Pentium 5? AMD has Hammer in production already


Senior member
Nov 22, 2000
We haven't heard anything from intel lately (at least me) about their next gen desktop processors... Anyone hear anything? If they don't get something out soon AMD might own the CPU market come q1 of 2003.... q2 maybe... time to put some stock into AMD before the quarterly report gets out... 2003 looks to be a good year.



Jun 16, 2000
I'd be cautious before investing. The Hammer is coming out soon and everyone knows it. I'd even say that it's expected that the Hammer will outperform anything from Intel at the time it's released. Now if AMD can gain more market share with the Hammer and land some OEM deals then their stock price will certainly appreciate, but rewind back to the K6 days...

Remember the K6 233MHz?? It was the fastest chip on the market at the time, just like the Hammer is sure to be. Many people on this message board probably bought one. But businesses didn't bite and neither did OEMs, and Intel released the P2 a bit later, so now fast forward a few years to the Athlon...

Now AMD is beating the pants off Intel with their 1.4GHz chip. It's the best performer on the market and many, MANY people on this board bought one, but again OEMs didn't bite.

These events will probably be repeated with the Hammer. AMD makes good performing chips, but it really doesn't matter if they can't land Dell and others. The hobbiest market is tiny compared to the "noob" market and the business market.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
He probably point us to the inquirer!!!LOL

That great bastion of FUD....

I hope that is why the t-breds have come to a that they are focusing everything they have on hammer...

Don't think intel doesn't have stuff waiting...They have slowed down themselves but more for the reason there is no poing beating a dead horse and driving down chip cost when they make some money...They want amd to be around...They need it to keep the Justice Department off their backs....


Jun 22, 2002
Duvie is right. The hammer is rumored to launch at 1.6ghz only. Intel could easily launch a P4 at 3ghz now but it doesn't have to because it holds the lead with 2.53 and can charge full price for it. The Hammer will only ship to OEMs at the end of this year and will be available to consumers at the beginning of next year. Intel has so many things in the works that we've read about they can release by then. Among them are:
666mhz FSB
800mhz FSB
Dual channel DDR333 to match the 666FSB
1meg L2 cache
.09U process
Don't count Intel out just yet.


Senior member
Jul 11, 2002
Intel was focusing most of this year on the business scene. They were trying to flood the high end server market with their P4 Xeon's and not desktops, so thats probably why you havent heard too much from them.

And while I won't confirm or deny anything that 7757524 said in fear of breaching a contract and getting sued, I can tell you Intel has plenty going on for the near future.


May 31, 2002
no one has adessed hammers true size here its funny.

Think about this for a minute.

Notice how big your northbridge chip is on your motherboard? Most of the northbridge in in Hammers core plus three seprate HT links for chip to chip communication on the die too.

Granted most chipsets arent made on the most current processes and to do the size the core it can disapate the heat with passive heatsinks for northbridge and nothing extra for the south but that isnt in hammer.

So for its 104 sq mm die size how much is cpu and mow much is IMC and HT links?

On the other hand prescotts going to be smaller than hammer at 81 sq. mm. feature 1 megs L2 cache, dual 32 bit wide ALU's (current P4's for thoes who dont know use 16 bit wide ones that take a full V half clock(for 32 bit ALU's) to produce results) plus for what i have heard so for they still will be running at 2X the clock speed of the core.


Senior member
Oct 18, 2000
Guywithoutaclue, your "Pentium 5" is codenamed "Prescott". It will be built on a .09um process, contain 1MB of L2 cache, and have Hyperthreading enabled on the core. It will also run on a 667MHz effective FSB, and will contain other undisclosed micro-architectural enhancements. It is slated for H2 2003.

And as for the Hammer destroying the P4, I wouldn't be so sure. Intel's latest stepping of the P4 core has people reportedly overclocking into the 3GHz+ range, which certainly seems like enough power to take on AMD's first release of the Hammer. I think that Intel has plenty of headroom with their Northwood processor to hold off the Hammer until Prescott arrives.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: 7757524
Duvie is right. The hammer is rumored to launch at 1.6ghz only. Intel could easily launch a P4 at 3ghz now but it doesn't have to because it holds the lead with 2.53 and can charge full price for it. The Hammer will only ship to OEMs at the end of this year and will be available to consumers at the beginning of next year. Intel has so many things in the works that we've read about they can release by then. Among them are: 666mhz FSB 800mhz FSB Dual channel DDR333 to match the 666FSB Hyperthreading 1meg L2 cache .09U process Don't count Intel out just yet.

I highly doubt that they could do that. Look at the people with 2.5 Ghz processors. How many of them can easily reach 3 ghz? I'm not saying that they can't do it, but if they do do it, they'll have a whole new chapter to the P3 1.13ghz crumble.

Current P4 process isn't reliable up to 3 Ghz yet, otherwise they'd have these processors out already, being sold at $2000.


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: 4dm
And while I won't confirm or deny anything that 7757524 said in fear of breaching a contract and getting sued, I can tell you Intel has plenty going on for the near future.

dont tease us - just spit out a few random numbers....

166 200 the letters f s b
266 333 400 D D R I I

with those 2 upgrades - intel wont even have to raise its current MHZ. (they work that well)


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
Damn--I just bought 100. Sorry Beefcake: I would have given the $ to you.



Senior member
Apr 11, 2002
Both of the companies reach out to different people anyway, they all don't perform equally on a given benchmark. the 2100+ has advantages over the 2.53 P4 in some benchmarks so it all just depends on what you'll be doing and how much money you want to spend to be doing it.


Senior member
Nov 1, 1999
the p4 2.0gig has advantages in some benchmarks over the 2100+ as well. can i draw any conclusions from this?

Originally posted by: Necrolezbeast
Both of the companies reach out to different people anyway, they all don't perform equally on a given benchmark. the 2100+ has advantages over the 2.53 P4 in some benchmarks so it all just depends on what you'll be doing and how much money you want to spend to be doing it.



Jun 20, 2002
All the companies that had all the fuss ads like matrox with their video card, bla bla, best video card on the planet, then we go and benchmark, it doesn't perform better than G4TI4600 unless the resolution is 1600x1200 with FSAA ...16x in their form

hammer same story, bla bla the best thing gonna happen in the world, the next thing u know, it is 40% faster than the athlons, but what if intel has something 50% faster, i guess all the fuss has gone now.

You can't really relly on companies that do these things, because its possible that they r telling out this info for past year so it convince people to buy this product upon release since its not gonna a "hot" , "best performer" product when it releases.

I don't know if someone is smart here, that this is a possibility why AMD and Matrox chose this.
Like the good companies with their best products, 3com, nvidia, ati, intel, bla bla

always secret. If intel gave specs on their next P4 a year before like AMD did, then AMD would have speculated the performance, however, they can't speculate how much accurently because its well hidden from the public.

Don't forget like abit is releasing a Dual DDR 333 board with intel chipset this fall prob end of sept, beg of oct, thats enuf bandwidth i believe for the next P4 series, plus the latency is very nice with these memory modules.

So that will be another "Adjustment" for intel before the next P4 revision. Dream on.


Senior member
May 28, 2002
Prescott will be released mid 2k3, IIRC. (Prescott being the code-name for Pentium 5).
It will have 1MB of cache and be starting anywhere from 3GHz to 3.5GHz (it's uncertain) with SSE3 as well as Hyperthreading enabled.

If you can tell me how Hammer will beat that, I'll believe you. Don't forget that as anyone ramps up higher they lose IPC, and at the current rate of things, AMD ramping up to the same speeds as current P4's would give them potentially less of an IPC than the P4 has, giving Intel the edge on even a clock per clock comparison.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Well, maybe I am jumping the gun too fast, so forgive me if I do it. I honestly think AMD is playing dumb about the hammer, letting some specs go out but keeping the inners a secret. Maybe I am watching too much spy shows on TV, but there are things that make me scratch my head.

1) If you have read the patents rankings, AMD has generated more than intel for the last 3 years.... in 2000 and 2001 AMD generated more than 1000 patents each year. It was said also that 80% of those patents applied to the K8. Some of those patents were about dual cores and stuff like that. I honestly don't believe that a design wich has generated over 1000 patents will be just a souped up Athlon with SSE2, integrated memory controller and hypertransport.

2) When Compaq sold Alpha to Intel, AMD didn't really care. Some years ago, when DEC was sold AMD hired almost complete departments. That is how Dirk Meyer and Jim Keller (K7 & K8 architects) came to AMD. I think that if AMD this time didn't have interest in the Alpha guys is because AMd is really trusting its own cPU that could compete with the alphas.... that is the sledgehammer.

3) Some preeliminary benchmark of the clawhamer appeared on a german site. It showed the 800 MHz K8 beating a 1.6 P4 willamette in Q3A (the favorite benchmark of intel lovers). Despite those results, you shoud recall that the AMD management expressed disapointment for the "poor results of the hammer"... I wouldn;t consider that as poor performance. That means they expect much more of the chip.

4) Even if the clawhammer is as has been rumored, just an SSE2 AtThlon with PC2700 controller and hypertransport, that would be a killer budget machine. Flame me if you want, but with the glueless MP capabilities of the hammer thanks to the HT tunnels, any HIGH END machine will be a dual clawhammer, or even better, sledge hammer. A lot has been rumored about prescott and granite bay, prescott is still in the makes, and granite bay will be aimed at the high end.... If I were AMD, kill a dual-channel DDR competitor (granite bay) with a dual clawhammer configuration.

5) Granted, Intel has an edge in manufacturing and process, but I don't think that the clawhammer will debut at 1.6 GHz because the process doesn't allow it, it will debut at 1. 6 GHz because that will plenty to beat the competition. SOI and pure isotopic Si are also in the plans.

6) Related to #2, the lack of interest in keeping the Athlon as the best x86 CPU. Back in February, we saw the XP 2100+ ramping up pretty quickly after the XP 2000+. I thought a Palomino 2300+ was in the plans. Obviosly, AMD didn't think about it. The 166 MHz FSb is another one, a 166 MHz FSB xp 2200+ in a good Kt333 keeps up the pace with the P4 2.53.... but AMND says it doesn't matter.

As I said, maybe I am being too optimistic. The patents are the ones that really have been bugging me. Flame me if you want.



Jul 12, 2002
Interesting, Alex... One thing is for sure though... with the Hammer outgunning the 1.6A while at 800mhz, it will be pure terror if it debuts at 1.6ghz

Then again, it doesnt do anyone who doesnt have a 64 bit computer any good :-\


Jun 22, 2002
FYI. Those benchmarks of the 800mhz hammer by that weird german site were faked. They used fake strings in the CPUID and erased the code at the bottom so that you can verify the results. AMD says that the Hammer will be aprx 20% faster clock for clock than the current athlon. If that's so, it's not even close to twice as fast as P4 clock for clock. I'm not worried about Intel losing it's speed lead esp with the 2.8 being released in less than two weaks and the hammer coming in 7 months.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: 7757524
FYI. Those benchmarks of the 800mhz hammer by that weird german site were faked. They used fake strings in the CPUID and erased the code at the bottom so that you can verify the results. AMD says that the Hammer will be aprx 20% faster clock for clock than the current athlon. If that's so, it's not even close to twice as fast as P4 clock for clock. I'm not worried about Intel losing it's speed lead esp with the 2.8 being released in less than two weaks and the hammer coming in 7 months.
That's the first I've heard of those benchmarks not being authentic. Can you point out a source for that?



Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: 7757524
FYI. Those benchmarks of the 800mhz hammer by that weird german site were faked. They used fake strings in the CPUID and erased the code at the bottom so that you can verify the results. AMD says that the Hammer will be aprx 20% faster clock for clock than the current athlon. If that's so, it's not even close to twice as fast as P4 clock for clock. I'm not worried about Intel losing it's speed lead esp with the 2.8 being released in less than two weaks and the hammer coming in 7 months.

Hey, you are back here. How can you prove it???

I can see you love Intel as witnessed by your posts.....


Apr 25, 2001
Why are we debating (with such strong feeling) products that are far from their release dates? Prescott isn't due for another year, and we have at least 6 months to wait for Hammer. And 7757524, at least AMD's next product will be faster clock for clock than their current processor
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