Path of Exile 2.0 - Discussion

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Oct 30, 2008
There are more sources of Chaos damage now than before, but easily enough to be avoided you can ignore it (or go Chaos Inoculation and totally ignore it). They really sort of scaled it where you don't start feeling a bunch of the mob effects until you hit Merciless difficulty and the resistance penalties stack. For the most part, you can ignore most things on gear that isn't '#+ to maximum life' until then. If you're playing a ranged character, leveling is probably feeling pretty easy because you mitigate a good amount of damage simply by being far away from mobs.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2008
Information about the new league is up now. Looks like a better version of beyond league. I didn't last very long in Essence League, but I'll definitely be giving Breach a try.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
I need advice for the next league. Essence league was my first time playing PoE (but coming from playing basically all other popular RPGs out there, dunno why I never got around to PoE till now). I did my own Ranger build without looking at any guides. I went with Split arrow first but later switched to Tornado Shot. The passives I picked were mostly damage ones initially but later I realized my character was a glass cannon and so I went back and used the refunds to move stuff around and pick up HP circles. I got to the maps pretty easily and progress slowed down aroudn T5-6 maps (mostly due to travel and not having time, also not having a stable connection recently, finally figured out that there is a hidden Singapore server which really helps).

What I'm looking for next league is a build which can tank damage so I can play it on a higher latency (lol). I don't mind a slow build that takes a while to get going but I want something that can handle end game decently easy. I don't really like the trading system in place and also I don't really have the time to play too much right now so I'd prefer something that doesn't require too much trading.

Any advice is greatly appreciated


Jun 2, 2000
Vivendi: About the only build my aging reflexes can do is fire totems-slow but safe, not very equipment dependent. It's a classic cookie cutter build, you will see a lot of them out there. Here's a link-be sure to look at the forum post (linked in the initial message) for skill trees, equipment suggestions, latest info, etc.

I tend to try one or two other builds out each league but always fall back to this. Very slow at the beginning though.

PS-trading is a whole lot easier and faster now than it used to be. Use poetrade DOT com. Also don't forget our guild chest.

Correct link:

Another cooke cutter build that is fun is blade vortex. Extremely popular, more equipment dependent at higher levels and the equipment gets very pricey. I played one through to level 60-something without dying once so it is a nice first character for a new league (I then proceeded to die a lot).
Last edited:


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Thanks I'll look into both. I've heard about Blade Vortex but don't know anything about Fire totems. I don't really care about clear speed too much. Currently, I've been using a Siege Ballista alongside my Tornado shot, it's great (I think) at crowd control and blocking paths so my character can avoid a lot of the damage.

Also, do we have a AT guild? I haven't looking into any PoE guilds at all yet.


Oct 30, 2000
I came back and decided to play Scion, which wasn't select-able as a class last time I played as I mentioned in my last post.

Goes down into the Duelist and Marauder area. It's not the exact one I found online, but I am basically going mostly what I saw. I am using the following main skill setups:

Spectral throw + Multiple Projectiles + Life Gain on Hit + Enhanced Physical Damage

Double Strike + Melee Splash + Life Gain on Hit + Enhanced Physical Damage + Multi Strike (just added this the other night as I finally got a 5 socket all linked chest piece)

Molten Strike + Enhanced Elemental + Life Gain on Hit + Multi Strike

Then I use the following:
Harbinger of Ash
Fire Golem
Poachers Mark
Decoy totem
Leap Slam

I've focused mostly on physical damage output and tank nodes. Decoy Totem + Spectral throw allows me to kite and blow up huge dangerous groups from a distance. Smaller packs I can use double strike or molten strike depending upon if the targets have high physical resistance or not.

I'm currently level 50 and pushing what I think are some pretty good stats. Just started Act 3 cruel last night. Off the top of my head here is about what my stats are from memory. I have just under 1,500 health, 75% all elemental resistances capped (although the resistances are slightly over the cap for all of them except having a -11% chaos resistance. Ugh I know but doesn't kill me yet), 4K armor which was giving me like 67% or so physical damage reduction. My dps is about 3K dps for both double strike and molten strike when I have all my buffs up, and like 600 dps for spectral throw which is a bit misleading considering how times spectral throw hits targets for damage. The decoy totem and fire golem add a LOT to my survive-ability as well. Since I run both Ash and Hatred aura buffs, I lock up 75% of my measly 378 mana pool down to 94 available. Which is more than enough with my 2% mana leech and poachers mark curse. I don't even run with mana flasks now as I don't need them.

Basically if it can't 1 shot me, I don't die. I am looking at you Vaal overseer Cruel Act 2 boss. That was my first death. I thought I could take a punch from his arm while I was at full health. I was cocky and got clocked. That was an eye opener for me last night lol.

I have 3 paradigm points in Iron Grip, Iron Reflexes, and Unwavering Stance right now. So I focus mostly on Strength and Dex along with Armor and Evasion (although all my evasion is turned into armor due to iron reflexes). There have been a couple of hairy moments but use of Leap Slam and decory totem to get away has saved me thus far. Truth be told, my current setup for my character is fun and way better than what I played previously as a CI assassin with with blade vortex when I last played.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2008
I really hate spectral throw. It was the worst leveling experience I've ever had a few leagues ago, so props if you're enjoying it! I'm still hoping they will re-do blight in time for me to use that in the next league. But if that doesn't happen I may go back to tornado shot. It's hard to beat that clear speed early in a league.


Oct 30, 2000
I really hate spectral throw. It was the worst leveling experience I've ever had a few leagues ago, so props if you're enjoying it! I'm still hoping they will re-do blight in time for me to use that in the next league. But if that doesn't happen I may go back to tornado shot. It's hard to beat that clear speed early in a league.

Not sure why you hate it. It feels like split arrow to me, just the arrows return when using spectral throw with multiple projectiles gem.

Typically I like playing the be in your face smacking character for this current character. Problem is that Path of Exile doesn't exactly let you do that all the time. Everyone needs some range and kiting ability or there is literally some monsters you won't be able to kill. Spectral throw gives my melee character that ability to range and kite along with decoy totem and fire golem. Not to mention the whole synergy in offense around all those as well as the defensive measure they all provide.

The basics of the game haven't changed that much since closed beta when I last played. Figure out 2-3 skills you want to be using. Pump those as well as your survive-ability and go to town. I chose double strike, spectral throw, and molten strike as my 3 offensive abilities. Everything else just supports those 3. when broken down like that, the game technically isn't all that complicated to build characters. The only complication is figuring out which passive nodes syngerize best with your chosen abilities and tank/mitigation style.


Mar 1, 2000
Vivendi: About the only build my aging reflexes can do is fire totems-slow but safe, not very equipment dependent. It's a classic cookie cutter build, you will see a lot of them out there. Here's a link-be sure to look at the forum post (linked in the initial message) for skill trees, equipment suggestions, latest info, etc.

I tend to try one or two other builds out each league but always fall back to this. Very slow at the beginning though.

PS-trading is a whole lot easier and faster now than it used to be. Use poetrade DOT com. Also don't forget our guild chest.

Correct link:

Another cooke cutter build that is fun is blade vortex. Extremely popular, more equipment dependent at higher levels and the equipment gets very pricey. I played one through to level 60-something without dying once so it is a nice first character for a new league (I then proceeded to die a lot).

Fire Totems 4 lyfe!!!!

Totally agree with this though. I'm old and slow too and certainly a more casual player than most. I hope to return to play the new league -- even if just part time. I will go totem build of some nature unless there's another spark-like build or even south paw reave. These were my 3 favs of all time.

Jax Omen

Golden Member
Mar 14, 2008
Finally got my 36 challenges today... by getting #36 and #37 in the same map (4 essence mob and echoing shrine were the "whichever of these I get first for 36, and I'm done" challenges)

Probably gonna do an Essence Drain build next league. Honestly probably my favorite skill overall.


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2011
Finally got my 36 challenges today... by getting #36 and #37 in the same map (4 essence mob and echoing shrine were the "whichever of these I get first for 36, and I'm done" challenges)

Probably gonna do an Essence Drain build next league. Honestly probably my favorite skill overall.

Grats on the challenges.
I am going to go LL Necro SRS support with lots of Aura's.. Will be expensive but worth it in the end.
Xorox will be running the Defensive Aura's, I will run the offensive Aura's.


Oct 30, 2008
Not sure what build I'm going to do. Maybe a Doomfletch Prism build if they don't nerf that like the incoming Pathfinder nerfs.


Oct 30, 2000
Since I started the past league late, I only made it to act 2 merciless. Was basically breezing through almost everything except for Izaro on Cruel. Speaking of which, man is that guy over tuned. I was level 67 with 14K dps, 3K health, crap ton of armor, maxed resistances, and still he pummeled me pretty quick. Basically if my decoy totem went down and he managed to wombo combo me I died too. Which was him throwing that ranged slash attack and jumping on me at the same time. The two attacks basically seemed to each hit me for half my health and I was out. Basically unavoidable too. Was frustrating as hell.


Oct 30, 2008
Izaro isn't made for tanking for the most part. Unless you have like a perma IC (which may not be possible anymore as reliably as in the past), you need to dodge pretty much all his wind up attacks. Even more so if you're allowing him to get charges / extra elemental damage / buffs.

Patch notes come out tomorrow though. Can't wait for BV to be dead so we all go back to lame ass trap builds. BF poison again! My favorite.


Oct 30, 2008
Blade Vortex. The current "whine about it every day on Reddit" build of the month. It is "OP" if you have gear and flasks for it and it's easy to play. It is stronger than Blade Fall poison traps, but not by a huge amount. It is a heck of a lot more interesting to play than a trap build though.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2008
Doesn't look like they killed Blade Vortex or Blade Flurry. They did murder Cospri's and Mjolnir though... They also did a number on Pathfinder through changing flasks. I might make two characters this league. I think Ill start with an assassin BV character and later make a reave or blade flurry raider.


Oct 30, 2000
Doesn't look like they killed Blade Vortex or Blade Flurry. They did murder Cospri's and Mjolnir though... They also did a number on Pathfinder through changing flasks. I might make two characters this league. I think Ill start with an assassin BV character and later make a reave or blade flurry raider.

Looks like nerfs to me for both Blade Vortex and Blade Flurry. As well as the two items you mentioned. Not sure if those are minor nerfs or major ones as I don't have enough experience with those builds at the moment.

Minions and totems all got buffs though as well as Blight got a buff. The buff to resistances for minions is huge as I tended to hate playing minion builds later as you just spam them to watch them die just after they get a hit off. Was annoying game play late game IMHO. Not sure that the buff to Blight will make it viable yet.

I do like the normalization of damage types for basically the same stuff. Like matching range and spell totem damage levels. I always thought that those being different were wonky.


Oct 30, 2008
Doesn't look like they killed Blade Vortex or Blade Flurry. They did murder Cospri's and Mjolnir though... They also did a number on Pathfinder through changing flasks. I might make two characters this league. I think Ill start with an assassin BV character and later make a reave or blade flurry raider.

BV is effectively dead for true easy endgame though. With both the number of hits per second and the pathfinder / flask charge nerfs, you will need to get more base damage and leech which is going to be hard to do both.

I can't fathom why they continue to nerf CoC builds other than idiots on Reddit complain about it. They aren't super OP and require a ton of investment the vast majority of players don't have.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
BV is effectively dead for true easy endgame though. With both the number of hits per second and the pathfinder / flask charge nerfs, you will need to get more base damage and leech which is going to be hard to do both.

I can't fathom why they continue to nerf CoC builds other than idiots on Reddit complain about it. They aren't super OP and require a ton of investment the vast majority of players don't have.

They nerf the fast cast builds due to server load issues.


Oct 30, 2008
They nerf the fast cast builds due to server load issues.

Which is either a lie or the fault of bad coding at this point. I might have bought this at the start of PoE, but they are a large enough company to be not given the benefit of the doubt about affording servers. Removing features because you can't handle the player base you put features in to grow.

Honestly, the reason they nerf these builds into the ground is because they don't understand the flaws which make them good in the first place. They create skills that are bad mechanically and nerf the good mechanical ones because people gravitate towards those and Reddit cries power creep. Melee is bad. It won't ever be not bad by just adding new skills. BV Pathfinder wasn't OP because BV hit a lot and flasks were refilled faster.

GGG claimed their balance team argues life based is just as good as ES based chars. That nullifies all credibility of them. They don't play the game.


Jun 2, 2000
I'm about 80% decided to pass on the breach league. It seems designed to reward fast movers and that's not my play style. I'm more of a turn over every rock type. Heck even when I run timed daily missions I go back after the timer runs out and scrounge. My current plan is play standard classic for a while, clean up my stash tabs, try out a few new to me builds (nice to do with an older high level character when the passives reset) and work my atlas a bit.

My goal is a standoff character, tanky with decent killing speed that can move fast (to handle those *** lab traps). My fire totem characters fit everything but they plod along too slow. I'm going to try out a minion build next.

OTOH there is something very appealing about starting in a new league with a completely clean slate.


Platinum Member
May 31, 2005
Going to try a Flameblast totem templar for the new league. I play HC now and like the slightly slower tankier builds.
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