People grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus

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Golden Member
Jul 8, 2005
Okay, agreed.. Anyway, back on subject... I think it is mistake to assume that the presence of evil in the world is an argument against the existence of God. That's because evil cannot help but serve a purpose for good. For example, in this case, the child starves, but that picture emboldens people to do more to stop hunger. It's the law of unintended consequences. No matter what evil occurs, some good will come of it, and no matter what good occurs, some evil will come of it. The greatest example of this is WWII, arguably the most evil event in the history of humankind, yet more good has come of it than practically any other event in history as well. So to say that God must not exist because evil exists is IMO being obtuse.

So an omnipotent God needs us to kill tens of millions of each other to understand the importance of playing nice? Could not God simply make a public service announcement?

If God is omnipotent, then He (it) is really just a watchmaker. If God really cares, then He (it) is not powerful enough to stop his creation from turning on itself.

While WWII may not directly refute the existence of God, it certainly makes one question many manifestations of the belief of an omnipotent being in modern society. The question of Christianity is really irrelevant to me as I cannot imagine a Christian explaining to me why their belief in a higher being is more "correct" than the belief of any other person who takes literally the writing of fellow, and admittedly, fallible humans.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
My analogy wasn't to be used to disprove or prove the existence of God, but to explain a particular nature of good and evil.


Dec 11, 2002
I'm not gonna read through 15 pages of this thread, but I'm gonna point out that religion fulfills a HUGE need and desire of many humans - a sense of centeredness and coherence of this world, and a moral compass to follow. It provides a purpose to life and a feeling that suffering in life is worth it, as it's a short duration relative to the after life.
Santa Claus provide none of that other than a minor reward that is obviously apparent to anyone over 8 or so that they don't even ever receive.

Retarded thread is idiotic.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
This is something else I'd like to mention. For being so enlightened about our humanity, many atheists (at least on the internet) sure are a nasty bunch. My Christian friends sure are a lot less rude when we disagree.
The atheists I have known all seemed deeply angry for some reason. They seem to have to convince other people they are right before they are able to believe it themselves.

I don't pick my acquaintances by a religious litmus test so I really don't care if someone has a particular faith or not. It's not really important to me so I don't have a particular dog in this fight.

I do often side with people of faith here simply because they are hated and ridiculed. Try some of this language about blacks or gays and see how fast you'd be kicked to the curb.

I don't believe that all perspectives are equally valid though. I wouldn't want someone coming in to my child's biology class teaching that the Earth is 10k or whatever years old.

That said, if you look at the threads with the greatest number of posts, you'll find they are mostly based about religion, and they are mostly attack ones, like this.

While a typical response is "look at the Crusades", I note that the most viperous posts are directed at those practicing a religion, not the reverse. If religion doesn't matter, then why bring it up like this? Makes no logical sense, but we all know humans minus religion are still irrational.

As Spock would say, "fascinating"


Sep 9, 2009
I do often side with people of faith here simply because they are hated and ridiculed. Try some of this language about blacks or gays and see how fast you'd be kicked to the curb.

I didn't see you jumping in when Christians were saying atheism precludes morality and an ant is equally important to atheists as a human. Also, race is genetic whereas religious belief is a choice(though I agree its wrong to label whole groups of people).

Hayabusa Rider said:
While a typical response is "look at the Crusades", I note that the most viperous posts are directed at those practicing a religion, not the reverse. If religion doesn't matter, then why bring it up like this? Makes no logical sense, but we all know humans minus religion are still irrational.

Another typical response is look at what at Mao and Stalin did. Attacks go both ways, its impossible to discuss religion without offending people.

Who said religion doesn't matter? Its obviously very important and has a huge impact on humanity, hence all the discussions.

Humans are indeed irrational (funny that a perfect all knowing god would make us so) but believing in things that don't exist just makes us more so.
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Golden Member
Jul 17, 2009
I don't believe that all perspectives are equally valid though. I wouldn't want someone coming in to my child's biology class teaching that the Earth is 10k or whatever years old.

That said, if you look at the threads with the greatest number of posts, you'll find they are mostly based about religion, and they are mostly attack ones, like this.

Religion has been immune from criticism for thousands of years.. A few attacks on it are LONG OVERDUE.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2002
I don't pick my acquaintances by a religious litmus test so I really don't care if someone has a particular faith or not. It's not really important to me so I don't have a particular dog in this fight.

I do often side with people of faith here simply because they are hated and ridiculed. Try some of this language about blacks or gays and see how fast you'd be kicked to the curb.

I don't believe that all perspectives are equally valid though. I wouldn't want someone coming in to my child's biology class teaching that the Earth is 10k or whatever years old.

That said, if you look at the threads with the greatest number of posts, you'll find they are mostly based about religion, and they are mostly attack ones, like this.

While a typical response is "look at the Crusades", I note that the most viperous posts are directed at those practicing a religion, not the reverse. If religion doesn't matter, then why bring it up like this? Makes no logical sense, but we all know humans minus religion are still irrational.

As Spock would say, "fascinating"

God doesn't matter. Religion matters a lot, only because it's followers are a pain in everyone's ass, including their own, and they need to be made to see that.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
God doesn't matter. Religion matters a lot, only because it's followers are a pain in everyone's ass, including their own, and they need to be made to see that.

Please show us on the doll where Billy Grahm touched you

I'll grant that if someone puts Creationism in the classroom there ought to be hell raising, which is an interesting term in this discussion now that I think about it, but anyway, how things really are that while you may not like what they believe, and I don't give the people who knock at the door my time, but what really happens is personal irritation at best.

Let's look at other people with agendas. You have people who compelled us to have a war in Iraq, and you have others who mandate we accept their notion of what constitutes good health care, who for the most part don't know anything about it.

The former I beat up on for years, and now it's the Dems turn. Why? Because without due consideration we had a bill shoved at us by people who really don't have a clue.

So hey, isn't that like religion, with people trying to convince everyone else that they are right? No, not in today's world. Why? Note the word "compelled". Would you like to be ordered to attend church? How about tithing? How about following a compulsory religious code?

You'd scream, and you should.

Well, I don't care if someone prays to the Energizer Bunny, but compel (that word again) and I'll be right next to you.

Unfortunately, I am commanded to do things I don't believe by two other major "religions" that the Dems and Reps order me to follow. If we're going to discuss that which has more real effect on us, it's how government functions, or how it doesn't.
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El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
You know what really grinds my gears? When Christians say they hate religion and how their faith is a personal relationship. Imaginary friend, anyone?

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
Nemesis 1, if there is one thing that I admire about you, that would be your perseverance to keep this thread alive.


Golden Member
Jul 17, 2009
The thing I admire about him is that he's unwittingly hurting his own cause by posting freakishly weird responses.
Jan 2, 2010
What is scary is these people believe that those who don't believe in their sky buddy deserve to suffer. The see no problem flying a plane into a building killing thousands of people (9/11), or sending millions of people to gas chamber (Hitler) because they don't believe in the exact same sky buddy as them. The world will be so much better once it is rid of all of these sky fairy worshipers.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
El Guaraguao There no words I could have used better than my response to you . If You wanted thread to die you should have not responded with such jibberish .

Totalnoob you appear to be a total child . What 14 years old.

ProgressiveAthesit / You are completely clue less.

10 million American Indians slaughtered. Guns against Bow&Arrow . Thats the kind of fight you would fight.

The First Iraq war . Would ya like video of the road kill.
The second war 1 million dead including women and children for what exactly . Your a total tool of this government . I am sure they love you . as Hitler loved his followers .
Jan 2, 2010
El Guaraguao There no words I could have used better than my response to you . If You wanted thread to die you should have not responded with such jibberish .

Totalnoob you appear to be a total child . What 14 years old.

ProgressiveAthesit / You are completely clue less.

10 million American Indians slaughtered. Guns against Bow&Arrow . Thats the kind of fight you would fight.

The First Iraq war . Would ya like video of the road kill.
The second war 1 million dead including women and children for what exactly . Your a total tool of this government . I am sure they love you . as Hitler loved his followers .

I am not clueless, I have seen the the death and destruction that people like you have caused. It will be a great day when we rid the world of religion and god believers.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
I don't believe I seen one so called christian say they are happy about whats going to occurr.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
That's because, to be a Christian, you have to abandon all sense of self, and give yourself to this higher power.

I wouldn't be happy either.


El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
El Guaraguao There no words I could have used better than my response to you . If You wanted thread to die you should have not responded with such jibberish .

Gibberish aye?

/takes a deep breath

When you understand what the decievers want its rather easy. They are consitent in what their lies . Same with the Living Word once you comprehend his teachings truth is easy to find . Even tho they co exist in the same book .

The words in the King james version of the bible are terriably translated. You will not find words like eon . In the Bible of King james but the orginal text its their often . That would change peoples perspective. They do everthing for their purpose. Same with era its in the orginal text but removed . Both words were easily translated but intensionly removed because they added understanding . They want to dumb you down to control you. As another man said here You have to read earliest records of civilization to get to trueth. Once you except those accounts you be on road to recovery . But time is running out for you. Your going to act do so quickly .

AH yes the road to enlightenment , But to get there without the example of the living word is a trick I don't think you can pull off. But don't let me stop ya . Go for it.

Wrong there is NO earthly authority , But we do have 1o laws to follow. Easy laws actually . Once authority is removed from governments and priest.

Those 10 laws are the foundation of enlightenment .

Your walking a fence here friend, Your luke warm . Neither hot or Cold and The living word would spew you out of his mouth.

The lies are there to control you and create fear. But the trueth is pure and you would bathe in the light of the Lord

A sign is coming to you Mecca will not stand. a simple clap of the hands and it shall fall.

2012 is not Gods work but mans, That is already being dealt with it must occur but they will fail.

Seek and ye shall find. I have already gone way to far . and have endangered my family.

Well better atheism than a fence walking Christian . But ya steal don't get a ride on the Bus.


Talk about hollow , You got that thread Locked and removed instantly now your strouting around like a Rooster. I agree you are chiken shit. The Key to understanding things is taking a step back now and than . Ya made a mistake You intentionally tried to Hurt me . Bad mistake. My wife is recording everthing thats going on here and I am on remote with MSN . So IP isn't a problem . You do know this is pretty Low shit you guys are trying to pull off here don't you

Ya so what you want to know about SATAN CLAWS . He aint real get a grip . Which Only lead to God ain't real Which lead to Good Vs. Evil . End of the story

OK Its a small sentance If thats what ts called LOL. What part of it don't you understand . I will take time to help ya with it. Is it the ain't the run om or what . This not not grade school . I am not being graded by you or anyone else.

I am sure that your grammer spelling is perfection. That nice for you but I don't care about that at all .

But what is of concern to me is your being judgemental . May I ask who gave you authority to judge. Be careful on this . OK its something you do not want to do . Every judge will be judged as they judge.

God gave Man 2 great wonderful gifts that we all share equally in . THe breath of Life his breath . The spitit of GOD. and free choice . What you see in your pic is Man not tapping into that spirit our spitit. and Choice . This is mans doing .

It matters not what you do with my words its your choice . and you do not know the evil I have done. There is plenity of that . Thats how I know evil when I see it . Been there done that .

Yes he did and I been waiting for this . Moses on sinia was given Gods name . It was tranlated to I am that I am or Iam . Which agrees with your empty words . The True translation is I will become what I become . . Now I won't explain that to you . Its better that you ponder it for awhile than ans. your own question.

Lose the hate Vic got it right Bright boy

Were has anyone said free will is for christians only .

When God created ADAM and Lilith . He made them the same . One male one female. But they fought over a thing Adam said he was Greater than Lilith . Lilith did rebell against Adam . She did use that great and powerful name and was taken up to heaven were God did here her complaint. God agreed and Lilith was allowed to stay . God out of love did approah adam and took from adam a rib, and created eve. But that imperfection did raise its ugly head and that is why man is on the 6,000 year road to enlightment . The book of revelations talks of that great wedding feast that is yet to come.

Adam was promised to be transtated into eden . in 5000 years or 5 days

Baptism takes more than One form . Water/Faith/ Fire

I could tell you a thing . But I can't because the decievers are cluesless and I will not tell them But your 24/7 thing You lack understanding .

aaaaaand to finish off this wall of gibberish

You were never on the debate team were you .

You were never in an English class, were you?

Im here all night, ladies n gents. :awe:

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
LOL. Just because people like the JW go door to door. preaching destruction doesn't mean they want it , They simplely trying to prepare you for coming events . as for the rest You do not KNOW who the 2 witnesses are . They will be hated by all in the world but save a few. Why because they shall tell of these events in the time they occur . Many of which have occurred already . Its just that its like a snowball rolling down hill gain size and speed as it carries more weight. You wasted much of your time here as your tring to disprove something you cann't. As for being here all night it well be by yourself. I am done here.

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
LOL. Just because people like the JW go door to door. preaching destruction doesn't mean they want it , They simplely trying to prepare you for coming events . as for the rest You do not KNOW who the 2 witnesses are . They will be hated by all in the world but save a few. Why because they shall tell of these events in the time they occur . Many of which have occurred already . Its just that its like a snowball rolling down hill gain size and speed as it carries more weight. You wasted much of your time here as your tring to disprove something you cann't. As for being here all night it well be by yourself. I am done here.


I bid you farewell, comrade.
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