PC gaming is going down the tubes

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Senior member
Dec 2, 2006
Red Herring: Games in general are not up to snuff. As the industry tries to draw more and more people (and dollars) into the field, they are moving towards the least common denominator. The Gaming Industry has pulled in more money than Hollywood and the movie industry in some years. Complicated, complex games have to compete against duller, two month play and throw away games. If they don't do that successfully, then the industry will go where the lions share of the money is...


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
The thing about console douchenozzles is that they fail to cite any reason why a console is better than the PC.

Of course not, that's part of the problem for those of us that play on both platforms... Do you think I'd bother posting in a "PC gaming is going down the tubes" thread if console gaming was superior? PC gaming is superior IMO, but that doesn't mean that developers and publishers aren't treating it like a second class citizen.

PC gamers are super pissed because MW2 broke the mold by giving us the same heaping helping of horse shit console gamers lap up in every title. PC gamers wont stand for that shit, hence the mass of cancelled pre orders.

How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

I agree that it might be due to reduced expectations, but the Xbox 360 CoD4:MW players I know are all excited as hell about MW2. No talk of pre-order cancellations on the 360.

PC gaming is not dying, and in fact I am predicting a resurgence in 2010 as the needs of developers start exceeding the hardware available on consoles.

Maybe... I'd really like to see the resurgence of the PC as the driver of technology. However, even Crytek is working on CryEngine3, which isn't an amped up version of CryEngine2 for the PC, but a supposed cross-platform equivalent.

Epic went cross platform years ago, and their Unreal Engine3 has been hugely successful because of it. Never mind that it doesn't even natively support anti-aliasing under DX9...

Even Carmack, the OpenGL hold out, has openly stated that they are designing Rage to be cross platform.

Console hardware limitations have been limiting PC games since about 2007 IMO, and I don't really see any big changes in that in the future. Sure, there is DX11 and PhysX as I mentioned earlier, but only time will tell if these are big enough to make a difference.
Oct 27, 2007
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Maybe... I'd really like to see the resurgence of the PC as the driver of technology. However, even Crytek is working on CryEngine3, which isn't an amped up version of CryEngine2 for the PC, but a supposed cross-platform equivalent.

Epic went cross platform years ago, and their Unreal Engine3 has been hugely successful because of it. Never mind that it doesn't even natively support anti-aliasing under DX9...

It's financially prudent for developers to create cross-platform engines, but cross-platform doesn't automatically imply "bad". Just take a look at my post above, with excellent cross-platform titles like HL2, TF2, F.E.A.R.2, OpFlash2, GTAIV, GRiD, CoD:MW, CoD:WaW, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout 3 and Arkham Asylum it's simply not accurate or fair to criticize cross platform development. It' up to the developers whether we receive excellent PC titles, it's not an intrinsic property of the development platform. And so far there have been duds and there have been gems, like always.


Junior Member
Oct 24, 2009
Originally posted by: Darklife
Originally posted by: photi

cloud computing is where the industry is heading. at some point, bandwidth will be a non-issue, and once all the logistics of cloud computing are worked out,

And I'm guessing latency would also be a non-issue what with the instantenous connections of the future and such?

that is part of what logistics is referring to. latency is an issue now, but that doesn't mean it always will be. obviously a server half way around the world connected via satellite is not an option as the speed of light is a limiting factor, but with regional servers the speed of light is not the issue.

for those who said they didn't like to play on-line etc, the reason people will migrate towards cloud gaming is for increased computer power to the extreme. think about how powerful PCs are today compared to what they used to be. the power increase is insane.

now think about how powerful the supercomputers of tomorrow will be, mind blowing. when they are able to create a graphics engine capable of utilizing the power of a super computer, the "video" games created will be orders of magnitude better than they are today. a gaming experience unlike no other is why people will migrate towards cloud gaming, even for single player games.

the appeal for game developers will be that they won't have multiple platforms to worry about, the entire market of consumers will be available despite having only one version. neither consoles nor PCs will be able to compete with that kind of computing power. the PC, not an obsolete console, will be the portal into these gaming worlds of the future.

and for those who say bandwidth is an issue, don't be so narrow-minded. it wasn't long ago people in the industry were talking about the possibility of sending internet connections through pre-existing electrical wires at speeds measured in the terabits. i have not heard about this lately, so maybe the technology didn't pan out, but regardless, at some point there will be technological breakthroughs in the bandwidth sciences.

and really, there already have been. i remember 28k modems, 56k and then wow! 98k or v92 or whatever it was. people were talking about bandwidth limitations then, and then 3Mbps DSL came out, and there were liimitations, and then cable and fiberoptics and now, if you pay for it, you can get connections measured in the hundreds of megabits and beyond. and the prices for those connections are coming down fast.

and think about 3g wireless connections, iirc, the latest of AT&T's networks offer speeds up to 10Mbps...for wireless!!! maybe the networks aren't quite that fast yet, but they are talking about it in the near future. so clearly, despite limitations in bandwidth at the moment, the technology is advancing rapidly, and at some point (10 or 20 years) the safe money is on bandwidth being a non-issue. I have a 10Mbps connection now, that is 357 times greater than a 28k modem.

and yes, i understand rural places don't benefit immediately from these advances, but if wireless broadband is advancing this rapidly, then at some point one has to imagine that location will no longer be an issue as well.

at any rate, electronic gaming is still in its infancy, to make predictions about the downfall of the PC gaming industry is absurdly premature.



Oct 24, 2009
Full disclosure: I have not read the comments to date in this thread, so if you want my opinion on something please ask me specifically.

I'm old enough to remember the days of Atari, INTELLIVISION, Commodore, and OF COURSE the NES.

I had a C64 with NO OS. It'd boot into some flavor of BASIC if you didn't have a cartridge in there.

PC Gaming was NEVER what console gaming was, much to my chagrin.

At some point after 1988 PCs settled on a standard (then called "IBM Compatible"). You would think that this open hardware platform would be at the forefront of video game evolution. Alas, it was never so.

Even Microsoft (love or hate them), who standardized operating systems (MS-DOS) for the standard x86 (IBM-compatible) quickly went away from this platform with their first Xbox.

PC Gaming was not really around for the days of Space Invaders and Pong and Mario Bros. However, a few years later, it brought us the first FPS, the first Warcraft/Dune/RTS type game, and the first real 3D acceleration. These were AMAZING revolutions in gaming, that have not been matched since.

Still, no OS has really been good enough to replace the utter dead simplicity of the console, and no PC system provider has made a good attempt at repeating it. For me, this is no problem. For the average joe-sixpack, they don't want to deal with Direct-X upgrades and GPU drivers.

Is the PC a superior platform?

Of course it is.

If PITA is no obstacle you can upgrade, add memory, improve your CPU/GPU, etc.

Is KBM better than a gamepad for FPS?

Of course it is, and I don't feel the need to qualify that statement.

Still, to use the sports cliche, 'it is what it is'.

The corporations at the forefront of gaming hardware want closed platforms that they control 100%. If you got a problem with that, do what I did: stop buying consoles. If I can't emulate it, I'll let my friends buy it.

For instance, I refused to pay for a DVR from my cable company or a OEM CableCard ready PC to act as a DVR because I found this choice restrictive. I boycotted.

Last month DIY PCers were finally allowed to turn their PC into a DIY HDTV DVR. Not that I had anything to do with it, but it just goes to prove: sometimes, it works out for the good guys.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Maybe... I'd really like to see the resurgence of the PC as the driver of technology. However, even Crytek is working on CryEngine3, which isn't an amped up version of CryEngine2 for the PC, but a supposed cross-platform equivalent.

Epic went cross platform years ago, and their Unreal Engine3 has been hugely successful because of it. Never mind that it doesn't even natively support anti-aliasing under DX9...

It's financially prudent for developers to create cross-platform engines, but cross-platform doesn't automatically imply "bad". Just take a look at my post above, with excellent cross-platform titles like HL2, TF2, F.E.A.R.2, OpFlash2, GTAIV, GRiD, CoD:MW, CoD:WaW, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout 3 and Arkham Asylum it's simply not accurate or fair to criticize cross platform development. It' up to the developers whether we receive excellent PC titles, it's not an intrinsic property of the development platform. And so far there have been duds and there have been gems, like always.

I don't disagree that cross platform titles are not intrinsically bad, nor did I imply this. I'm not sure where you got that from my post. My point was that I didn't really see any evidence to support the notion that PC gaming was going to make a resurgence because the PS3 and 360 were starting to show their age.

midnight growler

Senior member
May 8, 2005
How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

I agree that it might be due to reduced expectations, but the Xbox 360 CoD4:MW players I know are all excited as hell about MW2. No talk of pre-order cancellations on the 360.

The uproar over MW2 is because the devs want to take what has always worked for PC and turn it into console-style crap. It may seem like a small thing, but in reality, the ability to have a dedicated server is among the top of the list of why PC gaming is different and better than consoles; that is choice.

We can play with all the choices of players, admins, rules, mods and map rotations we want.

The decision to move away from independent dedicated servers is simply a grab to force PC gamers to pay for what we used to get (and make ourselves) for free. Console lovers are fine with it because they're already caught up in the crap hook-line-and-sinker. PC fans were just as eager for MW2 until IW announced this garbage.

You know what IS making IW ward and every other development company go crazy for consoles? The fact that they can charge you through the ass for everything and get away with murder because you'll let them. Enjoy what'll be your EA Modern Warfare 2k9.

The only reason PC gaming is getting sick is because console makers and their lapdog developers are trying their damnedest to kill it.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: midnight growler
How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

I agree that it might be due to reduced expectations, but the Xbox 360 CoD4:MW players I know are all excited as hell about MW2. No talk of pre-order cancellations on the 360.

The uproar over MW2 is because the devs want to take what has always worked for PC and turn it into console-style crap. It may seem like a small thing, but in reality, the ability to have a dedicated server is among the top of the list of why PC gaming is different and better than consoles; that is choice.

We can play with all the choices of players, admins, rules, mods and map rotations we want.

The decision to move away from independent dedicated servers is simply a grab to force PC gamers to pay for what we used to get (and make ourselves) for free. Console lovers are fine with it because they're already caught up in the crap hook-line-and-sinker. PC fans were just as eager for MW2 until IW announced this garbage.

You know what IS making IW ward and every other development company go crazy for consoles? The fact that they can charge you through the ass for everything and get away with murder because you'll let them. Enjoy what'll be your EA Modern Warfare 2k9.

The only reason PC gaming is getting sick is because console makers and their lapdog developers are trying their damnedest to kill it.

You're in a PC gaming forum, I think most of us here get why there is an uproar against IW for the lack of support for private dedicated servers. However, I'm not really clear on how highlighting this or any of the other points you made are indicators of a positive future for PC gaming.

Mike Gayner

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: nitromullet
PC gamers are super pissed because MW2 broke the mold by giving us the same heaping helping of horse shit console gamers lap up in every title. PC gamers wont stand for that shit, hence the mass of cancelled pre orders.

How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my point whizzing over your head.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
Originally posted by: nitromullet
PC gamers are super pissed because MW2 broke the mold by giving us the same heaping helping of horse shit console gamers lap up in every title. PC gamers wont stand for that shit, hence the mass of cancelled pre orders.

How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my point whizzing over your head.

Well, so enlighten me... How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of PC pre-orders the sign of a good future for PC gaming?

Mike Gayner

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
Originally posted by: nitromullet
PC gamers are super pissed because MW2 broke the mold by giving us the same heaping helping of horse shit console gamers lap up in every title. PC gamers wont stand for that shit, hence the mass of cancelled pre orders.

How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my point whizzing over your head.

Well, so enlighten me... How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of PC pre-orders the sign of a good future for PC gaming?

l2comprehend, Einstein. I didn't say this was a signal of a healthy system, though I don't think it's evidence of a systemic problem with PC gaming either. My point there was that PC gamers, unlike console gamers, have high standards and expectations. The industry standard is to offer dedicated servers, which is one of the many things that makes PC gaming unique and superior to console gaming.

PC gamers don't accept this kind of bullshit, as evidenced by the huge number of cancellations. The huge backlash sends a clear message to developers, and thankfully some other developers are listening and capitalising on this opportunity.

Is that clear enough or should I type slower for you?


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
I didn't say this was a signal of a healthy system, though I don't think it's evidence of a systemic problem with PC gaming either.

So why bring it up an a thread about the health of PC gaming?

The industry standard is to offer dedicated servers

Apparently, Infinity Ward didn't get that memo.

PC gamers don't accept this kind of bullshit, as evidenced by the huge number of cancellations. The huge backlash sends a clear message to developers, and thankfully some other developers are listening and capitalising on this opportunity.

Care to cite any examples of devs with remotely as much pull as Infinity Ward taking advantage of this opportunity?

If IW is able to pull this off and still sell a lot of copies of MW2 on the PC, I have the feeling that you will see more and more developers following in their footsteps. If they aren't able to pull it off and sales of the PC version suffer, they'll probably just drop PC development. In which case, other devs will probably also follow their lead.

Mike Gayner

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2007
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
I didn't say this was a signal of a healthy system, though I don't think it's evidence of a systemic problem with PC gaming either.

So why bring it up an a thread about the health of PC gaming?

The industry standard is to offer dedicated servers

Apparently, Infinity Ward didn't get that memo.

PC gamers don't accept this kind of bullshit, as evidenced by the huge number of cancellations. The huge backlash sends a clear message to developers, and thankfully some other developers are listening and capitalising on this opportunity.

Care to cite any examples of devs with remotely as much pull as Infinity Ward taking advantage of this opportunity?

If IW is able to pull this off and still sell a lot of copies of MW2 on the PC, I have the feeling that you will see more and more developers following in their footsteps. If they aren't able to pull it off and sales of the PC version suffer, they'll probably just drop PC development. In which case, other devs will probably also follow their lead.

Do you have trouble dressing yourself in the morning? Because simple things seem to confuse you easily. My point was to express that PC gamers have different standards to console gamers. We expect more, so when IW pulls this crap, there is a huge reaction. If you don't see the how this relates to the thread, I'm not sure I can help you.

As for other devs taking opportunity of the situation - DICE? Or are you going to argue that they're small time nobodies?

Finally, your last statement. Because of boneheaded morons like yourself, this will turn into an ostensible lose-lose for PC gamers as far as the console fanboys are concerned. If it sells well on the PC, people are going to say "look, PC gamers are suckers too, they'll buy anything that's fed to them". If it doesn't sell well, they'll be discussing how the PC platform is dead because nobody wants the shit they're offering.

Personally, I chose not to base my entire opinion around a single game, with a development team who have made some critical mistakes.
Apr 20, 2008
Originally posted by: blanghorst
Originally posted by: Scholzpdx
Originally posted by: Nebor

Are you kidding? I have so many great games piled up on Steam that I literally don't have time to play them. They just keep putting them on sale so I have to buy them! Good new PC games are coming out all the time. Just because they aren't sequels to big names doesn't mean that PC gaming is dying.


I have so many damn PC games (especially from steam) that I just don't have the time to play them all. I still play the shit out of madden 07 (best football game to date, even on PC)

I think you mean "ONLY on the PC and maybe PS2 " as Madden 07 was absolutely horrific on Xbox 360.

PC gaming is still alive and well. If I need to play on my TV, i'll bust out my HTPC to play old gamepad games or hook up my PS2 or GameCube.

I don't want to hash/rehash the PC vs. console argument, but I do tend to agree that PC gaming is dying or maybe more precisely, being pushed into niche markets such as MMOs. You can't even buy an NFL game for the PC now and you haven't been able to since Madden 08.

Maybe I focused on console games being better on PC, but I still play new games. L4D, UT3, World of Goo, Braid, Audio Surf, DOD:S, Crysis/WH, MS FSX, COH series, DiRT/GRID and plenty more.

I have direct access to play on a PS3, yet i'm extremely uninterested. What is there really? Sports games, shitty HALO/Battlefield on a gamepad, and... fuckin nothing a PC doesn't have. Not to mention consoles are completely inferior to PC hardware and not a single game actually produces true 1080P gaming content. It's bullshit.

A PC (especially a gaming PC) will last a decade after its gaming years and provide tons more entertainment and usability. This alone keeps PC gaming alive.


Sep 22, 2007
Originally posted by: Scholzpdx

Maybe I focused on console games being better on PC, but I still play new games. L4D, UT3, World of Goo, Braid, Audio Surf, DOD:S, Crysis/WH, MS FSX, COH series, DiRT/GRID and plenty more.

I have direct access to play on a PS3, yet i'm extremely uninterested. What is there really? Sports games, shitty HALO/Battlefield on a gamepad, and... fuckin nothing a PC doesn't have. Not to mention consoles are completely inferior to PC hardware and not a single game actually produces true 1080P gaming content. It's bullshit.

Granted the hardware is inferior to PCs, but you are wrong on the bolded point above. Sports games are a huge draw and sell big numbers year after year. Please tell me where I can pick up a copy of Madden 10, a 2010 soccer game, or a 2010 NHL game for the PC. The PC is lucky because 2K Sports started publishing sports games for it or else, it would be in much worse shape. AFAIK, the PC now only has NBA 2K10 and the annual MLB 2K game, and that is it in terms of sports games. Last year, EA didn't make Madden for the PC but promised it would be back in 2010. Guess what? It isn't back.

You also have to remember that when the consoles were released, they were very competitive with the PC hardware at the time (at least the 360 was since it was release 1 year ahead of the PS3). Obviously they aren't upgradable and the PC has clearly passed them in hardware again, but consider this -- a mid-range video card costs as much or more than a new console. That, coupled with the fact that games generally "just work" on the consoles, is why consoles have taken off.

A PC (especially a gaming PC) will last a decade after its gaming years and provide tons more entertainment and usability. This alone keeps PC gaming alive.

No argument there. I would've preferred to continue gaming on my PC exclusively, but I wanted access to more sports games and the consoles were the way to go at the time I bought my Xbox (early 2007). Ironically, over the past few years, even the consoles are starting to be limited in number of sports games due to exclusivity agreements.

I don't think PC gaming will ever completely die, but I do think it will be shoved into certain niche areas such as MMOs. I would never play an MMO (or a shooter for that matter) on a console.



Golden Member
Sep 7, 2005
Originally posted by: StrangerGuy
Sims 3 wont even start with updated Nvidia drivers, but it does once I reverted em' to the older version...Im knowledgeable enough to solve the problem, but what for the less technically inclined people who just wanted to play a game? You think they would now how to properly uninstall/reinstall video drivers or even the exact cause? Hey come on, it's already going to be 2010 and this shit still happens? No wonder people are going to consoles even if gaming PCs costs the same.

yes...stop being lazy...people will spend all day learning stupid crap, such as how fast there car will go after adding stupid modification's too it.. but un-installing/re-installing a very importatnt part of there OS..ohh no god forbid there learn something new

BTW, TF2 was made for the pc and ported over...thats why its horrible on the consoles..at least thats what i got from it. and ive only played it for PC/360


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Originally posted by: Mike Gayner
Originally posted by: nitromullet
PC gamers are super pissed because MW2 broke the mold by giving us the same heaping helping of horse shit console gamers lap up in every title. PC gamers wont stand for that shit, hence the mass of cancelled pre orders.

How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of pre-orders due to rift between gamers and the developers of one of the most highly anticipated PC games this year in any way a sign of a healthy platform? Do you really think this type of feedback and reaction from PC gamers is going to increase Infinity Ward's focus on the PC version of their next game?

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my point whizzing over your head.

Well, so enlighten me... How exactly is the cancellation of a mass of PC pre-orders the sign of a good future for PC gaming?

l2comprehend, Einstein. I didn't say this was a signal of a healthy system, though I don't think it's evidence of a systemic problem with PC gaming either. My point there was that PC gamers, unlike console gamers, have high standards and expectations. The industry standard is to offer dedicated servers, which is one of the many things that makes PC gaming unique and superior to console gaming.

PC gamers don't accept this kind of bullshit, as evidenced by the huge number of cancellations. The huge backlash sends a clear message to developers, and thankfully some other developers are listening and capitalising on this opportunity.

Is that clear enough or should I type slower for you?

The clear message that they shouldnt bother with the PC in future and just focus on consoles, which crytek and epic did because they didnt like how things turned out for them on the PC... Yeah great outlook for PC games there genius. Were your parents first cousins that were also complete morons?

Originally posted by: GodlessAstronomer
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Maybe... I'd really like to see the resurgence of the PC as the driver of technology. However, even Crytek is working on CryEngine3, which isn't an amped up version of CryEngine2 for the PC, but a supposed cross-platform equivalent.

Epic went cross platform years ago, and their Unreal Engine3 has been hugely successful because of it. Never mind that it doesn't even natively support anti-aliasing under DX9...

It's financially prudent for developers to create cross-platform engines, but cross-platform doesn't automatically imply "bad". Just take a look at my post above, with excellent cross-platform titles like HL2, TF2, F.E.A.R.2, OpFlash2, GTAIV, GRiD, CoD:MW, CoD:WaW, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout 3 and Arkham Asylum it's simply not accurate or fair to criticize cross platform development. It' up to the developers whether we receive excellent PC titles, it's not an intrinsic property of the development platform. And so far there have been duds and there have been gems, like always.

Yeah except there are a hell of a lot more duds than gems... GTA IV performed like ass, do i hear an echo in here? Yeah im sure i do thats been pointed out before yet you keep citing it as some kind of cross platform success, poor show. F.E.A.R.2 wasent a lousy port, it was a lousy game, couldnt get any more bland. HL2 is 5 years old come on, get with the times, TF2 was designed for the PC, racing games suck, i cant be bothered going on.

Your list actually proves PC games are failing more than anything.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Blizzard games and Valve games are the only reason I game on my PC.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Maximilian Also just look at this forum as well, what are people talking about "i suck at civ 4" "star trek online beta" Whoop de doo plus a few "MW2 sucks now" threads, which i have to say are justified given the circumstances.

I don't understand why you'd knock Civ which is one of the longest running franchises on the PC. It started on the PC and continues to grow and expand on it. Still up to this point the game hasn't been 'consolized' and in fact the console gets a completely separate version then the PC. Firaxis could have instead taken the route of other game companies, but yet they haven't. Still though your bashing a great PC game because you presumable don't like it the way millions of others do.

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