Patriot Act shot down

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: Condor

If you can remove your blinders for a moment, what has he ever done to breech that trust? After millions spent to catch him out in ongoing programs sponsored by Democratic leadership, all that has been discovered is that he attends church. They have tried to pin several things on him, but the arrow always seems to point back left. They are so determined to find fault with Bush that liberals have made going to church a horrendous act. That is really reaching! They never give up either. 911 commission was an example. Birthed in hopes of discovering that Bush did something that got Americans killed (don't let's confuse this with Waco, where a President actually did) and when the members of the commission began to discover that any possible mistakes were made prior to 2001, the briefcases slammed shut and the taxis to the airport screeched out from Capitol Hill. They are just now questioning the findings and the process of that effort.

He, and his handlers and coaches, have lied and lied and lied to me. They have wasted my money on pork and ensured that my children will bear the debt of their bad decisions and pandering to the wealthiest. They have dummied up fake intel to justify a war based not on necessity but on the PNAC playbook. They have destroyed the world's goodwill toward my country and made it hated more comprehensively and universally than it has ever been during my lifetime. They have killed thousands of my comrades in arms, and tens of thousands of foreign civilians, for no principled reason. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who still trusts President Bush's integrity or wisdom is either ignorant or brainwashed or both.

BTW, how have "liberals . . . made going to church a horrendous act"?

You haven't been reading the numerous threads about Christians being bent on world domination?

Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Condor

You haven't been reading the numerous threads about Christians being bent on world domination?

What the hell are you talking about? When have "Democratic leadership" spent millions to demonstrate that going to church is a "horrendous act"? I think you're either exaggerating or lying outright.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
This isn't possible. The legislature is patriotic and would never vote against a Patriot Act. I have a feeling, unsubstantiated of course and just a hunch or gut feeling, that it is 1984 and something going by the name of Patriot Act is there to benefit tyranny and treason with an eye to the creation of a fascist state.

El Butt Wad even claims he has the power to go around the Constitution to protect our freedoms by illegally spying on our fellow citizens. But I remember a post or two over the years stating that Bush is a huge disaster. The insane are always true believers and the most certain. Like in Iraq, we needed to kill people so they could be free.

I believe that freedom always comes at a cost. Are you denying several hundred years of recent history?

I am saying that Bush is attacking our freedoms in the name of preserving them. I am saying that he does this because he has no faith that freedom is worth preserving against the fears of people so fearful of losing their freedoms that they would curtail them because of the dangers they bring. The cost of freedom is that the free will abuse it and the temptation, therefore, for those who have a privileged position in a free society and have, as it were, already achieved a significant pile of goodies and excellent attorneys is to curtail the really superfluous and basically unimportant freedoms of those who might just be suspicious and some potential threat to that pile up privilege. What do I care if they're listening in on Abdul's conversation so long as I think they aren't listening in to mine. And the camel will have his nose under the tent. I am saying, in short, that Bush is upside down. It is he who is the enemy of freedom. He doesn't trust freedom but he trusts his madness instead. He believes, up side down, that to preserve freedom you have to end it. He is fool who knows nothing of what the founding fathers knew so well and he is profoundly anti-American. The terrorists greatest ally is Bush and his psychotic Neocon merry band of men.



Dec 12, 2003
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Orignal Earl
Originally posted by: Condor
Oh, by the way, I'm not the one who fears the patriot act and NSA easedropping. That would be you!

Originally posted by: Condor

Also, all the small arms do for us is to allow us to take over arsenals and get bigger ones. You gotta have seed to plant a crop.


And here you are defending your right to have a gun, in case the gov gets out of hand

Here ill post it again

Originally posted by: Condor

Also, all the small arms do for us is to allow us to take over arsenals and get bigger ones. You gotta have seed to plant a crop.

Better watch who their coming for

Since you post no profile, I have to assume that you are the one at ground zero (a larger SMA). I have planned to be pretty far from it. I feel safe and you should be the one with the worry wrinkles building up on your brow like clouds before a storm. Unlike what you accused me of, I don't worry about or fear these things, I plan ahead of them. Those who don't look to the future and see both sides - the good and the bad - are simply short sighted.

Nice posting my prior comments. I was planning to publish, but see I don't need to. Point is that current leadership are not the gun grabbing treehuggers. All Bush is trying is to protect people too stupid to protect themselves. Did I tell you about my 55,000 gallon water supply?


How about your other brain? You know, the one that actually works....:roll:


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: arsbanned
Originally posted by: raildogg
If there are any terrorist attacks, the right wingers and other supporters of the Patriot Act can blame you so-called leftists and others for it now. Go team.

The right -winger weighs in, hoping for a terror attack on America so that our rights and freedoms can be permanently taken away. :disgust: :thumbsdown:
If it does happen, it wouldn't surprise me if it was engineered by the administration.

Oh stfu. who are you calling a right winger? Oh right, you're just another assuming, name-calling so-called liberal here :disgust:. A true liberal never acts this way.

But yeah, I am hoping for a fvcking terrorist strike, you clown. :roll:


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: catnap1972
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: raildogg
If there are any terrorist attacks, the right wingers and other supporters of the Patriot Act can blame you so-called leftists and others for it now. Go team.

Since they mostly target Blue states, works for me! They can have their privacy right up to the moment the bomb goes off.

There is something wrong with you...

Seething hatred toward America

Nothing new from them

I spent my years protecting it. Now it would be your turn. You are jumping right in, right?

So now you thought you'd spend retirement attacking the freedoms you protected for so long? I don't understand...

And how do you know what catnap1972 does, or what any of us do, to protect this country? This IS the internet after all.

Just a guess from his statement. My money is that he is a keyboard warrior. Wars have always brought limitations to freedoms. Drugs did that as well. Clinton restricted freedoms greatly and most of the libs never complained - when there was no war and the threat was being ignored. He was the first to restrict what could be listened to on a radio reciever. The difference is that I trust Bush and didn't Clinton. The other reality that there is a strong current to ignore is that this is nothing new. Spying on the populace has been going on for decades, mostly without harm. Remember Waco and phildelphia? Anyone ever hear of illegal wiretaps by cops?

Look, I understand if you don't think limitations to freedom are a problem, but a lot of us disagree with you. I guess I just have a problem with the concept of suspending some freedoms to protect them, probably because I don't want to put that kind of trust in Bush...or Clinton...or anyone else.

I would worry about that except that I trust Bush. Many don't. They should. When the threat is over, he would relax the Patriot act and it would just be a memory. My only fear about the Patriot act is that one of the really dumb Democrats would beat out whoever the Republicans run for President and he/she would abuse the act. It is worth that risk to me to keep you idiots safe.

What has he ever done to earn your trust? He's made it pretty clear that he has little respect for intelligent debate or opposing views, witness all his fake "town hall meetings" and the large number of speeches given in front of a military audience. He gets peevish and irritated if he's questioned on anything, and his latest defense of the actions he's accused of ordering the NSA to take isn't that they are legal, but that we have no right to question what he does.

All in all, he isn't a person I'd put a great deal of trust in. In fact, there are very few people of any political stripe that I think should be granted too much power. I believe the strength of our government lies in the checks and balances, you'd rather have it rest on the fact that you like the guy. And of course you like him, he's you. But only an idiot, to borrow your insult, would think that's a good way to run a government.


Golden Member
Oct 5, 2005
That's great. But they will probably sneak it back in sometime soon. Probably their first priority after winter break.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: raildogg
If there are any terrorist attacks, the right wingers and other supporters of the Patriot Act can blame you so-called leftists and others for it now. Go team.
Like they need this as an excuse?

Somehow I'm sure the mighty Clenis will be blamed.


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Too early to proclaim victory-------they will be back trying to sneak it through.
Front door, back door, or any door with new lipstick for an old pig. One new terrorist attack
and it will sail through.

So this vampire needs to be killed now--wooden stake through the heart and requiring at
least 60 votes to over ride the prohibition that needs passed now. If we had a decent
court system the law would be struck down already as unconstitutional anyway.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: catnap1972
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: raildogg
If there are any terrorist attacks, the right wingers and other supporters of the Patriot Act can blame you so-called leftists and others for it now. Go team.

Since they mostly target Blue states, works for me! They can have their privacy right up to the moment the bomb goes off.

There is something wrong with you...

Seething hatred toward America

Nothing new from them

I spent my years protecting it. Now it would be your turn. You are jumping right in, right?

So now you thought you'd spend retirement attacking the freedoms you protected for so long? I don't understand...

And how do you know what catnap1972 does, or what any of us do, to protect this country? This IS the internet after all.

Just a guess from his statement. My money is that he is a keyboard warrior. Wars have always brought limitations to freedoms. Drugs did that as well. Clinton restricted freedoms greatly and most of the libs never complained - when there was no war and the threat was being ignored. He was the first to restrict what could be listened to on a radio reciever. The difference is that I trust Bush and didn't Clinton. The other reality that there is a strong current to ignore is that this is nothing new. Spying on the populace has been going on for decades, mostly without harm. Remember Waco and phildelphia? Anyone ever hear of illegal wiretaps by cops?

Look, I understand if you don't think limitations to freedom are a problem, but a lot of us disagree with you. I guess I just have a problem with the concept of suspending some freedoms to protect them, probably because I don't want to put that kind of trust in Bush...or Clinton...or anyone else.

I would worry about that except that I trust Bush. Many don't. They should. When the threat is over, he would relax the Patriot act and it would just be a memory. My only fear about the Patriot act is that one of the really dumb Democrats would beat out whoever the Republicans run for President and he/she would abuse the act. It is worth that risk to me to keep you idiots safe.

What has he ever done to earn your trust? He's made it pretty clear that he has little respect for intelligent debate or opposing views, witness all his fake "town hall meetings" and the large number of speeches given in front of a military audience. He gets peevish and irritated if he's questioned on anything, and his latest defense of the actions he's accused of ordering the NSA to take isn't that they are legal, but that we have no right to question what he does.

All in all, he isn't a person I'd put a great deal of trust in. In fact, there are very few people of any political stripe that I think should be granted too much power. I believe the strength of our government lies in the checks and balances, you'd rather have it rest on the fact that you like the guy. And of course you like him, he's you. But only an idiot, to borrow your insult, would think that's a good way to run a government.

Hey, I'm not at risk here. The Patriot act protects the cities and the people who live in them. He could just do what he wants via Executive Order like Clinton did.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: Condor

You haven't been reading the numerous threads about Christians being bent on world domination?

What the hell are you talking about? When have "Democratic leadership" spent millions to demonstrate that going to church is a "horrendous act"? I think you're either exaggerating or lying outright.

Go back and read the threads. You did read them because you posted in them. You are just in denial.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
This isn't possible. The legislature is patriotic and would never vote against a Patriot Act. I have a feeling, unsubstantiated of course and just a hunch or gut feeling, that it is 1984 and something going by the name of Patriot Act is there to benefit tyranny and treason with an eye to the creation of a fascist state.

El Butt Wad even claims he has the power to go around the Constitution to protect our freedoms by illegally spying on our fellow citizens. But I remember a post or two over the years stating that Bush is a huge disaster. The insane are always true believers and the most certain. Like in Iraq, we needed to kill people so they could be free.

I believe that freedom always comes at a cost. Are you denying several hundred years of recent history?

I am saying that Bush is attacking our freedoms in the name of preserving them. I am saying that he does this because he has no faith that freedom is worth preserving against the fears of people so fearful of losing their freedoms that they would curtail them because of the dangers they bring. The cost of freedom is that the free will abuse it and the temptation, therefore, for those who have a privileged position in a free society and have, as it were, already achieved a significant pile of goodies and excellent attorneys is to curtail the really superfluous and basically unimportant freedoms of those who might just be suspicious and some potential threat to that pile up privilege. What do I care if they're listening in on Abdul's conversation so long as I think they aren't listening in to mine. And the camel will have his nose under the tent. I am saying, in short, that Bush is upside down. It is he who is the enemy of freedom. He doesn't trust freedom but he trusts his madness instead. He believes, up side down, that to preserve freedom you have to end it. He is fool who knows nothing of what the founding fathers knew so well and he is profoundly anti-American. The terrorists greatest ally is Bush and his psychotic Neocon merry band of men.

All I know is that I love being outside, but when it rains, I go indoors. We are in stormy weather just now and as much as we love our freedoms, there are enamies that would use them to kill our fellow Americans. Time to spend a little time indoors!



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
This isn't possible. The legislature is patriotic and would never vote against a Patriot Act. I have a feeling, unsubstantiated of course and just a hunch or gut feeling, that it is 1984 and something going by the name of Patriot Act is there to benefit tyranny and treason with an eye to the creation of a fascist state.

El Butt Wad even claims he has the power to go around the Constitution to protect our freedoms by illegally spying on our fellow citizens. But I remember a post or two over the years stating that Bush is a huge disaster. The insane are always true believers and the most certain. Like in Iraq, we needed to kill people so they could be free.

I believe that freedom always comes at a cost. Are you denying several hundred years of recent history?

I am saying that Bush is attacking our freedoms in the name of preserving them. I am saying that he does this because he has no faith that freedom is worth preserving against the fears of people so fearful of losing their freedoms that they would curtail them because of the dangers they bring. The cost of freedom is that the free will abuse it and the temptation, therefore, for those who have a privileged position in a free society and have, as it were, already achieved a significant pile of goodies and excellent attorneys is to curtail the really superfluous and basically unimportant freedoms of those who might just be suspicious and some potential threat to that pile up privilege. What do I care if they're listening in on Abdul's conversation so long as I think they aren't listening in to mine. And the camel will have his nose under the tent. I am saying, in short, that Bush is upside down. It is he who is the enemy of freedom. He doesn't trust freedom but he trusts his madness instead. He believes, up side down, that to preserve freedom you have to end it. He is fool who knows nothing of what the founding fathers knew so well and he is profoundly anti-American. The terrorists greatest ally is Bush and his psychotic Neocon merry band of men.

All I know is that I love being outside, but when it rains, I go indoors. We are in stormy weather just now and as much as we love our freedoms, there are enamies that would use them to kill our fellow Americans. Time to spend a little time indoors!

An appropriate analogy, and very illustrative of the differences between people like you and people like me. When it rains, you hide indoors. I just grab an umbrella and go about my business.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Rainsford

An appropriate analogy, and very illustrative of the differences between people like you and people like me. When it rains, you hide indoors. I just grab an umbrella and go about my business.

:beer: :thumbsup:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Rainsford

An appropriate analogy, and very illustrative of the differences between people like you and people like me. When it rains, you hide indoors. I just grab an umbrella and go about my business.

:beer: :thumbsup:

No analogy is perfect but surely this calculation would depend on whether or not the wife is home, at least for married guys.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Condor

Go back and read the threads. You did read them because you posted in them. You are just in denial.

Please link - I don't recall what you're talking about. How can any threads confirm your assertion that the Democratic party has spent millions of dollars trying to turn going to church into a "horrendous act"? I think you can't put your money where your mouth is.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
This isn't possible. The legislature is patriotic and would never vote against a Patriot Act. I have a feeling, unsubstantiated of course and just a hunch or gut feeling, that it is 1984 and something going by the name of Patriot Act is there to benefit tyranny and treason with an eye to the creation of a fascist state.

El Butt Wad even claims he has the power to go around the Constitution to protect our freedoms by illegally spying on our fellow citizens. But I remember a post or two over the years stating that Bush is a huge disaster. The insane are always true believers and the most certain. Like in Iraq, we needed to kill people so they could be free.

I believe that freedom always comes at a cost. Are you denying several hundred years of recent history?

I am saying that Bush is attacking our freedoms in the name of preserving them. I am saying that he does this because he has no faith that freedom is worth preserving against the fears of people so fearful of losing their freedoms that they would curtail them because of the dangers they bring. The cost of freedom is that the free will abuse it and the temptation, therefore, for those who have a privileged position in a free society and have, as it were, already achieved a significant pile of goodies and excellent attorneys is to curtail the really superfluous and basically unimportant freedoms of those who might just be suspicious and some potential threat to that pile up privilege. What do I care if they're listening in on Abdul's conversation so long as I think they aren't listening in to mine. And the camel will have his nose under the tent. I am saying, in short, that Bush is upside down. It is he who is the enemy of freedom. He doesn't trust freedom but he trusts his madness instead. He believes, up side down, that to preserve freedom you have to end it. He is fool who knows nothing of what the founding fathers knew so well and he is profoundly anti-American. The terrorists greatest ally is Bush and his psychotic Neocon merry band of men.

All I know is that I love being outside, but when it rains, I go indoors. We are in stormy weather just now and as much as we love our freedoms, there are enamies that would use them to kill our fellow Americans. Time to spend a little time indoors!

An appropriate analogy, and very illustrative of the differences between people like you and people like me. When it rains, you hide indoors. I just grab an umbrella and go about my business.

Ok, consider the Patriot Act an umbrella then. You hide under an umbrella. The "Doesn't have enough sense to get in out of the rain" analogy comes immediately to mind. You are right, that does illustrate the difference between people like you and people like me. Thank you for that! Been making that very point for months right here on this forum.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: DonVito
Originally posted by: Condor

Go back and read the threads. You did read them because you posted in them. You are just in denial.

Please link - I don't recall what you're talking about. How can any threads confirm your assertion that the Democratic party has spent millions of dollars trying to turn going to church into a "horrendous act"? I think you can't put your money where your mouth is.

You really think I'm going to link all that chit for you? Months back until now the whole church is taking over America is ongoing. The libs went nuts with it. I even kept pointing out that the Dim base in the south were mostly church going people and even taht was denied. Besides all that, I have found that proving points to libs is really useless!



Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
This isn't possible. The legislature is patriotic and would never vote against a Patriot Act. I have a feeling, unsubstantiated of course and just a hunch or gut feeling, that it is 1984 and something going by the name of Patriot Act is there to benefit tyranny and treason with an eye to the creation of a fascist state.

El Butt Wad even claims he has the power to go around the Constitution to protect our freedoms by illegally spying on our fellow citizens. But I remember a post or two over the years stating that Bush is a huge disaster. The insane are always true believers and the most certain. Like in Iraq, we needed to kill people so they could be free.

I believe that freedom always comes at a cost. Are you denying several hundred years of recent history?

I am saying that Bush is attacking our freedoms in the name of preserving them. I am saying that he does this because he has no faith that freedom is worth preserving against the fears of people so fearful of losing their freedoms that they would curtail them because of the dangers they bring. The cost of freedom is that the free will abuse it and the temptation, therefore, for those who have a privileged position in a free society and have, as it were, already achieved a significant pile of goodies and excellent attorneys is to curtail the really superfluous and basically unimportant freedoms of those who might just be suspicious and some potential threat to that pile up privilege. What do I care if they're listening in on Abdul's conversation so long as I think they aren't listening in to mine. And the camel will have his nose under the tent. I am saying, in short, that Bush is upside down. It is he who is the enemy of freedom. He doesn't trust freedom but he trusts his madness instead. He believes, up side down, that to preserve freedom you have to end it. He is fool who knows nothing of what the founding fathers knew so well and he is profoundly anti-American. The terrorists greatest ally is Bush and his psychotic Neocon merry band of men.

All I know is that I love being outside, but when it rains, I go indoors. We are in stormy weather just now and as much as we love our freedoms, there are enamies that would use them to kill our fellow Americans. Time to spend a little time indoors!

An appropriate analogy, and very illustrative of the differences between people like you and people like me. When it rains, you hide indoors. I just grab an umbrella and go about my business.

Ok, consider the Patriot Act an umbrella then. You hide under an umbrella. The "Doesn't have enough sense to get in out of the rain" analogy comes immediately to mind. You are right, that does illustrate the difference between people like you and people like me. Thank you for that! Been making that very point for months right here on this forum.

hah both of you guys are drowning in the sea of false analogies.

The only true idea here is if you're willing to give up liberties that thousands if not millions of people have sacrificed their lives for only to feel safer from some religious zealots, you really don't deserve either of those. You cannot call yourself a patriot if you put your selfish interests before the fundamental principles of this country. It's as simple as that.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Condor

You really think I'm going to link all that chit for you? Months back until now the whole church is taking over America is ongoing. The libs went nuts with it. I even kept pointing out that the Dim base in the south were mostly church going people and even taht was denied. Besides all that, I have found that proving points to libs is really useless!

Just as I thought - you're just making categorical, inaccurate claims, then refusing to prove them when challenged. Did you attend the Joe McCarthy School of Debate by any chance?
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