Paralyzed Woman Walks

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No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: idontknow
Stem cell from Umbilical Cord blood used to treat paralysis

Published November 27, 2004

SEOUL -- South Korean researchers say they've used stem cell therapy to enable a paralyzed patient to walk after she was not even able to stand for the last 19 years.

Chosun University professor Song Chang-hun, Seoul National University professor Kang Kyung-sun, and Han Hoon from the Seoul Cord Blood Bank said they transplanted multi-potent stem cells from Umbilical Cord blood into the 37-year-old female patient who suffered from a spinal cord injury, the Korea Times reported Saturday.

The woman could now walk unassisted, the scientists said.

"The stem cell transplantation was performed on Oct. 12 this year and in just three weeks she started to walk with the help of a walker," Song told reporters at a news conference in Seoul.

The woman's legs were paralyzed after an accident in 1985 that damaged her back and hips and confined her to a wheelchair.

The researchers said they isolated stem cells from Umbilical Cord and then injected them into the damaged part of the woman's spinal cord.

Of course an announcement like this doen't come from the U.S. anymore.

New Third World Nation status for the U.S. and other Countries like Sweden prohibit Stem Cell Research on a scale big enough to make breakthroughs like this, hell if the Koreans did this Research here in the U.S. they would be in Jail for the rest of their lives by now.

Glad to see this woman benefit from such an heinous Technology.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
As far as I know there is not, nor has there been, any prohibition on stem cell research. Why do people think it is banned in the US?

Back on topic, this is truly an incredible breakthrough.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: kranky
As far as I know there is not, nor has there been, any prohibition on stem cell research. Why do people think it is banned in the US?

Back on topic, this is truly an incredible breakthrough.

Federal funding is prohibited on embryionic stem cells except in few cases. Lack of money effectively kills research. California can bring it back, but I have always wondered why people haven't objectively looked at the progress of various options before racing to a conclusion before the fact and funding it.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, it's quite a stretch to say that no federal funding kills research. Somehow the drug companies manage to eke out a living without a federal handout.

Additionally, federal funding was provided for adult stem cell research and 60 lines of embryonic stem cells.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: kranky
Well, it's quite a stretch to say that no federal funding kills research. Somehow the drug companies manage to eke out a living without a federal handout.

Additionally, federal funding was provided for adult stem cell research and 60 lines of embryonic stem cells.

Well, you might be surprised at the amount of federal dollars drug companies get. There is far less going into this field of science.

The amount of private monies going into this kind of research is not great, in large part to the controversial nature of embryonic stem cells.

Those 60 lines have quite a few problems. If researchers had a chance to choose the lines they would like to work with, these would not be among them.

That said, there has been nothing but angst over embryonic stem cells. One side insisted that they be used, and the other arguing vehemently against it, and neither really bothering to determine the objective merits of the various options, and what the realistic expectations of stem cell therapy as a whole are.



Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
So, there's validity in the cord cells afterall. How odd is it that the advanced work comes from the impoverished nation of South Korea?

I think that we're wasting energy on the embryonic stem cells when these other cells hold so much promise.


Jan 28, 2000
impoverished nation of South Korea?

Since when? If I'm not mistaken, they're one of the leading nations in the world where high speed internet access is concerned and is quickly becoming one of the largest manufacturing nations in the world. Am I mistaken?


Oct 8, 2002
Nice. I'm equally in favor of adult and embryonic stem cell research. Whatever works is good enough for me. Now only if they got more funding dammit.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: idontknow
I believe it is a great thing that God has allowed people to discover.


anyways, i think we should research WHATEVER works. i have a friend who was paralyzed from being shot, and this gives me great hope of seeing him walk, even though i only knew him since he was in a chair



Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Ignoring the political implications, this is the sort of news Superman would have loved to hear. I wonder what his wife and kids are thinking right now?

Anyway, great post.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: chess9
Ignoring the political implications, this is the sort of news Superman would have loved to hear. I wonder what his wife and kids are thinking right now?

Anyway, great post.


That they should've moved to Korea or any other Pacific Rim Progressive Nation rather than the Repressive U.S.



Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: KidViciou$
anyways, i think we should research WHATEVER works.
Are you going to stand idly by when your number is called for involuntary brain transplants? Maybe it will work, so we should research it, correct?
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
That they should've moved to Korea or any other Pacific Rim Progressive Nation rather than the Repressive U.S.
I think you should be able to differentiate between adult and embryonic stem cell research before posting your tripe. The government here funds the type of research that lead to this breakthrough.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it

I beleive that life begins at fertilization. At the moment of conception, the embryo is 100 percent human, with all 46 human chromosomes and a fully functioning, unique genetic code.

In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed.

I don't believe that a human being should be killed for "spare parts".


Keep trying to tell people what they can and can not do with their bodies and their own embryos. See how far that gets you. It has and always will fall on deaf ears whether you wish the world were 'saved' like you or not. You may be able to temporarily block the research in this country due to the backwards ass administration currently at the helm, however, embryonic stem cell research will continue despite fundies best efforts to thwart it. I trust scientists much more than your opinion of which stem cell therapy is better/more or less ethical or when YOU think life begins.

Science > Religion


Senior member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Adult stem cells are obtained from living bone marrow, blood, brain tissue, skin, and body fat. Other sources rich in ASCs are umbilical-cord blood and the placenta.

In contrast, research on adult stem cells does not require the loss of life. Adult stem cells have versatility and a proven track record, and they lack the moral difficulties of embryonic stem cells.

What moral difficulties would those be? Millions of frozen embryos are never implanted in fertility clinics and are simply flushed down the toilet. If you are having moral difficulties using those cells to save lives and cure diseases instead of just wasting them, you need to reexamine your morals.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
I think one issue we're ignoring is the possibility that some diseases may not be adequately treatable with just adult stem cells.

You cannot discount embryonic stem cells as "needless" because of one woman being able to walk. Although I agree adult stem cells should be the first thing we should default to (simply because embryonic stem cells have so much controversy in this worthless nation), we should always remember that we can search out alternatives, since it is not out of the realm of possibility that adult stem cells could be inadequate for some cures.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it

I beleive that life begins at fertilization. At the moment of conception, the embryo is 100 percent human, with all 46 human chromosomes and a fully functioning, unique genetic code.

In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed.

I don't believe that a human being should be killed for "spare parts".


Keep trying to tell people what they can and can not do with their bodies and their own embryos. See how far that gets you. It has and always will fall on deaf ears whether you wish the world were 'saved' like you or not. You may be able to temporarily block the research in this country due to the backwards ass administration currently at the helm, however, embryonic stem cell research will continue despite fundies best efforts to thwart it. I trust scientists much more than your opinion of which stem cell therapy is better/more or less ethical or when YOU think life begins.

Science > Religion

Okay, let's see what scientists have to say on the matter:

Scientific Testimony
In 1981, the United State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee heard testimony on the issue of when life begins. Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Professor of Genetics at the Rene Descartes University in Paris, gave a typical testimony:
When does life being? I will try to give the most precise answer to that question actually available to science?Life has a very long history, but each individual has a very neat beginning, the moment of its
conception?To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being, conception to old age, is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence.

Dr. Micheline M. Matthews-Roth of Harvard Medical School, testifying before the same committee, stated:
In biology and in medicine, it is an accepted fact that the life of any individual organism reproducing by sexual reproduction begins at conception, the time when the egg cell from the female and the sperm cell from the male join to form a single new cell the zygote; this zygote is the starting cell of the new system. Most textbooks of embryology have chapters describing history of embryology and the experiments done to show that multicellular organisms develop from a single cell, the zygote. Because these kinds of experiments in embryological development have been repeated so many different times on so many different species, and have always led to the same result?that organisms reproducing by sexual reproduction always arise from a single cell, and that they are always of the same
biological species as their parents?this fact is universally accepted and taught at all levels of biological education. It is the continuous repetition, duplication and confirmation of experimental results that
proves that the fact is indeed true?

It is scientifically correct to say that an individual life begins at conception?Our laws, one function or which is to help preserve the lives of our people, should be based on accurate scientific data.

Dr. Watson A. Bowes Jr. of the University of Colorado Medical School
The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter?the beginning is conception. This straightforward biological fact would not be distorted to serve
sociological, political or economic goals. Dr. Alfred Bongiovanni of the University of Pennsylvania, agreed:
I am no more prepared to say these early stages represent an incomplete human being, than I would be to say the child prior to the dramatic effects of puberty?is not a human being. This is human life at
every stage albeit incomplete until late adolescence.

Dr. McCarthy De Mere, a practising physician as well as a law professor at the University of Tennessee testified:
The exact moment of the beginning [of] personhood and of the human body is at the moment of conception. In March 1990, Dr. Jerome Lejeune testified before the Canadian Legislative
Committee studying Bill C-43, An act Respecting Abortion. Dr. Lejeune told the Parliamentary Committee:
We know, beyond any possible, doubt, that when the sperm enters the ovum all the information required to make a human being?is present. We also know, with the same degree of certainty, that no subsequent
genetic information, after fertilization is passed on to a human being. This is neither the opinion of a moralist nor the hypothesis of a metaphysician, it is a very specific observation made in the course of
experiment. If it were not true that all the information required to define each human being is present at fertilization, In-Vitro Fertilization would not be possible. If a human being did not exist at fertilization, it would be impossible for a sperm to enter an ovum in a test tube and for the
embryo that may result to be transferred to a woman who is not the biological mother. In other words, the fact that In-Vitro Fertilization exists proves, beyond a doubt, that human life begins at fertilization.

In 1986, the Senate Committee on Human Experimentation in Australia concluded that, ?the embryo is genetically new human life organized as a distinct entity oriented towards further development.?

Senator Shirley Walters, a member of the committee, told the Australian Parliament:
There is no doubt that the human embryo genetically is a new human life. The Committee took evidence from eminent scientists and medical and individual experts?None attempted to argue that the human embryo was other than a developing human being?

From such evidence the Committee formed the opinion that the human embryo deserved respect and protection according to its status as human. In 1986, the Council of Europe?s Parliamentary Assembly took the view, in Recommendation 1041/1986, that human life develops in a continuous manner from the time of fertilization, and that human embryos are thus to be handled in all cases with due respect for their dignity.

Supporting References
A new individual is created when the elements of a potent sperm merge with those of a fertile ovum, or egg.
Encyclopedia Britannica, ?Pregnancy,? page 968, 15th Edition,
Chicago 1974.
Development begins at fertilization when a sperm fuses with an ovum to form a zygote; this cell is the beginning of a new human being.
Moore, Keith L., The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented
Embryology, page 12, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1974.
It is the penetration of the ovum by a spermatozoa and the resulting mingling of the nuclear material each brings to the union that constitutes the culmination process of fertilization and marks the initiation of the life of an individual.
Patten, Bradley M., Human Embryology, page 43, McGraw Hill, New
York, 1968.
Almost from the moment of conception, great quantities of these biochemical messengers appear in the cell, indicating that at the direction of the DNA, the vital processes of the new organism have swung into action?Even when the organism consists of only one cell, researchers have been able to
demonstrate the presence of two new proteins?complex molecules which were not present in the unfertilised egg?By all criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception.
Gordon, Hymie, M.D., F.R.C.P., Chairman of Medical Genetics, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, Testimony to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
Subcommittee, April 13, 1981.
?The merger is complete within twelve hours, at which time the egg ? which may have ?waited? as many as forty years for this moment ? is fertilized and becomes known technically as the ?zygote,? containing the full set of forty-six chromosomes required to create human life. Conception has occurred. The genotype ? the inherited characteristics of a unique human being ? is established in the conception process and will remain in force for the entire life of that individual. No other event in biological life is so decisive as this one; no other set of circumstances can even remotely rival genotype in
?making you what you are.? Conception confers life and makes you one of a kind. Unless you have an identical twin, there is virtually no chance, in the natural course of things, that there will be ?another you? ?not even if mankind were to persist for billions of years.
Shettles, Landrum, M.D., Rorvik, David, Rites of Life: The Scientific
Evidence for Life Before Birth, page 36, Zondervan Publishing House,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1983.
The zygote therefore contains a new arrangement of genes on the chromosomes never before duplicated in any other individual. The offspring destined to develop from the fertilized ovum will have a genetic constitution different from anyone else in the world.
DeCoursey, R.M., The Human Organism, 4th edition, page 584,
McGraw Hill Inc., Toronto, 1974.
In that fraction of a second when the chromosomes form pairs, the sex of the new child will be determined, hereditary characteristics received from each parent will be set, and a new life will have begun.
Kaluger, G., and Kaluger, M., Human Development: The Span of Life,
page 28-29, The C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1974.
The science of the development of the individual before birth is called embryology. It is the story of miracles, describing the means by which a single microscopic cell is transformed into a complex human being. Genetically the zygote is complete. It represents a new single celled
individual. Thibodeau, G.A., and Anthony, C.P., Structure and Function of the
Body, 8th edition, pages 409-419, St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby
College Publishers, St. Louis, 1988.
The development of a new human being begins when a male?s sperm pierces the cell membrane of a female?s ovum, or egg?The villi become the placenta, which will nourish the developing infant for the next eight and a half months.
Scarr, S., Weinberg, R.A., and Levine A., Understanding Development,
page 86, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1986.
Each human begins life as a combination of two cells, a female ovum and a much smaller male sperm. This tiny unit, no bigger than a period on this page, contains all the information needed to enable it to grow into the complexstructure of the human body. The mother has only to provide nutrition and


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
I'm a Christian and yes

there's why you don't support embryonic stem cell research, either that or you are uniformed, the media as well as this administration only likes to point to the dissapointments and the bad

you can read about major advances in science, cell, or JIB

also i hear no one talking about a topical drug developed that blocks HIV transmission, its funny how the media side steps any major advances simply because they don't understand it

I beleive that life begins at fertilization. At the moment of conception, the embryo is 100 percent human, with all 46 human chromosomes and a fully functioning, unique genetic code.

In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed.

I don't believe that a human being should be killed for "spare parts".

You do realize that in case of IV fertilization, majority of the fertilized embryos are either frozen or destroyed, right?

The embroy might be human due to the DNA coding. However that doesnt not make it a person. If i suffered cranial homorrghage or something similar and become braindead, i am no longer myself. My body would live on, however everything that makes me *me* would be gone.

In my option an embryo becomes a human/person when it forms a brain and detectable brain activity. Up untill then its merely a growth.



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
The fundamental basis of this nation's law was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teaching we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don't think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don't have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in the right for anybody except the state." - Democratic President Harry S. Truman

sorry for bein OT....but this sig really believe that only religious people have a morale ??? Welcome to the 12th century - swing on your horse and go crusading and kill all "non-beliefers" which are "immoral" because they down believe in your bible

A "moral background"...well "moral" is somethng which resides IN YOU..but maybe some people dont have a moral to begin with and need it "pounded in" by the church ? (Otherwise they cannot decide for themselves whether eg. its "good" or" bad" to kill someone etc...)

Also..for me it does not matter at ALL whether a "regime" legitimates its actions behind religion...or a "regime" is really a totalitarian regime banning religion etc. like in communism.
A totalitarian regime can be IMMORAL - so can a government/regime under the cover of "religion" or *any* regime with what agenda whatsoever.
And, yes, i can also -> USE <- religion for my own agenda, eg. if you didnt see how current politicians "use" religion for their OWN purposes - the same as they use sports, nascar etc. for their own purposes as long as it gives them some votes.

Dont be so NAIVE ! said...sorry for being OT...must stop now..wrong thread....


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: KidViciou$
anyways, i think we should research WHATEVER works.
Are you going to stand idly by when your number is called for involuntary brain transplants? Maybe it will work, so we should research it, correct?

tsk tsk, i thought we were above slippery slope fallacies


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
In order to harvest an embryonic stem cell. the embryo must be destroyed

i'm tired of this damn quote.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously rip how many time do i have to ask this, do you realise where ESCs come from?

aborted fetuses
discarded IVF embryos

so this mean there are two choices
1)throw away
2)use for scientific research

see the problem is that when you use that quote, you insinuate that we have all these feminist women who specifically get abortions so they can give their blastocysts to "evil scientists" when in reality, we are using human remains for research

another comment

idontknow is the type of person who doesn't beleive in science, but 30 years from now when he comes down with cancer will turn to those he scorned and ask for drugs or a cure


What have I said about the media. Some people think it isn't biased enough already. The reason they aren't talking about good that has come from embryonic stem cell research is that there hasn't been much - mostly a lot of hype. And I haven't heard anything from the media about adult stem cell research, and about the good that's come from it - and you're right I haven't heard too many liberals bash adult stem cell research - that's because they weren't talking about it at all!, and that boggles my small mind. Why doesn't everybody get excited about advancements like these? The liberals on these forums don't really talk about it. Instead, when something about stem cell research comes up, all they talk about is embryonic, embryonic, embryonic, instead of accepting, lifting high THE TRUTH and rejoicing over triumphs such as these.
These scientists may be great, but they're the same people who believe in evolution, which, I tell you the truth, I have read unbiased books about - and guess what - evolution technically impossible. But that's another subject for another time and place.
And stop talking about Jerry Fallwell, you non-Christian types. I don't even know who that guy is. TV preacher?
The Word of God is what I look to for the answers, the truth, what's right and what's wrong

this is the largest load of crap i have ever read, go take a few college level biology and biochem classes

also if we keep perpetuating these ideas that god will explain everything, we will quickly fall behind china, korea, and many other science-driven nations in R&amp;D. dont' beleive me its already happening.

i'm my grad. biochem department 90% of the students are chinese, guess what companies they will be running 10 years from now, US companies.......... sit on that thought

all those encylopdeia things that rip wrote up there are not a good arguement, most huge biochem breakthroughs have happened in the last 10 years, so a study from 90 is irrelavant, most stem cell break throughs have happened in the last 5-6 years



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dannybin1742

idontknow is the type of person who doesn't beleive in science, but 30 years from now when he comes down with cancer will turn to those he scorned and ask for drugs or a cure

isn't that the republican manifesto? like how they say ronald regan would be pro stem cell research if he was alive today, or how dick cheney thinks gay people should have the right to marry because his daughter is gay?


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
In the end, it doesn't matter whether the religious right in America is opposed to embryonic stem cell research or not.

Earlier this year, South Korean scientists have already "cloned" a human being, (by that they took a blastocyst and made it seperate so it started making two human beings instead of one).

Unfortunately, I see a similar pattern arising with embryonic stem cell research and IV fertilization.

While the US was all locked up and wrestling with the idiocy we call religion, Europe had already forged ahead and created invitro fertilization, initially, conservatives in the US were all seized up about this because it killed hundreds of little 1/2 cell embryos. So we see Europe develop the technology, and the US the left behind. Now people get IV fertilization everyday. I guarantee you there are plenty of hardcore Christians getting it as well, ignoring the "precious" "fetuses" they end up killing when they're thrown away.

America might whine bitch moan and fight amongst itself, but the world won't wait. If we don't do the research first and set the standards so that the world can safely follow, then you can suck it up when the standards for use of embryonic stem cells are determined by another country who couldn't give two sh*ts about jesus.

And you've got to be joking me if you think people won't start demanding embryonic stem cell treatments when they become a FULLY TESTED AND VIABLE option. Just like IV fertilization.



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