Peaceful Pro War rally gets crashed by anti-war protesters in Hawaii


Aug 27, 2000
This Saturday I was please to hear that a few local people were putting together a rally to support our troops fighting for a just cause which i firmly support for many reasons.
The event commenced several hours very peacefully. The majority of the participants were familys who had loved ones overseas fighting for world freedom. It really is a shame that their attemt at a possitive message was very rudely crashed by antiwar protesters. Apperantly the antiwar protesters heard about the rally, and made plans to show up. This they did, carrying megaphones. The anti-war protesters walked up to wives, kids, and past war vets, and proceeded to shout right in their faces with megaphones!

I have many thoughts on this war, but i think this total indecent behaviour on behalf of antiwar protester is dispicable. Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts. Meaning.. It doesn't matter what the 'bad guys' do.. War is never an option. This however is very closed minded. I think people should always cosider all options, and take a look at the facts before coming to an abrupt conclusion of how things should be.

We as a great nation should use our advantage to rid the world of suffering on such a grand scale. If we are successful we will save many more lives in the long run. While these lives might be american, it doesn't matter who you are, and where you were born... You still deserve to be free.

Tha end Sorry about any errors.. i find it a little tough to put everything i'm feeling into words . thanks for reading


Apr 25, 2001
"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of men better than himself."
- John Stuart Mill -

I think that says it all. Anti-war people fail to realize that their freedoms are not free, not at all. They are constantly under threat from people who would rather rule than free people. I will ask them this. Would you rather fight for your freedom or give it up?


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: LatexRat
Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts.
Your post loses all credibility with this silly blanket statement.



Aug 27, 2000
so nothing i've said holds any truth at all?
I see this as an example of how certain people try to 'change the subject' so to speak on the topics at hand.
my post might not have been politicly thought out to please everyone, but i think most would admit that its true .. A major problem today is arrogance, and the inability to admit when we are wrong.


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Rainsford
"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of men better than himself."
- John Stuart Mill -

I think that says it all. Anti-war people fail to realize that their freedoms are not free, not at all. They are constantly under threat from people who would rather rule than free people. I will ask them this. Would you rather fight for your freedom or give it up?

Sweet comment.

My personal motto is not incredibly original but has always been "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

I will give nothing to the people that would turn my country into a cesspool like they live in.


Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: LatexRat
This Saturday I was please to hear that a few local people were putting together a rally to support our troops fighting for a just cause which i firmly support for many reasons.
The event commenced several hours very peacefully. The majority of the participants were familys who had loved ones overseas fighting for world freedom. It really is a shame that their attemt at a possitive message was very rudely crashed by antiwar protesters. Apperantly the antiwar protesters heard about the rally, and made plans to show up. This they did, carrying megaphones. The anti-war protesters walked up to wives, kids, and past war vets, and proceeded to shout right in their faces with megaphones!

I have many thoughts on this war, but i think this total indecent behaviour on behalf of antiwar protester is dispicable. Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts. Meaning.. It doesn't matter what the 'bad guys' do.. War is never an option. This however is very closed minded. I think people should always cosider all options, and take a look at the facts before coming to an abrupt conclusion of how things should be.

We as a great nation should use our advantage to rid the world of suffering on such a grand scale. If we are successful we will save many more lives in the long run. While these lives might be american, it doesn't matter who you are, and where you were born... You still deserve to be free.

Tha end Sorry about any errors.. i find it a little tough to put everything i'm feeling into words . thanks for reading

It is unfortunate that it happened. But it goes the other way as war crashing anti-war. It just goes to show that some people, regardless of their view, will do anything to get attention.


Aug 27, 2000
this is very true . one of the major reasons for this war. People have an unhealthy craving for power.
whats going on in america can be compared to whats going on in iraq as well. Sadam believes something.. He might know its wrong, but for political reasons he fights on. He wants to be the savior of iraq . a hero.. Feeding the public lies ... Twisting the truth.

very true with any other person and their beliefs. It takes an open mind to admit if something isn't right.. Why not admit your wrong and fix it..

People are drawn to controversy, so doubt there will ever be a day where we have peace. Theres always those people that will argue about anything and everything. Take a lawyer for exaple.. Even if someone commited a crime, they will lie, and find any possible way to make it seem like their client is innocent. This all comes down to morals and greed.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Crazyfool

Sweet comment.

My personal motto is not incredibly original but has always been "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

I will give nothing to the people that would turn my country into a cesspool like they live in.
Yet you preach intolerance and ignorance every chance you get!



Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: Morph
Originally posted by: LatexRat
Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts.
Your post loses all credibility with this silly blanket statement.

You've lost all your credibility long ago. Your posts are predictable, you're just as bad as the blind supporters.

You are a very typical far left liberal.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: Morph
Originally posted by: LatexRat
Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts.
Your post loses all credibility with this silly blanket statement.

You've lost all your credibility long ago. Your posts are predictable, you're just as bad as the blind supporters.

You are a very typical far left liberal.
More like on the "Lunatic Fringe" .



Senior member
Aug 16, 2001
Originally posted by: LatexRat
so nothing i've said holds any truth at all?
I see this as an example of how certain people try to 'change the subject' so to speak on the topics at hand.
my post might not have been politicly thought out to please everyone, but i think most would admit that its true .. A major problem today is arrogance, and the inability to admit when we are wrong.

Exactly, the things you said made perfect sense and held truth. Finding one thing and tryingto twist it around and avoid the subject instead of making a rational counter argument or comment is what trully looses credibility moreso in my opinion.


Senior member
Oct 1, 2002
The anti-war protesters walked up to wives, kids, and past war vets, and proceeded to shout right in their faces with megaphones!

They better have a dental plan because I would knock that megaphone right down their throat.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: friedpie
The anti-war protesters walked up to wives, kids, and past war vets, and proceeded to shout right in their faces with megaphones!

They better have a dental plan because I would knock that megaphone right down their throat.
Yeah right


Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: LatexRat
this is very true . one of the major reasons for this war. People have an unhealthy craving for power.
whats going on in america can be compared to whats going on in iraq as well. Sadam believes something.. He might know its wrong, but for political reasons he fights on. He wants to be the savior of iraq . a hero.. Feeding the public lies ... Twisting the truth.

very true with any other person and their beliefs. It takes an open mind to admit if something isn't right.. Why not admit your wrong and fix it..

People are drawn to controversy, so doubt there will ever be a day where we have peace. Theres always those people that will argue about anything and everything. Take a lawyer for exaple.. Even if someone commited a crime, they will lie, and find any possible way to make it seem like their client is innocent. This all comes down to morals and greed.

It comes down to our country's judicial system, dumbass.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: seawolf21
Originally posted by: LatexRat
This Saturday I was please to hear that a few local people were putting together a rally to support our troops fighting for a just cause which i firmly support for many reasons.
The event commenced several hours very peacefully. The majority of the participants were familys who had loved ones overseas fighting for world freedom. It really is a shame that their attemt at a possitive message was very rudely crashed by antiwar protesters. Apperantly the antiwar protesters heard about the rally, and made plans to show up. This they did, carrying megaphones. The anti-war protesters walked up to wives, kids, and past war vets, and proceeded to shout right in their faces with megaphones!

I have many thoughts on this war, but i think this total indecent behaviour on behalf of antiwar protester is dispicable. Any person who is anti-war comes to that conclusion without considering any facts. Meaning.. It doesn't matter what the 'bad guys' do.. War is never an option. This however is very closed minded. I think people should always cosider all options, and take a look at the facts before coming to an abrupt conclusion of how things should be.

We as a great nation should use our advantage to rid the world of suffering on such a grand scale. If we are successful we will save many more lives in the long run. While these lives might be american, it doesn't matter who you are, and where you were born... You still deserve to be free.

Tha end Sorry about any errors.. i find it a little tough to put everything i'm feeling into words . thanks for reading

It is unfortunate that it happened. But it goes the other way as war crashing anti-war. It just goes to show that some people, regardless of their view, will do anything to get attention.

Why doesn't the media report these pro-war people causing such havoc on the peaceful anti-war protestors? Must be because of all these right wing biased newspapers like the LA Times, CNN, and Washington Post spouting their Limbaughesque dogma....


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Crazyfool

Sweet comment.

My personal motto is not incredibly original but has always been "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

I will give nothing to the people that would turn my country into a cesspool like they live in.
Yet you preach intolerance and ignorance every chance you get!

I believe that is a personal attack.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Crazyfool
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Crazyfool

Sweet comment.

My personal motto is not incredibly original but has always been "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

I will give nothing to the people that would turn my country into a cesspool like they live in.
Yet you preach intolerance and ignorance every chance you get!

I believe that is a personal attack.
Not at all. In fact you might be a nice guy who is just letting his emotions over this Conflict get the best of him. We are all guilty of that on occasion.


Platinum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Originally posted by: LatexRat
this is very true . one of the major reasons for this war. People have an unhealthy craving for power.
whats going on in america can be compared to whats going on in iraq as well. Sadam believes something.. He might know its wrong, but for political reasons he fights on. He wants to be the savior of iraq . a hero.. Feeding the public lies ... Twisting the truth.

very true with any other person and their beliefs. It takes an open mind to admit if something isn't right.. Why not admit your wrong and fix it..

People are drawn to controversy, so doubt there will ever be a day where we have peace. Theres always those people that will argue about anything and everything. Take a lawyer for exaple.. Even if someone commited a crime, they will lie, and find any possible way to make it seem like their client is innocent. This all comes down to morals and greed.

Isn't it funny when you replace "Sadam" with "George W. Bush", and "Iraq" with "U.S.A." your statement reads just as true.


Aug 27, 2000
Statements like this are what i would rather not understand. People Actively compairing our president to saddam.. Many would rather comment on the faults of our president while most are false and really not having to do with the true topic. The real topic at hand is we went to war with saddams iraq. You either oppose this or are with it. Now, those who oppose tend to try to discredic those involved in the war precedings while comepletely ignoring the other side. When making a good decision you must consider both sides! You might say bush just wants power which is what you are only guessing, but at the same time ignoring a major player in the scheme of things . SADDAM. By murdering people by the thousands the attacks on Mr. Bush are extremely insignificant and minor in nature. Once again.. Saying our president is seeking power and fame for himself. Saying he wants to be the savior of the United States is total bullshit. It might sound good for a little while while making it up, but this is without really/honestly considering whats REALLY going on.

Everyone keep an open mind. What we are doing is eliminating a dictating ruler that kills his people.. Starves his people.. Creates biological weapons.. and probably supports terrorism..



Golden Member
Oct 19, 2000
lol...that sort of nonsense might happen in Hawaii but if anti-war protestors show up to a 'support' rally in my neck of the woods you're gonna see some bruised and frightened hippies running for their lives.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Soldat
lol...that sort of nonsense might happen in Hawaii but if anti-war protestors show up to a 'support' rally in my neck of the woods you're gonna see some bruised and frightened hippies running for their lives.

Hahaha nice. Man if a freakin anti-war person put a megaphone in my face I'd throw it on the ground and run him over with my car.


Platinum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Originally posted by: LatexRat
Statements like this are what i would rather not understand. People Actively compairing our president to saddam.. Many would rather comment on the faults of our president while most are false and really not having to do with the true topic. The real topic at hand is we went to war with saddams iraq. You either oppose this or are with it. Now, those who oppose tend to try to discredic those involved in the war precedings while comepletely ignoring the other side. When making a good decision you must consider both sides! You might say bush just wants power which is what you are only guessing, but at the same time ignoring a major player in the scheme of things . SADDAM. By murdering people by the thousands the attacks on Mr. Bush are extremely insignificant and minor in nature. Once again.. Saying our president is seeking power and fame for himself. Saying he wants to be the savior of the United States is total bullshit. It might sound good for a little while while making it up, but this is without really/honestly considering whats REALLY going on.

Everyone keep an open mind. What we are doing is eliminating a dictating ruler that kills his people.. Starves his people.. Creates biological weapons.. and probably supports terrorism..

Alohas're so brain-washed by Bush and his propaganda speech. You're so close-minded and your outright rejection of any claims that are against your belief, without any logical explanations supports your close-mindness. Do you think the liberation of Iraqi people from dictatorship and starvation, and the removal of biological weapons and termination of Iraq's participation in terrorism are at the top of Bush's agenda? If you do, then you definitely need to wake up. If Saddam poses such a threat to the rest of the world, why would the majority of the world is against the war? Do you think Bush loses any sleep over the Iraqi people starving? Oh, please.... There are plenty more countries with more people starving and living with less resources in the African continent. How about in Asia? N.Korea, for one, has worse dictator, more starving people, kills more of its own people, has more deadly weapons and openly sells arms to terrorist groups. What has Bush and his administration (including his father's term) done to N. Korea in the past? Nothing since America has nothing to gain by going into N. Korea. What Bush has at the top of his agenda with Iraq is the good ole' colonization for pure economic benefit. I'm not saying the economic benefit is the sole reason behind his motive to attack Iraq, but it's one of his biggest motives along with the stabilization of the middle east. What does the stabilization of middle east have to do with the safety of the American citizens living in the U.S.? Very little...But it has everything to do with the citizens of Israel which obviously provides immense influence on the way America conducts its diplomatic policies with the countries in the middle east. The sad part of this war is that only innocent people will perish. The American soldiers are meaninglessly fighting not to protect its citizens but to fulfill the greed of their commander-in-chief. You can say whatever you need to say to win the hearts of your supporters. But the fact remains, this war was not necessary. I guess growing up watching too many super-hero cartoons in America can heavily influence one's view on this war. Why don't you put yourself in one of the Iraqi's shoes? Would you be extremely happy that Bush is coming with his troops to save you from dictatorship/starvation while killing all of your family members or would you fight for your country?

Edit: Just in case you assume that I'm some foreigner writing this, I want to let you know that I'm an American who experienced 9-11 in close action from running from the battery park all the way upto GWB. Despite my experience with the terrorist act, this war is still not justified. If Bush went after Osama (why doesn't he send the entire troop to get Osama instead of Saddam?), that's a justifiable cause.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Soldat
lol...that sort of nonsense might happen in Hawaii but if anti-war protestors show up to a 'support' rally in my neck of the woods you're gonna see some bruised and frightened hippies running for their lives.
Why, Nacnyboys who find courage behind their Keyboards like you are going to show them a thing or two?



Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Soldat lol...that sort of nonsense might happen in Hawaii but if anti-war protestors show up to a 'support' rally in my neck of the woods you're gonna see some bruised and frightened hippies running for their lives.
Why, Nacnyboys who find courage behind their Keyboards like you are going to show them a thing or two?

Uh.... Well let me be the first to point out some statistical data for you:

Soldat - 957 Posts
Joined: Oct 2000

Red Dawn - 14848 Posts
Joined: June 2001

In essence, Red Dawn, you have 13,891 MORE posts than you person you are calling a "Nacnyboy" (which I assume you meant to spell "nancyboy"). IE You have posted 15.5X the amount of messages that Soldat has, and he had an 8 month lead.

Not that I'm trying to insult you and your elite status (I'm sure a lot of people like you on the forums), but I hardly think you are justified in calling someone else a "nancyboy" who hides behind their keyboard, when you obviously spend much more time behind yours. While you never said that YOU weren't a nancyboy, I think you attempted to imply it, which I think is very lame and obviously mistaken.

But, alas, as I do not have your expertise and experience I will snub my criticisms of your misplaced and obviously not thought out personal attack on Soldat. He was merely making a point that their actions were inconsiderate and they were wrong in what they did, and you responded with a personal attack with no basis in logic.
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