[PcPer] 2- and 3-Way Multi-GPU performance review (Fury X, 980Ti)


Apr 25, 2013

But what about that direct AMD and NVIDIA comparisons? Despite what we might have expected going in, the AMD Radeon R9 Fury X actually scaled in CrossFire better than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti. This comes not only in terms of average frame rate increases, but also in lower frame time variances that result in a smoother gaming experience. In several cases the extra scalability demonstrated by the Fury X allowed its dual-GPU performance to surpass a pair of GTX 980 Ti cards even though in a single GPU configuration the GeForce card was the winner. GRID 2 at 4K is one example of this result as is Bioshock Infinite at 4K. And even in a game like Crysis 3 at 4K where we saw NVIDIA's card scale by a fantastic 84%, AMD's Fury X card scaled by 95%!
This is a great step for AMD to prove that its architectures and driver development are on the right track. There are still games where AMD needs to play catch up, like Grand Theft Auto V, but our results here today prove that the company CAN do it. But PC gamers know that timeliness is easily just as important as any other aspect of multi-GPU driver support - getting CrossFire integrated for Batman: Arkham Knight, for example, weeks after release would mean that many hardcore gamers would have already bought and finished the game. The day one experience means a lot and AMD needs to prove it can keep up with the team and money invested in that at NVIDIA.


Aug 10, 2009
It's been this way since XDMA Crossfire came out 2+ years ago.

Edit: Sorry, it was autumn (N/H) 2013.
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Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2012
makes fury x2 looks promising

anyway, hopefully people stop calling them nvidia chills and claiming no one tests maxwell sli with fcat.


Aug 10, 2009
makes fury x2 looks promising

anyway, hopefully people stop calling them nvidia chills and claiming no one tests maxwell sli with fcat.

Imagine if this test was performed by a neutral site.

Just kidding. Too bad they didn't have the 15.7's though when they tested.


Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2004
Fury X CF >>>> Titan X SLI >>>> GTX 980ti SLI

For people shooting for maximum performance or with top end rigs


Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
I didn't notice any mention of the fact that they are using what appears to be two of the best 980 ti's (an EVGA custom and Windforce 3x maybe the G1?). They probably have the best case NV best of the best against the fury x.

Why didn't they use 3 reference cards? Maybe the throttling of the 980 TI doesn't matter to PC Perspective anymore, did they change their stance? They even "bought" retail 290x's to demonstrate throttling, yet 980 ti / titan x SLI throttling is of no concern to them, oddly enough!

Even throughout the "review" they can't "compare" the cards.
Today's table is a little different than recent ones as we are not comparing directly between the AMD Fury X and GTX 980 Ti, and instead we are comparing single GPU to 2-GPUs and to 3-GPUs.
Oddly enough every "review" they did where crossfire stuttered more than SLI ended with a scathing conclusion about how great SLI was and how bad crossfire was.

Why change now?
They can't say much positive about AMD, they have to delve off into negative a overall stance, this time requiring some driver complaints.

But what about that direct AMD and NVIDIA comparisons? Despite what we might have expected going in, the AMD Radeon R9 Fury X actually scaled in CrossFire better than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti. This comes not only in terms of average frame rate increases, but also in lower frame time variances that result in a smoother gaming experience. In several cases the extra scalability demonstrated by the Fury X allowed its dual-GPU performance to surpass a pair of GTX 980 Ti cards even though in a single GPU configuration the GeForce card was the winner. GRID 2 at 4K is one example of this result as is Bioshock Infinite at 4K. And even in a game like Crysis 3 at 4K where we saw NVIDIA's card scale by a fantastic 84%, AMD's Fury X card scaled by 95%!

This is a great step for AMD to prove that its architectures and driver development are on the right track. There are still games where AMD needs to play catch up, like Grand Theft Auto V, but our results here today prove that the company CAN do it. But PC gamers know that timeliness is easily just as important as any other aspect of multi-GPU driver support - getting CrossFire integrated for Batman: Arkham Knight, for example, weeks after release would mean that many hardcore gamers would have already bought and finished the game. The day one experience means a lot and AMD needs to prove it can keep up with the team and money invested in that at NVIDIA.
Working with NV in secret on FCAT, then basically dropping it after maxwell came out looking like a dog (sure they put ~3-4 games through 980 sli at some point, I wouldn't put it past them to have selective ones at that).

They could at least pick apart NV flaws like they do AMD flaws, which they supposedly even "buy" to demonstrate.

SLI throttling, bad frametimes, etc. are just "niche" markets now, not the major catastrophe that it was with 7970 crossfire stuttering.

The driver team has told me several times over the past two weeks that they should have a testable driver to fix the CrossFire problems “in 2 to 3 months.” Until then, buyers that consider a multi-GPU solution a goal or a requirement will want to seriously debate dropping Radeon cards from consideration.

I'm not claiming AMD nor crossfire are perfect, yet AMD has done an excellent job fixing crossfire and deserves the recognition, just as NV deserves negative feedback for dropping the ball like the last time this issue was discussed.

Edit: I want to see it with the 15.7 which has some nice performance increases, and crossfire improvements.
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Senior member
Apr 4, 2008
Real world gaming is usually done with the cards in a case. Inside the case, the GTX 980 TI in SLI might prove to throttle a whole lot more than an open bench test. For a single card, open bench test might not show a difference in performance because of throttling. However, in a enclosed case, I wouldn't be shocked at all if the GTX 980 SLI configuration is less than optimal. The boost speed would a lot lower. I'm willing to bet that there would be atleast a 5% difference in performance just from moving the bench testing from open bench to a case.

This is where the AIO Fury X will start to show its strengths. There won't be any kind of throttling in the case. I can't say the same with the GTX 980 SLI. In a real world scenerio (inside a case) I think the Fury X in crossfire would show that it is faster than the reference design GTX 980 SLI due to the throttling.


Apr 25, 2013
They had them lying around from the past reviews, I see no reason why they would fork 1300$ just to get two more reference cards.. the difference is most probably minimal.


Aug 10, 2009
Real world gaming is usually done with the cards in a case. Inside the case, the GTX 980 TI in SLI might prove to throttle a whole lot more than an open bench test. For a single card, open bench test might not show a difference in performance because of throttling. However, in a enclosed case, I wouldn't be shocked at all if the GTX 980 SLI configuration is less than optimal. The boost speed would a lot lower. I'm willing to bet that there would be atleast a 5% difference in performance just from moving the bench testing from open bench to a case.

This is where the AIO Fury X will start to show its strengths. There won't be any kind of throttling in the case. I can't say the same with the GTX 980 SLI. In a real world scenerio (inside a case) I think the Fury X in crossfire would show that it is faster than the reference design GTX 980 SLI due to the throttling.

This chart pretty much sums it up.


Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
They had them lying around from the past reviews, I see no reason why they would fork 1300$ just to get two more reference cards.. the difference is most probably minimal.

Right like going from 1200-1300 cherry picked review / top of the line 980 ti cards to throttled 1000 MHz boost clocks in a case?

Imagine the 980 TI SLI throttling losing up to 20-30% of those speeds, plus the latest driver if it gives a performance boost. The situation would be considerably further in favor of the fury x's.

Just another example of NV Per using NV's best of the best scenario to downplay the advantage AMD has over them atm. I bet you can imagine the test case if AMD had a bad reference card anymore.
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Feb 19, 2009
So, PCPER tests Fury X against factory OC models, some of the best ones at that, in multi-GPU battle on an OPEN BENCH setup, best case scenario for the air cooled 980Ti (negating the water cooler advantage of Fury X completely!) and it still wins!

XDMA pwning!

Basically they stacked the odds against Fury X badly, they tried to make Fury X fail but sadly they couldn't, unless they start throwing fake numbers into their charts.

Reminds me of the other CF vs SLI reviews recently, where people used GameWorks features and Fury X doesn't even give a damn, it just pwns hard anyway. heh

Edit: And old drivers too, not the 15.7 which boosts Fury X by 5-20% in a lot of games.
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Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2004
3 reference GTX 980ti's stacked together would throttle and lose even more performance but in their defense when they tested 290X CF the market didn't offer non reference 290x's
Feb 19, 2009
3 reference GTX 980ti's stacked together would throttle and lose even more performance but in their defense when they tested 290X CF the market didn't offer non reference 290x's

I like to see them throw their multi cards in an actual gaming case and see how much more Fury X would pwn due to the vastly better thermal characteristics.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2005
So, PCPER tests Fury X against factory OC models, some of the best ones at that, in multi-GPU battle on an OPEN BENCH setup, best case scenario for the air cooled 980Ti (negating the water cooler advantage of Fury X completely!) and it still wins!

XDMA pwning!

Basically they stacked the odds against Fury X badly, they tried to make Fury X fail but sadly they couldn't, unless they start throwing fake numbers into their charts.

Reminds me of the other CF vs SLI reviews recently, where people used GameWorks features and Fury X doesn't even give a damn, it just pwns hard anyway. heh

Edit: And old drivers too, not the 15.7 which boosts Fury X by 5-20% in a lot of games.

I love me some hyperbole in the morning, but I think you're getting a little carried away. Open bench does not "completely negate the Fury X water cooler" - the only thing that changes is that the 980Ti might throttle a bit more, but the 980Ti SLI always throttles even in closed case. Also I don't think that they tried to make Fury X fail - if they had done all the testing in a closed bench, would you express outrage that they were trying to make 980Ti fail? Should we also express outrage that the 980Ti isn't watercooled? Where does it end?

I agree that the tone of the article implies a bias (expressing surprise that CF works well, that AMD has to play catch up when NVIDIA is the one lagging behind), but it's another thing to accuse them of willfully sabotaging the testing. If they were truly trying to make AMD look bad, they would have not published the article until they found a way to make the 980Ti win every time.

NVIDIA wins = NVIDIA shills
AMD wins = NVIDIA shills


Apr 25, 2013
Yeah, when sites used reference 200 cards people complained that aftermarket should be used. Now you want them to use reference nVidia cards? It doesn't make any sense. Ideally you want to test something people might actually want to buy.

@drivers: WHQL came out yesterday and the review was probably done over the past week.

You guys are thinking way too much into this..
Feb 19, 2009
It's actually about ethics and consistency, if they use ref v ref comparisons then stick with that, don't randomly throw in OC models vs ref in that launch review. Look at how AT does it, they are consistent.


You think its hyperbole because... i'm right? That 980TI SLI as you say "always throttles even in closed case". Open bench testing does negate the better thermal solution on Fury X, because in a case, as you say, 980Ti air would throttle more and the result be even more one-sided stomping for Fury X.

I think reviewers should use the typical gamers rig, not an open bench but inside a case. That's fair & more representative. This is why Guru3d is again very consistent, they test inside a case, for thermals and sound. They don't have an open bench and place a mic 10cm from an exposed GPU... how meaningful is that to gamers, do we play games with such an open setup with our heads 10cm from the GPU?

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Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
"They" as in PCper didn't stack the odds or anything dumb like that in favor of the 980 ti's. They simply used cards that were sent to them to review. Why are people so dramatic?


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2013
"They" as in PCper didn't stack the odds or anything dumb like that in favor of the 980 ti's. They simply used cards that were sent to them to review. Why are people so dramatic?
Sorry I'm just loving this thread, the spin on both sides is rather educational...

Besides pcper is powered by nvidia pressworks and will not give the fury x a straight victory without some kind of con , for lack of a better word.

It is kinda funny because I know how much Ryan hates being called a shill. He made comments about his past as an AMD proponent and showing of his only AMD stock -which was on paper.
Feb 19, 2009
"They" as in PCper didn't stack the odds or anything dumb like that in favor of the 980 ti's. They simply used cards that were sent to them to review. Why are people so dramatic?

You mean they didn't went and buy multiple retail samples when the the R290X was released to investigate throttling? They didn't do the same for Fury X to investigate the "quieter but annoying compared to the rush of air from the 980Ti that's much louder" scenario?

Their editor is a known shill. He recently caused a stir (AMD twitter bashing) because they & legitreviews weren't invited to a special AMD presentation... they were angry because they didn't get special treatment above other press sites who had to wait for their scheduled press release!

What's the advantage of Fury X? Better thermal solution, superior for multi-GPU operations in a case. What's the problem with the 980Ti? In Multi-GPU it throttles. It throttles less when its an open bench setup. Thus, they did all they could to stack against Fury X but it doesn't matter, it still wins. Then what do they say in the conclusion, instead of giving kudos to AMD, they bagged on about Batman: AK and how its NV sponsored & AMD's drivers aren't on par in that game, one of the worse aborted releases in recent history.. that was canceled and taken back to actually be finished.

Their anti-AMD negativity is obvious.
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Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2013
You mean they didn't went and buy multiple retail samples when the the R290X was released to investigate throttling? They didn't do the same for Fury X to investigate the "quieter but annoying compared to the rush of air from the 980Ti that's much louder" scenario?
Sf11 sorry man but AMD literally can't win with double standards like those... If it isn't noise then its heat, if it isn't heat then its oc , if it isn't oc then its etc.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2014
And multiGPU was supposed to be the case where the 4GB VRAM would be the most problematic due to withstanding higher settings better.


Jan 8, 2011
Its good to see some people fighting in AMD's corner in this thread. The results are good from the testing and the cards did good. I'm glad there is a GPU battle going on because the day Nvidia stands alone is the day we all lose. This is a fun round. Now to be fair, they should have tested EVGA 980ti Hybrids since the AMD solution has water cooling. Clearly the testing was unfair and done to make AMD look good. :sneaky:


Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
Its good to see some people fighting in AMD's corner in this thread. The results are good from the testing and the cards did good. I'm glad there is a GPU battle going on because the day Nvidia stands alone is the day we all lose. This is a fun round. Now to be fair, they should have tested EVGA 980ti Hybrids since the AMD solution has water cooling. Clearly the testing was unfair and done to make AMD look good. :sneaky:

They basically did with an open bench with 2 of the best custom NV cards available. () They'd just have to "note" the $200 price difference, although I suspect the FPS results are very similar to these.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
Its good to see some people fighting in AMD's corner in this thread. The results are good from the testing and the cards did good. I'm glad there is a GPU battle going on because the day Nvidia stands alone is the day we all lose. This is a fun round. Now to be fair, they should have tested EVGA 980ti Hybrids since the AMD solution has water cooling. Clearly the testing was unfair and done to make AMD look good. :sneaky:

Haha, I see what you did there. :thumbsup:

I got called bitter in another thread for being unhappy with the Fury X launch. Woof, seeing how some people post - if I'm bitter these other folk are something else.

Even when a shill site says something good, the dirt has to be flung.
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