrong!) >>

LOL!!!! Thats all you my friend. Well, at least you are still not claiming you made the killing of inncocents statement when the subject came back up again.

But just in case you do:

<< << That is simply barbaric. But I must point out that the attack occured in an israeli settlement on palistinian land. It is these settelments that are IMO causing a lot of problems. Within the past 5 years there are probably 50 new settlements that have popped up on palestinian land. Now if that isn't an occupation i don't know what is.

This makes me sad. Simply fvcking HORRIBLE! >>

And I've heard that israel pays its citizens 20K to live in them as well.

That was your excuse.

Now, lets look at when you made the statement you tried to go back to:

I like the wording. "Died from firearms." Do you realize how ridiculous that is?

We can remove suicide. The presense of guns in no way increases the rate of suicide. Even most of the anti-gunners are forced to admit this.

Again, what % of the murders were gang related?

I dont understand your feelings towards the wording of "died from firearms". Simply states the facts, that 3,447 young kids were intentionally killed in 8 years. My reason for posting it was I knew there was inevitebly going to be a reaction from some people here to label the palestinians as an ass-backwards, frothing at the mouth, missed-the-evolution-train society. While that may or may not be true, we've got our own serious problems with violence here in the US as well. Can we characterize all of the US based on Andrea Yates or Susan smith? Or all the gang violence?

Either way, Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank. No excuse for killing innocents (and especially children), no matter whether here or in the US.

The subject at hand was firearms that you instigated. There is NO mention of the Palestinian conflict when you made it. And when the subject of Palestinians was at hand, you responded with an excuse

You're busted

<< Lets recap the conversation: >>

Lets do that

You think people who ... are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane? >>

First, you truncated my statement. Lets look at the WHOLE statement since it was what I made:

You think people who blow themselves up in crowded civilian areas and are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

And lets also take into account, I quoted BlipBop, not you.

<< I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception. I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"?

And lets get my full response.

Really. Name one state sponsored sucide bombing school or one state sponsored school that actively targets a specific people.

Yet you never heard of one sucide bombing by an American or Israeli.

There is a difference.

If you are going to quote me Lucky, quote it ALL, not pieces to make yourself look better.

<< Notice bombing was never mentioned, nor was terrorism. I ONLY took issue with your remark that people who's state teaches them to dislike the "enemy" are not sane. Didnt say anything about state-sponsored anything, just that one particular remark. And what the youth's do with those "teachings" is a different matter and irrevelant to your statement. >>

Well of course you only took issue with specific things. Thats easier And Americans NEVER EVER taught their children to kill communists wherever they were found. Not once. And they NEVER said it was "honorable" to blow themsevles up and kill as many as possible.

Your pathetic attempt at making a clearly insane holy war declaration by the Palestinians and the Communist/ Capatilist comparison is so farfetched, its sad.


Jun 5, 2001

<< They had the weapons.

And they also have the financial support of the Saudi's, Jordanians, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Lebanese Muslims, Indonesians, Malaysians, etc....The earlier wars was also supported by the Soviets ( the egyptians uses soviet hardware). The whole Arab world is just a bully who resorts to whining, dramatics, and foul play when the object of their bullying turned around and smacked them back.

well said.


Feb 15, 2001
Neither have ever felt cornered and without military strength.
...and what happened when America was attacked for a 5 minute air raid?
A nuclear bomb was dropped.

frankly your an idiot for making that comparison. if that was how the israelis were really responding, there would be no palestinian problem left. only a lot of bodies to bury.


Nov 26, 2000

That was your excuse.

You've still failed to convince anyone in any way that its an excuse. You're more senile than arafat! :Q

<< Now, lets look at when you made the statement you tried to go back to:

<snip to relevant stuff>
Either way, Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank. No excuse for killing innocents (and especially children), no matter whether here or in the US.

The subject at hand was firearms that you instigated. There is NO mention of the Palestinian conflict when you made it. And when the subject of Palestinians was at hand, you responded with an excuse

No mention of the palestinian conflict? Sure there was. Didn't I tell you to put your glasses on? What do you think me preceding the statement with "Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank" meant? Uh duh! They are in the same paragraph, alone! A logical person would be able to deduct that the preceeding sentence was connected to the statement of mine you question. Even if you were not able to deduce that, I included the word civilian in there for a reason. If I say "civilian" in my statement (in a sentence AFTER another one talking about the west bank), its reasonable to assume that Im talking about the palestinians.

Even if I had not connected it with the palestinian conflict your attempt to invalidate my statement still doesnt work. A specific condemnation of violence against civilians isnt relative to one conflict or another.

<< Lets recap the conversation:

Lets do that

You think people who ... are taught from youth that gthe Jews are the "enemy" are sane?

First, you truncated my statement.

Irrevelant. The second half of your sentence had no relevance to the first, as all countries advise their citizens of their enemies.

<< And lets also take into account, I quoted BlipBop, not you. >>

Oh, so only people who you speak to are allowed to speak to you?

<< If you are going to quote me Lucky, quote it ALL, not pieces to make yourself look better. >>

Irrevelant, the two parts of your statement were independent. Taking out the first part and arguing the second was illogical did not make myself look better (how would it?)

<< Well of course you only took issue with specific things. Thats easier And Americans NEVER EVER taught their children to kill communists wherever they were found. Not once. And they NEVER said it was "honorable" to blow themsevles up and kill as many as possible.

Your pathetic attempt at making a clearly insane holy war declaration by the Palestinians and the Communist/ Capatilist comparison is so farfetched, its sad.

And once again you are unable to debate solely on the facts and what was said, so you resort to lies and mistruths. I never claimed that americans taught their kids to kill commies, or that it was honorable to blow themselves up. I said:

<< I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception. I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"?

And as further clarified:

<< Notice bombing was never mentioned, nor was terrorism. I ONLY took issue with your remark that people who's state teaches them to dislike the "enemy" are not sane. Didnt say anything about state-sponsored anything, just that one particular remark. And what the youth's do with those "teachings" is a different matter and irrevelant to your statement. >>

Nice try little buddy. Cant get away from the fact that you twisted what I said and you wont admit it.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
How is having a belief and blowing yourself up in a civilian population the same thing? Explain that.

Because if you're conditioned to believe something you will believe it. We don't choose to be the way we are in a vaccum. If you were born in a Palestinean refugee camp you'd be throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers right now.


Oct 9, 1999
Because if you're conditioned to believe something you will believe it.

And why are the kids conditioned to believe that Israel is the enemy and the cause of all of their problems?

"I have never met an Arab leader that in private professed a desire for an independent Palestinian state. Publicly, they all espouse an independent Palestinian state -- almost all of them -- because that is what they committed themselves to do at Rabat (the 1974 Arab League summit conference)."
--President Jimmy Carter, at a 1979 press conference

Palestinians Need Permanent Homes Now

"Zichron Yaacov, Israel--One of the most important topics on the agenda of any Middle East peace conference should be how to improve the socio- economic conditions of Palestinians in refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Unfortunately, for the Palestinians, the PLO rarely brings up the subject. Getting these families out of the refugee camps just isn't on their agenda.

Nor is the question as to why the Palestinians have been forced to live in these camps for more than 50 years is rarely raised in official Palestinian circles. Who have been keeping the Palestinians in the refugee camps from being resettled? Not Israel, as there are refugee camps outside of Israel that Israel has no control over.

The existence of these wretched refugee camps is a mark of shame on the Palestinian people. Why, then, do they even still exist?
Numerous efforts to resettle these refugees have been tried, but all have failed. In l950, long before the territories came under Israeli control, UNRWA suggested moving 150,000 of them to Libya, but Egypt objected. In l951, UNRWA vetoed a plan to move 50,000 Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip to Northern Sinai when Egypt refused permission to use the Nile waters to irrigate proposed agricultural settlements. In l952, Syria rejected UNRWA's initiative to resettle 85,000 refugees in camps in that country. In l959, UNRWA reported that of the $250 million fund for rehabilitation created in l950 to provide homes and jobs for the refugees outside of the camps, only $7 million was spent.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Now, lets look at when you made the statement you tried to go back to:

<snip to relevant stuff>
Either way, Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank. No excuse for killing innocents (and especially children), no matter whether here or in the US.

The subject at hand was firearms that you instigated. There is NO mention of the Palestinian conflict when you made it. And when the subject of Palestinians was at hand, you responded with an excuse

<< No mention of the palestinian conflict? Sure there was. Didn't I tell you to put your glasses on? What do you think me preceding the statement with "Im not trying to diminish what happened in the west bank" meant? Uh duh! They are in the same paragraph, alone! A logical person would be able to deduct that the preceeding sentence was connected to the statement of mine you question. Even if you were not able to deduce that, I included the word civilian in there for a reason. If I say "civilian" in my statement (in a sentence AFTER another one talking about the west bank), its reasonable to assume that Im talking about the palestinians. >>

<< Even if I had not connected it with the palestinian conflict your attempt to invalidate my statement still doesnt work. A specific condemnation of violence against civilians isnt relative to one conflict or another.

You are Absolutely right. I missed that. And that is my fault.

<< First, you truncated my statement. >>

Irrevelant. The second half of your sentence had no relevance to the first, as all countries advise their citizens of their enemies.[/i] >>

It is not irrelevant because it deals with what the Palestinians do. Your comparison was with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the Communist/US conflict. The Palestinians blowing themselves up is a HUGE part of the conflict.

<< Oh, so only people who you speak to are allowed to speak to you?

Its important to point out because of the context.

<< Irrevelant, the two parts of your statement were independent. Taking out the first part and arguing the second was illogical did not make myself look better (how would it?) >>

As I just stated, sucide bombings are a HUGE part of the conflict. If you are going to try and compare Communist/Americans with Israelis/Palestinians, thats part of the conflict.

<< And once again you are unable to debate solely on the facts and what was said, so you resort to lies and mistruths. I never claimed that americans taught their kids to kill commies, or that it was honorable to blow themselves up. I said:

<< I dont see what that has to do with it. Every population pushes propoganda on their enemy, and neither israel or the US is an exception. I wasnt alive for it, but were not kids growing up during WWII and the cold war basically taught to hate japanese and the commies? You dont think that some israeli's kids are told by their state and their parents that palestinians are "enemies"?

You did not read carefully. YOU made the comparison between Israel/Palestine and Communist/America. And I gave you DIRECT evidence to blow that pathetic theory out of the water.

<< And as further clarified:

<< Notice bombing was never mentioned, nor was terrorism. I ONLY took issue with your remark that people who's state teaches them to dislike the "enemy" are not sane. Didnt say anything about state-sponsored anything, just that one particular remark. And what the youth's do with those "teachings" is a different matter and irrevelant to your statement. >>

It still does not change the fact that you brought up the comparison. That was all you. I gave you evidence of the differences.

<< Nice try little buddy. >>

Once again. Get your own material.

<< Cant get away from the fact that you twisted what I said and you wont admit it. >>

I freely admit the first quoting of you was wrong.

The second part was your mistake trying to compare Israel/Palestine with Communist/US.

Lets see if YOU are man enough to admit when you're wrong


Jan 25, 2000
We are talking about settlers here.
I am sorry, but if you come and build settlements on land that doesn't belong to you, there is no expectation of safety.
If I come to your neigborhood, buldose your homes, throw you and your neighbors out on the street, and then build a settlement and bring all my friends over, you wouldn't take it lying down either.
These people are trespassing on land that doesn't belong to them. I feel bad for the kids, but the parents should have known better than to raise kids in settlements. Isn't Israeli government paying money for people to settle in west bank and to displace palestinians?


Jun 5, 2001

<< We are talking about settlers here.
I am sorry, but if you come and build settlements on land that doesn't belong to you, there is no expectation of safety.
If I come to your neigborhood, buldose your homes, throw you and your neighbors out on the street, and then build a settlement and bring all my friends over, you wouldn't take it lying down either.
These people are trespassing on land that doesn't belong to them. I feel bad for the kids, but the parents should have known better than to raise kids in settlements. Isn't Israeli government paying money for people to settle in west bank and to displace palestinians?

You could make the same excuse for terrorists all over the world who fell "their" land has been invaded.


Nov 26, 2000
<< First, you truncated my statement. >>

Irrevelant. The second half of your sentence had no relevance to the first, as all countries advise their citizens of their enemies. >>

It is not irrelevant because it deals with what the Palestinians do. Your comparison was with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the Communist/US conflict. The Palestinians blowing themselves up is a HUGE part of the conflict.

I disagree. As I said earlier, what they "do" with their teaching of hate towards an enemy is seperate, IMO, from the teaching of hate itself. I believe you that both parts of your statement were intended to be dependent on each other, and as such apologize for even starting the discussion of it.

It is not irrelevant because it deals with what the Palestinians do. Your comparison was with the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and the Communist/US conflict. The Palestinians blowing themselves up is a HUGE part of the conflict.

I also spoke of the japanese, who were also quite fond of the "suicide" tactic in warfare.

<< Nice try little buddy. >>

Once again. Get your own material.

I cant resist! Sorry!


Jan 25, 2000


<< We are talking about settlers here.
I am sorry, but if you come and build settlements on land that doesn't belong to you, there is no expectation of safety.
If I come to your neigborhood, buldose your homes, throw you and your neighbors out on the street, and then build a settlement and bring all my friends over, you wouldn't take it lying down either.
These people are trespassing on land that doesn't belong to them. I feel bad for the kids, but the parents should have known better than to raise kids in settlements. Isn't Israeli government paying money for people to settle in west bank and to displace palestinians?

You could make the same excuse for terrorists all over the world who fell "their" land has been invaded.

Well, I was just pointing out that these settlers can't expect to live safe and normal lives as the people on whose land they are living are rotting in refugee camps. I think attacking civilians in Israel proper is terrorism, while attacking anyone, civilian or military on Palestinian lands is legitimate self defense.


Jun 5, 2001

<< I disagree. As I said earlier, what they "do" with their teaching of hate towards an enemy is seperate, IMO, from the teaching of hate itself. I believe you that both parts of your statement were intended to be dependent on each other, and as such apologize for even starting the discussion of it. >>

Show one texbook where America children were told to "hate" Communists.

You keep dodging the issue. The palestinians take it Farther with their teaching and their actions for you to even begin to compare the two situations.

<< I also spoke of the japanese, who were also quite fond of the "suicide" tactic in warfare. >>

Yes but once again, Children in America were NOT taught to hate all Japanese. And they espeically were not taught to give up their own lives to kill civilians of the enemy.

Face it, you made a poor comparison and did not take into account the entire picture.

Be a man and admit your mistake as I did with mine.

<< I cant resist! Sorry! >>

Yes you can. You choose not to.


Jun 5, 2001



<< We are talking about settlers here.
I am sorry, but if you come and build settlements on land that doesn't belong to you, there is no expectation of safety.
If I come to your neigborhood, buldose your homes, throw you and your neighbors out on the street, and then build a settlement and bring all my friends over, you wouldn't take it lying down either.
These people are trespassing on land that doesn't belong to them. I feel bad for the kids, but the parents should have known better than to raise kids in settlements. Isn't Israeli government paying money for people to settle in west bank and to displace palestinians?

You could make the same excuse for terrorists all over the world who fell "their" land has been invaded.

Well, I was just pointing out that these settlers can't expect to live safe and normal lives as the people on whose land they are living are rotting in refugee camps. I think attacking civilians in Israel proper is terrorism, while attacking anyone, civilian or military on Palestinian lands is legitimate self defense.


I'll agree with you that the settlements are not a good idea but that in NO way justfies targeting civilians.


Nov 26, 2000


<< I disagree. As I said earlier, what they "do" with their teaching of hate towards an enemy is seperate, IMO, from the teaching of hate itself. I believe you that both parts of your statement were intended to be dependent on each other, and as such apologize for even starting the discussion of it. >>

Show one texbook where America children were told to "hate" Communists.

You keep dodging the issue. The palestinians take it Farther with their teaching and their actions for you to even begin to compare the two situations.

Well I dont collect textbooks from the fifties, so Im afraid I cant do that. All I can go on is the experience and teachings of my families, and what they have told me the 40's-early 70's was like. Yes, it is a poor analogy, but I was basing the analogy on that snippet of your sentence. As I said before, I (intentionally) did not consider other ramifications because that was not my point. The point was to show that all nations teach their kids about their enemies. (which is needless to say, now irrevelent because I trust you in your word that you meant the whole sentence to be fluid instead of seperable.)

<< Face it, you made a poor comparison and did not take into account the entire picture. >>

As I said, I did not intend to take into account the whole picture, but thats moot now.


<< I cant resist! Sorry! >>

Yes you can. You choose not to.

I could, but then again you dont have it trademarked, so I'm content with free speech.


Oct 9, 1999
Well, I was just pointing out that these settlers can't expect to live safe and normal lives as the people on whose land they are living are rotting in refugee camps. I think attacking civilians in Israel proper is terrorism, while attacking anyone, civilian or military on Palestinian lands is legitimate self defense.

Why are they still "rotting in refugee camps"

" From 1948-1951 as many as 800,000 Jews were expelled from their native Arab nations or forced to flee as a result of state-sponsored anti-Zionist violence. As many as 500,000 of these refugees fled to Israel from Iraq, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Libya and Morocco and were immediately and fully absorbed into the new nation. "

Israel absorbed the Jewish refugees that were expelled from the Arab countries. Why are the Palestinians still in refugee camps after more than 50 years?


Jan 25, 2000

<< I'll agree with you that the settlements are not a good idea but that in NO way justfies targeting civilians. >>

The civilians living in settlements are the prime beneficiaries of Israeli military occupation. Israeli armed forces kill Palestinians to protect settlers. As such, these settlers are responsible for Palestinian deaths and displacement.
Civilian settlers reap the benefits of occupation, they must also accept the costs. If they don't like it, they can go back to Israel.
If I hire a bunch of soldiers to come in and throw you out of your house, move in, and then pay these soldiers to protect me, are you saying that I am innocent civilian, while the soldiers are the only ones responsible? The IDF is acting on behalf of the settlers in the West Bank.


Jun 5, 2001


<< I'll agree with you that the settlements are not a good idea but that in NO way justfies targeting civilians. >>

The civilians living in settlements are the prime beneficiaries of Israeli military occupation. Israeli armed forces kill Palestinians to protect settlers. As such, these settlers are responsible for Palestinian deaths and displacement.
Civilian settlers reap the benefits of occupation, they must also accept the costs. If they don't like it, they can go back to Israel.
If I hire a bunch of soldiers to come in and throw you out of your house, move in, and then pay these soldiers to protect me, are you saying that I am innocent civilian, while the soldiers are the only ones responsible? The IDF is acting on behalf of the settlers in the West Bank.

So you give the green light to target civilians?


Jan 25, 2000

<< " From 1948-1951 as many as 800,000 Jews were expelled from their native Arab nations or forced to flee as a result of state-sponsored anti-Zionist violence. As many as 500,000 of these refugees fled to Israel from Iraq, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Libya and Morocco and were immediately and fully absorbed into the new nation. "

Israel absorbed the Jewish refugees that were expelled from the Arab countries. Why are the Palestinians still in refugee camps after more than 50 years?

Well from 1600 to present, millions of American Indians were displaced by Europeans, and are now living on reservations. Why are they still living there? By your argument since America absorbed refugees from Europe, American Indians should all be living in London, Rome and Dublin right now


Jun 5, 2001

<< Well I dont collect textbooks from the fifties, so Im afraid I cant do that. All I can go on is the experience and teachings of my families, and what they have told me the 40's-early 70's was like. >>

Sorry, that isn't evidence.

<< Yes, it is a poor analogy, but I was basing the analogy on that snippet of your sentence. As I said before, I (intentionally) did not consider other ramifications because that was not my point. The point was to show that all nations teach their kids about their enemies. (which is needless to say, now irrevelent because I trust you in your word that you meant the whole sentence to be fluid instead of seperable.) >>

I find it very interesting in your admitence you have to justify it

A lesson to be learned, when you screw up and admit to it, let that stand alone. Don't tack on a "but" and some half hazard exucse as to why you did it. Makes you look very petty.

<< As I said, I did not intend to take into account the whole picture, but thats moot now. >>

Yes because you admitted it was a poor analogy.

<< I could, but then again you dont have it trademarked, so I'm content with free speech. >>

I don't have it trademarked? Thats your defense to being unoriginal? Pretty sorry excuse Lucky.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
When there is a conflict of hatred whether or not within the guise of war, civillians are targeted.

A plain and simple FACT.

The USA has "targeted" civillians many of times in the past. I'm sure a lot of children were sleeping in their beds when Hiroshima went up in smoke.

Every country and people have at one time or another.

Get over it.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Makes you look very petty.

hahahahaha!!!! Of all people to say that!


At least when I admitted I was wrong I didn't tack on a "but". I accepted my mistake as a man.

You chose differently
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