PC Gamers.

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Jan 23, 2006
I am not normally someone who complains so I'm probably not one of the people this rank is aimed at. I agree with most of your points, however I would like to comment on a couple points.
I think it's a shame when folks complain about "the way it used to be. Oftentimes, "the way it used to be is" the way it still is, you've just gotten older and more resistant to change.

This is not true, PC gaming has changed a lot over the past few years from being a dominant player to being an afterthought.

The other thing that has changed drastically is the length of games and the concept of DLC. You say the way it used to be is still how it is today? I don't see 53 DLC packs for Diablo II. This is one of my biggest issues with games today.

No one is happy with *anything,* which is unfortunate because PC Gaming has never been better.

This is both true and untrue. Steam has done a lot for PC gaming and the number of excellent indie games lately has been heartening.

However the major developers have soured towards the PC and have been releasing a lot of games designed for consoles. In the past this wasn't a problem because developers would create extra content, high detail textures and a different UI for the pc versions. This rarely happens these days.

Unfortunately these are the games that get talked about most which is why these rants are so common.

Why can't we give things a chance? Why can't we offer constructive criticism instead of sounding like raving lunatics? I don't work in the games industry at all and when I read some of the stuff that's out there, I can't imagine anyone wanting to develop PC Games exclusively. In return for your hard work, you get a face full of bile and criticism about the most irrelevant minutiae.

As mentioned above it is usually the large franchises that are commonly criticized and unfortunately their sales are so high that they do not listen to constructive criticism and they do not care about the small PC sector any longer. This is why people have degenerated to raving lunatics.


Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
Games did change. At one time graphics didn't sell games, the mechanics did but as processors improved that equation inverted. Not that it's negative, just is. I didn't make it too far into DAO and I barely started ME2 before I gave up, but I recently put a chunk of spare time into HoMM3. I wonder if I still have my MOO2 CD.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
I am a PC gamer, and I rarely whine over games. That said, forums in general are whine fests, since people generally only come on to complain. When you talk to the average player, I bet the whining is far less than in a forum. (in other words I bet it is just that there are plenty of people complaining in any forum, not just PC gaming forums.)


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
Yeah, that's actually the version of BG that I'm trying to get right. It doesn't work with my 5970.

You might want to look up BG Tutu online (<http://www.pocketplane.net/mambo/index.php?option=content&task=blogcategory&id=143&Itemid=98>). Among other things it will allow you to run BG using the BG2 engine. And it should probably solve the graphics issue you are having.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
The above post sums it up well. Most PC gamers are ranting about the large dev studios that grew to what they are now with a lot of help from the PC gaming base. They now feel betrayed that they're nothing more than an afterthought. Those same studios now develop primarily for consoles which feature inferior hardware when compared to most PC gaming enthusiast rigs. Gameplay is often simplified to appeal to a larger base to increase sales. We all realize it's in an effort to make more money.

Then there are the devs like Epic who flat out insult the very customers who made them successful enough to go on to put out games on the consoles. It's insulting that they refer to all PC gamers as pirates. I'd swear off buying anything Epic related if their damned engine wasn't used in virtually every game these days.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Read of people being pissed at the RO2 Beta as well, threatening to cancel Pre-Orders, then complaining about Steam, yadda yadda ya. Betas have issues, hell, even once the "Beta" goes Gold there will still be issues.

About the only Beta that is awesome is Minecraft.


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2011
Would it be fair to say that the PC gaming industry is suffering the same type of problems that is affecting other sectors in general. More and more corps are consolidating and controlling the entire gaming industry. The types of games are churned out and direction of development are being dictated by bean counters. More emphasis on shareholder value instead of 'gamer value'.
Mar 10, 2005
Would it be fair to say that the PC gaming industry is suffering the same type of problems that is affecting other sectors in general. More and more corps are consolidating and controlling the entire gaming industry. The types of games are churned out and direction of development are being dictated by bean counters. More emphasis on shareholder value instead of 'gamer value'.

absolutely. nobody gives a damn if their game/movie/music/whatever is any good. all that matters is sales. the bigger ripoff it is, the better.

beta is a beta...people are dumb.

dumb is expecting a day 1 miracle patch. i've played a few betas in my time, and my first reaction is always "how the hell did this problem make it this far?" by the time i'm trying a game, 99.9% of all code will never be changed from that point on.


Feb 5, 2001
absolutely. nobody gives a damn if their game/movie/music/whatever is any good. all that matters is sales. the bigger ripoff it is, the better.

dumb is expecting a day 1 miracle patch. i've played a few betas in my time, and my first reaction is always "how the hell did this problem make it this far?" by the time i'm trying a game, 99.9% of all code will never be changed from that point on.

Isn't that the damn truth, for both points. For the first, if that have a turd and know it and they just dump money into marketing to fool enough people to cash in and make their money before word of mouth spreads of the suckage. About betas, damn straight again, best that normally happens is a day one patch that will fix a lot of bugs, but usually nothing huge, or maybe a few big issues and some small shit if you are lucky.


Golden Member
May 14, 2000
You know, I rarely complain about most games as they are what they are. Nothing is going to suit everyone, and we all have our preferences. Like everyone else there are things in about any game I could say this should be like this, or that needs to be different, etc.

However, in FPS games there is one single thing I think every developer should focus on and really they have no excuse what so ever to screw this up, yet most all of them do. Movement and mouse look controls! Why oh why can't most seem to get this right? There are three examples that stand out in my head as how controls should feel, and love or hate the games themselves I think most can agree that they've nailed the control/mouselook aspect. The Unreal series, Quake series,and the Call of Duty series. All of these control how a FPS should control, most specifically I'm talking about smoothness and accuracy of mouse look. There is no herky-jerky crap going on in these games.

So why is it so many seem to have problems in this area, even blockbuster titles based on engines from the above games can't seem to get it right. Bioshock for example, I love the game but why does the mouse feel so weird and floaty, not to mention it skips around like crazy. Yes, there are tweaks to make it better, but it never feels just right. Games like this are too numerous to mention, add to that the non adjustable, claustrophobic FOV in a lot of games and the controls alone make quite a few otherwise good games unenjoyable.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2001
Didn't read, but I'll disagree anyway

PC Gaming DOES SUCK now

Arena shooters requiring massive skill, where they at? no where (Ex: Q3, UT2k4)
CRPGs with amazing stories, where they at? no where (Ex: Planescape)
RTS games are keeping it real kind of, basically blizzard is keeping it alive, but I've always felt their balance is just a little off, I played at a relatively high level on the ladder (top 25), certainly no tournaments or anything, but I did get to have my ass handed to me by Grubby online.

Indie games are also a good thing that is returning, they come up with some cool stuff, but mostly it's crap.

All we get are crappy ports and sequels (re-skinned, same content) by and large.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
You know, I rarely complain about most games as they are what they are. Nothing is going to suit everyone, and we all have our preferences. Like everyone else there are things in about any game I could say this should be like this, or that needs to be different, etc.

However, in FPS games there is one single thing I think every developer should focus on and really they have no excuse what so ever to screw this up, yet most all of them do. Movement and mouse look controls! Why oh why can't most seem to get this right? There are three examples that stand out in my head as how controls should feel, and love or hate the games themselves I think most can agree that they've nailed the control/mouselook aspect. The Unreal series, Quake series,and the Call of Duty series. All of these control how a FPS should control, most specifically I'm talking about smoothness and accuracy of mouse look. There is no herky-jerky crap going on in these games.

So why is it so many seem to have problems in this area, even blockbuster titles based on engines from the above games can't seem to get it right. Bioshock for example, I love the game but why does the mouse feel so weird and floaty, not to mention it skips around like crazy. Yes, there are tweaks to make it better, but it never feels just right. Games like this are too numerous to mention, add to that the non adjustable, claustrophobic FOV in a lot of games and the controls alone make quite a few otherwise good games unenjoyable.



Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2011
Personally, I don't complain. I'm older. I vote with my wallet. If I like something, I buy it and find others who like it. If not, I move on.

Problem is that voting with your wallet is becoming irrelevant with the concentration in the gaming industry. Everyone seems to be churning out last Christmas' blockbuster title instead of taking a chance on new/interesting directions for fear of damaging shareholder value. And also axing popular titles which don't seem to sell well enough to suit the bean counters.

As I said earlier, other economic sector also have the same problem of concentration and resulting mediocrity eg music/books/grocery chains/news media.


Junior Member
Oct 1, 2011
Quick reply to the huge wall of text from OP : PC gaming sucks now more than ever and almost every genre deviated in a bad way from what it was supposed to be. Just compare old games with new ones see :

RPG : PS:T, Fallout 2. Just two examples of real roleplaying games. And by roleplay I don't mean Dragon Age "sex" but real RP with real decisions and real consequences to your actions.

FPS : If you refer to multiplayer only you only hear about the one with the biggest fanbase : CoD. But ofc. fans don't admit the fact that it copied all the good elements from every other good FPS, or the frustration it brings most of the time when dealing with hacker, tubers, one man army, last stand etc. Now I do admit that as far as SP goes there are some good ones, Stalker comes in mind. It delivers perfect story, balancing and atmosphere. Unfortunately most FPS games try to do this too and fail miserably.

RTS : This genre is still up only thanks to Blizzard.

Let's compare the overall quality of older games over the new ones with just some random examples:

Fallout 2 > Fallout 3
BG 2 > Dragon Age Origins (though the comparison is retarded, I made it in the idea that Dragon Age was supposed to be "the spiritual successor")
Morrowind > Oblivion
Disciples 2 > Disciples 3

And the list goes on.

I'm not saying consoles don't have good games. I played a lot on my PS 1 and N64 when I was a kid and games like Fear Effect or Resident Evil are among my fav. but in the past years the idea of going on all three consoles was bad for PC's every time, from graphics to controls.


Platinum Member
Sep 23, 2011
Quick reply to the huge wall of text from OP : PC gaming sucks now more than ever and almost every genre deviated in a bad way from what it was supposed to be.

hold a minute man...we had many bad games at 90s and 00s, even at 80s
the thing is, we only remember the good ones...natural selection FTW

well, all i can see is that for FPS, we are in the same doom clones era.
instead off doom, i see half life 2...a story driven game, with awesome grafics and physics...(sorry, your beloved crysis go here too)


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
I still have lots of fun playing PC games.

But that doesn't mean i'm not saddened that the era of my favorite type of games is pretty much dead (fast-paced high-skill based shooters like UT).


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
Agreed on most of it, though I hate when people try and claim you can get a decent gaming computer for as much as a console... and then try and sway the costs by saying a console includes a TV.

No it doesn't. You pay $300 for the console, and you leave it at that. Can you make a decent modern gaming computer for $300? Ignore the TV or monitor, because you need a display to use either so it's a wash. A semi-decent tower will run at least $500 if you want to run modern games. PC gamers need to admit it costs a decent amount more. Especially when the consoles are as old as they are.

Consoles cost 600-700 dollars when they were new. That is the price that people are quoting when they say this.


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
This is a rant.
I think it's a shame when folks complain about "the way it used to be. Oftentimes, "the way it used to be is" the way it still is, you've just gotten older and more resistant to change.
I hate it when large swaths of people are painted with a broad brush. If you go over to P&N right now, you'll see posters there slinging insults and generalizations about groups that comprise thousands if not millions of people. I think on some level, we all know that's not fair but it's easier to put people into boxes to easily identify and label, fairness be damned. .
Ok, I gotta agree with you this far.
That being said, PC Gamers used to be a friendlier, more mature and forgiving community and have become a group of self-entitled whiners. They bounce miserably from game to game, never satisfied with anything, viciously nit-picking each new title into oblivion and waiting for the next big thing, only so they can blow it apart.
Your comments here are strangely inconsistent as they cover a LOT of stuff. In the first place, with the advent/proliferation of the Internet, just about anyone can post their opinions. Back in the day, that was not true. Some people posted/complained, but I would bet that most of the complaints you see now existed back then as well, they just weren&#8217;t as obvious.

Also, you have a much wider pool of players starting at the low end with much lower common denominator values. So understandably you are going to get a bit more complaining from that end of things.
No one is happy with *anything,* which is unfortunate because PC Gaming has never been better.
This is largely subjective. Yes, hardware has improved dramatically in recent years. This is, however, both a plus and a minus. While technology and improvements (along with proliferation) have lead to higher quality platforms at lower prices has given rise to significant potential for gaming, that potential is largely squandered on developers who are trying to broaden their market through Console ports. This serves to anchor and limit capabilities to the 7 year old hardware of the main consoles out there. And almost no one (publishers/developers) wants a &#8220;PC Only&#8221; title. So the potential is untouched.

What that means is the reason behind PC gamers not being as happy is that they know and reasonably expect that games would be created with the PC game platform in mind. But that isn&#8217;t happening. So we are disappointed with the overall quality of games coming out. So the complaints are not unfounded as you seem to indicate.
I don't have numbers to back this up but in my experience, PC Gamers have always been an older, more mature bunch than their console counterparts. If I ever talk to any of my friends or peers about gaming, I always have to relate things to the Xbox or Playstation. Maybe it has to do with the cost involved or the amount of technical ability required or even the greater amount of patience you have possess to troubleshoot bugs and what-have-you that come up.
While it is true that younger gamers are &#8220;More likely&#8221; to get into consoles than PCs, that is largely due to more &#8220;Casual&#8221; gamers in the market place, rather than an aging of the PC population. It is significantly easier (and generally cheaper) for a casual gamer to get into the arena by making a single purchase of a console rather than building/identifying a motherboard, CPU, memory, GPU, OS, build, troubleshoot, tweak, etc.. that constitutes a PC that will meet the gaming needs. This does not mean that there aren&#8217;t younger PC gamers, although the more that the gaming industry plays to the console market, and the more that they anchor themselves to the console rather than expanding the boundaries of PC Games, it just means that someone getting into gaming is more likely to go console unless they already are PC aficionados.
In the last decade though, several of those barriers to entry have been lowered, if not lifted altogether. Component prices have never been lower. You can easily build a perfectly capable gaming rig for ~$6-700 (which is cheaper than a console if you factor in the cost of a 47 inch LCD). Dealing with Windows 7 and the wealth of easily obtainable 'how-to's' and help information available online is a hell of a lot easier than freeing up IRQ's and mucking around in DOS.
I gotta disagree with you here. While you can build a decent lower end gaming machine these days for $6-700, I think you will find that even the mid range systems are $1200 or more. And the high end can go three grand, easily. Sure with the quality of games coming out today, 6-700 is probably more than enough, but any PC aficionado will tell you that getting the low end just won&#8217;t do. We want the best of the best of the best.

And consoles these days (Xbox360, PS3, Wii) don&#8217;t run that high. They generally don&#8217;t run more than 2-300. And it is unfair to include the cost of a TV in the price because most households already have one or more of them prior to the introduction of the gaming system, and hence are not part of the initial outlay of costs. And it serves a separate purpose to boot. So the number of people who buy a TV with the sole purpose of gaming is probably on the small side and would only adjust the &#8220;Average&#8221; price of a &#8220;System&#8221; only slightly.
I think there are those who would say that that a high barrier to entry was the one thing keeping the more 'elite' PC community a cut above the unwashed masses of console gamers. There's probably a grain of truth in that. But with the removal of those barriers came an influx of new players, new developers (seeking new revenue streams) and new ideas. Love it or hate it, it's those new players who are just discovering this universe are keeping the hobby we all love so much infused with new blood and (more importantly, I guess) new dollars.
I think you are significantly missing the fact that game development companies are restricting the utility of a good PC in order to conform with the console market. This means that they are artificially skewing the market TOWARDS the consoles, not the other way around. And while more PC owners are entering the market, it is at a significantly lower rate than those entering the Console market. And those that are entering the PC market, aren&#8217;t necessarily gamers. I think if you were to do a demographic survey of PC usage, you would find that the most significant usage of PCs today are for email, internet surfing and networking (Facebook, skype, twitter, etc&#8230 rather than gaming.

What that means is that new game developers entering the market are seeing 90&#37; or more of the revenue streams being console and developing accordingly.
There's lots of blame to go around, though. In the years since gaming became a big business, you've got your Activisions and your EA's churning out sequel after sequel, each successive one barely iterating on the last. The term 'console port' has become an instant negative, connoting less-than-stellar controls, UI and graphics options.
I by no means wish to defend companies like Activision or EA, but understand that they are dealing predominantly with the same technology they had 7 years ago. There is only so far that they can go with it unless they expand into the &#8216;Exclusive&#8217; PC market, or a next generation of consoles comes out. Since as stated before, 90% or more of the revenue streams in the gaming industry are consoles, they are unlikely to make the required shift. In fact, they want to go console, because that is where they perceive the money is.
Then there's the piracy angle. Whether or not piracy actually has an effect on sales is a debate for another thread but one this is for sure: the idea that piracy has had an effect on development. Invasive DRM has blown a hole in the landscape of PC Gaming. Personally, it's not a big deal to me but I get why some folks are upset.
It is true that it is easier on the whole to secure a game against piracy on the console level (due mainly to the limited access to code and the conformity of platform offered in that market). But that is by no means a significant driver in the decision to go console. Nor is it a significant barrier in going PC platform. The vocal minority on this point are in fact VERY vocal. But they are also VERY minor. And I don&#8217;t think PC Game development companies give more than token lip service to them.
That being said, the amount of vitriol surrounding PC Games is reaching critically absurd levels. The internet has given everyone a soap box (see: the unfortunately long missive I'm writing at this very minute) and made every forum and comment thread an echo chamber.

Why can't we give things a chance? Why can't we offer constructive criticism instead of sounding like raving lunatics? I don't work in the games industry at all and when I read some of the stuff that's out there, I can't imagine anyone wanting to develop PC Games exclusively. In return for your hard work, you get a face full of bile and criticism about the most irrelevant minutiae.

I'm rambling. Go play your games. Enjoy them. Criticize but do it reasonably. Everyone involved here are human beings with human feelings. I think it would do everyone a service to remember that.

TL;DR: Shut the fuck up and play
Again, I think you are significantly missing the point. We, as PC Gamers, understand the full potential of our systems. We understand that technology has moved on significantly since the advent of this generation of consoles. And we understand that the market leaders are not doing a darned thing about that. So the quality of games coming out for the PC (by and large Console portable games) is significantly poorer than should be the case.

Add to that the fact that most PC gamers do have an average higher technical know-how, we know the significant limitations that are imposed, where as your average console gamer probably doesn&#8217;t. So we have more reason and understanding of our complaints. And more reason To complain considering we are being gimped and ignored in terms of the games we do get.

Also, the overall quality of games is drowning these days in the absolute proliferation of FPS games. There are very few games that have compelling story or full and complete strategic game engines. (90% of) Everything today coming out is dumbed down and almost unbearable, and worthy of contempt. We aren&#8217;t complaining to hear our own voices (most of us anyway), but because the significant potential proven by games of the past is squandered and lost on the &#8216;Point and click&#8217; culture of today&#8217;s game industry.

And finally, as you rightly point out, the entry point of the PC gamer has lowered significantly, so you get a commensurately lower comment threshold. And again, with greater outlet for complaints and availability of platforms to share with the world, probably a lot of the otherwise hidden comments are now becoming known.


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
I agree to a certain extent, even though I'm on the "overall PC game quality has been deteriorating" side of the fence. Any and all masses of people throughout existance will fall into the "bunch of whiners" category. Sometimes for valid reasons, sometimes not, and valid arguements on either side are not necessarily going to be provided in a constructive manner.

I think it's a shame when folks complain about "the way it used to be. Oftentimes, "the way it used to be is" the way it still is, you've just gotten older and more resistant to change.

I've definitely gotten older and become more resistant to change...that's a fact lol. No arguement there, and that can definitely affect one's outlook on the topic. However, if "the way it used to be" still is, there there's no change to adapt to. Just saying .

I think I see your point here. It seems that you're trying to get across that people's opinions can be clouded by some idealogical view of the past that only exists in their head. Therefore, nothing in the present can match these made-up ideals. That can definitely happen, individually either on a small scale or on a large scale.

But sometimes, people are just going to have differing opionions on what makes a game fun. If you're having a blast with most of the PC games you're playing nowadays, and you don't mind any of the "changes" from "the way it used to be", great. Not everyone does, and they're gonna rant and whine just like anyone else.

...you'll see posters there slinging insults and generalizations about groups ...

People tend to do that sort of thing when they get frustrated with something. I guess it's just human nature. Such as:

... PC Gamers used to be a friendlier, more mature and forgiving community and have become a group of self-entitled whiners. They bounce miserably from game to game, never satisfied with anything, viciously nit-picking each new title into oblivion and waiting for the next big thing, only so they can blow it apart.

No one is happy with *anything,* which is unfortunate because PC Gaming has never been better.

I mean, are you a PC gamer? And do you fit into that category? Heck I'm a PC gamer that generally dislikes games that have been "consolized". If the game isn't fun for me, or especially if I feel like it's *almost* fun, I'm liable to blame some of it on said consolized features. But one of my most enjoyable PC gaming experiences lately has been Batman: Arkham Asylum. I mean, it's just a console game on the PC, but they made a damn good game...I find that the story, gameplay, puzzles, exploration, and sounds (could probably go on) are presented very well and the controls are pretty decent to go with it, even if it's better with an Xbox controller than the keyboard/mouse. It's not a perfect game, but I'd call it a GOOD game compared to any game throughout time I've considered good. If I don't feel the same about other games that just aren't "how things used to be", that just means my standards are different (note I didn't say correct or better).


Golden Member
Jan 18, 2006
In return for your hard work, you get a face full of bile and criticism about the most irrelevant minutiae.

Well, developers' hard work doesn't necessarily lead to a product that is worth even a passing glance. True for consoles games too. Heck, the whole dev team may have done the absolute best they can given the constraints placed on them by internal and external forces, but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy what they dish out. And if some people do enjoy it, again, great. Regardless, I expect any adult to be able to cope with criticism on their work, deserved or not. Good criticism, bad criticism, constructive or not...it's going to happen, and it's really not that hard to deal with it. Some might help them later in their careers, some might just be worth ignoring.


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
That was the longest post in forum history I'm pretty sure.

Do I even need to a TL;DR?

I expect most people looking for nothing more than a sound byte will do as you indicate and ignore. If they are at all interested in what I had to say, they will read. Who am I to tell people how to act?

But, in deference, if you want a dumbed down recap; complaints for complaint sake is on the rise (the OP as evidence). This is true, but isn't isolated to the PC gamers. It is true for Console players as well. PC gamers might be slightly more discerning (though they may not be), but otherwise six of one and half a dozen of the other.

But if the game is a turnip, it's a turnip! And telling people to play and enjoy a turnip is just as wrong as complaining for complaining sake. (PC) gamers have a lot to complain about with the overal quality of games lately in comparison to the past. And given the cost to get into those games (which is NOT comparable to a console system) they have even more reason. All facts which I think the OP significantly overlooks.
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Aug 11, 2008
I am probably one of the older people in these forums, but I actually think I may be less resistant to change than when I was younger. However, I am still saddened by the direction of PC gaming. Infinity Ward started the COD series on the PC and now has basically abandoned it. Bioware is doing MMOs and consolized single player games. And Ensemble Studios, which made the Age of Empires games is out of business. And even Chris Taylor does not seem to live up to his earlier standards (eg Supreme Commander 2 and Dungeon Seige 3).

So I do feel PC gaming has lost a lot. I dont mind things changing, but I only see the changes in PC gaming going in one direction, and that is downhill. I am not talking about the technical aspects, BTW. Never has excellent hardware been so affordable. It is just that I feel the quality of games has decreased dramatically.


Oct 9, 1999
PC gamers whine because they are JUSTIFIED in doing it. Plain and simple.

PC games have gone downhill like a landslide over the last 15 years.

Look at the rage release for example, game was released in a unplayable state that could not have possibly made it by beta testing, so obviously they dont even beta test games anymore they let the people paying full price on release day beta it for them to save money. And you think people are not justified in complaining?

Things PC gamers have to deal with now that were not relevant 15 years ago:

DRM(GFWL sucks, Always online DRM in single player, i could go on but you get the picture)

Textures that look like they are from the year 2000 because dev's are to lazy to upgrade them from console textures.

Straight up consol ports to the point that the UI is the same even though you have a mouse and games tell you to hit start to continue and select to bring up the menu.

Auto aim on PC shooters enabled by default, even in multiplayer.

The constant milking of a franchise just to use the name to make as much money as possible while the games are rushed and worse than all games that came before it(DA2 for example or any sports game made in the last 10 years)

I could go on but you get the picture. PC gamers have been left out in the cold and i feel are justified in most complaints that have become rampant on forums in the last 10 years.
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