Paralyzed Woman Walks

Jun 17, 2004
Stem cell from Umbilical Cord blood used to treat paralysis

Published November 27, 2004

SEOUL -- South Korean researchers say they've used stem cell therapy to enable a paralyzed patient to walk after she was not even able to stand for the last 19 years.

Chosun University professor Song Chang-hun, Seoul National University professor Kang Kyung-sun, and Han Hoon from the Seoul Cord Blood Bank said they transplanted multi-potent stem cells from Umbilical Cord blood into the 37-year-old female patient who suffered from a spinal cord injury, the Korea Times reported Saturday.

The woman could now walk unassisted, the scientists said.

"The stem cell transplantation was performed on Oct. 12 this year and in just three weeks she started to walk with the help of a walker," Song told reporters at a news conference in Seoul.

The woman's legs were paralyzed after an accident in 1985 that damaged her back and hips and confined her to a wheelchair.

The researchers said they isolated stem cells from Umbilical Cord and then injected them into the damaged part of the woman's spinal cord.


Apr 25, 2000
More info:

Paralyzed South Korean Woman Walks Thanks to Adult Stem Cell Research

by Maria Vitale Gallagher Editor
November 29, 2004

Seoul, South Korea ( -- A South Korean woman who was paralyzed for 20 years is walking again -- thanks to adult stem cell research. The news is further evidence of the success scientists are having with the more ethical form of stem cells.

Thirty-seven-year-old Hwang Mi-Soon?s miracle cure came about as a result of stem cells harvested from umbilical cord blood.

The woman wept as she walked at a news conference in which South Korean researchers revealed their stem cell success story.

While they conceded more research needs to be done, the team said Hwang?s case could be a leap forward in the treatment of spinal cord injuries.

"We have glimpsed at a silver lining over the horizon," Song Chang-Hoon, a member of the research team, told the press. "We were all surprised at the fast improvements in the patient," he added.

Meanwhile, Hwang, who had been bedridden for two decades as a result of the injury to her back, told the media she considered her ability to walk a miracle.

"I never dreamed of getting to my feet again," she said.

This new adult stem cell development has raised more questions about the necessity of embryonic stem cell research, which has yielded little in the way of concrete results. Research using adult stem cells also does not involve the ethical problems posed by embryonic stem cell research, which involves the killing of human embryos.

Embryonic stem cells also have a tendency to form tumors when injected into animals or human beings -- something that does not happen with adult stem cells.

While more than one hundred treatments have been developed using adult stem cells, no patients have been cured with embryonic stem cells after more than two decades of research.

The South Korean researchers say their experiment marks the first time adult stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood have been used successfully to treat a patient with spinal cord injuries.

Others suffering from paralysis have also been treated with adult stem cells.

Laura Dominguez and Susan Fajt, both of the United States, never thought they would walk again after near-fatal automobile accidents that left them paralyzed with severe spinal cord injuries. But, once they received treatments with their own adult stem cells, they were able to walk with the aid of braces.

Dominguez was a quadriplegic at the age of 16 after the accident, but treatment using her olfactory sinus stem cells helped her walk with braces. Fajt benefited from an experimental new adult stem cell treatment.

A dramatic video was shown to members of a Senate committee in July picturing Dominguez swimming without assistance thanks to the adult stem cell treatments.

Paralyzed South Korean Woman Walks Thanks to Adult Stem Cell Research

Weren't the libbies just bashing adult stem cell research? Huh.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
I hear they are doing some amazing things with enbryonic stem cells too...
This is a great R&D tool!...saves lots of lives...hopefully more developments to come


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Stunt
I hear they are doing some amazing things with enbryonic stem cells too...
This is a great R&D tool!...saves lots of lives...hopefully more developments to come

Most of what I hear about Embryonic stem cell research is not as rosy. Lots of cancer caused in lab rats from it. Adult stem cell on the other hand has been showing signs of success. Case in point is this story.



Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?

Tabb, yup, I'm a Christian and yes, I support adult stem cell research. I do not support embryonic stem cell research.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?

Supporting Stem Cell Research doesn't have anything to do with Christianity. However there are moral issues when it comes to embryonic stem cell destruction.


Good to see that they are making progress on this front.

That reminds me - I need to get things in place to donate some cord blood in late January or so. Heck, I might have some frozen too if I can find some spare cash.



Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?

Supporting Stem Cell Research doesn't have anything to do with Christianity. However there are moral issues when it comes to embryonic stem cell destruction.


Good to see that they are making progress on this front.

That reminds me - I need to get things in place to donate some cord blood in late January or so. Heck, I might have some frozen too if I can find some spare cash.


Yes it does, most Christians don't want Steam cell research.



Apr 25, 2000
Weblog: Renewed Hope for Adult Stem Cell Research

Compiled by Ted Olsen | posted 12/30/2003

Researchers make breakthrough with adult stem cells
The battle over stem-cell research is fraught with spin and counterspin, and it's not just limited to embryonic stem cell issues. As others have noted, research into adult stem-cells has been ignored or grossly misrepresented as partisans attempt to convince the public that scientists must create and destroy human life for research purposes.

Predictably, major news that researchers at The Scripps Research Institute have made a breakthrough in turning adult cells into "precursor cells" has gone almost completely unmentioned by the mainstream media (it may have as much to do with its Christmas announcement as with media bias). But the discovery may make the debate over embryonic stem cell research wholly obsolete.

The scientists found that a small synthetic molecule called reversine can be a kind of cellular fountain of youth, turning cells normally programmed to create muscles around on their "differentiation pathway," turning them into the immature, malleable cells they started as.

"This has the potential to make stem cell research more practical," researcher Sheng Ding said. "This will allow you to derive stem-like cells from your own mature cells, avoiding the technical and ethical issues associated with embryonic stem cells."

In fact, says the Scripps Research Institute press release, this approach may be better than embryonic stem cells for more reasons than ethical ones:

Stem cell therapy would be most effective if you could use your own stem cells, since using one's own cells would avoid potential complications from immune rejection of foreign cells. However, in general it has proven very difficult to isolate and propagate stem cells from adults. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) offer an alternative, but face both practical and ethical hurdles associated with the source of cells as well as methods for controlling the differentiation of ESCs. A third approach [which may be developed from Ding's research] is to use one's own specialized cells and dedifferentiate them.
The Washington Times yesterday took note of several other promising developments in adult stem-cell research and problems in embryonic research. "I think what we're going to see is that the science is going to continue to show success with the adult stem cells, whereas we have seen no results in patients with embryonic stem cells, precious little in animals with embryonic, and frankly, negative results in animals with cloning," David Prentice, a cell biologist at Indiana State University, told the paper.


Apparently, sucesses with adult stem cell research don't fit with thr mainstream media's agenda.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?

Tabb, yup, I'm a Christian and yes, I support adult stem cell research. I do not support embryonic stem cell research.

How'd you get such a long signature?
Jun 17, 2004
This is a misconception. Many people think that Christians don't support Stem Cell Research. That is not true. I support stem cell research and I'm a Christian. I believe it is a great thing that God has allowed people to discover. I have heard about the great promise, and the progress that adult stem cell research has made. I have not heard too much about actual progress from embryonic stell research. The news media, which some people don't think is already liberal enough, has really only covered embryonic stem cell research, effectively hyping it up. They have not covered the great promise that other forms of stem cell research hold, nor the progress they have made. Another common misconception is that stem cell research was banned in the US. This is certainly not true. What has been stopped is government funding of embryonic stem cell research. I for one, do not support embryonic stem cell research. That is what a lot of Christians believe also. But not all - and those are usually the same 'Christians' that support homosexuality and abortion - going against God's Word, and effectively being unChristian.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Stunt
I hear they are doing some amazing things with enbryonic stem cells too...
This is a great R&D tool!...saves lots of lives...hopefully more developments to come

Most of what I hear about Embryonic stem cell research is not as rosy. Lots of cancer caused in lab rats from it. Adult stem cell on the other hand has been showing signs of success. Case in point is this story.

That's because adult is allowed whereas there is a moral dispute in the US over embryonic.
Most scientists are saying that embryonic cell research is far better than adult stem cells.
Look into it if you wish.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: idontknow
Great story, Riprorin. That's exactly the point I wanted to make.
Nice sig.

Thanks! Welcome to P&N!

Riprorin, I am assuming your are Christian do you support Stem Cell Research?

Supporting Stem Cell Research doesn't have anything to do with Christianity. However there are moral issues when it comes to embryonic stem cell destruction.


Good to see that they are making progress on this front.

That reminds me - I need to get things in place to donate some cord blood in late January or so. Heck, I might have some frozen too if I can find some spare cash.


Yes it does, most Christians don't want Steam cell research.

Not true. The controversy is about the source of stem cells used. When people say "stem cells" the assumption is embryonic stem cells. If you make clear it's about umbilical or adult stem cells then the concern goes away.


Jan 25, 2000
Libs were not bashing adult stem cell research. Unlike conservatives, who want to ban embryonic stem cell research, liberals don't want to ban adult stem cell research. We just want the scientists, and not Jerry Fallwell, to decide which type of stem cells is appropriate for each therapy, and not artificially limit them to just one type of approach.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it

I beleive that life begins at fertilization. At the moment of conception, the embryo is 100 percent human, with all 46 human chromosomes and a fully functioning, unique genetic code.

In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed.

I don't believe that a human being should be killed for "spare parts".



Apr 25, 2000
Adult stem cells are obtained from living bone marrow, blood, brain tissue, skin, and body fat. Other sources rich in ASCs are umbilical-cord blood and the placenta.

In contrast, research on adult stem cells does not require the loss of life. Adult stem cells have versatility and a proven track record, and they lack the moral difficulties of embryonic stem cells.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it

I beleive that life begins at fertilization. At the moment of conception, the embryo is 100 percent human, with all 46 human chromosomes and a fully functioning, unique genetic code.

In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed.

I don't believe that a human being should be killed for "spare parts".

If life begins at fertilization, why don't you charge fertility doctors who freeze fertilized eggs with child abuse for subjecting that "human being" to extreme cold, and when they discard the eggs, charge them with murder.
Jun 17, 2004
What have I said about the media. Some people think it isn't biased enough already. The reason they aren't talking about good that has come from embryonic stem cell research is that there hasn't been much - mostly a lot of hype. And I haven't heard anything from the media about adult stem cell research, and about the good that's come from it - and you're right I haven't heard too many liberals bash adult stem cell research - that's because they weren't talking about it at all!, and that boggles my small mind. Why doesn't everybody get excited about advancements like these? The liberals on these forums don't really talk about it. Instead, when something about stem cell research comes up, all they talk about is embryonic, embryonic, embryonic, instead of accepting, lifting high THE TRUTH and rejoicing over triumphs such as these.
These scientists may be great, but they're the same people who believe in evolution, which, I tell you the truth, I have read unbiased books about - and guess what - evolution technically impossible. But that's another subject for another time and place.
And stop talking about Jerry Fallwell, you non-Christian types. I don't even know who that guy is. TV preacher?
The Word of God is what I look to for the answers, the truth, what's right and what's wrong


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Adult stem cells are obtained from living bone marrow, blood, brain tissue, skin, and body fat. Other sources rich in ASCs are umbilical-cord blood and the placenta.

In contrast, research on adult stem cells does not require the loss of life. Adult stem cells have versatility and a proven track record, and they lack the moral difficulties of embryonic stem cells.

What moral difficulties would those be? Millions of frozen embryos are never implanted in fertility clinics and are simply flushed down the toilet. If you are having moral difficulties using those cells to save lives and cure diseases instead of just wasting them, you need to reexamine your morals.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: idontknow
These scientists may be great, but they're the same people who believe in evolution, which, I tell you the truth, I have read unbiased books about - and guess what - evolution technically impossible.

getting a little off topic there bud.
but if you are pro-embryonic stem cells and christian, how is it inconcievable to have a scientist who doesnt believe in evolution?

Also...maybe you can post these "unbiased books", who they were witten, published, and funded by.
Might find some interesting things.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: idontknow
The liberals on these forums don't really talk about it. Instead, when something about stem cell research comes up, all they talk about is embryonic, embryonic, embryonic, instead of accepting, lifting high THE TRUTH and rejoicing over triumphs such as these.
No one opposes adult stem cell research. What is there to discuss? The truth? Huh?
Originally posted by: idontknow
These scientists may be great, but they're the same people who believe in evolution, which, I tell you the truth, I have read unbiased books about - and guess what - evolution technically impossible. But that's another subject for another time and place.
Guess who wrote those books you read? Thats right, scientists. You're either going to have to switch to the one liners of our other Republican members, or start making some sense.
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