Pelosi promises to be a bipartisan House speaker


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
There has been, since the election, a lot of talk among the extremist quasi-socialist left that they won. And I have countered repeatedly that they did not. As GW moved his party farther to the fascist right, many on the extreme left (who also tend to be vocal on the internet) saw that as opportunity to push the dems to the socialist left, and rallied behind that idea despite the moderates within the party calling for a move back to the middle. Thankfully, after the 2004 debacle, the cooler-headed moderates won, brought victory to the Dems this week, and Pelosi here reiterates the party commitment to the moderates who gave them the election.

Pelosi promises to be a bipartisan House speaker

McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON ? Nancy Pelosi, who's expected to be the next speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, signaled Wednesday that she intends to steer a centrist course and work across party lines with President Bush to shape policy on Iraq, energy, Social Security and immigration.

Pelosi acknowledged that her party's return to the House majority after a dozen years in exile occurred largely because at least nine fairly conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats won Republican seats. The liberal-tilting House Democratic caucus must accommodate them - and the centrist voters they represent - she conceded.

"Impeachment is off the table," she declared, spiking one dream that many liberal activists cherished. "Democrats are not about getting even ... This election is about the future, not about the Republicans."

Pelosi's great challenge is to keep her party's liberal and more conservative wings united behind achievements that win the respect of voters in the presidential election year 2008, especially the great centrist bloc that abandoned Republicans across the country Tuesday. If Democrats pursue an excessively partisan agenda over the next two years, President Bush can block them with his veto, and centrist swing voters could be repelled by Democratic partisanship just as they apparently were by Republicans this year.

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., who's likely to become Senate majority leader, echoed Pelosi's conciliatory tone. "We are not going to treat the Republicans like they've treated us," he said. Reid will become majority leader if Democrat James Webb's 7,000-vote lead over Republican Sen. George Allen in Virginia survives an expected recount.

Al From, the founder of the Democratic Leadership Council, the centrist wing of the Democratic Party, said that between now and 2008, "if Democrats act as problem solvers, not polarizers, that future will be very bright."

Pelosi, a 66-year-old San Francisco liberal who'll be the first female House speaker in history, used her first post-election news conference to quell speculation about how she intends to govern her fractious caucus.

Even as she pledged bipartisanship however, she challenged Bush to "signal an openness to new, fresh ideas," especially on Iraq, by dumping Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a move that, as it turned out, the president announced an hour later.

Pelosi also reiterated the Democrats' consensus agenda for the 110th Congress, which convenes in January:

Raising the minimum wage.

Repealing oil company subsidies.

Expanding stem cell research.

Allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices from pharmaceutical companies for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

Reducing college loan rates.

Tightening lobbying restrictions.

Adopting the 9-11 commission's anti-terrorism recommendations.

Rep. Thomas Reynolds, R-N.Y., the chairman of the Republican National Congressional Committee, who narrowly survived a stiff re-election challenge, said that while he was willing to work with Democrats in theory, "I never saw many opportunities to count Democratic votes that wanted to come in partnership with us." He predicted that Democrats would try to raise taxes and Republicans would fight such efforts and quickly regain a majority.

"We're going to take a two-year hiatus," Reynolds said.

"She has to figure out how to tear down a wall that exists between the Republican and Democratic parties," said Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Fla. "That's the failure of the Republican Party in the last 12 years . . . They've really tried to govern and had their speaker try to be a speaker of the Republican Party and not the whole House and not for all Americans. And you see what's happening."

Scott Lilly, a veteran House Democratic staffer who's now at the Center for American Progress, a liberal research center, said House Democrats must resist the impulse to pursue big ambitions such as a comprehensive health-care plan or an education overhaul.

"There's an appetite for major health-care reform, in doing something substantial in elementary and secondary education," he said. "That's not going to happen. The president would veto a number of those things."

Pat Toomey, the president for the Club for Growth, a pro-business conservative group, predicts that Pelosi "is going to find it hard to hold that caucus together. It is an ideologically very diverse caucus and the extremes are very, very far apart. I think she's gonna find she's got a tough job ahead."

Pelosi, who's now the House Democratic leader, and Reid, who's now Senate minority leader, are expected to win the top leadership posts in caucus elections next week.



Apr 8, 2002
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.
Yeah, none of that is happening. The Dems didn't win this election by catering to McOwen, so they are not going to be motivated to appeal to his vote. I mean, what's he gonna do... vote Republican? :laugh:


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.
Yeah, none of that is happening. The Dems didn't win this election by catering to McOwen, so they are not going to be motivated to appeal to his vote. I mean, what's he gonna do... vote Republican? :laugh:

I doubt he even votes democrat anyways. With his ego centric view of the world he probably writes himself in for every positon on the ballot



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.
Yeah, none of that is happening. The Dems didn't win this election by catering to McOwen, so they are not going to be motivated to appeal to his vote. I mean, what's he gonna do... vote Republican? :laugh:

I doubt he even votes democrat anyways. With his ego centric view of the world he probably writes himself in for every positon on the ballot

edit: he is the only real American after all


Mar 29, 2004
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper, genxhitleryouth, nutz etc. are both some of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.

Granted, Pelosi is a shameless liberal from San Francisco but she ain't dumb.

The Dems know full well they won via protest and have a weak mandate at best. All one has to do is check out how the state initiatives turned out. 7 out of 8 DOMA initiatives passed overwhelmingly (even in states where Dems won house/senate seats), Michigan voting against affirmative action... The country still tilts right on many issues.

Nancy and the Dems know this. I don't expect her to go crazy and I don't expect the Dems will try to force anything too radical on the American people. Their goal right now is to strengthen their hold on the congress in '08 and get one of their own in the whitehouse. If that happens, then we might expect to see the more radical aspects of the D party start looking for payback for their patience resulting in a far left agenda. But that's a long way off.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper are both 2 of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.

lmao Dave is a centrist to you?
You will really be disappointed then.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper are both 2 of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.
LOL, I've been called an authoritarian by a radical whose concept of helping people is through spreading spite and revenge! Now... NOW... I have truly seen it all here. Given that more or less everyone here knows that I am so willing to defend liberty that I will defend even the liberties of my enemies, do you really think that anyone will buy that?

The real bad news for you is that I want to go back to voting Democrat all the time, and that means that me and those like me are taking the party back from your ilk, and returning it to true liberalism, not your socialist revolution.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper are both 2 of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.

lmao Dave is a centrist to you?
You will really be disappointed then.

I am not arguing over freakin dave's stances on stuff, but he is pretty middle of the road with a few "eccentric" answers for issues. (I suspect he is a bit nuts himself -no offense Dave)

Eccentric does not = left wing, matter of fact is makes me want to puke sometimes with his far right views he has mixed in, this guy was a evangelical at one point in his AT career.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.

Granted, Pelosi is a shameless liberal from San Francisco but she ain't dumb.

The Dems know full well they won via protest and have a weak mandate at best. All one has to do is check out how the state initiatives turned out. 7 out of 8 DOMA initiatives passed overwhelmingly (even in states where Dems won house/senate seats), Michigan voting against affirmative action... The country still tilts right on many issues.

Nancy and the Dems know this. I don't expect her to go crazy and I don't expect the Dems will try to force anything too radical on the American people. Their goal right now is to strengthen their hold on the congress in '08 and get one of their own in the whitehouse. If that happens, then we might expect to see the more radical aspects of the D party start looking for payback for their patience resulting in a far left agenda. But that's a long way off.

She also knows they won the House in large part because of the many semi-conservatve "Blue Dog" Democrats-in-name-only that won them Republican seats.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
not your socialist revolution.

May I recommend some grade-a tinfoil mr. mccarthy era red scare dork, please respond to me when you are not in kook-mode, you and dave are both annoying when you get like this.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper are both 2 of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.

lmao Dave is a centrist to you?
You will really be disappointed then.

I am not arguing over freakin dave's stances on stuff, but he is pretty middle of the road with a few "eccentric" answers for issues. (I suspect he is a bit nuts himself -no offense Dave)

Eccentric does not = left wing, matter of fact is makes me want to puke sometimes with his far right views he has mixed in, this guy was a evangelical at one point in his AT career.

Oh, I get it.... Dave's not left enough for you because he's not a gun-grabber.

When will you figure out that your own brand of moral authoritarianism is about as far away from liberal as one can get?


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic

Oh, I get it.... Dave's not left enough for you because he's not a gun-grabber.

Noone said anything about guns, your a weird guy Vic, bright, but sadly have no clue.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Vic
not your socialist revolution.

May I recommend some grade-a tinfoil mr. mccarthy era red scare dork, please respond to me when you are not in kook-mode, you and dave are both annoying when you get like this.

*pfft* maybe when you come with some type of agenda that actually makes sense and demonstrates true care and concern for people. Why don't you go move to Venezuela and join up with your authoritarian socialist dictator pal El Presidente-para-vida Hugo Chavez?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Vic

Oh, I get it.... Dave's not left enough for you because he's not a gun-grabber.

Noone said anything about guns, your a weird guy Vic, bright, but sadly have no clue.

I recall clearly when you praised SF for its total gun ban.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic

I recall clearly when you praised SF for its total gun ban.

And? I have no clue what daves views are on gun control and could care less, your point?

So who are the quasi-socialists that are so dangerous now that the right has lost power? That Vermont guy? Pretty scary guy huh? All one of him. :roll:


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Vic

I recall clearly when you praised SF for its total gun ban.

And? I have no clue what daves views are on gun control and could care less, your point?

And? Other than his pro-gun views, I can't see how anyone could possibly call Dave a "centrist." If that's center to you, when he's actually just a touch to the right of Lenin, it's no wonder you wrongly think I'm on the far right.


Mar 29, 2004
Thats funny, where has Dave ever pointed out core socialist values.

Or is anyone who is not some free market cultist so flawed as to not understand how your utopian paradise can never happen unless you educate the poor stupid socialist masses.

Must be frustrating huh? You will outgrow libertarianism in time, reality is your friend, utopian dreams do not come true.

Free Market Utopia/ Communist Utopia

Same difference, same childish naievity, same kind of annoying idealogies and followers dead set on converting the "stupid and uneducated"

The cult of libertarianism is not so much "far right" but it is a hiding place of disenfanchised self-centered authoritarians who just happen to flock to the right.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.

Hey, if that's where it's supposed to be.

You said it not me.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Give me a break, your idea of radical leftist is dave mcownen from AT forums?? dave is a centrist, with a good dose of wingnut kookery, how is dave a quasi-socialist :roll:

Go back to filtering the chloride out of your water so the commies dont sap your prcious bodily essesence, you and lamerkeeper, genxhitleryouth, nutz etc. are both some of the biggest authoritarian kooks in here, enjoy your "libertarian" marganilizing of yourselfs, you lost.

Awwwwwwww thank you. :heart: :lips:

I didn't realize you were paying such attention and knew me so well. :thumbsup:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
The real bad news for you is that I want to go back to voting Democrat all the time, and that means that me and those like me are taking the party back from your ilk, and returning it to true liberalism, not your socialist revolution.

It's not a "socialist revolution", it's called living as an American in America.

I know, a hard concept for Religious Radicals to grasp.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674

I know, a hard concept for Religious Radicals to grasp.

Dave, don't start, in all fairness I have never seen Vic in here defending christrianity or admitting he is one.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.

Granted, Pelosi is a shameless liberal from San Francisco but she ain't dumb.

The Dems know full well they won via protest and have a weak mandate at best. All one has to do is check out how the state initiatives turned out. 7 out of 8 DOMA initiatives passed overwhelmingly (even in states where Dems won house/senate seats), Michigan voting against affirmative action... The country still tilts right on many issues.

Nancy and the Dems know this. I don't expect her to go crazy and I don't expect the Dems will try to force anything too radical on the American people. Their goal right now is to strengthen their hold on the congress in '08 and get one of their own in the whitehouse. If that happens, then we might expect to see the more radical aspects of the D party start looking for payback for their patience resulting in a far left agenda. But that's a long way off.

She also knows they won the House in large part because of the many semi-conservatve "Blue Dog" Democrats-in-name-only that won them Republican seats.

Yeah, that too. How on earth is Heath Shuler a democrat? There were a couple of others that surprised me too.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Genx87
It will be interesting to see where she goes with this. I personally think she will go batshite insane for the public to see. But maybe she will be hamstrung by her own party.

Either way I am sure the left on this board will be disappointed if they dont impeach, raise taxes to the hilt, and get min wage to 30 bucks an hour.

Hey, if that's where it's supposed to be.

You said it not me.

Good way to get fuel to the $5 per gallon.

$2 MacDonals hamburger.

$5 can of soda.

All benifits of raising the minim wage

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