pentax k-x leaked


Sep 28, 2002
Wow nice! It isn't that much crippled compared to the K-7. I'm glad though I got the K-20 instead though (pentaprism vs pentamirror is a difference that i can actually tell lol). This is the K-200D replacement that everyone has been thinking has been missing. Seriously those are nice specs, and it looks like Pentax's future with samsung is bleaker since they've gone away from Sammy Sensors.
But the big nerfs I see is that the LCD isn't the same, its a pentamirror with less coverage , slightly slow FPS (4.7 vs 5 lol...), and a smaller sensor.

In other news Pentax needs to fix its marketing names. K-x? Wtf lol?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
this is the k2000 replacement. i expect a different camera to replace the k200. the k7 replaced the k20 (though the k20 is so cheap right now it's hard to argue against). so now pentax has a very compelling camera at $1300, a very compelling camera at $500, and nothing in between. they need a middle camera. sony sensor, weather sealing (maybe not quite the k7's cold seals), k7ish industrial design (but plastic), 95% .92 prism.

k2000 is called k-m elsewhere. not sure where pentax comes up with these names.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: ElFenix
this is the k2000 replacement. i expect a different camera to replace the k200. the k7 replaced the k20 (though the k20 is so cheap right now it's hard to argue against). so now pentax has a very compelling camera at $1300, a very compelling camera at $500, and nothing in between. they need a middle camera. sony sensor, weather sealing (maybe not quite the k7's cold seals), k7ish industrial design (but plastic), 95% .92 prism.

k2000 is called k-m elsewhere. not sure where pentax comes up with these names.

Maybe I actually haven't read much the past while because I've been so busy. Either way that is a impressive showing for the low end.

If on the mid range Pentax pulls the weather sealing again then they are definitely positioning themselves very aggressively.

I can't wait for WR lens to get a bit cheaper...Hoping that by the end of the year it'll be feasible. Yeah its only a kit lens, but with WR i'll take it anywhere with impunity


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix
this is the k2000 replacement. i expect a different camera to replace the k200. the k7 replaced the k20 (though the k20 is so cheap right now it's hard to argue against). so now pentax has a very compelling camera at $1300, a very compelling camera at $500, and nothing in between. they need a middle camera. sony sensor, weather sealing (maybe not quite the k7's cold seals), k7ish industrial design (but plastic), 95% .92 prism.

k2000 is called k-m elsewhere. not sure where pentax comes up with these names.

eh, the K7 at $1300 is a hard sale I think, at least to anyone not already vested in pentax. Then again, that might be who they're after. Not saying it's not a good camera, but w/o retail presence, it's difficult to sell a $1300 camera against canikon.

This k-x is only lacking one thing, .85 mag =( I know, I know.. it's their entry level. But man, assuming it's AF is good, I have to say I'd almost buy it with a set of DA limited pancakes to have a compact DSLR. hrm.. maybe I should cancel my GF1, haha


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
how many people buy $1300 cameras at retail? maybe it's a bit much for what is seen as a decidedly amateur brand. if you're not shooting sports, though, i don't know what stepping up to a D300 or 7D gets you, at least for normal print sizes.

pentax is in fry's. nikon isn't.


Sep 28, 2002
Actually What John C told me was that 50% of DSLR sales happen at Bestbuy, ~20% at Walmart, and ~30% at Amazon/AmazonSellers. I might have the last two switched. However the point is that floor space is needed.

Look at the K-x...comes in three colors lol. They clearly want the same people that would walk into walmart or best buy when they start pimping colors.

But I agree, any camera, regardless of how great it is, is going to be a hard sale if you can't get a chance to see it in person.

edit: you do have a good point about expensive DSLR sales. you are correct there. but the K-x will be a low end, so it better get its cams into BB/Walmart


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix
how many people buy $1300 cameras at retail? maybe it's a bit much for what is seen as a decidedly amateur brand. if you're not shooting sports, though, i don't know what stepping up to a D300 or 7D gets you, at least for normal print sizes.

pentax is in fry's. nikon isn't.

Fry's ain't on the East Coast =) Microcenter doesn't even have them (but they are the only ones who have a G1). Best bet is BH when I go up to NYC this weekend.

7D gets a lot of low light love from the samples show so far, I'm impressed with what they managed to do.

Ah well, still nice to see pentax put something out there still, heh. I just noticed it's a pentamirror, doh. Dunno why I thought they were all pentaprisms.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
dpreview says that this replaces the k200. and that's interesting because now they've got nothing at the ~$999 body price. i can't imagine them reusing the k20d's body for anything, as that gets too close to the k7.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix
dpreview says that this replaces the k200. and that's interesting because now they've got nothing at the ~$999 body price. i can't imagine them reusing the k20d's body for anything, as that gets too close to the k7.

err, where? it's the K2000 body. dcresource says it's a k2000 replacement as well. Unless that was a typo and you meant to say k2000?

ok, I just saw it in the dpreview page. interesting.... that does seem to leave a big void unless a K30D is released. though, featurewise, it would likely be too close to the K7D


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 1999
Whatever they say, this doesn't actually come close to replacing the K200D. Going from the K200D to the K-x, you lose both weather sealing and the top LCD while only gaining 2mp LV/video, and a fps or two. They aren't in the same market.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: GoSharks
Whatever they say, this doesn't actually come close to replacing the K200D. Going from the K200D to the K-x, you lose both weather sealing and the top LCD while only gaining 2mp LV/video, and a fps or two. They aren't in the same market.

i can buy this cam not replacing the k2000 as canonikon doe the same thing on the low range (two cams with similar bodies but one is definitely higher spec'ed than the other). but i wouldn't make the leap that this is a k200d replacement. maybe dpreview did?


Platinum Member
May 18, 2005
& not just any red but bright fire engine red ... (see
Also black, white & blue.

we all knew that coloured DSLR bodies would come at some point but if I had to have guessed I would have expected Panasonic or Sony to be first (you could argue that with the copper A330 Sony got there first but that's just 1 colour).


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Heidfirst

we all knew that coloured DSLR bodies would come at some point but if I had to have guessed I would have expected Panasonic or Sony to be first (you could argue that with the copper A330 Sony got there first but that's just 1 colour).

panasonic is ditching the SLR market, but does have some colors for the G1

most of these colors are for the japanese home market. which is a strange, strange place.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001

It may be a decent SLR, but I have serious qualms about adding 720p video, but keeping the audio in MONO... Seriously... if you're going to shoot HD video with this thing, don't you need quality audio as well?

Seems to be more like a marketing gimmick than anything truly useful.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson

It may be a decent SLR, but I have serious qualms about adding 720p video, but keeping the audio in MONO... Seriously... if you're going to shoot HD video with this thing, don't you need quality audio as well?

Seems to be more like a marketing gimmick than anything truly useful.

K-7 has mic input if you want.

IMO any oboard solution isn't going to sound all that great because its a tiny onboard mic.

btw how is it a marketing gimmic if p&s esssentially have the same thing, yet I see plenty of people constantly taking videos with their p&s. remember who this is aimed towards...



Sep 28, 2002

I just got back to Boston after my trip to NYC for the Pentax K-X
intro. It was a cold and wet ride, but not *extremely* cold or wet. I
think Triumph misnamed the Sprint because that bike's definitely a
marathon runner (though a very, very fast one)! Best motorcycle ever,

The intro was held at the International Center of Photography on 6th
Ave at 43rd street and it's definitely worth a visit if you get the
chance. Their current exhibit is on the work of Richard Avedon, who is
not one of my favorite photographers - but that's probably all the
more reason to have a look at his work, I thought to myself. I was
quite surprised at how much of it I liked. The thing is, it was all
his really *early* stuff that really seemed good to me. The exhibit
had the photographs grouped by time periods and the later the year the
less I liked his work. He seemed to have figured out what sold, at one
point, and then stopped experimenting and growing. In his later work
he seemed to be imitating his own "Richard Avedon style" (though very
well!) I once read an article that suggested that Liza Minelli has, in
effect, become a Liza Minelli impersonator; I think Richard Avedon
became a sort of photographic equivalent of that.

All the prints looked fabulous, by the way, but particularly the
earlier ones, to my eye. I doubt Avedon was a darkroom kind of guy so
I wondered who did his printing. Whoever it was did a superb job.

The first person I met at the event was Gordon Lewis, who's writing
the K-7 review for Mike Johnston and TOP. There were very few people
there who were primarily photographers, as opposed to industry/retail
people and journalists, and he somehow immediately pegged me as a
shooter and just walked up and started chatting (he introduced himself
as just "Gordon" and I didn't find out until later that he was the
Gordon writing for Mike). He's a really nice guy, clearly smart and a
damn fine photographer (which you know already if you've seen his work
accompanying the K-7 review).

Pentax had the event catered very nicely and all the food was kosher,
which, given the number of Adorama and B&H people present, was
probably a good idea. Sparkling water, soft drinks and a very passable
Sauvignon Blanc were also available. I'm normally a cabernet drinker,
but I made an exception for Pentax

The first part of the formal presentation was all about Pentax and
Hoya's relationship and how being part of Hoya has changed -- and will
change -- things. The white K-2000, which Hoya decided to sell without
market testing (through focus groups and the like), is one example.
They are clearly working on shortening development time and reducing
time to market.
They also want to make Pentax's product line more
logical and organized, so I expect we're seeing just the beginning of
this process. Another thing they stressed was keeping control of
inventory and product delivery.
They made a big deal about this and I
got the impression they've already foreseen and planned for the
management of the multiple-color options of the K-X, making it easy
for retailers to get the ones they want.

You've probably read as much as you want to know about the K-X by now
so I'll just say that it's a very impressive little piece of kit.
Clearly aimed at a beginner moving up from a point-and-shoot, rather
than the kind of photographer who's on the PDML, but at $650 with a
kit lens it really is an astonishing value for the money, IMO, and
hitting the market in October (black) and November (colors) is just
right timing. They reported that Pentax looks to break even this year
or possibly turn a small profit. Actually quite remarkable in the
current economic climate.

After all the planned presentations there was a Q&A period. Mostly
uninteresting questions, but one did try to inquire about future,
higher-spec products (and they clearly meant "full-frame" even though
they weren't willing to use those words). The Pentax people kind of
side-stepped that one by saying that their next camera slated for
release is the 645D, in the spring of next year.
I spoke to some of
them in *private*, and while they wouldn't comment on full-frame or
future camera development, there was an acknowledgement that the
environment has changed - even since earlier this year. (Cough - Sony
A850 - cough) My totally subjective, completely personal *opinion* is
that Paul Stenquist's 2011 date for full-frame will prove about right.
Maybe we'll see an announcement in late 2010 (when the Sony 850 will
be retailing for ~$1500) One would note that the new K-X appears to
use a Sony sensor (unconfirmed), so Pentax doesn't seem to consider
themselves locked into one sensor supplier.

After the formal presentation I chatted with various Pentax people and
was really happy to meet several with whom I've only communicated in
email or just heard about through other people. I got to chat with
President Ned Bunnell for a while. I can tell you that the impression
he gives in his blog is accurate: He's a serious photographer and he
really cares about what he does.
I filled him in on the details of
next year's PDML Annual and the gallery exhibition in Chicago.

I'd also like to note the attitude of most of the other people present
at this event. It's the first time Pentax has ever done anything like
this (and did you notice that the embargo was only broken a few
*hours* before deadline, rather than days and weeks?) and most of
those present were either from various web and print media or from
retailers. But you could tell that the overwhelming majority of them
were really pulling for Pentax, a relative underdog in a field of
giant corporations. There's a genuine affection for Pentax's history
and accomplishments in members of the press and in long-time retail
operators like B&H. That this isn't often apparent in media coverage
belies the cynical myth of press bias and corporate co-option so
prevalent in popular culture. There are a lot of "friends of Pentax"
out there and it was nice to feel them drop their guise of
professionalism just a *little* for the evening to let is show. Their
enthusiasm for the new K-X and marketing strategy was, I think,

I was honored to be invited to this event, but I think it's more a
measure of the work the *rest* of the PDML did in making the
photographs for the PDML Annual that made it possible. Keep up the
good work for the next one and maybe I'll get invited to future
product announcements at great photo art galleries!

And maybe they'll also have a red wine at the next one. for ned's blog if anyone is interested


Diamond Member
Jul 9, 2004
Originally posted by: magomago
Actually What John C told me was that 50% of DSLR sales happen at Bestbuy, ~20% at Walmart, and ~30% at Amazon/AmazonSellers. I might have the last two switched. However the point is that floor space is needed.

Look at the K-x...comes in three colors lol. They clearly want the same people that would walk into walmart or best buy when they start pimping colors.

But I agree, any camera, regardless of how great it is, is going to be a hard sale if you can't get a chance to see it in person.

edit: you do have a good point about expensive DSLR sales. you are correct there. but the K-x will be a low end, so it better get its cams into BB/Walmart

Christ, Wal-Mart, seriously? I was there a week ago grabbing some blank DVDs and happened to check the camera case, the Canon Rebel XS (not the XSI) is currently selling there for the gotta-have-it price of 700 bucks. For some reason Wal-Mart systematically rapes people on higher-end cameras, and computer video cards. Weird, never known why.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson

It may be a decent SLR, but I have serious qualms about adding 720p video, but keeping the audio in MONO... Seriously... if you're going to shoot HD video with this thing, don't you need quality audio as well?

Seems to be more like a marketing gimmick than anything truly useful.

K-7 has mic input if you want.

IMO any oboard solution isn't going to sound all that great because its a tiny onboard mic.

btw how is it a marketing gimmic if p&s esssentially have the same thing, yet I see plenty of people constantly taking videos with their p&s. remember who this is aimed towards...

FWIW, I've had the Canon S3 since 2006, and I've just acquired a Canon SX1... in both these cameras, the sound quality is on par with what you get from dedicated camcorders, and they're not "pinhole" microphones, either.

And no, you can't tell me the Pentax K-X is geared towards the same crowd who uses the point-and shoot cameras... Otherwise, instead of a DSLR, it would have been just another P&S.... why even bother?

Again, this is NOT a device for the crowd that's happy with their cellphone pics and videos - it's supposed to be a sophisticated piece of precision electronic equipment, yet it fails to provide the minimum requirements for good audio capture. Epic fail.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: AnitaPeterson

It may be a decent SLR, but I have serious qualms about adding 720p video, but keeping the audio in MONO... Seriously... if you're going to shoot HD video with this thing, don't you need quality audio as well?

Seems to be more like a marketing gimmick than anything truly useful.

K-7 has mic input if you want.

IMO any oboard solution isn't going to sound all that great because its a tiny onboard mic.

btw how is it a marketing gimmic if p&s esssentially have the same thing, yet I see plenty of people constantly taking videos with their p&s. remember who this is aimed towards...

FWIW, I've had the Canon S3 since 2006, and I've just acquired a Canon SX1... in both these cameras, the sound quality is on par with what you get from dedicated camcorders, and they're not "pinhole" microphones, either.

And no, you can't tell me the Pentax K-X is geared towards the same crowd who uses the point-and shoot cameras... Otherwise, instead of a DSLR, it would have been just another P&S.... why even bother?

Again, this is NOT a device for the crowd that's happy with their cellphone pics and videos - it's supposed to be a sophisticated piece of precision electronic equipment, yet it fails to provide the minimum requirements for good audio capture. Epic fail.

LOLOLOL @ your post

I have also had my own P&S, and so have my friends, and I've watched many videos and I can't say that the quality is absolute crap. I think the quality in most cases is quite decent for the audio (unless there is a lot of wind or something else to cause interference). The reason I brought it up was to draw a direct comparison and say "Listen, its not that radically different than a P&S...and I think a P&S does a decent job for audio for sound quality.

Using your definition almost all P&S cams and almost all DSLRs with video completely miss "the minimum requirements for good audio capture"....perhaps you are audiophile, and if you are, I sure as hell wouldn't be looking at any piece of equipment that doesn't have a mic input. But then again you aren't who this camera is probably aiming for. You should be looking at a 300Ds, a K-7 a 5DMk2 --> all in price brackets far above this camera.

I never even said the K-x is geared towards those with P&S. I left it with ellipses thinking that you'd be able to come to your own logical conclusion. I would say that it is geared towards those who want to step up FROM a P&S to something more advanced, but at a decent price (HELLLO...650 dollars) relative to the rest of the DSLR world while keeping in line the rest of their priorities when it comes technology. These people still want to load up videos and watch them, and the last thing on their mind is "Oh noes, my memorriess are in mono, not stereo". It may not sadden you, but for the average person the sound isn't the biggest factor, else people still wouldn't be listening to 128kbps mp3s they ripped off napster 8 years ago. Of course am I the definitive and final answer? Nope, but its a better idea than what you have put forth (Which is....nothing?).

Those who are happy with their cell phone pics and videos won't be buying anything until they are dissatisfied by definition.

Again, you want something better? There is a K-7 and will take a stereo input for a microphone and you can toss on the most 'sophistricated piece of precision equipment' that you desire like this Go knock yourself out.

I just hope you don't get a DSLR for video because realistically video isn't ready for prime time the way it handles on a P&S. Its a potentially, at times, useful feature, and one that I think should be used sparsely for short videos on a tripod (ie: closer to real cinematography...not running around with it like people do with DV cams). Otherwise you'll be annoyed how some cams won't let you even select aperture (D90), and even the 3000 fucking dollar "precision piece of equirement" 5DMk2 still exhibits the fucking jello effect. Is it epic fail as well?


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Dude, wtf? why the hostility? aren't you taking this a mite too personal? How long did it take you to type (and document) all that?

I'm free to express my opinion, and I'm sorry if it irks you, especially if you're a Pentax fan. But I say HD video should be accompanied by good audio, not just "good enough". VGA is also "good enough". As far as I'm concerned video doesn't have its place on a DSLR at all, but if anyone implements it after all, they should do it right.



Sep 28, 2002
Hostility? LOL? 6-10 minutes? Don't worry, no special treatment from me at all. I told you, I LOLOLed when I read it. It isn't hostility you are seeing...we are all free to express our opinions, and I'm pretty much saying "Uh....your post is failboat and here is why". No hostility there, we all make failboat posts, me included. If you view a different view as hostility, well we are all being hostile then.

Yeah sure its your opinion it has no place on a DSLR, but it doesn't seem like any major manufacturer is buying that; movie mode has current become a "me too!" feature ranging from implemented truly as a quick fix to concepts and ideas on the right path...but none really have reached where it should be.
We'll see what happens the next few years. New tech is never done 'right' in the first place (not saying that I agree with your case in this instance), and we have to wait for it to mature. Its always like that. Doesn't matter if its movie mode in DSLRs or if its the early gen mobos with DDR2/PCIE/SATA/etc a few years back.

Sure I'm a Pentax fan but I'll give props where its deserved to any camera manufacturer. I'll also chime in when I think people are being ridiculous about something (ie: 'Olympus high noise!'). And somehow calling movie mode on K-x as 'epic fail', for me, fell into that category

BTW, in case you care, about 5 minutes, but I'm chatting as well. Its a forum, lighten up.
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