Palin's baby her own - but, daughter pregnant at 17.

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2006
What type of so called values is Sarah Palin presenting to the nation when her 17 year old daughter is pregnant? Is this the Spears family? This VP pick is utterly a disater!

Well so much for being conservatives. That what we need is sending signal to our 17 yrs old it is ok to have sex at that age and get pregnant. These conservatives and their moral values.

What Christian family lets their daughter get knocked up? Screw this I'm not voting.

Nov 30, 2006
First of all...I was commenting on Red's blatant stereotyping...but I'll go down your path for a little bit.

Originally posted by: shira
There's a major difference between having moral opinions and attempting to force those moral opinions down the throats of others.
I see this comment all the time and find it very interesting. Why do you perceive others as forcing their moral opinions down others throats when secularists are more guilty (and successful) of the very thing you find so offensive. Can you say 'partial birth abortion'? Yet you cry foul because someone has a different opinion than you and they choose to express it....oh please.

Originally posted by: shira
And those religious-right moral opinions appear to be immune from scientific evidence. For example, there's overwhelming evidence that needle-exchange programs decrease the rate of new HIV infections. But the religious right opposes needle-exchange programs as "encouraging drug use" (a claim for which, as far as I'm aware, there's no evidence).
Here's a newsflash for you...the 'Religious Right' (as you perceive it) doesn't represent all religious people and definitely not all Republicans for that matter...they don't all run in ideological lock step and it's incredibly naive to think so. FYI...everything is not black and white as you wish it to be...and you're clearly using the 'Religious Right' as a strawman to set up and knock down...yay for you.

Originally posted by: shira
And suppose that controlled studies eventually demonstrate that abstinence-only sex-education programs actually result in significantly higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs than programs that include information about contraception. Do you think the religious right will accept teaching about contraception?

It's this self-righteous, we-know-better-than-science, we're-going-to-make-you-conform-to-our morality mindset that's so supremely obnoxious to the rest of us.
And it's your self-righteous, we-know-better-than-you, we're-making-you-conform-to-our-definition-of-morality-and-you're-going-to-like-it mindset that makes you no different than those very people you despise.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
What What, here it is damn near noon, the days half gone, and no real new Palin revelations are coming out.

But even as a partisan democrat, I have to be amazed at how quickly this story went from zero to full blown in just three days. There is the charge outstanding that 'Liberal bloggers" were pushing the scandal and an equally credible charge that its a Karl Rove type GOP plot that backfired, but I wonder if there will be some serious scholarly study of the real pushers of the Palin matter?

But its quite clear its struck an American nerve if post count on P&N is any measure, we are now up to nearly 50 pages and still going on the political spin alone.

And now I ask if there will be some other shoes to drop? And also point out this Palin matter has far out distanced those folks who believe in only hard verifiable facts, these folks are still out there, trailing now far in the rear, but like bloodhounds, they may restart new directions that faster trackers ran right past.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Someone leaked the GOP talking points memo (the real one) about Preggergate:

> Please see the following points on Gov. Palin's family.
> * Governor Palin and her husband Todd have a loving family
> and their children mean everything to them. When their
> oldest daughter Bristol came to them with news that she was
> expecting a child they embraced her and gave her nothing but
> unconditional love and support.
> * This is a very personal matter for the family. We should
> all respect the love they have for the child and the desire
> all parents would have for their children's privacy.
> * The media should respect Bristol's privacy.
> That's always been the tradition and practice when it
> comes to the children of candidates.
> * (If pressed) The children of candidates do not choose to
> run for office and be thrust into the spotlight.
The Palin Defense Force can stop posting now; we don't need any more cut and paste jobs.
Nov 30, 2006
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Someone leaked the GOP talking points memo (the real one) about Preggergate:

> Please see the following points on Gov. Palin's family.
> * Governor Palin and her husband Todd have a loving family
> and their children mean everything to them. When their
> oldest daughter Bristol came to them with news that she was
> expecting a child they embraced her and gave her nothing but
> unconditional love and support.
> * This is a very personal matter for the family. We should
> all respect the love they have for the child and the desire
> all parents would have for their children's privacy.
> * The media should respect Bristol's privacy.
> That's always been the tradition and practice when it
> comes to the children of candidates.
> * (If pressed) The children of candidates do not choose to
> run for office and be thrust into the spotlight.
The Palin Defense Force can stop posting now; we don't need any more cut and paste jobs.
I guess I don't get it...what is there to defend? Please cut through all the crap and tell me why this is an issue.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
I wish someone would leak the internal GOP memo about Palin's qualifications; I bet it would read something like this:

> Palin has more executive level experience than all the other candidates (and already has an ethics investigation less than 2 years into her job as governor)

> Palin governed Alaska, which is right next to Russia, so she knows about international relations (and just got her passport last year)

> Palin was against the bridge to nowhere (after she was for it)

> Palin fought corruption in her party (while heading Ted Steven's 527 and filling her coffers with oil/gas lobbyist money)


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: jpeyton
I wish someone would leak the internal GOP memo about Palin's qualifications; I bet it would read something like this:

> Palin has more executive level experience than all the other candidates (and already has an ethics investigation less than 2 years into her job as governor)

> Palin governed Alaska, which is right next to Russia, so she knows about international relations (and just got her passport last year)

> Palin was against the bridge to nowhere (after she was for it)

> Palin fought corruption in her party (while heading Ted Steven's 527 and filling her coffers with oil/gas lobbyist money)

I thought experience didn't matter


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: lupi
It's nice to see Capt anti-America leading this ridiculous charge. From the campaign of let's not have our kids punished with a child comes the blown up in their face Palin is covering for childs pregnacy. Then the move on with the story modified so they don't look like the complete dumbass they are. If this was a religious right hypocrisy story like so many of you idiots are having wet dreams of (BTW, it was oh so nice to hear at least 2 prominant dems mention that the hurricane hitting NO on the opening day of the rep convention was a sign that god favored them), then it would be about the girl aborting the baby. Wow, news story at 11, american female verifies that human reproduction still occurs, stay tuned for further breaking news. If she was young enough that Chris Hanson would be walking in to the dad asking him to have a seat, that's a news story. This, not so much.

So it sounds like you're comfortable with the left's handling of this issue. Glad to here that.

Yep. And JP thinks US soliders are honorable people doing an honorable job and travels to the airport to cheer their return home.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
If I'm McCain, I make it a point during my acceptance speech to mention how suddenly some Obama supporters are anti-working women.

According to them, a woman's place apparently is in the home, where she can lock up her teenage sons and daughters 24/7 to make sure they are not having any premarital sex. This sure is some progressive thought coming from Obama supporters-- if this were the 1920s.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Doc Savage Fan
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Doc Savage Fan
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?

QFT. This is a nonissue and I'm surprised that so many came out of the woodwork to yell 'hypocrisy'. They rejoice in any Republican human moral failures...and now...even their kids moral failures. pathetic is that?
Yeah that's usually what happens to Hypocrites like the Ridiculous..err..Religious Right when they have happen to them what they condemn in others.
So...Republicans and the Religious Right are the same thing to you? And they're all hypocrites because they all have opinions on moral issues that are different than yours?
I'm saying they are getting a good taste of their own medicine.



Senior member
Oct 3, 2002
I wish more politicians would take stance when this kind of personal crap comes out, that they actknowledge it's true, but beyond that it is no ones business but the families. Then say nothing further to say to the media. I find the whole thing silly, even though I am no fan of team McSame. Even stupider was that they made it a point to tell the media that this young girl will be marrying the father of this child.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: lupi
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: lupi
It's nice to see Capt anti-America leading this ridiculous charge. From the campaign of let's not have our kids punished with a child comes the blown up in their face Palin is covering for childs pregnacy. Then the move on with the story modified so they don't look like the complete dumbass they are. If this was a religious right hypocrisy story like so many of you idiots are having wet dreams of (BTW, it was oh so nice to hear at least 2 prominant dems mention that the hurricane hitting NO on the opening day of the rep convention was a sign that god favored them), then it would be about the girl aborting the baby. Wow, news story at 11, american female verifies that human reproduction still occurs, stay tuned for further breaking news. If she was young enough that Chris Hanson would be walking in to the dad asking him to have a seat, that's a news story. This, not so much.

So it sounds like you're comfortable with the left's handling of this issue. Glad to hear that.

Yep. And JP thinks US soliders are honorable people doing an honorable job and travels to the airport to cheer their return home.

I don't know about the going-to-the-airport stuff, but I'm sure you're right that jpeyton respects and supports our soldiers. Glad to see you acknowledge JP's humanity.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?

That depends. Is Palin a strict religious conservative who prefers teaching abstinence over sex-ed in schools?

What does that have to do with anything? If your parents teach you about safe sex, but you ignore their advice and knock some girl up, does that mean that your parents shouldn't have taught you about safe sex?



Feb 7, 2005
I'm not reading 47 pages. I'll just say I think it's irrelevent to her qualifications for VP (which she isn't qualified for anyway) except that it might piss of people in her own party. As to laying off of other people's daughters, half the country apparently wants to vote for the guy who thought this was a good idea:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.?
? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?

That depends. Is Palin a strict religious conservative who prefers teaching abstinence over sex-ed in schools?

What does that have to do with anything? If your parents teach you about safe sex, but you ignore their advice and knock some girl up, does that mean that your parents shouldn't have taught you about safe sex?


I guess you're not very familiar with the concept of irony.

The religious right is all caught up in how "pro-family" they are. Well, what it all adds up to is that all their bibles and all their morality and all their talk of the love of God don't amount to a hill of beans when it comes to the success of their marriages and the behavior of their kids. And yet - with absolutely nothing objective to show for their belief system, except the based-on-exactly-nothing self-satisfied smugness that their beliefs are right - STILL they want to impose their quaint, 18th-century reality on the rest of us.

Excuse my while I laugh at them.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Originally posted by: jonks
I'm not reading 47 pages. I'll just say I think it's irrelevent to her qualifications for VP (which she isn't qualified for anyway) except that it might piss of people in her own party. As to laying off of other people's daughters, half the country apparently wants to vote for the guy who thought this was a good idea:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.?
? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Lol, is there a tape of that quote? XD

Her qualifications could be questioned with this if you think about it:

She has been for abstinence ONLY in schools. If her own daughters don't listen to her, the message it sends should be clear enough. So her policies are directly undermined not only by many of today's youth, but she can't even keep her own family in line for the things her policies condemn. That says a alot about her in my opinion.

Of course, Obama can't get into this - but luckily, the media is all over it
-Oh and the McCain campaign will blame this on Obama no matter who is doing the investigating.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: jonks
I'm not reading 47 pages. I'll just say I think it's irrelevent to her qualifications for VP (which she isn't qualified for anyway) except that it might piss of people in her own party. As to laying off of other people's daughters, half the country apparently wants to vote for the guy who thought this was a good idea:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.?
? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Heh you sure that wasnt Rush Limbaugh?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?

That depends. Is Palin a strict religious conservative who prefers teaching abstinence over sex-ed in schools?

What does that have to do with anything? If your parents teach you about safe sex, but you ignore their advice and knock some girl up, does that mean that your parents shouldn't have taught you about safe sex?

You don't see the hypocrisy in preaching abstinence over sex-ed when your own daughter is not only having sex but pregnant?

As far as your question, duh. Teach abstinence *and* educate so if/when they do have sex they know the consequences and are prepared. Pregnancy isn't the only concern with sexual activity.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
I love the reaction from the conservatives. If this was one of Obama's daughters who was pregnant the moral right would be all over him for it.

And that would be pretty stupid and ignorant wouldn't it?

That depends. Is Palin a strict religious conservative who prefers teaching abstinence over sex-ed in schools?

What does that have to do with anything? If your parents teach you about safe sex, but you ignore their advice and knock some girl up, does that mean that your parents shouldn't have taught you about safe sex?

You don't see the hypocrisy in preaching abstinence over sex-ed when your own daughter is not only having sex but pregnant?

As far as your question, duh. Teach abstinence *and* educate so if/when they do have sex they know the consequences and are prepared. Pregnancy isn't the only concern with sexual activity.

Oh jesus really? How is it hypocritical of Palin her daughter made a decision that will change the rest of her life?

Is Gore a hypcrite because his son has been busted going 100 mph with drugs in his car yet he is for drug laws?

You are calling somebody a hypocrit based on another persons actions. It defies all logic.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Coldkilla
Originally posted by: jonks
I'm not reading 47 pages. I'll just say I think it's irrelevent to her qualifications for VP (which she isn't qualified for anyway) except that it might piss of people in her own party. As to laying off of other people's daughters, half the country apparently wants to vote for the guy who thought this was a good idea:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.?
? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Lol, is there a tape of that quote? XD

Her qualifications could be questioned with this if you think about it:

She has been for abstinence ONLY in schools. If her own daughters don't listen to her, the message it sends should be clear enough. So her policies are directly undermined not only by many of today's youth, but she can't even keep her own family in line for the things her policies condemn. That says a alot about her in my opinion.

Of course, Obama can't get into this - but luckily, the media is all over it
-Oh and the McCain campaign will blame this on Obama no matter who is doing the investigating.

someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I believe that schools in Alaska (which her daughter and the boyfriend/fiancee presumably attended) do NOT teach abstinence-only.


Feb 1, 2008

CNN says they just found out Palin's daughter is also Gay and had a Gay wedding in Massachusetts with another woman.
Republican convention scrambles to amend its anti Gay marriage platform.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

(Just kidding .... or am I ????) :laugh:



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: Coldkilla
Originally posted by: jonks
I'm not reading 47 pages. I'll just say I think it's irrelevent to her qualifications for VP (which she isn't qualified for anyway) except that it might piss of people in her own party. As to laying off of other people's daughters, half the country apparently wants to vote for the guy who thought this was a good idea:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.?
? Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Lol, is there a tape of that quote? XD

Her qualifications could be questioned with this if you think about it:

She has been for abstinence ONLY in schools. If her own daughters don't listen to her, the message it sends should be clear enough. So her policies are directly undermined not only by many of today's youth, but she can't even keep her own family in line for the things her policies condemn. That says a alot about her in my opinion.

Of course, Obama can't get into this - but luckily, the media is all over it
-Oh and the McCain campaign will blame this on Obama no matter who is doing the investigating.

someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I believe that schools in Alaska (which her daughter and the boyfriend/fiancee presumably attended) do NOT teach abstinence-only.

That whole debate is silly anyways. Even if the school taught abstinence only do they not have a television or access to another medium? At this point unless you live in sub sahara africa in a hut. You know about contraceptives. If you choose to not use it. It doesnt matter what is taught in our public educational system.

There are hundreds of thousands of kids across our nation right now pregnant even after going through non-abstinence only education. Using the logic of some of these people. Those programs fail as well and there is hell to pay. The people pushing them are obviously hypocrits because the kids didnt follow the warnings and use protection!


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
At this point unless you live in sub sahara africa in a hut. You know about contraceptives. If you choose to not use it. It doesnt matter what is taught in our public educational system.

Well, on this very board I've seen abstinence only supporters try to pull the legs out from under contraceptives because they aren't 100% effective, 100% of the time. This is used as an argument for not teaching safe sex practices and instead focus on abstinence.

This same doubt has been planted in the minds of those who received the updated version of sex ed in schools, and couple that with a healthy dose of misinformation in many areas has led to a dramatic drop in the use of condoms.
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