PC power & cooling PS, is this a good price?


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2004
I am in the process of creating my build list. In the past I have found that buying the case and power supply first, as well as other non-technical components are an easier way to spread out the cost

A little background - I've done 4-5 builds over the past 6-7 years, and EVERY BUILD has had power supplies that last less than one year. So, I really want to buy a "quality" PS this time. I use it for minor gaming, but also fold 24/7 which might have something to do with it.

My failed PS in the past have been made by: Corsair, Antec, Via, others I can't remember, but not Seasonic and not PC Power and Cooling. I read Max PC and they shill PCP&C constantly, so I figured what the heck.

My 2008 build will likely be quad core, maybe a little OC'ing, with a next-gen graphics card. Will this PS be up for it, seems like a good price:



Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
I thought that Seasonic was the ODM/OEM that physically manufactures Corsairs, Antecs, and PCP&Cs (at least some of models).


Moderator Emeritus <br>
Apr 2, 2007
This is a nice PSU too: http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16817151034 Corsair 520hx is a good PSU too, which can be had for 80-90$ at clubit.com. If you want to pick one of the best PSU's, use this link for reference: http://www.jonnyguru.net/forums/showthread.php?t=103 The etasis for example is on sale again at newegg.com, but I can only find the 850w unit, and not the 750w unit, which was going for 130$ or so. Anyways, go down the list the less you want to spend, although on some units you might be able to get a pretty good, 100$ deal or so. For your rig, all you in fact need is about 500w.

Btw, what Corsair PSU failed on you? I might be wrong, but aren't the 520/620hx like a year old tops? With the 450/550vx that followed later, and the 650/750tx following after those. I can imagine an Antec PSU died on you though, but corsair, hmz, weird ... All psu's can die on you though, but corsair does offer at least 3 year warranty, which you can't have used up allready, since they ain't in the PSU business for that long.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: AmberClad
I thought that Seasonic was the ODM/OEM that physically manufactures Corsairs, Antecs, and PCP&Cs (at least some of models).

Your point?

Just because Seasonic is contracted to manufacture the Corsair line or even PC Power & Cooling does not mean those brands are in any way rebadged Seasonic models....

You cannot take thew Corsair label or even the PC Power & Cooling label off and slap on a Seasonic label and have a seasonic PSU!!

Some brands maybe these brands-- nope!!
They are different than the seasonic brands!!


Moderator Emeritus <br>
Apr 2, 2007
Jediyoda, your point ?

In all honesty, PC&P, Corsair and Antec PSU's manufactured by Seasonic are pretty good PSU's, no they ain't Seasonic PSU's, but they are qaulity PSU's nonetheless. I doubt Seasonic wants other brands tarnishing their name/reputation by saying hey we've got a Seasonic OEM psu for you, but we used the cheapest caps we could find and it will die on you in 3 months.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: AmberClad
I thought that Seasonic was the ODM/OEM that physically manufactures Corsairs, Antecs, and PCP&Cs (at least some of models).

Your point?

Just because Seasonic is contracted to manufacture the Corsair line or even PC Power & Cooling does not mean those brands are in any way rebadged Seasonic models....

You cannot take thew Corsair label or even the PC Power & Cooling label off and slap on a Seasonic label and have a seasonic PSU!!

Some brands maybe these brands-- nope!!
They are different than the seasonic brands!!

My point was that there was an inconsistency in the OP's statement:

My failed PS in the past have been made by: Corsair, Antec, Via, others I can't remember, but not Seasonic and not PC Power and Cooling. I read Max PC and they shill PCP&C constantly, so I figured what the heck.

The key word here is "made", as in manufactured. The OP seems unaware of who manufactured his PSU, so I was trying to clarify that to him.

My point had absolutely nothing to do with what you were trying to explain. You've posted that same exact thing in other threads, but in this case, it's not really relevant to the point I'm making.

Just to make this perfectly clear, I'm not saying that Corsair is simply rebranding Seasonic units, so there's no need to be defensive about that. What I am saying is that if the OP feels that the build quality of his Corsair was lacking, then there's no reason to expect that a PCP&C or Seasonic unit would magically have better build quality.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: AmberClad
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: AmberClad
I thought that Seasonic was the ODM/OEM that physically manufactures Corsairs, Antecs, and PCP&Cs (at least some of models).

Your point?

Just because Seasonic is contracted to manufacture the Corsair line or even PC Power & Cooling does not mean those brands are in any way rebadged Seasonic models....

You cannot take thew Corsair label or even the PC Power & Cooling label off and slap on a Seasonic label and have a seasonic PSU!!

Some brands maybe these brands-- nope!!
They are different than the seasonic brands!!

My point was that there was an inconsistency in the OP's statement:

My failed PS in the past have been made by: Corsair, Antec, Via, others I can't remember, but not Seasonic and not PC Power and Cooling. I read Max PC and they shill PCP&C constantly, so I figured what the heck.

The key word here is "made", as in manufactured. The OP seems unaware of who manufactured his PSU, so I was trying to clarify that to him.

My point had absolutely nothing to do with what you were trying to explain. You've posted that same exact thing in other threads, but in this case, it's not really relevant to the point I'm making.

Just to make this perfectly clear, I'm not saying that Corsair is simply rebranding Seasonic units, so there's no need to be defensive about that. What I am saying is that if the OP feels that the build quality of his Corsair was lacking, then there's no reason to expect that a PCP&C or Seasonic unit would magically have better build quality.

You are totally wrong!!
Even though I myself love the Corsair brand as well as the PC Power & Cooling brand -- the statement in bold lettering is totally 100% inaccurate!!

Just because a company contracts out with say Seasonic to make there PSU`s does not mean that another company doing the same will have the exact same build quality...

Just like Seasonic does not use the same brand CAP`s on every PSU it makes.....
You can pay for good nuild quaility or you can pay for crappy build quality.....

The only thing I will tell yuo is that anything that is truly rebadged that is also sold with the Seasonic name on it will have the Seasonic build quality......aftert all it`s in Seasonic`s best interest wouldn`t you think?




Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
And again, you choose to completely miss the point. MarcVenice perfectly grasped the point I was making earlier.

Seasonic isn't sitting there thinking, "Let's skimp on the build quality of the $100-$200 PSUs that our OEM customers are contracting us to make! After all, if they fail, surely people will come running to buy our "real" $100-$200 Seasonic-branded units!".

Note that I specifically listed the higher end, more expensive models, and not the mainstream and less expensive Earthwatts.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Anyways, enough thread crapping,

@ the OP, Case-Mod.com has the PCP&C Silencer 610 on sale right now:

$106.95 + S&H. I think shipping will be around $10 at most. I'm on the east coast and Case-Mod is in Cali, so when I got a shipping quote, it was around $9-$10. It's a bit less if you're on the west coast.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2004
Thanks for the advice and for the link with an even cheaper price!

Reading your replies, perhaps I was mistaken about Corsair being one of the makers of failed PS I have had in the past, but I have easily had 4-5 failures when buying "cheap" and want to do it different this time.

Ironic that I am looking for a good deal, right? I'll willing pay 100+ for a quality PS and I am so done with the FAR ones....


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: AmberClad
And again, you choose to completely miss the point. MarcVenice perfectly grasped the point I was making earlier.

Seasonic isn't sitting there thinking, "Let's skimp on the build quality of the $100-$200 PSUs that our OEM customers are contracting us to make! After all, if they fail, surely people will come running to buy our "real" $100-$200 Seasonic-branded units!".

Note that I specifically listed the higher end, more expensive models, and not the mainstream and less expensive Earthwatts.

I agree since your are still trying to apply what you believe to be the case to all the high end PSU`s that Seasonic makes......

You are very misinformed!!
Actually Seasonic has 2 choices...they can iether agree to make the PSU for there OEM customer according to that the OEM wants or they can refuse because they are afraif it would look unfavorably upopn them for manufacturing a crappy PSU for another company!

I am sorry but companies like corsair and PC Power & Cooling have set standards that they insist are met by whoever makes the PSU for them.

Other companies sad to say just ask Seasonic to make a PSU and let things fall where they may!

Seasonic as a company has a reputation and they look out for that reputation.

OEM`s manufacture excellent PSU`s aas well as crappy PSU`s.....

But hey Peace!!


Senior member
Mar 15, 2003
To the OP... I have the Silencer 610w in my new build, with no regrets. I ended up going with a rather small case(Lian Li A05B), so I had little room to hide cables. If I had it to do again, I would either go with this PS and a larger case, or the Lian Li case with a quality modular PS. This isn't a complaint about the PS function, it's rock solid. I just should have taken into account the combination of parts used.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: 4x4expy
To the OP... I have the Silencer 610w in my new build, with no regrets. I ended up going with a rather small case(Lian Li A05B), so I had little room to hide cables. If I had it to do again, I would either go with this PS and a larger case, or the Lian Li case with a quality modular PS. This isn't a complaint about the PS function, it's rock solid. I just should have taken into account the combination of parts used.

Can you give a hint or two as to how loud that supply is (load vs no load)?

Also as to noise, can you hear any electrical whine or buzzing from the unit, especially at lower CPU loads?


Senior member
Oct 5, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: AmberClad
And again, you choose to completely miss the point. MarcVenice perfectly grasped the point I was making earlier.

Seasonic isn't sitting there thinking, "Let's skimp on the build quality of the $100-$200 PSUs that our OEM customers are contracting us to make! After all, if they fail, surely people will come running to buy our "real" $100-$200 Seasonic-branded units!".

Note that I specifically listed the higher end, more expensive models, and not the mainstream and less expensive Earthwatts.

I agree since your are still trying to apply what you believe to be the case to all the high end PSU`s that Seasonic makes......

You are very misinformed!!
Actually Seasonic has 2 choices...they can iether agree to make the PSU for there OEM customer according to that the OEM wants or they can refuse because they are afraif it would look unfavorably upopn them for manufacturing a crappy PSU for another company!

I am sorry but companies like corsair and PC Power & Cooling have set standards that they insist are met by whoever makes the PSU for them.

Other companies sad to say just ask Seasonic to make a PSU and let things fall where they may!

Seasonic as a company has a reputation and they look out for that reputation.

OEM`s manufacture excellent PSU`s aas well as crappy PSU`s.....

But hey Peace!!

As usual Amberclad makes some sensible comments and you stomp all over it with your ranting. She is very well informed and has provided useful data that will explain things far better. You act like Seasonic is somehow not responsible for other companies that order psu's from them. That is where you are misinformed, it's obviously true they do the manufacturing.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: tomoyo
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: AmberClad
And again, you choose to completely miss the point. MarcVenice perfectly grasped the point I was making earlier.

Seasonic isn't sitting there thinking, "Let's skimp on the build quality of the $100-$200 PSUs that our OEM customers are contracting us to make! After all, if they fail, surely people will come running to buy our "real" $100-$200 Seasonic-branded units!".

Note that I specifically listed the higher end, more expensive models, and not the mainstream and less expensive Earthwatts.

I agree since your are still trying to apply what you believe to be the case to all the high end PSU`s that Seasonic makes......

You are very misinformed!!
Actually Seasonic has 2 choices...they can iether agree to make the PSU for there OEM customer according to that the OEM wants or they can refuse because they are afraif it would look unfavorably upopn them for manufacturing a crappy PSU for another company!

I am sorry but companies like corsair and PC Power & Cooling have set standards that they insist are met by whoever makes the PSU for them.

Other companies sad to say just ask Seasonic to make a PSU and let things fall where they may!

Seasonic as a company has a reputation and they look out for that reputation.

OEM`s manufacture excellent PSU`s aas well as crappy PSU`s.....

But hey Peace!!

As usual Amberclad makes some sensible comments and you stomp all over it with your ranting. She is very well informed and has provided useful data that will explain things far better. You act like Seasonic is somehow not responsible for other companies that order psu's from them. That is where you are misinformed, it's obviously true they do the manufacturing.

I didn`t say she wasn`t well informed....
But there are 2 sides to everything and you my friend have no clue!!

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