Peggy Noonan Writes Obama Is Incompetent

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Dec 10, 2009
Ducking "The spill is a disaster for the president and his political philosophy."?

Anyone who paints the oil spill as a political disaster for Obama can be summarily dismissed as being totally blinded by their own bullshit.


Obama lost a good chunk of media this week. Obama's presser was a disaster, The didn't throw soft balls for a change and Obama was evasive and snotty. His contradictions and lack of preparation were evident. Noonan - like Carville - was a supporter of Obama and for them to express such disgust openly could mean a media change in perspective. I just cant tell if its out of genuine regret or fear of losing personal/professional credibility.

Obama turned into a pumpkin this week.

I didn't blame him for the spill or the slow response - even though I knew he would see the crisis as an opportunity. Where Obama made his mistake was in letting Louisiana and Bobby Jindal twist in the wind while he was up to his eyes in piddling meet and greets and fundraisers. He also looked silly demonizing BP when they were up for a federal safety and pollution award.

The things Obama didn't do were bad and avoidable. The things Obama did do were bad and avoidable. Now from all this we go into Sestak and immigration? Dems better get their party back before Obama nukes it into Oblivion.


Dec 10, 2009
OK, so a Reagan speech writer doesn't like Obama. I think he can live with that.

She liked Obama and lost a lot of conservatives because of it. She also turned on Bush early - accusing him of destroying the GOP. I agreed with her then too.
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Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
OK, so a Reagan speech writer doesn't like Obama. I think he can live with that.

Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. It doesn't mean much coming from that source. Of course it seems hard to find an accessible political writer who isn't biased.

I think the problem with the current administration is that they did not change the current policies for the oil companies. However, to me, this is more a fault of the person who put the current policies in place. Who knows when Obama would have had a chance to get around to addressing them. Ultimately, what i am saying is that I think it is an unfair criticism. However, like everyone is saying, he should have addressed the situation more quickly and he needs to be currently ramming something up the backside of BP too make sure this disaster is resolved in the most efficient ways possible.


Feb 18, 2004
I think she makes too good points in her article...

The original sin in my view is that as soon as the oil rig accident happened the president tried to maintain distance between the gusher and his presidency. He wanted people to associate the disaster with BP and not him. When your most creative thoughts in the middle of a disaster revolve around protecting your position, you are summoning trouble...

Half the party voted for Hillary Clinton, and her people have never fully reconciled themselves to him. But he is what they have. They are invested in him. In time—after the 2010 elections go badly—they are going to start to peel off. The political operative James Carville, the most vocal and influential of the president's Gulf critics, signaled to Democrats this week that they can start to peel off. He did it through the passion of his denunciations.
but I think she overstates its long-term impact... Katrina was a defining moment of Bush's presidency; this oil spill will be a distant memory by the time the 2012 campaign season starts up. seeing bodies laying in the streets and a major American city turned into a lawless wasteland is a far, far, far different image than tiny crabs and a couple birds covered in oil.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
i don't see how the spill can be considered Obama's fault. he didnt cause it to blow. his administration didn't' tell BP to do it.

sure he acted slower then i like. he should have had the government take control earlier. There is enough to rag Oama on no need to nit pick

He didn't cause the spill to happen, but he sure as hell hasn't done anything to contain it.

Not sure how you consider this nit picking. Did you happen to see any video of oil GUSHING out into the ocean... for weeks and weeks and weeks? Do you know what oil does to plants, humans, animals and everything else it come in contact with?

All I know is Obama is an idiot. He goes on TV nearly everyday blaming Bush for everything and then acts just like him. We don't have a leader, we have an appeaser who just happens to have even bigger idiots to fall back on.


Oct 9, 1999
Clearly the spill is not Obama's fault, but it's always amusing to see the apologists line up behind their guy like high school cheerleaders getting in line to blow the star quarterback.

When Bush was told about the WTC as he was reading a book to a class of young children, he was apparently supposed to spring from his seat, run to the nearest phone booth, change into his superhero costume and fly to the Middle East so he could single handedly destroy the terrorists with his super strength and laser vision. Democrats went on for a long time about that one, as if there was supposed to do in those ten minutes rather than finish reading the book that would have changed anything.

Now that it's Obama's turn, the same people that defended Bush are blasting Obama, and the people around here that blasted Bush are defending Obama. You're such a transparent bunch.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Obama didn't allow the 3500 oil rigs to operate in the gulf of mexico.

Obama didn't run the MMS.

Obama can't stop the leak even if he wanted too.

I thought government wasn't suppose to intervene?

I thought the private sector had all the answers?

All I know is Obama is an idiot.

He goes on TV nearly everyday blaming Bush for everything and then acts just like him.

We don't have a leader, we have an appeaser who just happens to have even bigger idiots to fall back on.

Explain how Obama acts just like Bush


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally Posted by JEDIYoda
Actually he is in good company--
etc, etc.....
I bet they all came from the same orphanage....

i like how you left out moonbeam and dave.
is it because you agree with their ideology?

Moonie and I don't hate America unlike those guys mentioned above.

Should you be in that list of America haters as well?


Oct 10, 1999
Clearly the spill is not Obama's fault, but it's always amusing to see the apologists line up behind their guy like high school cheerleaders getting in line to blow the star quarterback.

When Bush was told about the WTC as he was reading a book to a class of young children, he was apparently supposed to spring from his seat, run to the nearest phone booth, change into his superhero costume and fly to the Middle East so he could single handedly destroy the terrorists with his super strength and laser vision. Democrats went on for a long time about that one, as if there was supposed to do in those ten minutes rather than finish reading the book that would have changed anything.

Now that it's Obama's turn, the same people that defended Bush are blasting Obama, and the people around here that blasted Bush are defending Obama. You're such a transparent bunch.

I remember all those complaints about Bush at that time, and it still pops up now and then.

When you hate your opponent, nothing they do is right. Obama could have parachuted onto the burning structure with giant hoses filled with flame retardant, and it still wouldn't matter. If he reacts quickly, he's probably stupid for not thinking long enough; too long, and he doesn't react. If he intervened and shut it down, people would bitch about interventionism and say he's destroying America.

Honestly, what could he do that would make people happy? That's an easy answer: Precisely the opposite of whatever he does, no matter what.

It's just further proof how broken we are. Everyone in this thread knows more than the POTUS, more than the entire administration and is an expert in emergency response, off-shore drilling and energy policy.


Oct 10, 1999
He didn't cause the spill to happen, but he sure as hell hasn't done anything to contain it.

Not sure how you consider this nit picking. Did you happen to see any video of oil GUSHING out into the ocean... for weeks and weeks and weeks? Do you know what oil does to plants, humans, animals and everything else it come in contact with?

All I know is Obama is an idiot. He goes on TV nearly everyday blaming Bush for everything and then acts just like him. We don't have a leader, we have an appeaser who just happens to have even bigger idiots to fall back on.

Clearly you're an expert that's been in all of the meetings with Obama and his team. I know that what you see on TV is absolutely an accurate and comprehensive representation of all of Obama's activity, but would you mind enlightening the rest of us what permutations he's gone through and what potential solutions were or were not discussed?


Apr 25, 2001
I remember all those complaints about Bush at that time, and it still pops up now and then.

When you hate your opponent, nothing they do is right. Obama could have parachuted onto the burning structure with giant hoses filled with flame retardant, and it still wouldn't matter. If he reacts quickly, he's probably stupid for not thinking long enough; too long, and he doesn't react. If he intervened and shut it down, people would bitch about interventionism and say he's destroying America.

Honestly, what could he do that would make people happy? That's an easy answer: Precisely the opposite of whatever he does, no matter what.

It's just further proof how broken we are. Everyone in this thread knows more than the POTUS, more than the entire administration and is an expert in emergency response, off-shore drilling and energy policy.

That's because politics hasn't been about issues for a long's about winning and sticking to your side no matter what.

It's easy to dismiss it as just raw hatred for President Obama, but I think it's way more general than that Not only would many of the people in this thread blast Obama no matter what he did about the oil spill, most of those people would blast a Democratic President no matter what he or she did about anything. President Obama is the target because he's the President. If another Democrat was President, they'd be the target. Republicans HATE Nacy Pelosi...a fact I'm 100% sure wouldn't be true if she wasn't the leader of Congressional Democrats.

Disliking someone personally, and not because of the issues, is kind of small-minded...but this is arguably worse. Republicans bitch about Democrats because that's what you do when you're a Republican. And Democrats are just as bad when it's Republicans running the show, because that's what you do when you're a Democrat.

And it's only fair. Democrats spent 8 years blasting Bush for every single thing he did, whether they'd honestly dislike it or not if the issue was just a hypothetical discussion with no names or parties attached. So Republicans turn around and do the same basic thing to Obama. That doesn't mean the knee-jerk folks in this thread aren't idiots, just that us lefties have our own share of idiots as well.

But the worst part is we don't really see it, on either side. Our brains are way more wired to cheer for the home team than to engage in nuanced and honest political discussion. The vast majority of us, including me a lot of the time, hear an issue and the FIRST thing we think of is how we can use it to club the other guys.


Dec 21, 2005
Actually he is in good company--
etc, etc.....
I bet they all came from the same orphanage....
The fact that you left Craig, senseamp, and dave off that list says a lot about you.

It says that you're a shill.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Actually he is in good company--
etc, etc.....
I bet they all came from the same orphanage....
Hey, is this what is called a call out thread?

What I want to know is, why am I not at the top of your list? Huh? :awe:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Everyone knows that if Obama was superman, he would simply use a handy oval office phone booth to fly to the well head, swim 5000 feet straight down, weld the pipes shut with is xray vision, and then resume his identity as mild mannered Barack Obama.

So I suppose Noonan is correct, we should have elected superman.

But still, Noonan is silent on what exactly she expects Obama to do that has not yet been done.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Oh, and Noonan wrote a good piece.

She is about as independent in her opinions as anyone who writes opinion pieces can be. That she also is capable of an insight beyond the above mentioned party rhetoric seems to escape those who are locked into being brainless cheerleaders. You figure prominently on THAT list.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
Clearly the spill is not Obama's fault, but it's always amusing to see the apologists line up behind their guy like high school cheerleaders getting in line to blow the star quarterback.

When Bush was told about the WTC as he was reading a book to a class of young children, he was apparently supposed to spring from his seat, run to the nearest phone booth, change into his superhero costume and fly to the Middle East so he could single handedly destroy the terrorists with his super strength and laser vision. Democrats went on for a long time about that one, as if there was supposed to do in those ten minutes rather than finish reading the book that would have changed anything.

Now that it's Obama's turn, the same people that defended Bush are blasting Obama, and the people around here that blasted Bush are defending Obama. You're such a transparent bunch.

As a long time Democrat, I didn't vote for Obama. I felt he was too inexperienced in the political game and was spouting empty suit ideology. I was pretty sure he would be a failure as a President, so I didn't vote for him. I'm not quick to defend him, especially as his mistakes reinforce my opinion of him. At the same time, I can give him credit where it is due, and I don't feel the need to pile things on him.

That being said, comparing the WTC attacks to an oil leak in the gulf is just retarded. I tend to think the right side understands this, as so much time, effort, money and concern is used trying to prevent terrorist attacks. How much time, effort, money and concern comes from the right trying to prevent oil spills/leaks/disasters? If it isn't zero it is about as close as you can get to zero. Comparing an ecological disaster not directly located near civilized areas to (at the time) unidentified attacks on one of the most populated cities in the US is a stretch, one all but the most hardcore environmentalists can see.

Are you saying that Obama should spend up to a trillion a year in combating ecological disasters? That we should throw out the constitution and personal freedoms for the most sweeping legislation we can think of to prevent even one more ecological mishap? Because that is the comparison you are making.

As far as the article is concerned, I'm not sure what more Obama can be doing in this situation. I think the only thing he could do is appear to be working harder on it, but not actually accomplishing anything. So he missed a chance for political points, who cares?


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Shouldn't the people doing the drilling have a plan and equipment in place for when something goes wrong?

Or are the people bashing Obama over this saying government is better at overseeing complex enterprises (like providing health care) than the private sector? Bigger government is better than self-regulation?


Nov 9, 2004
Shouldn't the people doing the drilling have a plan and equipment in place for when something goes wrong?

Or are the people bashing Obama over this saying government is better at overseeing complex enterprises (like providing health care) than the private sector? Bigger government is better than self-regulation?

Watch out now! Trying to make the Obama bashers reconcile their conflicting points of rage will only result in a totally irrational rage flameout. They don't take logic very well it makes them flustered.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
She liked Obama and lost a lot of conservatives because of it. She also turned on Bush early - accusing him of destroying the GOP. I agreed with her then too.
It's not so much she like Obama, she was just totally disgusted that the Republicans chose that lazy ass money grubbing, dim witted ill informed twit Palin as the VP.
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