[PCGH.de] Fallout 4 Benchmark

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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Can you adjust the actual distance of Med and High shadows in the config somewhere? High is stupid far, Med is stupid close.

In Fallout4Prefs.ini:


Medium = 3000
High = 12000

Or was High = 13000? Whatever, it's some stupidly high number. 8000 Is about as high as it should go.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
In Fallout4Prefs.ini:


Medium = 3000
High = 12000

Or was High = 13000? Whatever, it's some stupidly high number. 8000 Is about as high as it should go.

Great, I thought I saw that in there when I checked it, I am just at work right now so couldn't check myself.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I'm just going to pretend like I wasn't using really out of date drivers and try this all again....
Edit:Nvm always forget AMD's stupid driver to catalyst idiocy.
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Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Saw alot of bashing on DX11, Gameworks and everything that one could try and pull in based on own users opinion about AMD/Nvidia and FO4. Well it was as simple as bad drivers from AMD.


Considering how vast the game is, relying on 1 review to quickly generalize how AMD's drivers magically fixed the performance ignores that this game is still broken, unoptimized and inconsistent in its performance delivery, even after multiple patches and drivers. I can just as easily find other professional reviewers whose experience is the complete opposite of Overclock3D to prove this point.

Kit-Guru performed new testing with 15.11.1 drivers and compared AMD and NV cards. The "dramatic" performance improvements for AMD cards in their parts of the game are nowhere to be found. You know what they found instead though? I'll quote the most important parts:

"On the AMD side, the latest Catalyst 15.11.1 beta driver was used. For Nvidia, we used the Game Ready driver 358.91.

The graphs above show average and minimum frame rates for each of our three GPUs. No matter what card we were using, we found that frame rates can vary dramatically, seemingly at random. We would often get huge spikes in frame rate too, resulting in a pretty disappointing experience overall, gameplay doesn’t stay smooth for very long.

On the GTX 970 and R9 290, frame rates would often dip in to the low 30’s but would also occasionally rise as high as 80 to 90 frames per second at points in the Wasteland while running at 1440p. At 1080p, both cards are able to keep things above 60 frames per second more often than not but there are still plenty of huge spikes and dips.

Given that the engine isn’t designed to run above 60 frames per second without issues, I also ran the game at 60Hz and still found that the frame rate would cut itself in half at points.

We aren’t alone with these frame rate issues on the PC. There have been plenty of reports showing the console version of Fallout 4 also struggling, so it seems Bethesda may have dropped the ball a bit there. There is a beta patch available on Steam right now but it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference and you will still find that performance dips as much as 50% in some cases.

There are reports that lowering the Shadow Distance setting to medium can help, but I did not find this to be the case here. Still, it is worth trying as you may have different results."


If you have followed many reviews and videos and user feedback on this game, you would have recognized the bigger picture here. In some cases, this game runs like butter on 1 rig and yet someone else with the same system has major issues. Other gamers experience certain bugs and glitches that are seemingly absent on another rig with similar or different hardware.

The biggest take-away from this title is not that AMD/NV need to have day 1 drivers for optimal performance but that well designed, well-optimized, long-term QC tested games that are made on truly next gen and efficient game engines perform well on a huge variety of gaming GPUs, spanning across different AMD and NV architectures. SW:BF is a perfect example of a game that runs well across various CPU+GPU hardware and the key thing is the performance is consistent.

Sure, we can point fingers that AMD should have had day 1 drivers on day 1, such as 15.11.1, however, as of right now with more optimized NV/AMD drivers, FO4 is still a game with poor optimization given its graphical fidelity (imo average looking at best for 2015) and is hampered by inconsistent performance delivery. What other game have you seen where an i3 4360 paired with DDR3-2400 would be almost 30% faster than an i7 4770K DDR3-1600? Can you name any well-optimized PC game from 2007 until now that would exhibit such behaviour? Fact is, FO4 is just being treated by many PC gamers with a double standard -- i.e., many of its technical flaws are forgiven, with the focus instead on AMD vs. NV.

Instead of just looking at NV and AMD, maybe we should all look at the big picture how so many PC developers cannot program/code/optimize, which means as end users we have no choice but to lower settings for a game that already looks nothing special, or upgrade hardware. All of this is absurd when other AAA games are running at nearly 60 fps on a 4-year-old HD7970, while having graphics, textures and animations that look a full generation better. Not every game needs to look like Crysis 3 or Metro Last Light to be enjoyable. If the game looks average and doesn't show any technical achievements, then it better run like butter on low-end hardware. With SW:BF blowing FO4 out of the water on a technical level, there are no excuses for Bethesda. FO4 is a good game but it would have been MUCH better had it been made on Frostbite 3 or CryEngine 3.5, or any other well-optimized modern game engine.

Even with new drivers, it seems the game continues to suffer from frame rate instability. Granted, maybe Bethesda is relying on the modding community to improve the game and that's a fair point. It's still disappointing to see such a hugely anticipated and popular title of 2015 have such a bad balanced ratio of graphics vs. hardware requirements required to achieve stable, consistent frame rates.
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Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2001
I guess he wants to take screenshots to ogle? That's the only rational explanation for desiring what essentially results in a slideshow.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
I guess he wants to take screenshots to ogle? That's the only rational explanation for desiring what essentially results in a slideshow.

This title is going to be like Skyrim - becoming much better over time with mods. You can throw 4K at this game but the resolution alone won't fix how outdated it looks in some areas. It needs a full modding overhaul.

Watch the anti-aliasing video comparison on this page. 4K won't save you from constant shadow pop-in. Driver performance improvements cannot fix this since it's a game engine issue.


Senior member
Jan 14, 2014

Your link didnt show pre 15.11.1 and after so pointless. My link does, and it clearly shows extreme improvments, no talking ur self out of this one RS. The game engine is "broken" for both so we not even talking about that. Stick to the point next time.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
comparing shadow distance values

noticeable difference on bridge shadows going from 3000 to 7500

the red square box area in the 3000 screenshot starts getting shadows rendered at 8500

seems like shadow density in that red square box progressively gets thicker going from 8500 to 9000 to 14000

most noticeable difference between 14000 and 20000 is a tree shadow near the top right of the cross hair but the other additional shadows probably wouldn't be noticeable outside of comparing screenshots back & forth

3000 (MEDIUM)




14000 (HIGH)

20000 (ULTRA)



Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
The game is only out 10 days. Slowdowns, FPS drops quite similar to Oblivion and Skyrim. Anyone remember Markarth in Skyrim? Just walking around looking in different directions and FPS would drop to the 15-20s. Took a few weeks for a fix to come about, ironically first by a modder (Arisu) with his TESV Acceleration Layer, which Bethesda soon after came out with their own similarly based fix/patch.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2010
So AMD fixed their performance via drivers and it was blamed on NV? lol I just want to see the new stand of the AMD folks here, their driver's team should become a bit more competent.
Feb 19, 2009
So AMD fixed their performance via drivers and it was blamed on NV? lol I just want to see the new stand of the AMD folks here, their driver's team should become a bit more competent.

Nope. You misunderstood the sentiment.

We were blaming NV for the horrible implementation of God Rays that looks worse on Ultra while tanking majorly on performance even on Maxwell like the 980Ti, according to NV's own results, going from 90 fps to 58 fps is unacceptable for the poor quality visuals. Running it on low is ~50% faster than ultra.

There's lighting mods for Skyrim that looks better while having negligible performance hit.

You must be ok with NV releasing un-optimized features I gather?


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2010
Nope. You misunderstood the sentiment.

We were blaming NV for the horrible implementation of God Rays that looks worse on Ultra while tanking majorly on performance even on Maxwell like the 980Ti, according to NV's own results, going from 90 fps to 58 fps is unacceptable for the poor quality visuals. Running it on low is ~50% faster than ultra.

There's lighting mods for Skyrim that looks better while having negligible performance hit.

You must be ok with NV releasing un-optimized features I gather?

NV didn't make the game, if the devs didn't test it enough the fault lies with them not NV.They probably sent one engineer to help them implement it so yeah his contribution is pretty much minuscule in the grand scheme of things.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2012
Nope. You misunderstood the sentiment.

We were blaming NV for the horrible implementation of God Rays that looks worse on Ultra while tanking majorly on performance even on Maxwell like the 980Ti, according to NV's own results, going from 90 fps to 58 fps is unacceptable for the poor quality visuals. Running it on low is ~50% faster than ultra.

There's lighting mods for Skyrim that looks better while having negligible performance hit.

You must be ok with NV releasing un-optimized features I gather?
Are you blaming them also for god rays working well on Low?

I do agree that it's quite silly that they allowed user to tweak them directly from options instead from .ini as the quality doesn't really improve with settings.
Perhaps if they would have added multiple settings for it would have been worth it. (Max tess factor, grid size etc.)
I'm going to stick with playing with God Rays at Ultra and 8X Tessellation

High God Rays have some dithering. Don't know if it's an artifact specific to AMD.

God rays are rendered into a low resolution buffer and then composited to the scene.
The low resolution pixels become visible from some directions. (Not sure what causes the nearest point filtering to be visible with high depth variations.)
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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
The game is only out 10 days. Slowdowns, FPS drops quite similar to Oblivion and Skyrim. Anyone remember Markarth in Skyrim? Just walking around looking in different directions and FPS would drop to the 15-20s. Took a few weeks for a fix to come about, ironically first by a modder (Arisu) with his TESV Acceleration Layer, which Bethesda soon after came out with their own similarly based fix/patch.

The reason that Skyrim was performing poorly, was that the game was compiled with x87 instructions. TESVAL and SkyBoost patched the .exe to use SSE2.

Bethesda then compiled the .exe with SSE2 instructions. That's pretty much the only performance improvement that Bethesda did, no?

That's not the case with Fallout4; x64 code isn't compatible with x87. It requires newer instruction sets, such as SSE2. We've just got a game that was made for the low level APIs on the consoles, being ported to the PC and using the shitty high level APIs.

We really needed Mantle or whatever. But that ain't gonna happen; we're stuck with incredibly [inferior] performance.

Profanity isn't allowed in the technical forums.
-- stahlhart
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Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
This title is going to be like Skyrim - becoming much better over time with mods. You can throw 4K at this game but the resolution alone won't fix how outdated it looks in some areas. It needs a full modding overhaul.

Did you link to Half Life 2 by accident??

Seriously, needing a 500 post thread about performance in a game that looks like this is an example of the sad state of PC gaming.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Just bought and downloaded FO4 this morning. Great graphics. Now to learn all of the "tricks"


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2008
The game is only out 10 days. Slowdowns, FPS drops quite similar to Oblivion and Skyrim. Anyone remember Markarth in Skyrim? Just walking around looking in different directions and FPS would drop to the 15-20s. Took a few weeks for a fix to come about, ironically first by a modder (Arisu) with his TESV Acceleration Layer, which Bethesda soon after came out with their own similarly based fix/patch.

Yeah Bethesda did not even turn on SSE compiler flags their Skyrim PC release was so incompetent. They eventually shaped it up, but FO4 is along the same lines. Not nearly that bad, but its still got some issues.

I've said it in this thread a number of times before, it's a Bethesda game. They're using the same engine (upgraded substantially, but still, the same licensed engine) and it has issues. That there is no multi GPU support for either vendor out of the box should be indicative of the engine's issues to anyone paying attention


Apr 22, 2012
Just to relay from the CPU section with head1985 work.

4930K 4.4Ghz quad channel 2400DDR3 cl11 + r9 290 + new driver 46fps
4930K 4.4Ghz quad channel 2400DDR3 cl11 + r9 290 33.3Fps

Quite a difference for the AMD crowd.


Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2010
Just to relay from the CPU section with head1985 work.

4930K 4.4Ghz quad channel 2400DDR3 cl11 + r9 290 + new driver 46fps
4930K 4.4Ghz quad channel 2400DDR3 cl11 + r9 290 33.3Fps

Quite a difference for the AMD crowd.

new driver is better for sure but there are still plenty of drops and spikes


Senior member
May 5, 2015
There are lots of unflattering angles but overall I find the game to be very pleasant looking.

Human characters specifically are pretty terrible, but the effects look nice and the IQ/perf im getting on my 980ti are AOK.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
There are lots of unflattering angles but overall I find the game to be very pleasant looking.

Human characters specifically are pretty terrible, but the effects look nice and the IQ/perf im getting on my 980ti are AOK.


Game was just FURTHER downgraded in graphical quality. This is seriously depressing for new games when instead of fixing the game, they simply downgrade the graphical quality. This has happened so far on MULTIPLE games "Dying Light", for example. I still love how we ignore the association between games Nvidia has a hand in, and how many issues these games have.

Edit: I love having to research every patch I apply to every device, game, software, etc. This is why I rarely update...
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